“But whether it’s an elite monster or a boss, everyone knows in their hearts that this monster in front of them is very powerful!”
“Klein took a deep breath and roared, “Everyone, get ready to fight! “”
“No matter how you say it, they are all members of the clearing team. The elite among the players, how could it be possible for them to be so frightened by the enemy that they couldn’t move?”
“Hearing that, everyone took out their weapons and entered a fighting state.”
“Hey, Yuzhong…” Klein sighed, with a sad expression on his face. He knew that Yuzhong would die soon… Of the dozen or so friends who entered the game at the beginning, only six of them survived. It was one of those who died.
“However, having said that, the occurrence of these things is completely different from what I remember. The only thing that remains the same is probably the dead people… Although I really hope that this can be changed.”
Klein sighed, how he wished that he, or Kirito, could also have the ability to modify the world like Baiyin Yuyuki or Doma Buried, or something like the Holy Grail or Dragon Ball that could fulfill wishes.
Or he can travel through time and space like Hikigu Hachiman. In that case, he must beat himself and those friends who wanted to play this game one by one, and then say the last sentence, “Sword Art Online, dogs don’t play it!”
But now it seems that he and Kirito are the sameThere are no such abilities or props anymore.
“On the other side, the undead detection device suddenly sounded an alarm. Kirito and Asuna looked at each other and ran out quickly.”
“”Eugeo, protect Yui! “”
“Eugeo whispered softly without raising his head, “I’ll know if you don’t tell me. “”
“As for the two who had already run away, they naturally didn’t hear what he said. But there is no need to hear it. After all, neither Kirito nor Asuna have any doubts about whether Eugeo will seriously protect Yui. Have absolute confidence!”
“On the other side, Klein and the others are already bleeding. Not long after the fight, they discovered that this monster is extremely terrifying in terms of speed and power! There are also a few spikes that will come out of the head, The damage was so high that it exploded, and if they hadn’t been taking drugs all the time, someone would have died a long time ago!”
“But even if they barely hold on, they also understand that the enemy in front of them is definitely not something they can defeat!”
“The thought that I might die here casts a shadow over everyone’s mind.”
“”Jie Jie Jie…” The right hand has a giant claw, and the left hand has a shield. The monster with a face that looks a bit like a mole laughed strangely, as if excited that he could get food.”
“Although I don’t understand how the few weak humans in front of me survived for so long, but it doesn’t matter. It is also a joy of life to exercise a little before eating.”
“As an undead creature who has not received higher education but has escaped from low-level interests, I have always liked this kind of fun.”
“Suddenly, he moved! In the blink of an eye, the claws of the mole undead creature had already grabbed Klein’s chest!”
“”Be careful! “Yuzhong’s pupils shrank, and at that moment, Klein was knocked away!”
“The mole’s undead creature’s claws instantly pierced Yuzhong’s chest, and immediately after, Yuzhong’s body also turned into data and gradually disappeared.”
“”I thought I had more blood, so I should be able to hold it…” Before his body disappeared completely, Yuzhong said with a wry smile. Although he couldn’t feel the pain in his body, his eyes were already filled with tears, that is the fear of death.”
“”…” Klein froze in place, and after a while, he finally understood the current situation—another partner left him!”
“His body trembled uncontrollably, and he roared in grief, “Yanaka! “”
“At this moment, the cold voice that seemed somewhat familiar resounded in his mind again, “Is it painful? Are you desperate? How do you feel about your own powerlessness? If you had power, this wouldn’t be the result! So, answer me, do you crave power? “”
“”Power…power…” Klein’s eyes lost their brilliance again, and he kept muttering incessantly, but the brand new Kamen Rider belt was wrapped around his waist unconsciously. !”
“On the other hand, the mole undead creature on the side didn’t know Klein’s condition. He just scratched his head in doubt. Why did this human disappear immediately after death? However, he did feel the disappearance of the human soul. ?”
“Could it be that after 10,000 years, human beings have evolved into strange creatures that have no entity but only souls?”
“The mole undead creature is a little confused about the situation. He has no higher education, and he just wants to understand one thing. The food he hunted before is gone!”
“So, we need to hunt again! Therefore, the mole undead creature set its sights on Klein and the other seven people.”
Chapter 460: Open Up
“”Jie Jie Jie…” The mole undead creature licked the corner of its mouth, and its eyes looking at everyone were like people who haven’t eaten pork for hundreds of years and suddenly saw a roast suckling pig.”
“Then, he opened his arms and rushed towards the person closest to him!”
“” Transformation! “”
“” OPENUP! “”
“As the two voices came to mind, a huge light curtain suddenly popped out from Klein’s waist, and the mole undead creature flew out!”
“”squeak! “The mole undead creature that was ejected hit the wall and screamed strangely. Anyone could hear the anger in his voice!”
“But at the same time, there is also wonder in his mind, why the prey that he beat to death just now can hurt him now? This is not scientific at all!”
“Science…” The corners of Makise Kurisu’s mouth twitched a few times, you undead creatures are the biggest unscientific!
How dare you talk about science!
“”I will not let you hurt my companion again! “Klein’s eyes seemed to flicker with a slight red light, and then he slowly walked into the light curtain.”
“A brilliance flashed, and Klein’s body was covered with a layer of bottle-green and golden-yellow armor, and the face of the armor had a spider-like appearance.”
“”Klein, you…” The rest of the companions were stunned, and they didn’t even have time to feel sad for Yuzhong.”
“Klein said indifferently, “Let’s go, leave this place to me. “”
“The remaining six people looked at each other, and didn’t understand why Klein, who always had a smile on his face, became so indifferent… To be honest, Klein didn’t know, he just felt that there was something human in his mind that was slowly Lost slowly. Maybe, it’s emotion and humanity?”
“But for some reason, Klein doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with it. Ever since he transformed into this appearance, his power has been continuously emerging. This feeling is really great!”
“Obviously, Klein’s spirit has been affected by the belt! If you continueIf this continues, he might be completely devoured by the will of the spider undead creature! ”
“Gulu!” Klein swallowed a mouthful of saliva, “Is it so dangerous? Why do I feel that other Kamen Riders are so safe?”
He wanted to say that he was a bit envious of other knight systems, if he had a choice, he would like another…
“”Klein, don’t make such jokes, let’s go together! “One of them shouted loudly, and the rest of them also nodded one after another. Obviously, none of them meant to abandon their companions.”
“Klein didn’t care about those people anymore. Ever since he transformed into this state, he felt that the so-called companions are actually meaningless at all!”
“He is staring at the mole undead creature on the opposite side. He is eager to defeat the opponent and get the opponent’s card! He knows that only by constantly collecting cards can he become stronger and stronger!”
“Get stronger! Get stronger!!! The only thing in his mind now is to become stronger! You must become stronger! Only in this way can you win the ultimate war!”
“The mole undead creature stared at by Klein shuddered violently. He didn’t know why the momentum of the food in front of him suddenly became so strong, but he understood that the offense and defense had been switched at this moment! He was no longer No more being a hunter!”
“However, even so, he doesn’t intend to run away. The only value of undead creatures is to fight!”
“”squeak! “The mole undead creature screamed, and the three spikes on the eyes and mouth shot out suddenly, and it didn’t just shoot once and then stopped, but it fired wildly like a machine gun!”
“Klein wields a staff that looks like a plum blossom at the end. That’s his weapon—the LEANGLE Awakener!”
“A large number of spikes were knocked down one by one by him, and in the process, the distance between him and the mole undead creature is getting closer and closer!”
“The mole undead creature seems to have noticed this too. He quickly stopped attacking and backed away in a panic, trying to increase the distance again!”
“Unfortunately, his choice was extremely wrong. The moment he stopped attacking, Klein directly used the LEANGLE Awakening Device in his hand as if he was throwing a spear, and shot it out!”
“The terrifying power even produced a sonic boom, and the scepter exploded like a missile with a huge cloud of smoke and dust, shot out, and then hit the mole undead creature heavily!”
“”Squeak! ! “The spikes on the mole undead creature’s eyes seem to protrude quite a bit, as if the eyeballs have been punched out!”
“Klein naturally didn’t intend to keep his hand. He jumped to the side of the mole undead creature, grabbed the scepter and used it as a club, aimed at the opponent’s head, and knocked it down!”
“”squeak! “”
“”squeak! ! ! “”
“As Klein continued to beat him, the wailing of the mole undead creature became more and more tragic, and the sound became smaller and smaller.”
“He didn’t deliberately torture the other party, but he doesn’t have any other undead cards now, so he can’t use the power of other undead creatures to combine into special moves, so he can only use a more primitive method, one stick at a time Rat undead creatures until they can be sealed!”
“After several minutes of beating, finally, there was a “click” sound from the mole undead creature’s waist.”
“The seal lock has been opened.”
“Hmph, another new power! “Klein sneered and took out a card, threw it at the mole undead creature’s chest, and sealed it.”
“The rest of the people watched the whole process in a daze like watching a blockbuster with special effects. They thought everyone was going to die here, but the turning point in reality was like a tornado. Lie on the ground.”
“”Klein, that’s too strong! so amazing! “Everyone cheered for Klein.”
“But after cheering, someone said, “By the way, Klein, why didn’t you use this power earlier? If I had used it earlier, Hanaka wouldn’t have… Ah, sorry, I don’t mean to blame you. It’s just that it’s a pity that Yu Zhong died like this. “”
“Speaking, everyone’s expressions showed sadness. From what they thought, this skill that can transform and strengthen its strength must have huge restrictions, and there are also great side effects, so I died in Yuzhong. Klein hadn’t been able to activate this skill before.”
“Probably, Klein will explain the reason to them later? They all trust Klein, and they don’t think that Klein deliberately watched Hanaka die. First of all, they have been friends for many years, Secondly, Hanaka died because of Klein’s shot.”
“However, what Klein said afterwards made all of them stunned.”
“”pity? What a pity that weak human beings just die. “”
Chapter 461 You Didn’t Pay Attention to My Invincible Cassette
“Klein, what are you talking about? ! ’ one of the companions roared.
“Everyone glared at Klein, but apart from being angry, everyone was also very surprised. They didn’t think Klein would be such a person!”
“What did I say, did you not hear me? Could it be that your ears are all deaf? “Klein snorted coldly, and was about to turn around and leave.”
“But before he even took a step, two figures appeared in front of him, Kirito and Asuna!”
“”A new Kamen Rider? Could it be that belt! Kirito’s eyes widened and he roared angrily, “Who used that belt?” “”
“”I don’t know, but what we should do now is to get this belt and card back!”Asuna transformed immediately, and took out the garren awakening device.”
“Kirito also transformed immediately, looked at Klein vigilantly, and asked, “Who are you? How did you get the belt and card? ! “”
“”Who am I? I am the strongest Kamen Rider——LEANGLE! “Klein didn’t give his name, nor did he answer how he got it, so he picked up the LEANGLE awakening device in his hand and hit the two of them.”
“The strongest Kamen Rider?” Doma pursed his lips, “This spider undead creature didn’t pay attention to my invincible cassette.”
“That’s right, obviously Xiaobu’s invincible cassette is the strongest!” Prallard said with the same indignation, two young guys like to compete in this kind of thing.
Doma Taiping couldn’t laugh or cry, “Did you forget about Haipa Jiadou and the God Billion Cassette?”
“Uh…” Tujian Bu was stunned for a moment, Haipa Jiadou was too fast, if he wanted to fight him, he would have to be kited. As for God Billion, they used to fight and scrape each other…
“Ahem, then the three of us can be side by side, anyway, there is no place for this undead creature.” Tu Jianbu coughed and changed his opinion. But I still didn’t take this Kamen Rider LEANGLE seriously… After all, this guy is still in the basic form at first glance, so why fight against their final form? !
“A stick-shaped weapon could not be splashed by the water Klein swung, and the bullets fired by Asuna fell to the ground in a few hits.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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