“The knife slashed on Isaka’s elbow, and there was a sound like steel colliding, and there were bursts of flames. Then, the strength in Eugeo’s hand increased again, and Isaka’s legs couldn’t stand stably for a moment, and he bent down immediately! ”
“The current situation is not good for me… Such a thought flashed in Isaka’s mind, a huge force exploded from his hand, bounced Eugeo away, and then threw a fireball at Eugeo.”
“Eugeo’s face remained unchanged, and the CHALICE arrow in his hand shot an invisible arrow, blasting that huge fireball.”
“The fireball exploded, sending out billowing thick smoke, enveloping the whole group of people.”
“A few seconds later, the smoke and dust finally dissipated, but Isaka’s figure had disappeared.”
“At this time, Kirito had already sealed the undead creature of the trilobite. He hurried over and hugged Asuna, “Asuna, are you alright? “”
“”I, no…” Before Asuna finished speaking, she tilted her head and passed out.”
“Eugeo looked at the two silently, turned around and left without saying anything.”
“Wait, Eugeo! Kirito shouted quickly, “Are you leaving again?” Yui misses you very much, at least… at least go and see Yui! “”
Chapter 446: She Feels She Is the Mistress
“Eugeo’s leaving pace froze suddenly, and after a few seconds of silence, he stepped forward again, “Have you forgotten what I said? I will not go back. “”
“Wait, Eugeo! “”
“But facing Kirito’s shout this time, Eugeo has no intention of stopping.”
“Kirito panicked, quickly put Asuna on the ground, and chased after her.”
“Asuna, are you sure Kiritani Kazuto likes you? Why do I think he has a deeper feeling for Eugeo?” Yuuki Akira said with a dark face, although he didn’t like Kiritani Kazuto very much. This guy, but it doesn’t mean that BIAO Kiritani Kazuto can ignore his daughter and start flirting with a man instead!
Doesn’t this make his daughter very unattractive? ! not even a mansuperior?
“This…” Asuna’s expression was not much better at this time, watching this video, she always felt that Kiritani Kazuto and Eugeo were a couple, and she was just a mistress.
So where did this Eugeo come from? Asuna puffed her mouth slightly, feeling very bad.
But even if she was in a bad mood, Asuna still defended Kazuto Kiritani and said, “Dad, Kirito only went after Eugeo because of Yui. After all, Yui is our daughter, we can’t let her sad.”
Akira Yuki shook his head and sighed, “Well, I’ll just take it for granted.”
“But it’s a pity that when Kirito chased him out, there was no sign of Eugeo.”
“Kirito sighed, then turned back and hugged Asuna.”
“He searched around the laboratory with Asuna in his arms, but found that neither the researchers nor the various research materials were gone. It seemed that they had already evacuated in an orderly manner.”
“Helpless Kirito, he had no choice but to carry Asuna back to the hut by the lake.”
“On the other side, Yisaka, who escaped, returned to another research institute. He said in shock, “This time, I only used my power for a minute or two, and that guy CHALICE appeared. Could it be that he is wandering around there?” It seems that he has roughly locked my position! “”
“”No, I must quickly create the strongest Kamen Rider, only in this way can I defeat CHALICE, and even win this extreme war! “”
“Thinking of the humiliating experience of running away in front of CHALICE, Isaka’s desire for the strongest Kamen Rider system has become stronger and stronger!”
“As for defeating CHALICE alone? He would like to, but unfortunately, CHALICE is extremely powerful even among high-level undead creatures, and he is by no means able to fight against it alone!”
“But having said that, CHALICE’s strength doesn’t feel as strong as it was 10,000 years ago, does it? Didn’t play well? “Isaka frowned and thought.”
“However, before he could think about it for a long time, Kayaba Akihiko rushed over and interrupted his thoughts, “Sorry, it took me a while to sort out the information, and I kept you waiting. “”
“”fine. “Isaka shook his head and asked, “What was the fusion coefficient of Kamen Rider Garren before, has it been detected? “”
“”Yes, detected. Kayaba Akihiko nodded and said, “The initial fusion coefficient was more than 500, and then it kept decreasing until the transformation was released.” “”
“”Sure enough, as I expected. “Isaka’s expression didn’t change, and he looked as expected, “After all, it’s just a system made by humans. The disadvantages are too great. Humans are too fragile, so it’s easy to develop fear, and that fear will become the fuse. Let him integrate poorly with type A undead creatures, which eventually leads to inability to exert his power. “”
“”Yes, indeed. “Kayaba Akihiko seems to be still under the control of Isaka, and he doesn’t care at all that his hard work is said to be like this.”
“Isaka didn’t talk too much about this topic, he said to Akihiko Kayaba, “Where are all those materials? let me see. “”
“”It’s all here. “Kayaba Akihiko said and handed over the materials.”
“Isaka looked through all the information at a glance, and finally brought up a smile, “Very well, all the relevant data have been collected, now we only need to wait to catch the undead creatures of type A, and then we can create the strongest The Kamen Rider system is up! “”
“Of course, if we want to catch Type A undead creatures, we need the help of that woman, Asuna. It’s not enough to rely on him alone!”
“In three days.”
“After dinner, Asuna refused Kirito’s request to go with her, and went for a walk outside alone. Recalling the powerlessness in the previous battle, a fear surged in her heart again.”
“”I’m really useless… I can neither protect Yui nor help Kirito. “”
“While walking by the lake, Asuna whispered softly, and suddenly a voice rang in her ear.”
“”As you said, compared to Heathcliff and Kirito, you are indeed a useless guy. “”
“”who is it? ! “Asuna suddenly looked up, and then her eyes widened. It was the man in the black windbreaker and sunglasses who said he could help her!”
“”It’s you? “”
“Yes, that’s me. “Isaka took out a stalk of grass and walked slowly towards Asuna, “How does it feel that the person you care about is in crisis but you can’t do anything about it?” “”
“”How did you know that? “Asuna’s face became even uglier, and her mind recalled the fear of facing the enemy back then, and even her body couldn’t stop shaking.”
“What I want to know, I can naturally know. “Isaka replied perfunctorily, and then passed the grass in his hand, “Do you want to try it?” This is what gives you power. “”
“”Power…” This time, Asuna didn’t refuse, a look of longing appeared on her face, and then she stretched out her hand towards the grass.”
“Isaka’s mouth curled into a smile, “That’s right! Rely on this thing, it will give you strength like never before. “”
“Unprecedented power. “Asuna murmured, holding the grass tightly. Although she longed for this thing in her heart, her only rationality still made her ask, “How can I trust you? ! “”
“”You can only trust me, can’t you? “Isaka chuckled, “But I also know that if you want people to believe it, you have to show evidence, so, follow mebring it on. “”
Chapter 447: Don’t Eat Anything From Strangers
“Asuna followed Isaka all the way to a wide open space, and in the center of that open space, there is an undead creature that looks like a zebra!”
“”It’s an undead creature! Asuna’s eyes widened, “Why are undead creatures waiting here?” ! “”
“”Don’t care why it’s here. “Isaka gestured to the grass in Asuna’s hand with his eyes, “Eat that grass, and then you can try to defeat this enemy!” “”
“”Can that kind of thing really be done? Asuna looked at the grass in her hand in amazement, “Is this really useful?” “”
“After hesitating for a moment, Asuna suddenly remembered the pain of being helpless when she saw Yui being hurt, and also remembered the powerlessness in the face of that undead creature. She gritted her teeth and opened her mouth to eat the grass. ”
“”Well! “Asuna let out a muffled snort, feeling a strange emotion welling up in her mind, which made her calm down suddenly.”
“”Is this the power of this grass? “Asuna felt the power in her body in surprise, “If you can win, then you will definitely win!” “”
“Yes, I can definitely win! Asuna raised her head and looked at the zebra undead creature with aggressive eyes, “Transform!” “”
“”TURNUP! “”
“Why hasn’t Asuna come back? Is there anything wrong? “Kirito walked up and down in the hut by the lake worriedly, “I knew I should go out with Asuna earlier. “”
“Suddenly, the undead detection instrument issued a rapid alarm sound, Kirito’s face changed, and he ran over to check the situation, “Is it Kamen Rider Garren’s reaction? That is, Asuna? ! “”
“”Sure enough, did you encounter an enemy? Kirito quickly grabbed the BLADE transforming device and ran outside, “Yui, stay at home and don’t go out!” “”
“Asuna, please be alright! Kirito ran towards Asuna while praying in his heart.”
“When Kirito finally arrived, Kamen Rider Garren was standing alone in the wilderness, with a zebra undead creature lying on the ground, and there was no one else around.”
“” Asuna? Kirito was taken aback for a moment, then ran over excitedly and said, “Congratulations, Asuna, you finally succeeded!” “”
“” Kirito? You came. After sealing the zebra undead creature, Asuna released the transformation, and said with joy, “In this way, I can finally help you. “”
“But, Asuna, how did you succeed? “Kirito asked curiously.”
“”This…” Asuna paused for a moment and didn’t speak.”
“Kirito is probably also immersed in the mood of being happy for Asuna, and he didn’t care too much, “Asuna, since the undead creatures have been sealed, let’s go back first? “”
“”Kirito, go back first, I want to relax again. “Asuna said with a smile.”
“”If that’s the case, then I’ll go back first. You should come back early, Asuna. “Kirito thought about the current Asuna, no longer need to worry about her being in danger, so he nodded, turned and went back.”
“After Kirito left, Asuna’s face darkened, “What is your purpose? “”
“Although eating this grass gave her the power to fight against undead creatures and even win, she didn’t believe that that guy would be so kind and come here to help her.”
“After all, it’s an undead creature, right?” Kiritani Kazuto’s expression was very gloomy, “The undead creature came to help Kamen Rider on purpose? No matter how you think about it, such a thing is impossible!”
“Well, that’s right! And that Isaka also said that he would use Asuna to capture Type A undead creatures!” Kiritani Suguha also had a worried expression on her face. Although she regarded Asuna as a rival in love, she also Will be worried for the other party, “But, how are you going to use it?”
“I don’t know…” Kirito shook his head.
On the other side, Yuuki Akizo looked at his daughter with hatred, “Asuna, you should have taught you when you were in elementary school, right? You can’t just eat things from strangers! Those things, Who knows if it’s poisonous or something? How can you just eat it?”
“This…” Yuuki Asuna murmured and did not speak, but in fact, she knew why she wanted to eat that plant of grass, the feeling of powerlessness, she was already too uncomfortable just watching here!
If she can have the power to protect Yui, if she can get the power to help Kirito, then she will definitely try!
But… at what cost? Although watching the video in which she was able to single-handedly defeat the undead creature, Yuuki Asuna seemed very happy. But no matter what, he ate something from undead creatures. At this time, Yuki Asuna was a little worried again.
“Huh.” Thinking about it, Yuuki Asuna sighed, it’s useless to think about it now, after all, this is a thing of the past after all.
“A few days later, Isaka came to the lake house again.”
“This time, he didn’t sneak up here, but came here openly.”
“”It’s you? What are you doing here? “When Asuna saw Isaka, she frowned, and she suddenly had an ominous premonition.”
“”Asuna, who is this? “Kirito came over and asked aloud.”
“”This is…” Asuna was a little stuck, and for a while, she didn’t know how to introduce this person.”
“But Yisaka smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I’m here this time, just want to be with youchat. “”
“While speaking, Isaka has already set his sights on Kirito. Obviously, he wants to chat with Kirito.”
“”Talk to me? Before chatting, at least give your name first, right? “Kirito said.”
“” That makes sense. “Isaka said irrefutably, “My name is Yisaka, so you may not have much impression of it. However, in this case, you will definitely have an impression. “”
“Speaking, Isaka transformed into a peacock-like undead creature.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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