“What’s more, Asuna can now use Heathcliff-senpai’s Garren Transformer to transform into Kamen Rider Garren, which makes Kirito feel more at ease.”
“After Yui, who was left at home, ate a piece of bread, she lay down by the window and looked at the ruins of the house on the other side of the lake, “Has Eugeo’s mother not come back yet? “”
“Asuna comforted, “Yui, don’t worry too much, he may be back soon. “”
“”Really? Yui’s eyes lit up, “When Eugeo’s mother comes back, I will let him play with me enough.” By the way, Mama Asuna, shall we go fishing? At night, wait for Dad to come back and cook fish for him. “”
“”Fishing…” Asuna narrowed her eyes slightly and began to think.”
“That somewhat serious attitude made Yui feel a little stressed, and she even felt that she might not be able to go fishing, so that she felt completely lost.”
“”Hehehe. Seeing this, Asuna laughed out loud, “Okay, I’m not joking with you anymore, let’s go fishing, Yui.” “”
“”Um! “Yuei’s little face immediately turned from cloudy to sunny, and ran out jumping and jumping.”
“Yui, slow down, wait for me. “Asuna shoutedWith a sound, she wanted to catch up, but her steps stopped just as she stepped out. After some hesitation, she still picked up the garren transforming device. ”
“Just after Asuna picked up the Garren Transformer, she seemed to see a flash of red light flashing through the window.”
“Asuna glanced around in surprise, but found nothing, “Is it an illusion? “”
“”what! “”
“Suddenly, a scream came from outside the door, and Asuna’s pupils shrank sharply, “It’s Yui’s voice! “”
“She ran out immediately, and saw an undead creature with the characteristics of a centipede slowly approaching Yui! Yui kept backing away with a frightened face.”
“” Yui, run! “Asuna yelled as she completed the transformation. The worry about Yui overwhelmed the fear in her heart. Without any hesitation, she took out the garren awakening device and shot at the centipede undead creature!”
“Bang bang bang bang…”
“As the gunshots sounded, bullets hit the centipede undead creature one after another, splashing sparks, which also successfully attracted his attention.”
“”hiss! “The centipede undead creature let out a strange roar.”
“The extremely fast speed brought about a terrifying whistling sound. The centipede undead punched Asuna’s head with a punch, and Asuna dodged sideways, and then shot back with her backhand a few more times.”
“Suppressing the fear in my heart, Asuna can manage two tricks with centipede undead creatures.”
“If she maintains this mentality, she might still win this battle!”
“But… In just a few seconds, fear surged into her heart again! And once her heart is dominated by fear, both her basic strength and her own movements will drop crazily!”
“Asuna, whose movements became stiff, was punched on the head by the centipede undead creature, and then fell heavily to the ground with a thud.”
“Before she completely lost consciousness, she watched that centipede undead creature catch up to Yui, and then used something on Yui.”
“”Yuki…” Asuna stretched out her hand with difficulty, manipulated the panel tremblingly, sent a message to Kirito, and then her eyes went completely black.”
“Damn it!” Yuuki Asuna couldn’t help but bit her lip and cursed softly, not at the undead creature, but at herself for being useless!
If she can exert all the power of Kamen Rider Garren, it won’t be like this!
Moreover, the undead creature wearing sunglasses was obviously coming towards her, and Yui was only implicated by her.
“Yui, it’s my mother who is sorry for you.”
Yuuki Akizo, who was on the side, heard his daughter claiming to be a mother, his face was completely black, and he cursed angrily in his heart, oh no tired! Kiritani Kazuto!
“” Yui! “Asuna woke up suddenly from a coma. She seemed to be having some kind of nightmare. Her face was extremely pale. She scanned the surroundings, only seeing Kirito beside her, without Yui, and immediately asked, “Kirito-kun , what about Yui? “”
“Yui, she…is fine now. Kirito thought about it for a while, and finally used the word “fortunately”, then he pressed Asuna’s shoulder, trying to push her back, “It’s you, you just woke up, you should take a rest. “”
“”I’m fine, and my HP has all recovered. Asuna shook her head and asked anxiously, “Kirito-kun, please tell me Yui’s current situation!” “”
Seeing Asuna’s insistence, Kirito let go of her hand, then sat on the side of the bed and said, “Yui has been in a coma, I don’t know what happened, and…a poisonous poison appeared on her head.” The label, I am afraid it is in a state of poisoning. “”
Chapter 440 He maintains peace from the bottom of his heart
“”poison? “Asuna frowned slightly. She knew that in this virtual world, many abilities of undead creatures have been transformed into corresponding skills. Naturally, states like poison can also be added.”
“However, since it is in a poisonous state, there will naturally be a potion for detoxification, but seeing Kirito’s expression… I am afraid that the effect of the antidote potion is not good.”
“But she still asked expectantly, “Kirito-kun, has the antidote been used?” “”
“What responded to her was Kirito’s heavy expression.”
“”How come… Could it be said that the antidote can’t cure the poison? “Asuna’s heart became heavy, the more she worried about Yui, the more she hated her own weakness.”
“”After I used the antidote to Yui, although I couldn’t see her health bar, I could feel that her condition had improved a lot. “The worry on Kirito’s face also didn’t dissipate, “but the poison mark on Yui’s head didn’t disappear, maybe it was only suppressed temporarily. “”
“”Maybe, the poison of undead creatures needs a special antidote, right? “Tirto guessed for a while, and then said, “But what happened, maybe you need to find someone to see. Asuna, take a good rest at home, I will take Yui to the city of beginning to see the pharmacist to see the situation. “”
“As soon as Kirito finished speaking, a cold voice came from outside the door, “It’s useless. “”
“Kirito turned his head to look, it was Eugeo, he immediately frowned, “What do you mean it’s useless? “”
“Eugeo didn’t answer, but looked at Asuna and asked, “Is the one who attacked Yui a guy who looks a bit like a centipede? “”
“Hey, that’s right, it’s him! Asuna nodded, “How do you know?” “”
“”Sure enough, it’s that guy…it’s not good, there’s not much time left. “Eugeo didn’t intend to answer, so he turned around and ran outside.”
“Hey, what do you mean you don’t have much time? ! “Kirito panicked when he heard that, and hurried to catch up and grab Eugeo’s shoulder.”
“”Do notThe poison on the dead creature can only be detoxified by the antidote extracted from the antibodies carried by the undead creature! Eugeo hurriedly explained, and then he broke away from Kirito’s hand, “There is not much time, don’t hinder me!” “”
“After breaking away from Kirito, Eugeo rushed out of the room immediately, and ran in one direction without stopping at all. He seemed to be able to sense the position of the centipede undead creature!”
“”Asuna, take care of Yui, and I’ll follow you too! “Kirito yelled, and hurriedly chased him out. It was about Yui’s safety, so he couldn’t help being careless.”
“Kirito followed Eugeo all the way and ran for more than ten miles in a row. Just when Kirito felt a little tired, he saw Eugeo stop suddenly.”
“Kirito cheered up, and quickly asked, “Did you find that guy? “”
“”Hee hee hee. “A burst of strange laughter came, and the centipede undead creature slowly walked out of the woods, exposing its figure in front of the two of them.”
“It seems that he has no plans to sneak attack at all, and I don’t know if it is because he is upright, or because he is too arrogant? However, judging by his appearance, the latter is more likely, right?”
“Eugeo took out the Awakening Card Heart A and swiped it from the CHALICE Awakener.”
“”CHANGE! “”
“Eugeo, who transformed into Kamen Rider CHALICE, didn’t go forward to fight the centipede undead creature, but said to Kirito, “Go up and restrain him, don’t seal him, otherwise you won’t be able to get the antibody!” I’ll be looking for antibodies in his body here! “”
“”I see. “Kirito nodded, and immediately inserted the Awakening Card A of Spades into the BLADE Transformer.”
“But how could the centipede undead watch them move? He let out a roar, and swung his fists to hit Eugeo.”
“And Eugeo doesn’t mean to dodge or counterattack at all. Since he has given Kirito the task of fighting the centipede undead creature, he won’t do it without authorization.”
“And Kirito didn’t let him down. Seeing that it was too late to transform, he actually pulled out the sword behind him, charged away the centipede undead creature, and then fought with it.”
“But obviously, without transforming, the centipede undead creature is far stronger than him, and he will be crushed and beaten soon!”
“The centipede undead creature punched Kirito in the stomach, causing Kirito to bend down like a prawn, and then he reached out and grabbed Kirito’s neck, as if to strangle Kirito to death !”
“”Well! “Kirito snorted, although he didn’t need to breathe like in reality, but the blood bar on his head kept falling gave him great psychological pressure!”
“However, this is an opportunity!”
“Before Kirito fought with the centipede undead creature, he couldn’t spare his hand to complete the transformation, but now the centipede undead creature just choked him by the neck!”
“Perhaps, in the eyes of the centipede undead creature, once the human’s neck is strangled, it will make it difficult for the human to breathe, and they will no longer be able to use their strength. But it is a pity that in this virtual world, there is no difficulty in breathing, so that There’s no such thing as strength! The centipede undead creature’s decision just freed up Kirito’s hands!”
“Under the surprised eyes of the centipede undead creature, Kirito reached out and pulled the BLAY buckle around his waist, “Transform! “”
“”TURNUP! “”
“A blue light curtain popped up, and the centipede undead creature flew away. Then, Kirito pulled out the BLAY awakening device and rushed towards the opponent. Before he could adjust his posture, he swung his sword down and chopped the centipede undead creature. A fierce flame erupted from the creature’s chest!”
“At this time, Eugeo is still staring at the centipede undead creature. Those eyes seem to have the ability to see through, and he can easily see through the opponent’s flesh and see clearly the internal structure of the opponent’s body!”
“Huh?!” Tsuchiya Kota, who was bored just now and had already planned to take out the beautiful girl photo album to enjoy, suddenly became energetic, looking at Eugeo in the picture with piercing eyes, and his saliva was about to flow down. !
“Perspective, this is clairvoyance! What a great ability! If only I had this clairvoyance ability, hehe, hehehe…”
As he spoke, Tsuchiya Kota’s eyes blurred, and the desire to become a Kamen Rider suddenly arose in his heart!
To be fair, this is the first time in his life that he desires to become a Kamen Rider so much!
Although he only wants to become Kamen Rider CHALICE… But it is enough to show how determined he is to become a hero of justice and maintain world peace!
He maintains peace from the bottom of his heart!
Chapter 441: Invitation from Isaka
“Where is it? Where is the antibody hidden? Eugeo kept looking around, but he still couldn’t find where the antibody was, which made him feel anxious.”
“And with Eugeo’s impatience, the battle between Kirito and the centipede undead became more and more anxious.”
“Kirito seems to want to avenge all the previous beatings. The offensive is stronger than the wave. The centipede undead creature is getting harder and harder to parry, and finally was knocked to the ground by Kirito’s punch.”
“Kirito was about to go up to make up the knife, but suddenly remembered Eugeo’s advice to him, so that his body movements stopped for a moment.”
“But this momentary pause gave the centipede undead a chance!”
“A thick iron chain flew out from behind him, tied Kirito’s hands together, and then pulled Kirito hard, pulling Kirito to the ground and throwing a somersault!”
“” Jie Jie Jie. “The centipede undead creature let out a few strange laughs again, and walked slowly towards Kirito.”
“At this time, he seems to have forgottenRemember that there is another enemy watching! And his carelessness will surely bring him the end! ”
“”found it! Eugeo yelled, the weapon CHALICE arrow suddenly appeared in his hand, he jumped into the air, the CHALICE arrow was used as a blade by him, he slashed down heavily, chopping off an organ on the shoulder of the centipede undead creature !”
“”Ugh! ! “The centipede undead creature immediately covered its shoulders and wailed. The shrill voice really made those who heard it cry, and those who heard it were sad.”
“And Eugeo naturally has no sympathy for this centipede undead creature who bullied his “daughter”. He took out the CHALICE awakening device from his waist and put it on the CHALICE arrow, then took out two cards and swiped them separately.”
“”BIO! CHOP! “”
“As the card was swiped, the CHALICE arrow in Eugeo’s hand instantly sprouted a large number of vines, entangled the centipede undead creature, and pulled it over with a little force.”
“Then the right hand turned into a fist, and that fist was packed with immense power, hitting the centipede undead creature’s chest!”
“The centipede undead creature flew upside down like a boulder thrown by a trebuchet, and then fell heavily on the ground, making a loud bang!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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