“Just when these thoughts flashed through Kirito’s mind, Klein stopped in his tracks. Amid the anxious sound of obstruction from the two, Klein inserted the seal card into Kamen Rider’s belt, pulled the buckle, He said numbly like a puppet, “Transform. “”
“” OPENUP! “”
“A light curtain popped out from the belt, and after that, Klein slowly walked towards the light curtain.”
“”Sure enough, something is wrong! Klein, don’t go near there! “Kirito roared, rushed forward and knocked Klein to the ground.”
“With a click, the belt worn by Klein’s waist was untied from his waist and fell to the ground, and the light curtain also disappeared.”
“”Ugh… it hurts…” Klein shook his head, grinning and pressing his temples, “What happened? Am I not at home? “”
“Klein, are you alright? “Kirito let go of Klein’s hand and helped him up.”
“”it’s okay no problem. Klein shook his head.”
“Suddenly, his hands massaging his temples stopped. Why does this voice sound so familiar?”
“Klein resisted the severe pain in his head, opened his eyes and looked, “Kirito? It’s you guy! “”
“At this time, he realized belatedly that the one standing in front of him wasIt’s a member of what he thinks is behind the scenes, Kirito! ”
“Thinking of the pain and despair of facing the crisis of death in the past few months, the anger in Klein’s mind suddenly rose, and before he could think about it, he cursed, “Bastard! What conspiracy did you bring me here this time? ! “”
Chapter 457 Don’t do that kind of thing
“”You said… I brought you here? Kirito frowned, “But, I didn’t bring you here, Klein, didn’t you steal our things?” “”
“”what? “The anger on Klein’s face became more intense, “I obviously slept in the hotel before, but suddenly appeared here after waking up, and you were still asking me if I was okay, no matter what you think, it’s you Did you bring me here? ! You still slander me for stealing your things? It’s just too much! “”
“Kirito frowned, Lao Gao, he didn’t see any signs of Klein lying, but Klein was wearing a knight’s belt around his waist and holding a seal card in his hand is also a fact he saw with his own eyes!”
“Asuna said aloud, “Kirito, do you remember? Just now, this Mr. Klein’s eyes were blank, and he didn’t look like a normal person at all… So, I think, he may not even remember what he did. “”
“Hey, what are you talking about? Could it be that you brought me here at night just to tell me that I was sleepwalking? “Klein made no secret of his disgust and anger in his tone.”
“In his eyes, Kirito and that guy named Kayaba Akihiko are all together, and they are the murderers who tricked them players into this death game, and since this woman is standing with Kirito, she must also be the murderer a member of the
“Facing two people like this, he naturally didn’t have a good face. If he hadn’t just checked and found that there was no weapon on him, he would have already made a move by now!”
“Facing Klein like this, Kirito explained with a wry smile, “You may not believe it, but Klein, I really didn’t bring you here. “”
“For Klein’s anger, Kirito has no intention of defending. After all, he believes that he really cannot get rid of his identity as the mastermind behind the scenes. Whether Klein is angry with him or curses at him, Kirito has nothing to say of.”
“However, he must ask clearly about the knight’s belt!”
“”Klein, I can’t explain too many redundant things to you. To put it simply, there are two very important things that were put in Asuna and I’s package, but… when we woke up, we found that these two things were gone! “”
“” Immediately afterwards, Asuna and I rushed out of the room to look for the whereabouts of these two things, only to find them on your body. Kirito pointed to the ground, “It’s these two things, they were still on your waist just now!” Do you really not remember anything? Also, have you encountered any strange things recently? “”
“Looking at what Kirito said, Klein was a little shaken. Could it be that he really did something unconsciously?”
“Thinking of this possibility, Klein has a creepy feeling in his mind. If he doesn’t even know what he has done, is he still him? Or, does his body still belong to him? ”
“Klein, who was extremely terrified in his heart, followed Kirito’s finger, put his eyes on the ground, and saw… a pile of grass, yes, only a pile of grass! Except for a pile of grass, there is nothing!”
“”…” While Klein breathed a sigh of relief, he felt even greater anger in his heart. He shouldn’t trust Kirito! He said that he stole Kirito’s things unconsciously. What about things?!”
“”I see that you are really a pain in the ass! Stay up late at night just to scare me! Look for yourself, where is there anything on the ground? ! Klein roared, turned and left.”
“”What are you talking about, Klein, the thing is here…” Kirito couldn’t continue talking, because he finally discovered that there is no belt and Type A immortality on the ground The seal card of the creature!”
“The terrified Kirito didn’t even have time to stop Klein from leaving, so he quickly searched in his package, but there was still no new Kamen Rider belt! There was no seal card either!”
“He raised his head to look at Asuna, and at this moment Asuna just rummaged through the package, and said with the same ugly face, “I don’t have any here either…just now, they were clearly on that man’s body! Why did it fall to the ground and disappear? “”
“”I don’t know…I don’t know…” Kirito shook his head, suddenly, a terrifying thought flashed in his mind, “Asuna, tell me, is that sealed Type A undead creature still alive?” Conscious? So, it just disappeared into our pack with a belt? “”
“”The reason why Klein appeared here is probably also a trick of that undead creature. “”
“”But, he was obviously…” Asuna stopped before finishing her sentence, she suddenly remembered the more evil will that the director of Kayaba said… Could it be that, whether it is a new mask Is the making of the knight’s belt, or the sealing of Type A undead creatures, all in the plan of that Type A undead creature?”
“The two looked at each other, and there was a flash of horror in their hearts. They were not afraid of the enemy being strong, but they were afraid that the enemy would use their brains! From the current situation, it can be seen that the enemy is not only strong, but also very brainy! Even that Yisaka, I am afraid Was secretly affected by this type A undead creature!”
“Walking on the way back, Klein became more and more angry when he thought about it, and the more he thought about it, he was at home.Li was sleeping soundly, and suddenly he was brought to this kind of place, and he just said that he stole something! Is this what people do? ”
“He can’t bear this grievance!”
“However, since he doesn’t have a weapon in his hand, if he thinks about it, he can only bear this grievance first…”
“”Speaking of which, why didn’t you bring a weapon? I put my weapons in my bag before I go to bed. Klein scratched his head and opened the package again to check.”
“The moment he opened the package, a belt and a card came into view.”
“”This… what is it? “Klein’s eyes widened, and his whole body was trembling!”
“It’s true! What Kirito said is true! I really took these two things unconsciously!”
“It was as if a thunderbolt struck Klein’s mind, and the fear that his body no longer belonged to him surged in his heart again!”
“Hoo!” Tsuboi Ryotaro swallowed his saliva, and couldn’t help touching his neck, “Does this mean that I’m being targeted by that type A undead creature?”
It seemed that he couldn’t resist the control of the spider’s immortal body at all! Could it be that his body was once occupied by that spider?
Don’t do that kind of thing!
Tsuboi Ryotarou roared in his heart with a sad expression on his face.
Chapter 458: Fenglin Volcano
“Before Klein had time to think about it, a gloomy voice echoed in his mind. Under the influence of that voice, his eyes lost their luster again, and he walked towards his hotel step by step, and finally lay down. On the bed, it’s like I’ve never been out before.”
“Early the next morning, Klein got together with a few of his friends. Although he always felt like he had forgotten something, but thinking about it carefully, since he had already forgotten, it shouldn’t be very important. matter.”
“Everyone, today is also a day for us, Fenglin Volcano, to refuel! “”
“Just ignoring the forgotten things, Klein raised his fist and smiled like a flower.”
“”Oh! Damn it! ’ And his friends raised their fists and cheered, everyone with smiles on their faces.”
“But if you look carefully, you will find that there is endless bitterness hidden in the smiles on each of their faces.”
“This is also a matter of course. Being involved in this kind of death game, how can you be in a good mood? What’s more, all the members of their Fenglin Volcano Guild are members of the raiding team who have been active on the front line for a long time, although their level and equipment are far beyond ordinary Players, but correspondingly, the degree of danger is far beyond that of ordinary players!”
“Although Kirito had defeated the level boss before them, greatly reducing the danger of Aincrad, but the danger of Aincrad is not only the level boss, elite monsters, traps, etc. are extremely dangerous. Great danger!”
“Although some people think that since there are powerful masters attacking Aincrad secretly, they just need to stay in a safe area and wait to be rescued.”
“However, more people don’t think so! First of all, no one knows whether this strong man who secretly attacked Aincrad can successfully clear all the levels. If the master who secretly attacked Aincrad fails in the end, then Don’t they have to do it themselves?”
“And maybe because of the loss of the cooperation of that master, all of their players will eventually completely lose the chance to escape from this game.”
“The second reason is darker, that is… the safe area is not absolutely safe! Indeed, in the safe area, monsters will not come in, and players cannot hurt each other, but the battle between players will It caused a knockback effect!”
“About two months ago, an extremely nasty incident happened! A guy who claimed to be a member of the Laughing Coffin Guild used the knockback effect to knock back an ordinary player from the safe area to the combatable area. After that… …The ordinary player never came back. Everyone knows exactly what happened!”
“Killing? Killing players in this kind of game is equivalent to real killing, right?!” Wu Geng Liuli was a little terrified, even if she was confident that her game strength was far beyond ordinary people, even if she fell into this kind of death, she should be fine.
But, hearing this kind of thing, she still couldn’t help but have a little psychological shadow on online games.
“Aren’t these murderous players afraid of being caught by the police after they come out of the game?” Wu Geng Liuli frowned and thought.
But it didn’t take long before she figured it out. In that environment, all players were in danger because of the death game. Even if someone died, no one would want to find out the truth.
When we return to the real world, we just need to excuse that those people were killed by monsters. It can be said that as long as there are no witnesses, these murderers are absolutely safe no matter how many people they kill!
“Based on the above two reasons, most players are more willing to fight monsters, improve their own strength, and then overcome this game as soon as possible! Compared with relying on other people’s strength, it is safer to rely on yourself, nothing else Say, at least you won’t be killed so easily by others!”
“Naturally, all members of the Fenglin Volcano Guild have this mentality!”
“All the members of their guild are friends they met in real life, and they are also partners who have agreed to play this game together. At the beginning, there were about ten people in the guild, but now, there are only eight people left. In the future… maybe there will be even less.”
“Who will die next? When will someone die? No one knows. All they have to do is to live every day with a smile as much as possible. Then… try to live as hard as possible!”
“ClaySeeing the smiles of his companions, he shouted, “Let’s go!”
“The eight people rushed towards their usual leveling place. It was a place that they had explored long ago. The strength of the monsters was not much different from theirs. There were no traps around them, so they could level up with confidence.”
“After a while, a group of people arrived at that location and started leveling.”
“However, one of the members frowned slightly. He slashed the monster in front of him, then stopped his movements and listened.”
“His weird movements naturally aroused the curiosity of the other companions, and Klein quickly asked, “Hanaka, what’s wrong with you? “”
“”nothing. “The person known as Yuzhong scratched his head and said with a smile, “It’s just that I just heard some strange sounds nearby, but when I listened carefully, I didn’t hear them again. It’s probably an illusion. ? “”
“Hahaha, maybe other players have discovered this place too, so don’t worry too much about it. Klein laughed out loud, not finding it strange.”
“After all, this place has been explored by them a long time ago, and there is absolutely no chance of any strange monsters or traps.”
“”That’s right. “Yuzhong thought about it, so he laughed, and then he was going to continue to brush monsters and level up.”
“Just when he raised the sword in his hand again, suddenly, the wall behind him exploded like a violent impact! Countless bricks and stones scattered like shrapnel from a bomb explosion! ”
“”Everyone be careful, get down quickly! “Klein’s eyes were wide open, and he didn’t even have time to think about why the indestructible wall collapsed, so he immediately shouted, and then pulled the closest companion to him to lie down.”
“The rest of the people, after all, are elites who have experienced many battles. When Klein just spoke, they all fell down.”
“Only Yuzhong… he was the closest. Just as he bent down, a broken brick hit his waist, sending him flying, and his health bar was cut by more than half!”
“The broken bricks and stones hit the surrounding walls or the ground, making deafening noises. Faced with this sudden change, everyone had to lie on the ground and dare not move.”
“It would be unlucky to be killed by such a stone!”
Chapter 459: Sword Art Online, Dogs Don’t Play
“But after a while, there were no more broken bricks and stones. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, patted their bodies and stood up.”
“Klein looked around and found that only Yuzhong was hit, he hurried over to help Yuzhong up, “Are you all right, Yuzhong? “”
“”fine. “Yu Zhong smiled wryly, but at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief, “Fortunately, I took the medicine quickly, and there were no extra stones to hit me afterwards, otherwise, I’m afraid I would be stoned to death. “”
“Hahaha, this is a blessing in misfortune. Klein laughed, “However, why did the wall suddenly shatter?” Could it be that there is some trap that we didn’t discover before, that was suddenly triggered? “”
“Just as Klein was guessing, one of the members suddenly widened his eyes, looked behind Klein and Yuzhong, and said with horror on his face, “I think…it shouldn’t be the reason. “”
“Not only him, but the rest of the members also showed expressions of panic. An ominous premonition welled up in Klein and Yu Zhongxin. When they turned their heads, they saw a huge claw grasping at the Next to the broken wall, a ferocious head came out of the broken wall.”
“”Is it the BOSS? “One of the members shouted in panic. For some reason, the monster in front of him brought him great psychological pressure! He seemed to instinctively feel that this monster is stronger than the rest!”
“”No, no, how could there be a BOSS in this kind of place? ! And there is no BOSS mark on this monster’s head. Another member yelled, “It’s the elite monsters!” That’s right, it should be an elite monster! “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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