“Seeing this, the undead moth not only didn’t flinch, but was aroused to be ferocious. Taking advantage of the gap when Eugeo had just attacked and had no time to defend, he waved his arms like an eagle spreading its wings, and turned towards Eugeo. Jump over.”
“At this moment, Eugeo really has no time to defend. According to his calculations, the attack of the moth undead creature is not enough to cause fatal damage to him. As long as it is not fatal, then he still has a chance of victory in the future!”
“But neither the moth undead creature nor Eugeo counted, that is, Eugeo is not fighting alone!”
“Kirito didn’t even have time to think about sealing the vine undead creature. With a kick, he jumped to Eugeo’s side, blocked the moth undead creature’s attack with the BLAY awakening device in his hand, and then slammed it with both hands. repel!”
“Eugeo froze, but he didn’t say anything, but immediately took out a sealing card and sealed the vine undead creature.”
“Kirito didn’t expect him to say anything, holding the BLAY awakening device in his hand, he slashed at the chest of the moth undead creature, but strangely, a bunch of silver-white light spots appeared on the moth undead creature !”
“Those light spots are like a shield, blocking Kirito’s attack.”
“”no effect? “Kirito’s tone was full of surprise, it was the first time he had seen such an enemy that directly nullified his attack!”
“The undead moth laughed strangely. Relying on the light spots on its body, it attacked Kirito with a violent attack without thinking about defense.”
“Under this kind of offensive, Kirito dodged left and right, was pressed and beaten the whole time, and couldn’t counterattack at all.”
“”Ugh! “Accidentally, Kirito was kicked in the chest by a moth undead creature, and flew into the air with a scream.”
“But Eugeo has no intention of stepping forward to help Kirito. He just squatted on the ground, and the huge red heart on the mask stared at the undead moth.”
“In his eyes, there are more than a dozen angles of view. In each of his angles of view, the speed of the undead moths and Kirito, which were far beyond ordinary people, has become as slow as a snail crawling!”
“This guy’s defense cannot be all over the body, there must be a weakness! Where is it? Where is it?! Eugeo watched the battle between the two without moving, trying to find the weakness of the moth undead creature.”
“The undead moth naturally didn’t know Eugeo’s plan. He jumped into the air, then aimed at Kirito who fell on the ground, and directly pressed on him!”
“If it is compacted this time, I am afraid that the transformation will be canceled on the spot!”
“” Kirito-kun! “Asuna exclaimed, and wanted to step forward to protect Kirito, but she staggered and fell to the ground. Only then did she realize that she had unknowingly canceled the transformation!”
“When… Asuna looked dazed, she didn’t remember any attack on her at all.”
“”Here it is! At this time, Eugeo finally found the weakness of moth undead creatures. He took off the CHALICE Awakening Device at his waist, put it on the CHALICE arrow, and then swiped a card with an eagle-like undead creature sealed on it from the CHALICE Awakening Device. Down.”
“” TORNADO! “”
“call out!”
“With the sound of a piercing sound, an invisible arrow pierced the sky and hit the moth undead creature on the forehead!”
“This time, the light spots on his body did not block the arrow!”
“”grumble! “The moth undead creature screamed and immediately fell to the ground.”
“Eugeo threw out a sealing card and sealed the moth undead creature in it.”
“Subsequently, Kirito and Eugeo released their transformations one after another. The two looked at each other, and Kirito asked first, “Why can you transform into a Kamen Rider? Was that belt given to you by Kayaba Chief? ! Have you met Mr. Kayaba? “””
“Kirito asked a bunch of questions one after another, but Eugeo had no intention of answering, turned around and was about to leave.”
“Yui ran to him and asked with concern, “Mother Eugeo, are you okay? “”
“”I’m fine. “Eugeo shook his head, but the hand covering his wound became more forceful. Under his force, no blood flowed out.”
“”I have healing medicine here, shall I pass it on to you? “Asuna stepped forward, wanting to hand over the healing medicine to Eugeo, but Eugeo has already left without hesitation.”
“Kirito yelled from behind, “Hey, Eugeo, your house is broken, so stay with us today! “”
“I don’t know if Eugeo didn’t hear it, or he didn’t want to talk to Kirito, he never stopped, never turned back, like a lone wolf, returning to his lair alone, and ready to lick himself alone wound.”
“”Papa, Mama Asuna, why doesn’t Mama Eugeo live with us? Yui raised his head and asked suspiciously.”
“”This…” Kirito didn’t know how to answer, so he had to change the subject with a smile, “By the way, Yui, how do you feel? Were you scared again just now? “”
“”No. Yui shook her head, probably seeing that Kirito didn’t want to talk more about this topic, so she obediently didn’t ask any further.”
“” Yui, go back to the room and rest first, okay? “Asuna, who was still pale, bent down and said to Yui with a smile.”
“Yui looked at Asuna, then at Kirito, finally nodded and said, “Well, I see. “”
“After Yui left, Asuna said with a worried face, “Kirito, there’s something wrong with that Eugeo! Although later he covered the wound very tightly and didn’t let the blood flow out, but I saw clearly before that the green blood spurted out from his wound! “”
“”green? “Kirito was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head, “This is a virtual world after all, even if it’s green blood…””
“As he spoke, Kirito’s expression froze.”
“It seems that you have also discovered it. “Asuna pursed her lips and said, “In this virtual world, neither players nor NPCs will be injured, nor will they bleed! After being attacked, our blood bar will only drop! However, there is one exception…””
“”Undead creatures! “Kirito said word by word.”
“Asuna nodded, “That’s right, it’s an undead creature! That Eugeo is probably one of the fifty-two undead creatures! “”
“”But if he’s undead, why doesn’t he attack us? Also, why on earth can he transform into a Kamen Rider? “Kirito frowned, only feeling that his brain was in chaos.”
Chapter 438 This guy has a bad conscience
“”I do not know either. “Asuna shook her head, in addition to being worried about whether Eugeo had some ulterior secrets, it was more about her self-blame. If she could be stronger, she would not As for letting Yui almost be caught by that moth undead creature!”
“Kirito was silent for a moment and finally said, “Whether he is an undead creature or not, it is a fact that he saved Yui regardless of his own safety. Go and thank him tomorrow. “”
“”Um. Asuna nodded, and then said, “By the way, Kirito, regarding Yui, have you found her family?” “”
“Kirito shook his head, “I have posted missing person notices in many conspicuous places these days, and I also used some rare equipment as rewards for players to help find them too… However, so far, no corresponding news has been received . “”
“Asuna sighed, “It seems that Yui probably entered this game alone. “”
“” Yui, she…” Suddenly, Kirito hesitated to speak, wanted to say something, but shook his head, “No, it’s nothing. “”
“Asuna frowned and glanced at him. In fact, she knew what Kirito wanted to say. At first they thought that there would be no undead creatures with human appearance, so they decided that Eugeo and Yui must be players.”
“But if Eugeo is an undead creature…then Yui, who appeared at the same time as Eugeo and couldn’t check the player’s information, is also suspicious.”
“However, the two of them tacitly did not mention this possibility. During these days of getting along, they knew very well what a pure and kind girl Yui is. Even if there is only a slight possibility, they still look forward to Yui Not undead!”
“Even if Yui is really an undead creature, they still hope that the time to seal Yui can be delayed as much as possible.”
“”By the way, Asuna, since Eugeo is an undead creature, why can’t the detection equipment detect his information? “Kirito asked suddenly.”
“”Is it because he has never used power before? Asuna guessed, “Just like other undead creatures, as long as they don’t use their power, we can’t detect their whereabouts.” “”
“Even if he’s undead, I just hope he doesn’t do bad things. “Kirito sighed and sighed,” Yui quite likes him. “”
“”That’s right. “”
“The next day, Asuna went out for a walk, but she still couldn’t accept her weakness. She thought it would be much better if she had some wind outside.”
“But as she was walking, she saw a man in a black windbreaker and black sunglasses standing in front of her. She frowned slightly. There are no NPCs on this road, are they players?”
“Just when she was wondering about the other party’s identity, the man said, “Are you Asuna? How strong is Kamen Rider Garren? “”
“Asuna’s face changed, and she understood in an instant that this is an undead creature!”
“She hurriedly put the Awakening Card Block A into the garren transformation device, and pulled the garren buckle, “transformation! “”
“”TURNUP! “”
“A curtain of light passed through her body, transforming her into Kamen Rider Garren.”
“But the man just smiled and didn’t intend to do anything at all. Instead, he handed out a business card kindly, “My name is Isaka, and this is my business card. “”
“Looking at this person named Isaka, who had no intention of doing anything, Asuna hesitated a bit, and asked aloud, “Who the hell are you? “”
“” Someone who can help you. “Isaka said softly, “Although you can transform normally, you can’t show the corresponding strength, right? Every Kamen Rider draws on the power of type A undead creatures. As a higher-level undead creature, type A undead creatures are naturally far stronger than the lower-level undead moth. “”
“”Hehehe. “Speaking of this, Yisaka couldn’t help laughing, “However, you lost cleanly to the kind of inferior immortalIn the hands of creatures, what do you think is the reason? “”
“After being ridiculed by Isaka, Asuna felt very uncomfortable, but her good education prevented her from showing it, but said calmly, “Is it because of combat experience? After all, I am not a seasoned warrior. “”
“Do you think that’s the one? “Isaka raised his eyebrows, “Ask your own heart carefully, what was in your heart at that time. “”
“Asuna’s pupils shrank sharply. She thought of the fear… the unstoppable fear when she was fighting the undead moths! It was like the endless sea, completely submerging her!”
“It seems that you already understand. And I can help you overcome this fear! “Isaka took out a grass and handed it over, “Do you want to try it?” “”
“It’s nothing to be courteous, rape or steal.” Kyosuke Kosaka shook his head and said, “I think this guy has a very bad conscience!”
“Do you still need to say it? This guy must be an undead creature!” Kosaka Kirino rolled his eyes and said.
“Asuna naturally understands the truth that there are no pies falling from the sky. Instead of taking the grass, she asked in a deep voice, “Why did you give me this? “”
“”why? “Isaka seemed a little surprised that Asuna didn’t take the grass, “I just want to help you, but since you don’t need it, then forget it.” “”
“But, one day, you’re going to need this thing. “After speaking, Isaka turned around and left.”
“Looking at Isaka in the distance, Asuna released her transformation, her rosy cheeks turned extremely pale, and beads of sweat kept rolling down her forehead.”
“She is afraid, afraid of fighting, and also afraid of death.”
“Asuna…” Kirito looked at Asuna in the video with pain. In his memory, from the time he knew Asuna, this girl was extremely strong, gentle, kind, and virtuous, but her will But stronger than most men!
He had never seen such a weak side of Asuna, let alone thought that Asuna would have such a weak side.
“And after Isaka left, he went straight to the laboratory he built. A person that Kirito and Asuna are very familiar with is working in it. This person is Akihiko Kayaba!”
“Kayaba Akihiko heard the footsteps and raised his head angrily, “What do you want to do? “”
Chapter 439 Oh Nuo Lei! Kiritani Kazuto!
“The strongest Kamen Rider! Didn’t I tell you? “Isaka said without hesitation.”
“”Of course I know…” Akihiko Kayaba looked angry, but before he finished speaking, his angry expression became numb, and then he sat down obediently and started working.”
“”Mere human beings, don’t try to disobey my will! “Isaka snorted coldly, his thoughts can control undead creatures lower than him, as well as humans.”
“If it wasn’t for Asuna being able to transform into Kamen Rider Garren and using the power of Type A undead creatures, he would have directly controlled Asuna long ago…Of course, if Asuna couldn’t transform into Kamen Rider For Garren, it would be pointless for him to control him.”
“My purpose is to create the strongest Kamen Rider! Then with the help of this power, seal all the other undead creatures, and win this extreme war! “”
“Isaka clenched his fists, as if thinking of the situation after winning the Ultimate War, there was indescribable excitement in his eyes.”
“”But before that, I need Kamen Rider Garren to help me seal Type A undead creatures! That’s why I need to control her…””
“Isaka looked at the grass in his hand and sneered, “Asuna, you will use this thing! “”
“Then, he turned his gaze to the undead creature with the characteristics of a centipede standing aside.”
“Although he didn’t speak, the centipede undead creature still understood his intentions and immediately got up and walked outside.”
“On the other hand, Kirito went to attack Aincrad again. Although he was worried about Yui and Asuna, he had to go. If the Ultimate War ends one day later, more people will die!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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