Wait, with the help of the power of undead creatures… the lifespan becomes longer? A flash of light suddenly flashed in Jizhen’s mind at the Phoenix Academy. So, does this mean that people who use this mask system will eventually become undead creatures?
Thinking of this possibility, Jizheng of the Phoenix Institute felt a chill all over his body. He suddenly felt that this extreme war might really be a conspiracy of some people.
“Kayaba Akihiko holding the data report, his eyes are shining, his hands are shaking, obviously very excited.”
“Isaka nodded, and then said, “Next, let’s test how much his fusion coefficient with Type A undead creatures changes when he is fighting. “”
“”understood. Kayaba Akihiko nodded, immediatelyHe issued an order to several NPCs he created to release Kirito from the instrument. Of course, in the eyes of Isaka, these NPCs are all employees recruited by Akihiko Kayaba. ”
“Kirito was quickly released from the machine, but he was still bound by ropes, and it was difficult to exert strength. While struggling, he shouted angrily, “Are you treating people as test subjects like this? ! Let me go! “”
“But these NPCs naturally ignored him. They took Kirito who was tied up and walked all the way into a room, then kicked Kirito in, and locked the door of the room.”
“”What are you going to do this time? Kirito struggled to stand up from the ground. He scanned his surroundings and found that it was a very empty room. There was nothing but the surrounding walls and two doors. No, there was another thing in a corner of the room Inside, there are his BLADE transformation device and awakening card.”
“As for the two doors, one of them is the door he came in, and the other…”
“With a click, the door was opened, and a black shadow walked out from it.”
“Da da da……”
“As the footsteps got closer, Kirito finally saw the black figure clearly. It was an undead creature that looked a bit like a trilobite. It was all black, and under the dim light, there were little glimmers of light. It looks like a carapace, with iron claws on its left arm, and what looks like a shield on its right arm.”
“This is the trilobite ancestor undead creature!”
“”Undead creature? ! “Kirito’s complexion changed, and he struggled harder. Facing undead creatures, if he can’t free his hands, it will be a dead end!”
“Kayaba Akihiko, who was watching outside, frowned slightly, walked up to Isaka and asked, “Is this too dangerous? Maybe he will die just like that! “”
“Isaka’s face didn’t change, “It doesn’t matter, anyway, the rest of the Kamen Riders will be eliminated by me in the end! Moreover, I only need to extract the corresponding data from him now, and by the way, arouse that woman Asuna’s desire for power, it doesn’t matter whether he is alive or not. Even if he died here, it was just his bad luck. “”
“But hearing this, Kayaba Akihiko frowned. He took a deep look at Isaka, and then stayed where he was, as if the robot had run out of battery.”
“What Isaka doesn’t know is that his mind control over Akihiko Kayaba has long since expired, and now Akihiko Kayaba only continues to work here because he wants to use Isaka’s research institute to obtain some data.”
Chapter 444 Thrilling game
“After Akihiko Kayaba stopped moving.”
“On the other hand, Heathcliff, who gave up the Garren Transformer and formed the Knights of the Blood Alliance instead, led the elite players to attack Aincrad, was taken aback for a moment, and immediately sent Asuna a message.”
“Heathcliff: Asuna, members of my group saw Kirito being taken to a hidden place on the third floor by a monster.”
“Asuna, who was playing with Yui at home, suddenly received this news. She felt a thunderbolt falling, as if the sky was falling apart, and she was panicked. Even Kirito was taken away. What should she do? What should she do? Can we save Kirito?”
“Immediately, she saw the second message from Heathcliff.”
“Heathcliff: I think it should be an undead creature, Asuna, please bring me the garren transformation device, even if it takes my life, I will save Kirito!”
“That’s right, as long as Heathcliff-senpai transforms into Kamen Rider Garren, Kirito will be saved! Asuna’s heart surged with joy, and she immediately wanted to pick up the Garren transformation device and go find Kirito.” Zcliffe.”
“But after a short while, she realized that Senior Heathcliff’s current physical condition is very bad! If you must continue to fight, you may die right away!”
“Slowly, slowly… Asuna picked up the garren transformation device on the table, and squeezed it little by little.”
“Since Heathcliff-senpai can risk his life, so can I!” Asuna pursed her lips, a flash of determination flashed in her eyes, she picked up the garren transformer and ran outside, “Yui, mother is going out for a while.” , you are at home, you must not run around. “”
“”Mom…” Before Yui could reply, Asuna had disappeared.”
“Asuna sent a message to Heathcliff the moment she left the house.”
“Asuna: Senior Heathcliff, please tell me where Kirito-kun was taken?”
“Take the bait… Heathcliff smiled, and immediately sent a message.”
“Heathcliff: It looks like you’ve already been able to transform into Kamen Rider Garren, right? Then I won’t show off. I’ll send you Kirito’s location later.”
“Just one second after Asuna received the message, she received the address from Heathcliff. After seeing the address, she immediately ran in that direction, “Kirito-kun, wait for me! “”
“On the other side, Kirito was stared at by the undead creature of the trilobite, and his heartbeat kept accelerating. After trying to struggle for a while, he stopped struggling. He knew that he couldn’t break free from such a thick rope. of!”
“But it’s not giving up the chance to live, but saving energy to survive!”
“Kirito couldn’t help but glance at the iron claw on the left wrist of the undead trilobite. That iron claw is the only way for him to untie this rope!”
“However, once the body is hit, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not beDie for this! Therefore, the key point is to precisely control the distance, so that the attack of the trilobite undead creature can just cut through the rope on his body without hurting his body! ”
“There is no doubt that this is very difficult and very dangerous! It is also because of this thrill that Kirito’s heart beats faster and faster!”
“Attack…Attack…Kirito stared at the undead trilobite with unblinking eyes, and the cold sweat on his forehead kept oozing. Compared with the enemy’s motionless behavior at the moment, he hoped that the enemy would Attack as soon as possible! That way, he won’t have to concentrate all the time!”
“If you continue to concentrate like this, before the enemy attacks, he will already lie down due to exhaustion!”
“However, the trilobite undead creature will not attack so recklessly. Although his brain is not good, his fighting instinct is there! He can feel that the bound enemy in front of him has not let down his vigilance!”
“Although the enemy is tied up, the lion fights the rabbit with all his strength, so he will naturally use his own strength.”
“The two confronted each other like this for a long time. Finally, Kirito seemed to be unable to hold on any longer. He was in a trance for a moment. This was an instant sleep caused by mental exhaustion!”
“I believe that many people who have worked overtime all night or worked night shifts have corresponding experiences. When driving, studying, or watching TV, their spirits will suddenly be in a trance, and then they will enter a moment that they can’t detect, let alone stop. In a sleep state! This sleep time is very short, only a few seconds to ten seconds, and the longest is no more than thirty seconds!”
“But such a short period of time is enough to put Kirito in a dangerous situation!”
“” Chirp! “The trilobite undead creature immediately discovered Kirito’s current state, immediately screamed strangely, waved the iron claw on the left wrist, and went straight to Kirito’s chest!”
“I don’t know if it’s because Kirito didn’t sleep for a long time this time, or because he was awakened by the strange cry of the trilobite undead creature. Kirito immediately regained his spirit.”
“The moment he regained his energy, the iron claws of the trilobite undead creature were close at hand!”
“The cold sweat from Kirito stretched out his hand suddenly flowed out. If it was a little later at night, it would not take a second… Maybe it would only take 0.1 second at night, and his chest would probably be cut with a big hole. If it was the real world, it would definitely be The internal organs will all fall to the ground!”
“The thoughts in my mind flashed like lightning, and Kirito’s body was slightly turned back.”
“A piercing sound sounded, and Kirito’s clothes and ropes shattered! Fortunately, his body was not hit!”
“Then, Kirito rolled on the ground and rolled to the corner on the other side, where he had his stolen BLADE transformation device and the awakening card Ace of Spades!”
“” Transformation! “”
“”TURNUP! “”
“”Ah ah ah ah! “Kirito roared and rushed towards the trilobite undead creature. Although he didn’t know what the undead creature was doing to catch him, but since he can successfully transform, he will seal all the undead creatures!”
“Just as Kirito and the trilobite undead began to fight, a yellowish light suddenly lit up in the empty room.”
“This light is emitted by the machine used to collect combat data!”
“Outside the room, a group of NPCs created by Akihiko Kayaba are constantly operating the machine, and one of the NPCs began to broadcast the data on the machine, “The fusion coefficient data has started to be collected, and the current fusion coefficient is 516EH!” “”
Four hundred and fortieth chapters fiasco
“Kirito naturally doesn’t know that these people outside are testing his data, and he is still fighting the trilobite undead creature, but unfortunately, no matter how he fights, the fusion coefficient has not increased.”
“Suddenly, an NPC said, “Kamen Rider Garren is coming here. “”
“”GARREN? “Isaka frowned slightly, “Why did you come so fast? At this time, she probably didn’t know that Kirito had been arrested! “”
“According to his calculations, it should take at least ten hours before Asuna finds out that Kirito is missing, and then comes to look for Kirito’s traces, and finally finds Kirito’s identity in some of the messages he left. whereabouts.”
“But now, it’s been more than an hour since he captured Kirito, and Asuna not only noticed that Kirito was gone, but even ran towards him directly!”
“” Is there a miscalculation somewhere? “Isaka frowned slightly, but then he shook his head, “Forget it, don’t worry, it’s always a good thing that the plan is completed!” Just wait for her to come. “”
“He’s not worried that Asuna will find out that he is playing tricks. The address he left for Asuna is another research site, which is different from here.”
“After waiting for about ten minutes, Asuna who had already transformed into Kamen Rider Garren rushed in, “Kirito! “”
“” Asuna? ! “Kirito, who was fighting the trilobite undead creature, exclaimed, with disbelief and surprise in his tone.”
“Asuna was about to step forward to help, when suddenly, a huge fireball hit her.”
“The huge fireball exploded, and wisps of smoke rose slowly, covering the figures of Kirito and the trilobite undead creatures.”
“Boom! Boom! Boom!”
“Heavy footsteps sounded from the smoke and dust, getting closer, getting closer…”
“The heavy footsteps seemed to be stepping on Asuna’s heartbeat, each step made Asuna’s heartbeat a little heavier, “Who is it? ! “”
“That figure finally came out of the smoke and dust, it was a peacock-like undead creature!”
“”There are two undead creatures?!” There was obvious shock in Asuna’s voice. ”
“At this time, Kirito’s warning also came from the side, “Asuna, be careful, that undead creature is very strong! “”
“”Very strong…” Asuna took a deep breath, then suddenly pulled out the garren awakening device and started shooting, roaring as if to puff up for herself, “No matter how strong the enemy is, I will not be afraid ! I don’t have that kind of fear! “”
“”is that so? However, your body is trembling. “Isaka raised his hand slowly, and said in a contemptuous tone, “Looking at you like this, you are like a newborn kitten, desperately showing off your minions, but you can only reveal your inner fear and weakness!” “”
“”Do not make jokes! “Asuna roared and shot at Isaka, but her attack seemed so weak in Isaka’s eyes that Isaka didn’t even dodge or defend!”
“I only heard bursts of “bang bang bang” gunshots, Asuna shot at Isaka’s chest, but only DIAN ignited, not to mention hurting Isaka, and even failing to make Isaka take a step back !”
“”How could this be…” Asuna’s finger pulling the trigger gradually stopped moving, her whole body trembled uncontrollably, the courage she had just mustered was exhausted at this moment.”
“”do you understand? Your own weakness, and the fear in your heart! “Isaka sneered, raised his hand and slapped Asuna on the face!”
“”Uh! ! “Asuna screamed, her whole body was thrown into the air, and then fell heavily on the ground, and the transformation was canceled at this point!”
“Even though she only received one blow, she canceled her transformation on the spot as if she had received a fatal attack! Naturally, this was not because Isaka’s strength was too strong… but purely because of the fear in Asuna’s heart, She can no longer resonate with Kamen Rider Garren’s power!”
“Of course, Asuna doesn’t think so. From her point of view, she was released from the transformation after receiving a fatal attack! And under the threat of this fatal attack, the fear in her heart is getting stronger!”
“Looking at Isaka who kept walking towards her, Asuna backed back again and again until she reached the wall where she could no longer retreat. She was short of breath and screamed in horror, “Ugh! ! “”
“”Sure enough, you only have this level. How did a weakling like you become a Kamen Rider? “Isaka walked towards Asuna with heavy steps, and put pressure on Asuna with words.”
“Suddenly, a huge impact sounded, and the wall of this room fell down immediately, and it was Kamen Rider CHALICE who broke in!”
“”CHALICE? “Isaka’s face was full of surprise, Kamen Rider CHALICE appeared too fast this time, far faster than he imagined!”
“”You just die here for me! “As soon as Eugeo finished speaking, he took the CHALICE arrow and slashed at Isaka!”
“That knife, accompanied by a terrifying howling sound, carried unparalleled power! Even a superior undead creature like Yisaka couldn’t ignore it. Yisaka immediately abandoned Asuna and raised his hand above his head to block the attack. hit!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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