“”Woo! “Following Kirito’s call, Asuna felt an indescribable pain welling up in the depths of her head. She covered her head with one hand, and kept shooting with the other hand.”
“However, her offensive has obviously slowed down a lot, and even her voice is full of hesitation and pain, “Shut up…shut up! “”
“” Asuna! Seeing that these words were effective, Kirito was pleasantly surprised, and he hurriedly continued, “Come back with me, Yui is still waiting for us at home!” “”
“Isaka frowned slightly, he could feel that Asuna seemed to be resisting his control.”
“” Tsk! “He spat, raised his right hand, and a fireball flew out, hitting Kirito’s back!”
“”Ugh! “Kirito didn’t have a trace of defense, and was immediately blown out. The sound just sounds painful.”
“But even so, after he stood up with difficulty, he didn’t look at Isaka, but still called Asuna affectionately, “Asuna…don’t go on like this, come with me, go back! “”
“Tong… people? “Asuna finally stopped attacking, and tremblingly called Kirito’s name.”
“Isaka felt something was wrong, and quickly stretched out his hand to Asuna, “Asuna, give me that card! “”
“”…” Asuna turned around slowly, under Isaka’s surprised gaze, she shook her head lightly, and said firmly, “No! I don’t have to listen to you! I will not give you this card! “”
“”What did you say? “The muscles on Yisaka’s face twitched slightly. Obviously, he was extremely angry about this kind of thing!”
“Isaka didn’t say anything, just raised his hand and a fireball hit Asuna!”
“The huge fireball drew a flame in the air and flew over at an extremely fast speed. Asuna turned slightly sideways and easily avoided the fireball, “Don’t underestimate me, I am no longer the same as before. me! “”
“”yes? The corner of Yiban’s mouth curled up into a sneer, “But you seem to have forgotten that you can have this strength because of that kind of grass.” By the way, the effect of that grass is about to wear off, can you defeat me before the effect wears off? “”
“”what? ! A trace of panic flashed in Asuna’s tone. Before she could feel her physical condition, Isaka had changed from a human form to a peacock undead creature, and he slashed at her with the sword in his hand!”
“call out!”
“The long sword sliced ​​through the air and made a sharp sound. The edge of the sword was getting faster and closer to her… At this moment, Asuna suddenly felt her body become sluggish!”
“It’s the grassIs the effect over? A wave of panic surged in Asuna’s mind, and along with this fear, the power that had been pouring out of her body seemed to disappear without a trace in an instant! ”
“It’s over, the effect of the grass is over, I don’t have that power anymore… As this thought flashed in my mind, Asuna, who was not under any attack, was lifted as if she had been fatally attacked.” Body! Afterwards, she gave up resisting and just stood there, motionless.”
“Get out of the way, Asuna! “Kirito let out a roar, accelerated his feet, and knocked Asuna away, but he himself was hit in the chest by that blow!”
“Under that violent blow, Kirito flew upside down, hit the wall beside him, and then landed heavily on the ground, making a dull sound.”
“”…” Asuna lowered her head blankly, her eyes had lost a gleam of brilliance, as if thinking of her imminent death, her body trembled uncontrollably.”
“”Asuna, run away. “Kirito shook his head, supported the wall, and stood up with difficulty. Even though he was attacked twice in a row, his tone was still extremely firm!”
“”This guy, let me deal with it! “”
Chapter 453 Next is you, Asuna
“”Kirito…why…why did you do this? “Asuna slowly raised her head and looked at Kirito who couldn’t even stand still, with tears streaming from her eyes, “You’ve already been hurt like this, what else can I leave to you!” Can’t you run away by yourself? ! Leave me alone, run away quickly! “”
“”Hehehe. Kirito laughed softly, “Asuna, you can know it just by thinking about it, right?” How could I leave you alone! “”
“As soon as the words fell, Kirito pulled out the BLAY awakening device and rushed towards Isaka without hesitation.”
“”Ah ah! ! “”
“With a roar, Kirito’s sword swung down vigorously.”
“Isaka raised his right hand holding the long sword and blocked Kirito’s attack, “Stupid guy, if you didn’t block that sword for this woman just now, you might still be able to fight me now! “”
“How can an undead creature like you understand our human emotions! “Kirito sneered, and the strength in his hand increased a bit.”
“But… no matter how much he increases his strength, he can’t shake Isaka’s hand!”
“”I really don’t understand… because, I am not a weak creature like you humans! “Isaka suddenly exerted force with his right hand, opened Kirito’s sword, and then kicked Kirito’s chest!”
“Kirito’s body froze for a moment, then a circle of white smoke rose around Isaka’s feet, and Kirito shot out like a cannonball!”
“Just hearing a bang, Kirito’s body hit the wall again! And this time, he smashed the wall down!”
“” Kirito has been dealt with by me. “Isaka stretched out his index finger and pointed at Asuna, “Next is you, Asuna!” “”
“No, not yet! “”
“A voice that sounded extremely weak but full of determination echoed in this small space again, and Isaka looked over in shock, “You can still stand up? ! This is impossible! That blow just now should be enough to knock you unconscious! “”
“”That’s why I said, you don’t understand human beings! Kirito walked towards Isaka step by step with heavy steps, “Human beings are indeed extremely fragile existences. As long as you find the right location, even a small wound may kill a human being.” “”
“”but! Even such a fragile human being, when he wants to protect others, will burst out with an incomparably bright will, and will become incomparably strong! “”
“As the words fell, Kirito ignored the pain coming from his body, burst out at an astonishing speed, and hugged Isaka’s entire body!”
“”Asuna, let’s go! Get out of here now! “”
“”Damn it! “No matter how angry I was, Isaka, who had always been calm on the surface, now had unspeakable anger in his tone, and the furious Isaka kept beating Kirito’s back with his elbow!”
“Boom! Boom! Boom!”
“To deal with the enemy, Isaka will naturally not hold back his hands. He used all his strength for each blow, and hit Kirito’s back, making dull noises one after another!”
“Every time that sound is heard, Kirito’s body trembles involuntarily, but he grabs Isaka’s hands even harder!”
“”Kirito…why…why did you do this? “Asuna stared at Kirito blankly, a trace of confusion and shock flashed in her eyes. Looking at Kirito like this, she didn’t even feel it. The fear that had lingered in her heart gradually dissipated.”
“She stood up slowly, buckled the Garren belt buckle around her waist, and whispered two words, “Transform! “”
“”TURNUP! “”
“”you? “Isaka stopped attacking Kirito, and looked at Asuna who had transformed into Kamen Rider Garren again in surprise. After being surprised, he sneered and said, “Without the power of that grass, even transformation Success, what can you do? “”
“” Let Kirito go. There was no trace of confusion or fear in Asuna’s voice, “Your opponent is me!” “”
“”Asuna…” Kirito murmured Asuna’s name, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he had already exhausted all his strength, seeing Asuna cheered up again at this moment, his mind relaxed, his whole body Like a lump of mud, it collapsed directly on the ground.”
“Isaka kicked Kirito away and said coldly, “ILet you know that without that grass, you are nothing! “”
“”Drink! “Isaka jumped into the air, aimed at Asuna’s head, and chopped it off with a sword.”
“Facing such an attack, Asuna neither fought back nor dodged, and stood still as if petrified.”
“Sure enough, she is still a useless little girl! Yisaka sneered in his heart, human beings are human beings, no matter how much they borrow the power of undead creatures, they are just weak waste!”
“This blow penetrates the brain!”
“There was a grin on the corner of Isaka’s mouth, but just as the long sword in his hand was about to hit the top of Asuna’s head, Asuna finally moved!”
“I saw her dodge, and at that moment, she narrowly dodged Isaka’s attack!”
“Nani? ! “Isaka exclaimed, could it be that the reason why I didn’t dodge just now was to make me relax my vigilance?”
“Isaka, who just had this thought in his mind, heard gunshots coming from his ears.”
“Bang bang bang bang…”
“Bullets poured out of him like a storm, and then Asuna quickly took out two cards with frogs and fireflies sealed on them, and quickly swiped them down.”
“” UPPER! FIRE! “”
“The addition of fire attribute power brought by the undead creature of the firefly made Asuna’s right fist instantly rise into raging flames, coupled with the strengthening of the wrist brought by the undead creature of the frog. Asuna blasted out with one punch, hitting Isaka’s chest chest, knock him out!”
“”Whoa! ! ! “Isaka was stained by the flames, and his whole body burned. The pain of being hit by a huge force on his chest, coupled with the pain of the flames burning, made him, an unsmiling undead creature, howl!”
“The seal lock on his waist is automatically opened, and Yisaka knows that in this extreme war, he has come to an end.”
“He who understands this, even the wounds on his body don’t seem to be able to bring him pain.”
“Hehe…” He smiled wryly, and said in a rare compliment, “The move just now was really dangerous, if you were slower to react, you would be the one who died. It’s really unimaginable that a guy like you, who was originally extremely weak, would actually use this kind of trick. Maybe, this is human beings… I really don’t understand human beings. “”
“Yes, this is human. “Asuna said softly, and then threw out the sealing card.”
Chapter 454 My house is quite big
“”call. “Asuna, who successfully sealed Isaka, let out a long sigh of relief, and quickly gave Kirito a healing medicine, then helped Kirito up, teleported back to the first floor, and walked towards the lakeside hut.”
“Yui, mom and dad are back. “Asuna yelled loudly when she was still outside the house, and when she thought of seeing Yui again after so many days, she was extremely excited.”
“But after waiting for a while, Asuna didn’t wait until she went out to greet her Yui with cheers.”
“What about Yui? “Asuna frowned, helped Kirito into the room, let him lie down, and looked around for Yui’s figure.”
“” Yui, Yui? Can you hear me? If you hear it, answer me. “”
“Ten minutes later, Asuna has already walked all over the surrounding area, but there is no trace of Yui at all.”
“”Where did Yui go? She usually doesn’t leave here too far. “There was concern in Asuna’s tone that couldn’t be hidden.”
“Eugeo, who was resting on the bed, suddenly heard someone calling his name. He suddenly woke up from the bed, staring fixedly at the left. The voice came from this direction…”
“The looming voice still rang in his ears. Eugeo closed his eyes and concentrated on sensing the voice from that direction.”
“Gradually, a vague image emerged in his mind, it was an undead creature, and… Yui!”
“” Yui was taken away? ! “Eugeo’s eyes widened suddenly, and regardless of the injuries on his body, he jumped up from the bed and ran in that direction.”
“The extremely long journey ended in only two or three minutes under the constant acceleration of Eugeo.”
“Probably spent too much energy on the road. When he arrived at the destination, Eugeo’s chest was still heaving. He looked at Yui who was lying on the side intact, and he was obviously relieved.”
“Then, he looked coldly at the undead creature that looked like a dragonfly, “As you wish, I’m here! “”
“”Hum hum. “The dragonfly undead creature smiled proudly, “%#¥#¥#@#¥%! @#(How stupid, for a human being, he came here with injuries, and he ran fast without stopping on the road, which consumed a lot of his physical strength for no reason. CHALICE, it seems that the outcome of this battle has been decided! )””
“”I declare in advance that I will never hold back anyone who dares to attack her! “Eugeo took out a card, swiped it on the CHALICE Awakener at his waist, and “transformed””
“”CHANGE! “”
“The dragonfly undead creature probably felt that it had a chance to win, so it seemed quite generous to allow Eugeo to transform without obstructing it.”
“” “After Eugeo successfully transformed, the dragonfly undead screamed strangely, opened his arms, and a large number of dragonflies flew out from behind him, flocking towards Eugeo overwhelmingly.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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