“But Eugeo didn’t dodge or dodge. He carried the attack of a bunch of dragonflies and rushed to the side of the dragonfly undead creature. Then, the CHALICE arrow in his hand slammed down!”
“That knife was like slashing on steel, splashing out streaks of flames, the body of the dragonfly undead creature froze in place, and then fell heavily to the ground with a bang.”
“This seemingly powerful undead creature didn’t even resist a single blow, and it rushed to the street in an instant.”
“”It’s you who are so stupid that you can’t even see the power gap between us. “Eugeo pulled out a sealing card and sealed the dragonfly undead creature, and said indifferently.”
“After canceling the transformation, Eugeo put Yui on his back and walked towards the familiar position.”
“” Eugeo? “After waking up, Kirito started looking for Yui’s whereabouts, and looked at Eugeo walking towards him in surprise.”
“Soon, with sharp eyes, he saw Yui behind Eugeo, and a joyful expression appeared on his face, “Yui! Was Yui at your place before? “”
“Eugeo shook his head and put Yui down, “An undead creature caught her and wanted to use it to threaten me. “”
“”what? ! Kirito was startled, and quickly looked at Yui, only to find that there was no injury on Yui, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, “As long as Yui is fine. “”
“Eugeo glanced at Yui with nostalgia, but turned around and left after all, “Take good care of Yui, I’m leaving. “”
“”and many more! “Kirito called him quickly, “You have been away for so long, but Yui was still attacked. Don’t you understand? As long as there is a slight possibility of defeating you, those undead creatures will attack Yui, it has nothing to do with whether you leave or not! “”
“”If that’s the case… why don’t you just stay? “”
“Hearing Kirito’s words, Eugeo stopped walking and turned to look at Kirito.”
“Kirito smiled, “It’s up to you to protect her personally, okay? Or, you don’t have the confidence? “”
“Eugeo stood still and didn’t speak. After a long time, he finally nodded.”
“The delighted Kirito quickly sent Asuna a message, then picked up Yui, and brought Eugeo back to the lakeside hut.”
“”Eugeo, your house has not been renovated, so why don’t you stay with us tonight? Kirito said with a smile, “My house is quite big.” Apart from the rooms of me, Asuna, and Yui, there are two or three other rooms, you can choose one at will. “”
“”……thanks. “Eugeo said stiffly, a little uncomfortable with Kirito’s enthusiastic attitude.”
“But in a few minutes or so, the two returned to the hut by the lake slowly. Asuna seemed to have been waiting for a long time, and hurried over, “Kirito! Is Yui okay? “”
“”She’s fine. Kirito shook his head, “But she seems to be asleep, keep your voice down, don’t wake her up.” “”
“”Um. Asuna nodded, then said to Eugeo apologetically, “I’m sorry for what happened before. “”
“”fine. “Eugeo shook his head indifferently, he didn’t care about that kind of thing at all.”
“After a few people returned to the hut by the lake, Kirito was about to take Eugeo to choose a room, but suddenly there was a knock on the door.”
“”Someone knocking on the door? who’s that? “Old Gao, Kirito frowned, no players should know about this place, why would someone knock on the door?”
“As for saying that the person knocking on the door was a monster or an undead creature, that’s nonsense. Those two types of guys must have broken into the door directly, or hid in an ambush outside! They will definitely not play the trick of knocking on the door!”
Chapter 455 I’ll leave this to you guys
“Kirito didn’t expect who it would be, but he still walked to the door, opened the door, and a familiar figure appeared in front of him.”
“Kirito’s eyes widened and he exclaimed, “Master Kayaba? ! “”
“Kirito, I finally found you. Kayaba Akihiko said happily, “I was captured by that guy named Isaka, and was forcibly controlled by him to make a Kamen Rider system for him. Until today, I don’t know why he didn’t come back, and I escaped. “”
“Kirito didn’t answer, and looked at him with a very solemn expression,” Kayaba Director, Senior Heathcliff said, this Kamen Rider system will make our bodies become pineapple pineapple, and even die! is this real? “”
“That’s what Heathcliff said. Kayaba Akihiko frowned, raised his head and saw Kirito and Asuna glaring at him, he said softly, “How about letting me in?” I will give you a satisfactory answer. “”
“Hearing what he said, Kirito turned sideways and let Kayaba Akihiko enter the lakeside hut.”
“Kirito, although Heathcliff took me away, I don’t hate him. Kayaba Akihiko found a place to sit down and said, “Because, this knight system is indeed flawed. “”
“Kirito’s face changed, and he wanted to speak immediately, but Kayaba Akihiko said first, “However, this knight system will never cause harm to the human body! It will not be fatal! “”
“You said it wouldn’t do any harm? Kirito said with an angry expression, “But I did see that Senior Heathcliff’s body has become very bad, so bad that even that kind of very weak undead creature can’t beat it!” “”
“So, Kirito, have you used the knight system for so long, do you feel unwell? “Kayaba Akihiko didn’t answer Kirito’s question, but asked instead.”
“Kirito’s expression froze, and his angry expression immediately turned into doubt. Kayaba Akihiko asked, and he remembered, He has also used the knight system for so long, but he has no reaction to becoming a pineapple at all. ”
“Afterwards, Kayaba Akihiko continued, “The reason why I say that this knight system has sequelae is because people who use this knight system, once the thought of fear arises in their hearts, they will be entangled in fear and unable to play their original role. strength, and even have the illusion that he has been hit hard. “”
“”That’s why Senior Heathcliff feels that his body has become a pineapple, right? “Kirito said, frowning.”
“”And I. “Asuna weakly raised her hand, “I was always in fear before, that’s why I couldn’t show my strength. “”
“”That’s right, this is the biggest drawback of the Kamen Rider system I created. However, please rest assured that this system will never harm your body! Kayaba Akihiko reassured everyone, “Also, look at Heathcliff, after he gave up and continued to be Kamen Rider Garren, isn’t his body completely recovered?” “.”
“”Ok, I trust you. “After Kirito was silent for a while, he finally decided to trust Kayaba Akihiko.”
“”So, what about Isaka controlling you to create a new Kamen Rider system as you said earlier? “Kirito continued to ask, “I only know that guy arrested me for experiments, and controlled Asuna to seal Type A undead creatures. “”
“”All he did was to create the strongest Kamen Rider system! Kayaba Akihiko took out a knight belt from his backpack, “This is the new Kamen Rider system I made under his control. As long as the card of type A undead creature is placed in it, the system is completely completed. “”
“Kirito and Asuna looked at each other, and didn’t know what to do for a while. After pondering for a long time, Kirito asked, “Master Kayaba, do we need to complete this knight system?” If he knew that the knight system would not harm the body, Heathcliff must also hope to be able to re-transform into a Kamen Rider, right? “”
“”Yes, I can use this new system. The original Garren can be returned to Senior Heathcliff. “Asuna said.”
“But Akihiko Kayaba shook his head, “No, I came to you not to complete this system completely, but to hope that you can keep this system well! “”
“Kayaba Akihiko stood up from his seat, his eyes were very solemn, “I don’t know why, but I can feel that the successful development of this Kamen Rider system is not only because of Isaka…but because of more evil forces. Will affects! “”
“Holding the new belt, his wrists were trembling, “I can feel that there is a terrifying and dark power in this belt!” So, in my opinion, this belt should never be completely done! “”
“Speaking, he handed the new belt to Kirito, “Kirito, this belt, please! “”
“A more evil will?” Kirito heheed twice, “Isn’t it just him?”
For Akihiko Kayaba, although Kirito can’t say that he hates him, he definitely can’t say he has a good opinion of him either!
But at the same time, he was also thinking about why Kayaba Akihiko gave them this belt.
Also, obviously Heathcliff had told him before that using this belt would lead to death, why did he have to tell him the truth now? Could it be because both he and Asuna have overcome the fear of death?
To be honest, he doesn’t know very well, but he knows that Kayaba Akihiko must have a ghost!
“Kirito took the belt and asked, “Master Kayaba, what are you going to do next?” “”
“”Actually, when making this Kamen Rider system, I had a new idea. That is to make an awakening fuser, which fuses the power of two undead creatures together to produce new changes! I call this form the squire form. “”
“Kayaba Akihiko said softly, “So, next, I plan to find a place, study it carefully, and try to research the awakening fusion device as soon as possible, so that you can defeat undead creatures more easily. “”
“”Really? That would be great! “Kirito and Asuna were very excited when they heard this.”
“But neither of them noticed that the smile on Kayaba Akihiko’s mouth seemed a little weird.”
“On the other hand, Eugeo frowned slightly, but when he looked carefully, he found that there was nothing wrong with Kayaba Akihiko’s expression.”
“Am I dazzled? Eugeo thought to himself.”
Chapter 456 Impossible, Absolutely Impossible
“After Akihiko Kayaba left, Kirito put away the new Kamen Rider belt, and the others went to rest.”
“”what! “In the middle of the night, Kirito suddenly woke up from his sleep, and the cold sweat on his forehead kept flowing down, “Ha… ha… I don’t know why, but I feel palpitations. “”
“He was clutching his chest, panting uncontrollably, his eyes were full of panic, what happened?”
“Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in Kirito’s mind. He quickly got up from the bed and opened the package, only to find that there was no trace of the Kamen Rider belt in the package!”
“Where did that thing go? “Kirito frowned and thought, and suddenly his eyes widened, “By the way, there are cards!” Asuna there! “”
“He hurried to the door of Asuna’s room, knocked on the door, “Asuna, wake up! “”
“Soon, the door was opened, Asuna rubbed her eyes, and said sleepily, “What’s wrong, Kirito, it’s late at night. “”
“The knight’s belt is gone! “Kirito said hastily.”
“”A knight’s belt?”Having not woken up yet, Asuna, who was in a daze, took out the garren transformation device from her bag, “It’s still there. “”
“No, that’s not what I said. “Kirito shook his head, and said anxiously, “It was given to me by the director of Kayaba, the Kamen Rider belt that was just made!” “”
“”what? ! The moment she heard these words, Asuna shuddered all over, visibly awake to the naked eye, and her voice became very sharp, “Why did it disappear? Kirito, didn’t you put it in the package? “”
“”I find it strange too. “Kirito also shook his head puzzled, “Let’s not talk about this, you quickly see if the seal card of type A undead creature on your body is still there?” “”
“”right. As long as this seal card is still there, the knight system will not be able to function! “Asuna’s face brightened, and she quickly checked the inside of the package.”
“But checking, checking, the smile on her face gradually disappeared…”
“Kirito, the seal card of type A undead creature has also disappeared. “”
“Who the hell stole them? “Kirito’s expression became extremely dignified, “Generally speaking, the things in the package should not be stolen by others!” “”
“”Could it be the more evil will that the director of Kayaba said? “Asuna guessed aloud.”
“”Maybe there is such a possibility… However, let’s go out and look for it quickly, maybe that person hasn’t gone far. “Kirito nodded, then quickly turned around and walked out of the house.”
“Just as he passed the window, with the help of the moonlight outside, he could see a figure, and Kirito’s eyes suddenly shrank, “Asuna, there are people outside! “”
“”what? “Asuna’s expression changed, and she quickly followed Kirito out.”
“Obviously, they have determined that the figure outside is the guy who stole the knight’s belt and the type A undead seal card!”
“After the two of them ran out, what appeared in front of them was a man with short brown hair who looked like a fallen samurai.”
“The moment he saw this face clearly, Kirito’s eyes widened suddenly, and he lost his body and shouted, “Klein? ! “”
“I was the one who stole things?” Klein, that is, Ryotaro Tsuboi’s eyes widened, “No, it’s unlikely, right? How could I steal Kirito’s things? Ah, no, even if it wasn’t Kirito I won’t steal anything!”
You know, Kiritani Kazuto’s appearance really poked his XP system, if it wasn’t because Kiritani Kazuto was a man, he would have gone after Kirito, how could he steal Kirito’s things like this?
Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!
“” Kirito, do you know him? “Asuna asked aloud.”
“”It was the person who pestered me to teach him the basics of the game when he first entered this virtual world. Kirito nodded, and said anxiously, “His current situation is very wrong!” “”
“As Kirito said, Klein’s appearance is very strange now, walking on the road with blank eyes, like a zombie that has lost its soul.”
“And Asuna saw something on Klein’s waist with sharp eyes, she quickly pulled Kirito’s sleeve and shouted, “Kirito, look there, it’s a belt! “”
“Kirito looked in the direction Asuna was pointing at. The one worn on Klein’s waist turned out to be the lost Kamen Rider belt! On Klein’s right hand was a card, although I can’t see the appearance of that card clearly, but Kirito instinctively felt that that card is the seal card of type A undead creature!”
“”Could it be that Klein was the one who stole the belt and card? “Kirito said in disbelief, although he and Klein haven’t known each other for long, but Klein gave him the feeling that he is not someone who would do such things as stealing at all!”
“Even if it takes ten thousand steps back, it’s because he didn’t see the essence of Klein… Then how did Klein realize the importance of the Kamen Rider belt, and how did he get it from his and Asuna’s package?” Who stole the belt and card?”
“No matter how you think about it, this incident reveals endless weirdness!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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