Chapter 450 Come back with me
“Isaka slashed at Eugeo’s back again, with a smile all over his face, “CHALICE, now that things have happened, do you regret not forming an alliance with me, but becoming an enemy instead? However, no matter how much you regret it, the result will not change! You will be sealed here! “”
“”Ha…ha…ha…” Eugeo was paralyzed on the ground, gasping for breath, unable to say anything.”
“Although he is powerful, he was attacked by Isaka at the beginning and was seriously injured. Then he faced both Asuna and Isaka at the same time. It is already considered amazing that he can last so long.”
“And Asuna standing behind Isaka has already taken out three cards with sealed undead creatures, “I am the strongest! “”
“As the three undead creatures, the whale, the firefly, and the zebra, were swiped, three cards flew into her body, and the power from the undead creatures continued to emerge from her body.”
“” Flame Clone Kick! “”
“Asuna soared into the air, her legs rose into flames, and then her body turned into two people, and kicked Eugeo at the same time!”
“”Ahhh! ! ! “Eugeo flew upside down and let out a scream.”
“”ended. “Isaka snorted coldly, and said to Asuna, “Let’s seal him up.” “”
“I heard that Asuna took out a sealed card and was about to throw it out.”
“At this moment, a figure suddenly passed by the two of them. The speed was so fast that even the two of them could only see a little bit of brilliance, and they didn’t even see clearly whether the person was male or female.”
“But Isaka still guessed the identity of the person who came, “Is that Kirito guy? The speed is so fast, it seems that he borrowed the power of the jaguar undead creature, and it is unknown when he sealed the undead creature. “”
“Speaking of which, Isaka’s face is very gloomy.When the thing was about to escape, he didn’t stop it, just to get rid of CHALICE completely, but he didn’t expect that he had reached the final step of preparing for the seal, that guy CHALICE would be rescued by Kirito! ”
“”Do you want to catch up? “Asuna asked aloud.”
“”no need. “Isaka shook his head, “The speed of the jaguar undead is extremely fast, and Kirito who borrowed that power is not something we can catch up with.” Let’s find a chance to deal with them next time! “”
“Compared to the fast Kirito, Type A undead creatures are easier to find… let’s go, Asuna. “”
“”it is good. “Asuna nodded and followed.”
“I obviously want to get this power to protect Yui and help Kirito, but in the end, I have to fight Kirito because of this power… Hey…” Yuki Asuna sighed, His expression was very gloomy.
More importantly, she also injured Eugeo, although she had no idea who Eugeo was, but from the video, it seems that Yui likes Eugeo very much!
If Yui knows that she hurt Eugeo, she will be very sad, right?
“Kirito, who rescued Eugeo, stopped after running for a long distance. He looked behind him, but he didn’t feel that Isaka and Asuna were chasing him, which made him relax. One breath.”
“He brought Eugeo to a cabin he saw on the road, and after placing Eugeo on the bed, he went to get some ingredients and started cooking porridge.”
“”Asuna…why did you become like that? Kirito murmured with a complicated expression, and then sat on the ground casually, leaning against the pillar in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.”
“” Kirito? “”
“I don’t know how long it took. Kirito, who was about to fall asleep, suddenly heard someone calling his name. He looked up quickly, with a relaxed smile on his face, “Eugeo, you’re awake.” , I see that you were beaten quite badly. “”
“Eugeo looked at the bandage wrapped around the wound on his body, and asked in confusion, “Why did you save me? “”
“”Do you need a reason to save people? Someone fell in front of my eyes, how could I refuse to save him? “Kirito took a long breath, “What’s more, to Yui, you are an extremely important person. No matter how you look at it, it is impossible for me to die, right? “”
“”…” Eugeo was silent for a moment, then said indifferently, “I didn’t ask you to save me. “”
“”I kindly rescued you back, why do you have this attitude? “Kirito shook his head helplessly, and then took a bowl of porridge out of the pot, “Come and eat, don’t look at me like this, in fact, my cooking skills are not bad… After all, after Asuna left, it was me Cook for Yui. “”
“Eugeo took the bowl of porridge with a straight face, took a sip, then frowned, “Is this not bad? Yui wouldn’t eat this kind of thing every day, would he? “”
“”What is this kind of thing called? My cooking can’t be that bad. “Tong was so angry that he also filled a bowl for himself, and then took a sip.”
“”Ah, bah, bah, bah…what’s all this! “”
“Just after eating a little bit, Kirito vomited it out. He quickly checked the detailed information of the bowl of porridge. The sticky pot produces a sticky smell, which is barely delicious for those who haven’t eaten for a few days. “”
“”Ahem… I accidentally fell asleep just now, and I was a little confused. Kirito smiled awkwardly, “I’ll cook another pot for you.” “”
“No, I’m leaving soon. “Eugeo shook his head, got up and wanted to leave.”
“But the injury on his body was more serious than he imagined. He just sat up from the bed, and there was a sharp pain all over his body. He gritted his teeth and grunted, and fell down again.”
“”Don’t force yourself when you’re hurt like this, right? “Tirto advised.”
“Then I’ll lie here, you hurry back. “Eugeo didn’t force himself anymore, but urged Kirito, “It’s almost noon soon, Yui is waiting for you to go back and cook… Also, do a better job. “”
“… Let me tell you, do you want to go back with me after you recover from your injury? Yui really miss you. “Kirito said after a moment of silence.”
“”Didn’t I say that? I won’t bring Yui any more danger. “”
“”But…” Kirito had a little sadness on his face, “Asuna left for some reason, and I was going to fight, often leaving Yui alone at home, although she didn’t say it, but I knew She was very lonely in her heart. “”
“Kirito said pleadingly, “So, I beg you, come back with me, okay?” “”
Chapter 451 It seems that this is the case
“…” Kiritani Suguha hesitated to speak, stopped and hesitated to speak, and finally said with a complicated expression, “Brother, do you find anything strange?”
“Strange? Is there anything strange about it?” Kiritani Kazuto blinked blankly, “I don’t think there’s anything strange about it, isn’t it just that you just want Eugeo to go back with me?”
“But…” The expression on Kiritani Suguha’s face became even more strange, “Brother, don’t you think that what you said just now is like a man who divorced his wife and used his daughter to play the emotional card, praying A man whose wife comes home?”
“???” Kiritani Kazuto looked confused, rolled his eyes on the spot, and said with some complaints, “Suguha, don’t watch strange things every day, you see what’s going on in your mind.”
But even though he said so, Kiritani Kazuto’s expression gradually became weird. He recalled what he said in the video just now, and found that it really seemed to be the case! Just TM outrageous!
“”…” Eugeo was silent for a while, did not answer, but turned to ask another question, “Why is Asuna being controlled by that guy? “”
“”Although that undead creature can control lower-level undead creatures and humans with thoughts, since Asuna can transform into Kamen Rider Garren, it is theoretically impossible for Asuna to be controlled by that guy! After all, Kamen Rider Garren is using the power of type A undead creatures. “”
“”I’m not too sure either. “Kirito shook his head, “It was difficult for Asuna to unleash the power of Kamen Rider Garren. According to her, as soon as she transforms, all kinds of horrible fantasies will appear in her mind, making her immersed in fear. unable to extricate themselves. “”
“”But, on that day, Asuna said she was going out to relax. After that, the machine suddenly found the energy response of Kamen Rider Garren fighting the undead creature. When I passed by, Asuna had already sealed the undead creature. Not long after that, Asuna obeyed that guy’s order and started fighting with me. “”
“Kirito’s face is extremely ugly,” I thought, that guy named Isaka must have done something. “”
“Eugeo frowned slightly, “I probably know the reason. “”
“”You knew already? Because of what? “Kirito asked hurriedly, it was about Asuna’s comfort, so he couldn’t help being anxious.”
“”It’s a kind of grass. “Eugeo didn’t make a fool of himself, and said directly, “That kind of grass can gradually destroy the brain nerves of creatures, and eventually make the creatures completely lose their minds!” If Asuna overcame the fear in her heart by eating that thing, then she would gradually lose her mind, and naturally she would not be able to rely on the power of the undead creature to resist that guy’s manipulation! “”
“Destroy the brain nerves, completely lose your mind? Is this turning into a zombie or a vegetable?” Le Le’s face was a little pale, and this kind of grass immediately reminded him of gambling.
“Wait a minute! Something is wrong!” A thought suddenly flashed in his mind, and Yi Le was stunned for a moment, “Aren’t they in the virtual world? Will eating grass in the virtual world affect the brain nerves of humans in reality? ?”
“Will eating grass in the virtual world affect the human brain in reality?”
“Kirito thought of this right away, but he opened his mouth, but he didn’t ask. The fact that this world is a virtual world must be kept secret from undead creatures!”
“But at the same time, he also has some doubts about this world in his heart. Is this really just a virtual world? Now that I think about it, if undead creatures can be accommodated in it, this world may not be as simple as a pure virtual world!”
“In addition, Director Kayaba said that this virtual world also uses the power of the mysterious sealing stone, so it can accommodate undead creatures… There are probably many secrets in this world that he doesn’t know.”
“After such thoughts flashed through his mind, Kirito shook his head violently. For him now, the most important thing is not the secrets of this world, but how to save Asuna!”
“”Eugeo, do you know how to save Asuna? If she is allowed to go on like this, I’m afraid she will become a monster who has completely lost her mind just like what you said! “”
“I can’t help her with this kind of thing. Eugeo shook his head solemnly, “This kind of grass is not as scary as you imagined. Although it can damage the brain nerves of creatures, it takes effect very slowly!” Moreover, as long as you stop eating this grass, your body will slowly recover. “”
“” But the question is, how can we make her stop eating this kind of grass? Yisaka, who has controlled her body now, will never let her give up eating that kind of grass! Unless…” Eugeo paused, “Unless, Isaka doesn’t need her anymore! “”
“”…” Kirito was silent, he naturally knew what this sentence meant, since it is not needed, then, the only option is to die.”
“After a long silence, Kirito suddenly got up, “I’m going to bring Asuna back! As long as I leave that guy Isaka, Isaka’s control over Asuna will be much weaker, so Asuna can be prevented from taking that kind of thing! “”
“As soon as the words fell, Kirito got up and left here immediately, regardless of whether he could defeat Asuna and Isaka at the same time.”
“On the other side, Asuna and Isaka have caught up with the type A undead creature that ran away before.”
“Looking at the spider-like undead creature, Asuna said coldly, “Type A, this time, you are dead! Isaka, you are not allowed to interfere! Transform! “”
“Asuna, who transformed into Kamen Rider Garren, roared and shot at the spider undead creature.”
“And Yisaka on the side did not intervene as she said, but watched the battle with great interest, “Obviously he lost to the spider undead just now, but now he is suppressing the opponent. Is it because of higher awareness? Or is it that the medicine is more effective, causing Asuna to further lose her sanity, so that she is not afraid of pain in battle? “”
“Isaka thought about it but couldn’t figure it out, but he didn’t care. It would be a good thing for him if Asuna alone can seal the type A undead creature. At least, he doesn’t have to do it himself, so it’s a saving. A lot of strength.”
“While Isaka was thinking about this, Asuna had already taken out the seal cards of the three undead creatures: whale, firefly, and zebra, and swiped them one by one.”
“” Flame Clone Kick! “”
“Following Asuna’s ultimate attack, the spider undead creature fell down.”Chapter 452 I won’t listen to you anymore
“Are Type A undead creatures so weak? Yisaka frowned immediately, but then, he was overwhelmed by the great joy. He finally got Type A undead creatures! As long as he has this, finally A strong Kamen Rider system can be created!”
“Well done, Asuna, seal him up now! “Isaka said proudly, he has controlled Asuna, and if he creates the strongest Kamen Rider system, this extreme war will definitely be his victory!”
“But neither Isaka nor Asuna noticed the smile on the corner of the spider’s undead creature’s mouth.”
“Asuna heard that, immediately took out a sealing card, and sealed the spider undead creature in it.”
“Very well, give me that card. “Isaka held out his hand to Asuna.”
“And Asuna, who was controlled by Isaka, handed over the card without any hesitation, just when Isaka was about to catch that card…”
“Don’t give it to him! Asuna! “”
“Kirito’s voice suddenly sounded, and his figure appeared between Asuna and Isaka like a divine soldier, knocking off Isaka’s hand that was about to grab that card!”
“”It’s you again. “Isaka’s tone was full of helplessness, “Asuna didn’t kill you last time, and I forgot about you for the time being, but why do you always fly around in front of my eyes like an annoying mosquito! Asuna, get rid of him! “”
“Bang bang bang…”
“Asuna immediately fired a series of bullets. Kirito, who had been on guard for a long time, pulled out a series of sword lights, and chopped the bullets to the ground.”
“Asuna, wake up, it’s me! Kirito! “Kirito resisted the attack from Asuna, while trying to arouse Asuna’s rationality with words, “Could it be that you really don’t remember any of those memories from before?” “”
“In the lake house, I’ll go hunting, you’ll cook for me and Yui, sometimes the three of us will go for a walk by the lake, sometimes we’ll go fishing, and sometimes we’ll play in the woods…these things , Don’t you remember all of this? ! “”
Isn’t this exactly newlywed life? ! The veins on Nobuyuki Sugo’s forehead were bulging a lot. He, who had already proclaimed himself Asuna’s husband, felt betrayed. It seemed that several sheep had started to build a sheep village on his head!
“Kitaya Kazuto, I will never let you go!” Nobuyuki Sugo said viciously, “I will tie you up and marry Asuna in front of your face!”
As if thinking of Kiritani Kazuto’s expression of despair and helplessness at that time, Nobuyuki Sugo showed a triumphant and evil smile on his face.
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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