“Asuna exclaimed, “Are you an undead creature? And it was the undead creature that fought me that day! “”
“And Kirito also recognized this guy immediately, “It’s you! “”
“The two roared at almost the same time. Kirito and Asuna looked at each other, and many things became clear in an instant!”
“Asuna said in disbelief, “Could it be that he was the undead creature that captured Kirito a while ago? “”
“”good! This is the guy! Not only took me away, but also used me as an experiment! “Kirito said through gritted teeth.”
Chapter 448 This must be the top illusion
“”It turned out to be him! “Asuna’s eyes froze, and then a wave of vigilance surged in her heart. This undead creature first captured Kirito, and then healed her. What is this guy’s plan?!”
“”Since you already know me, can we have a good talk? “Isaka spread his hands and said with a smile.”
“”I have nothing to talk to undead creatures like you! “Kirito shouted, and then put the BLADE transforming device on his waist, “Transform!” “”
“”TURNUP! “”
“After successfully transforming, Kirito pulled out the BLAY Awakening Device from his waist, and slashed it down with a single sword!”
“Phew, why are you always so disobedient? “Isaka easily avoided Kirito’s attack, sighed and said, “If you are willing to listen to me, you don’t have to fight with your companions anymore. “”
“”What did you say? ! “Kirito was startled, but he didn’t have time to respond to what this meant.”
“Suddenly there was a gunshot behind him. Just as he turned around, a bullet hit him in the chest!”
“” Asuna? ! What’s wrong with you? “Kirito fell heavily to the ground and said in disbelief.”
“Why would Asuna, who is his companion, shoot him? Was it because he missed it? Or… the words of Isaka flashed through Kirito’s mind, and a terrible possibility came to his mind.”
“When Asuna heard Kirito’s question, she didn’t speak, but silently raised the gun in her hand—the GARREN Awakening Device.”
“Isaka said, “Come on, Garren, knock down BLADE for me! Now you have such strength! “”
“Wait, Asuna, stop it! There should be no fighting between us! “Kirito yelled, dodged or defended, and never fought back.”
“He didn’t want to fight Asuna, but at this moment, Asuna didn’t show any intention of holding back, and kept pressing Kirito to fight.”
“After hearing the sound of fighting, Yui quickly ran out of the room. After seeing the scene clearly, her pupils dilated, “What happened? Why did father and mother Asuna fight? “”
“She hurried over and shouted, “Dad, Mom Asuna, stop beating me!” Don’t fight any more! “”
“Hey!” Shinomiya Kaguya shuddered all over.
“What’s wrong with you, Ms. Kaguya?” Ai Hayasaka asked quickly, “Are you catching a cold? I’ll go get you some clothes.”
“No, no need, Hayasaka.” Shinomiya Kaguya quickly stopped Hayasaka Ai, frowned and said, “I didn’t catch a cold, but when I heard Yui say this, I felt a little cold inexplicably, just like I It’s like standing in the pouring rain.”
When saying this, Shinomiya Kaguya had a strange expression, is this Yui so strong? Saying a word in the video can actually make her feel like she is there! This must be an illusion triggered by words!
And Ai Hayasaka blinked her eyes, “Does it feel like this?”
She tilted her head, recalled that sentence carefully, and then shivered suddenly… Sure enough, it felt like it was raining!
This must be the top illusion! Ai Hayasaka looked at Yui with a bit of shock in her eyes, this child is so terrifying!
“However, facing her daughter’s call, Asuna had no intention of stopping her attack, and knocked Kirito to the ground with a few hits.”
“Isaka on the side sneered and said, “That’s it, Asuna! A Kamen Rider who cannot be used by me has no value in existence! “”
“After speaking, he turned around and left. He believed that the current Asuna would never lose to Kirito, and he could even kill Kirito!”
“Asuna knocked Kirito to the ground with another punch, then slowly raised the garren awakening device in her hand, and at the same time drew out two cards that sealed undead creatures. Obviously, she is going to use a unique move!”
“”Stop it! Mother Asuna! This is dad! Yui suddenly hugged Asuna, crying with tears in her eyes, “Why do you want to fight Dad?” Don’t do this, stop it! “”
“”Yu… Yui…” Asuna stopped the movement of her hand, and said Yui with difficulty.”
“Suddenly, a sharp pain rushed to Asuna’s head, and she broke away.In Yui’s embrace, he hugged his head with both hands and wailed, “Uh!! Uhhh!!!””
“” Asuna! Are you OK? “Kirito saw that she was not in the right state, so he ran over quickly, but Asuna slapped her open.”
“Asuna, who was suffering from severe head pain, covered her head and disappeared into the night.”
“After a long time, Yui whimpered and asked, “Dad, what happened to Mama Asuna? Is she not coming back? “”
“”Will not. After Kirito lifted the transformation, he touched Yui’s head with a complicated expression, “It will definitely not!” No matter what happens to Asuna, I will definitely bring her back! “”
“Time passed day by day, and it has been a month and a half since Asuna disappeared. During these days, Kirito asked Yui to observe the undead detection device, while he went to attack Aincrad.”
“But unfortunately, after so many days, Kirito has never been able to find Asuna’s whereabouts, let alone bring her back.”
“What Kirito doesn’t know is that the reason Isaka controls Asuna is to seal Type A undead creatures.”
“And so far, he hasn’t been able to find the whereabouts of Type A undead creatures. Naturally, there is no need for Asuna to fight. As long as Asuna does not change into Kamen Rider Garren to fight, the undead creature detection device will We can’t find her whereabouts either.”
“However, these helpless days are over, because Isaka finally found the location of the type A undead creature!”
“Hehehe, it’s hidden very deep! “Isaka looked excitedly at the position displayed on the instrument, the seventeenth floor!”
“”Just yesterday, that guy Kirito had just finished conquering the sixteenth floor and opened the way to the seventeenth floor, no wonder it was only now that he found you. “”
“Although Yisaka doesn’t know how the planet he is familiar with has turned into a hundred-story appearance, it doesn’t matter, he doesn’t care about such trivial matters! All he cares about is winning the Ultimate War!”
“That guy, is that the prey you’ve been looking for for so long? “Asuna said suddenly.”
“”Hehehe, you’ve been here for so long, are you feeling restless and panicking? “Isaka grinned, “Don’t worry, this is a super large prey that will satisfy you!” “”
“” That’s the best. “Asuna nodded, stood up and headed towards the seventeenth floor.”
“Then Isaka smiled and followed behind. He knew that Asuna would not agree to join forces with him, so he could only hide behind and fire his black gun at the right time.”
Chapter 449 Of course it is as far as you go
“After Asuna came to the seventeenth floor, she rushed towards the location she searched earlier without hesitation, and soon she encountered a type A spider undead creature.”
“At this moment, the spider undead creature is spreading small spiders to find highly adaptable humans that can fuse with him. After Asuna appeared, he paused and his shoulders shook twice, as if he was sneering!”
“Maybe, he was excited about the food falling from the sky, thanking nature for the gift.JPG.”
“However, who is the hunter and who is the prey are two different things!”
“Under the suspicious eyes of the undead spider, Asuna put the garren transforming device on her waist, “Transform! “”
“The undead spider narrowed its eyes slightly. Although he didn’t know why, he knew that the easy-to-reach prey had become an opponent enough to fight with him!”
“”Now I will never lose to anyone again! “Asuna yelled angrily, pulled out the garren awakening device and shot at it.”
“However, facing her attack, the spider undead creature swayed left and right a few times, easily dodging the bullet.”
“Nani? ! “A look of horror flashed in Asuna’s eyes. Now she is not the same as before! She can defeat and seal ordinary undead creatures alone, but this undead creature dodged her attack so easily!”
“While Asuna was terrified, the spider undead creature had already come to her side. The spider legs on her head opened like a huge mouth of an abyss. They were so ferocious that they punched out!”
“The terrifying power brings up a fist, straight to Asuna’s chest!”
“What a fast speed! Seeing the fist that appeared in front of her eyes in an instant, Asuna’s pupils suddenly dilated, and before she had time to think about it, she immediately dodged sideways, but the attack of the spider undead creature still hit her shoulders!”
“”Well! “Asuna snorted, hugged the hit shoulder and backed away again and again, the blow just now, she only felt that her entire shoulder was smashed!”
“”I didn’t expect that even after perfectly displaying the power of Kamen Rider Garren, Asuna is still at a disadvantage when facing this type A. “Isaka, who was hiding behind a wall, frowned and sighed, “Fortunately, I followed. “”
“While talking, Isaka raised his hand, trying to find the right time to attack directly!”
“But when he was about to make a move, he was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately hid his body, poking out only one head, watching the outside secretly, it was Eugeo coming!”
“”Why is he here? Did you come here because you sensed the breath of undead creatures? A sneer sneered at the corner of Yisaka’s mouth, “It’s just right, let’s get rid of it together with you!” “”
“So, Isaka waited for the opportunity again.”
“”Are you Asuna? “Eugeo raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then transformed into Kamen Rider CHALICE, “Get out of the way, this guy is not something you can deal with!” “”
“Speaking, he took out the CHALICE arrow, and was about to step forward to fight the spider undead creature.”
“DaniasBut Na immediately knocked him away again, and shouted in a very violent tone, “Don’t do anything to him, this is my prey! With my strength, I can defeat him, and I don’t need your intervention!”
“Eugeo staggered when he was bumped, although his tone was still calm, he could vaguely hear the surprise in the words, “You are really Asuna, right? You are very strange now! “”
“”Leave me alone! “Asuna roared, then turned her head to look at the position of the undead spider, only to find that there was no undead spider there.”
“It’s a matter of course. Undead spiders are not mentally handicapped. If Asuna is the only enemy, he can still fight, but the enemy has already launched the “righteous gang fight”, how can he stand still and wait?” Are you going to be beaten?”
“Especially the newly-appeared reinforcements are well-known powerhouses among undead creatures—CHALICE! In this case, his choice is naturally to run as far as he can!”
“”Because of you…it is because of you that the enemy will run away! “Asuna glared at Eugeo, and slowly raised the garren awakening device in her hand.”
“”Are you going to fight me? Eugeo said coldly, “Sure enough, your current situation is not right at all!” “”
“While talking, Eugeo raised the CHALICE arrow in his hand cautiously, “I declare in advance, you who can’t even defeat that spider undead creature will definitely not be able to defeat me!” “”
“”Stop talking big! I’m already, I won’t lose to anyone! “Asuna’s mood seems to be very unstable at the moment, amidst her roar, countless bullets poured out like a storm!”
“If this kind of attack is used to deal with ordinary undead creatures, I am afraid that it will be able to maim the opponent in the blink of an eye!”
“But what Asuna is facing right now is CHALICE, one of the best undead creatures!”
“I saw Eugeo dancing the CHALICE arrow in his hand like a ball of dazzling light, and easily knocked all the bullets to the ground.”
“Eugeo stood up straight and was about to speak when suddenly he felt a whistling sound coming from behind him!”
“With no time to turn around to check the situation, he quickly dodged to the side. A huge fireball passed by him. Before he had time to rejoice, Asuna’s bullet had already hit his chest!”
“”Ugh! ! “Eugeo only felt a huge force coming from his chest, and he fell down in response.”
“”Hehehe, CHALICE, I didn’t expect you to have today, right? “Isaka sneered, “This is where you will be buried, so be prepared!” “”
“Eugeo stood up with difficulty, looked at Asuna and Isaka in surprise, “What’s going on? Why do you act with him? “”
“But to Eugeo’s surprise, Asuna, who seemed so irritable just now, doesn’t seem to want to speak at the moment.”
“Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Eugeo’s mind. He remembered that Isaka can control low-level undead creatures with his mind! Naturally, it is impossible for humans to escape his control!”
“Just as Eugeo figured this out, Isaka was already walking towards him with the long sword in his hand, and Asuna followed closely behind.”
“In the face of the joint attack of the two, Eugeo fought and retreated. After all, he was no match for four hands. In just a few minutes, he was already covered with injuries!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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