“Eugeo threw out a sealing card and sealed the centipede undead creature in it.”
“”An antibody found? “Kirito asked quickly after seeing Eugeo seal the centipede undead creature.”
“”found it. “Eugeo bent down, picked up the organ he chopped off before, and handed it to Kirito, “This is the antibody, and the medicine extracted from this antibody can detoxify the poison in Yui. “”
“Kirito took over the antibody in confusion, “What do you mean? Why did you give me the antibody on purpose? “”
“Eugeo lifted the transformation, and there was a little sadness on his face, “I won’t see Yui again, you can bring this antibody back. “”
“”why? ! Kirito also released the transformation, with an angry expression on his face, “Don’t you know how much Yui likes you and cares about you?” ! Do you know how sad Yui will be if you leave? ! “”
“Of course I know…” Eugeo said with a face full of pain, “Because I know how much she cares about me, I don’t want to hurt her anymore!” “”
“”The previous two undead creatures tried to catch Yui as bait in order to make me cast a mouse trap. This centipede undead creature also chose to attack Yui, I am afraid his final target is me! If I continue to stay with Yui, there will definitely be more undead creatures trying to attack Yui! “”
“”…” Kirito lost his temper in an instant. He needs to attack Aincrad and unlock more layers, so that he can find all the undead creatures as soon as possible and seal them.”
“According to what Senior Heathcliff said, as long as the Kamen Rider system is used, the body will be eroded, and the more you use it, the more it will be eroded, so he can only seal the undead creatures as fast as possible. In this way If you do, maybe you can seal all the undead creatures before you die, and liberate those trapped in this world.”
“So, it’s impossible for him to stay by Yui’s side to protect her all the time… Maybe, just like Eugeo said, it’s the best decision for him to leave.”
“”I see. “Kirito was silent for a long time, and finally nodded.”
“”Take care of Yui. After saying this, Eugeo turned around, “Also, go back quickly, I’m afraid that if there is any further delay, the poison on Yui’s body will be further deepened. “”
“Hearing Eugeo’s words, Kirito stopped bemoaning his departure, and immediately turned around and ran towards the lakeside hut.”
“Hearing the footsteps getting farther and farther behind, Eugeo sighed and left here with heavy steps.”
“I don’t know how long we’ve been walking, but Eugeo suddenly heard a familiar voice not far ahead.”
“It seems that you are not in a good mood? CHALICE. “”
“Eugeo looked up, and saw a man wearing sunglasses and a black windbreaker sitting on a rock in front of him, as if he had been waiting for him for a long time.”
“Looking at the face he had never seen before, Eugeo frowned slightly, but then he sensed a familiar breath, and immediately realized, “It turned out to be you, Peacock. “”
“My current name is Isaka. “Isaka smiled.”
“”looking for me? “Eugeo asked bluntly, not paying attention to Isaka’s name.”
“Allied. “Isaka stood up from the stone, “The two of us give priority to defeating the rest of the undead creatures, and finally decide between the two of us, how about it?” “”
“Eugeo didn’t speak, and seemed to be thinking about it. Suddenly, his nose moved, as if he smelled something, and he asked calmly, “Have you seen a centipede recently?” “”
“”Centipede? “Isaka naturally knew that Eugeo was referring to the centipede undead creature. He didn’t know the intention of Eugeo’s question, so he nodded casually, “Of course I have seen him before, and I ordered him to do it just before.” One thing happened. “”
“As soon as Yisaka finished speaking, an invisible arrow flew towards him. Yisaka’s scalp felt numb for a moment, and he dodged the attack at a critical moment.”
“After that, the arrow shattered the boulder behind Isaka, making an earth-shattering explosion sound.”
“Looking at the transformation into a maskEugeo of the Knight CHALICE, Isaka shouted angrily, “Are you crazy?!””
“Eugeo didn’t say anything, and shot an arrow from his backhand!”
“” Tsk! “Isaka spat, stretched out his hand and threw a fireball, which collided with the arrow.”
Chapter 442 You are amazing, you are lofty
“Oh Noel! CHALICE! “”
“Isaka clutched his chest, and looked behind him full of anger. The ghost knows how hard it took him to escape from CHALICE.”
“He has been observing Asuna and Kirito, so he naturally knows that CHALICE is there, and he also knows that CHALICE has a good relationship with that girl named Yui.”
“This kind of behavior, from Isaka’s point of view, is probably CHALICE playing with the prey, just like some creatures will not eat the prey immediately after catching them, but will play with them.”
“After all, all creatures in this world will go on the road of extinction, only undead creatures can be eternal! And on the road of eternity, everything that will dissipate is like a dream bubble, and it shouldn’t cause undead creatures like them to fluctuate of.”
“Only ordinary people with a lifespan of a hundred years can have feelings with undead creatures? Don’t be kidding! How could such a thing exist! He is the first to not believe it!”
“But what Isaka never expected was that there was such a deep relationship between CHALICE and that Yui! The fact that he ordered the centipede undead to attack that Yui actually made CHALICE so angry! ”
“He didn’t have much defense in advance, he was attacked by CHALICE first, and then he was suppressed and beaten all the way by CHALICE. If he didn’t run fast, he would definitely be sealed by CHALICE!”
“”When I create the strongest Kamen Rider, it will be your end, CHALICE! “”
“After uttering a harsh word bitterly, Isaka limped towards his laboratory. After entering the laboratory, he immediately turned his head and asked Akihiko Kayaba, who was working hard beside him, “That one is called Akihiko?” Has Sina’s woman ever been here? “”
“At this time, Kayaba Akihiko still had a numb expression, he stopped what he was doing, raised his head and said, “No. “”
“Isaka frowned slightly, he had already written his address on a note and handed it to that woman, there is no possibility of not knowing the location!”
“Then why don’t you come?”
“But Yisaka woke up from his doubts in a blink of an eye, “It hasn’t been long, presumably at this time, Asuna, who was injured by the centipede undead creature, just woke up. Just wait patiently for two days, that woman will come soon! “”
“In Yisaka’s words, there is strong confidence. He believes that his plan is absolutely fine!”
“One day passed… two days passed… three days passed…”
“”Why didn’t you come? ! come! TNN, why not come! ! “Isaka, who waited for three days and didn’t get Asuna, was incompetent and furious in the laboratory, angrily tore up all the research materials of Akihiko Kayaba!”
“Akihiko Kayaba: “? ? ? “”
“You are amazing, you are noble! You are angry and tear up my research materials, have you ever thought about me?!”
“But Isaka naturally didn’t think about Kayaba Akihiko’s pain. After venting a bit, he murmured, “Could it be because of my weakness that I can only watch my “daughter” being hurt with my own eyes?” Still can’t stimulate the desire for power in her heart? “”
“Isaka was full of fear. He failed to form an alliance first, and was even beaten up by CHALICE. After being beaten up, he found out that his plan had failed! Doesn’t this make him seem like a piece of trash who can’t do anything? ”
“”In this case, change someone! I don’t believe you can’t arouse your thirst for power! “”
“It’s been a full month since Eugeo left Kirito and the others.”
“In these days, Yui has to ask every day, “Father, Mother Asuna, why hasn’t Mother Eugeo come back?” “”
“Looking at Yui’s eyes full of expectation, loss, and sadness, Kirito and Asuna still couldn’t say the sentence “Eugeo will not come back”, they could only comfort Yui non-stop, Tell her that Eugeo is just out on business and will be back when things are done.”
“Then Yui just waited and hoped…but no matter what day it was, it only brought her disappointment.”
“”Papa, is Eugeo’s mother not coming back? “”
“This morning, Yui blinked her big watery eyes and looked at Kirito with sadness, “Is it because I did something wrong that made Eugeo’s mother angry? That’s why he’s angry? “”
“Looking at Yui’s sad expression, Kirito felt a pain in his heart. He suddenly felt that he should have stopped Eugeo from letting him go!”
“He bent down and gently stroked Yui’s hair, “How could it be? Don’t think too much, Eugeo has something to do for the time being. “”
“”…” Yui opened his mouth, and finally nodded obediently, “Yes. “”
“”Asuna, I’ll go out first. “Kirito said to Asuna after comforting Yui.”
“Be careful on the road, Kirito-kun. “Asuna smiled and waved her hand.”
“Kirito also smiled and walked out of the room. These days, Yui has indeed never been attacked by undead creatures. This also proves that Eugeo’s guess was correct. Those undead creatures were all aimed at him. of.”
“Such facts also make Kirito more entangled. On the one hand, he wants to get Eugeo back, so that Yui won’t be too sad.”
“but otherwiseOn the one hand, he was worried that after Eugeo came back, Yui would be affected again. ”
“”call. “Kirito shook his head, he sighed, and said to himself, “Think about it again…””
“As we walked, a voice suddenly came from the left.”
“”You, Kirito, right? “”
“You are, an undead creature? ! “Kirito’s eyes widened suddenly, and what appeared in front of him was a peacock-like undead creature! It was also Yisaka!”
“”You are mostly right. “Isaka grinned at the corner of his mouth, “However, there is still one thing that needs to be corrected. I am here to defeat your undead creature! “”
“As soon as the words fell, Isaka raised his hand and a huge fireball blasted out!”
“Nani? ! “Kirito’s pupils shrank. At this time, he didn’t care about demeanor and the like, and quickly rolled on the ground, barely avoiding Isaka’s attack.”
“Kirito, who knew the situation was critical, immediately loaded the Awakening Card Ace of Spades into the BLADE transformation device on his waist, and pulled the BLAY buckle, “Transform! “”
“”TURNUP! “”
“Looking at Kirito who has completed the transformation, Isaka smiled disdainfully, “Don’t think that I’m as easy to deal with as those low-level undead creatures! “”
Chapter 443: Is it possible to become an undead creature?
“In just a minute or two, Kirito fainted on the ground, unable to stand up again, and his health bar was almost cleared.”
“Isaka also changed from that weird look to a human one, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, “It’s not in vain that I spent so many days studying your fighting style. “”
“That’s right, the reason why Isaka waited almost a month before attacking Kirito was to study Kirito’s fighting style and formulate a policy to quickly eliminate Kirito.”
“I didn’t need to be so troublesome, but Eugeo has been chasing him these days. As long as he shows a trace, within ten minutes at most, Eugeo will come running over!”
“He is afraid that if he spends too much time fighting Kirito, he will attract Eugeo. At that time, it will not be him who packs Kirito away, but Eugeo and Kirito will seal him together!”
“When Kirito woke up, he found himself lying in a strange machine, and there were several people beside him who were operating the machine. I don’t know if it was a player or an NPC.”
“Hey, what are you doing? Let me out! “”
“Kirito struggled hard, but he couldn’t break free. There are several thick ropes tied to his body, so he can’t use any strength.”
“”How’s it going? “Isaka turned his head and asked Kayaba Akihiko beside him.”
“”Tests have shown that the Hayflick limit of his somatic cells is unusual! The telomeres of the cells in his body are longer than that of a newborn baby! “”
“Wait, the telomere length is longer than that of a newborn baby? This guy, is it possible that he is growing backwards?” Hashida Zhi’s eyes were rounded, and one can imagine how much impact this incident had on him.
“Maybe it’s not reverse growth, but his natural telomere length is relatively long? Hahahaha, yes, maybe that’s the case.” The Phoenix Academy laughed twice, so shocked that he couldn’t tell. Talk!
The so-called Hayflick limit, to put it simply, is the maximum number of cell divisions! The number of cell proliferation is related to the length of telomere DNA, that is to say, once the DNA is replicated, the telomere DNA will be shortened for a period, and when the telomere is shortened to a certain extent—that is, the Hayflick point, the DNA will stop replicating, and the cell to aging.
But this Kirito is clearly more than ten years old, and the cells have already divided, but the telomere length of his cells is longer than that of a newborn baby, which is totally unreasonable!
Could it be that his cell division hasn’t consumed any telomeres in the past ten years? Or did his telomeres increase in length every time his cells divided? Or that he was born with longer telomeres than ordinary people? No matter how you think about it, it’s too nonsense!
“Maybe…” Makise Kurisu rubbed her chin, with a little thought in her eyes, “Maybe, is it the Kamen Rider system that caused the influence?”
“Kamen Rider system?” Mayuri Shiina clapped her hands lightly, she understood a bit, “Kurisu means the erosion of Kamen Rider?”
“Oh~” Yoshinori of the Phoenix Academy also understood, “It is indeed possible to say so, that Heathcliff said that because he used the body of the Kamen Rider, he became pineapple and pineapple, but from the scene behind, Heathcliff Cliff lied to Kirito!”
“Not only will this system not make people’s bodies worse, but it may make people’s bodies live longer… No! No matter how you think about this longevity, it is obviously borrowing the power of undead creatures, but it has no side effects. There are also benefits, obviously not justified!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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