“Bang! Bang!”
“No more, no less, exactly two sticks, Kirito and Asuna were directly beaten to the ground.”
“Weak fellow. “Klein sneered, and walked away from here.”
“Lying on the ground, Kirito and Asuna, who were beaten until their transformations were released, looked at each other and smiled wryly. I didn’t expect that both of them would be instantly killed when they teamed up… This Kamen Rider newly created by Akihiko Kayaba , the strength is far beyond their imagination!”
“”That…” At this moment, a member of Fenglin Huoshan came over, with a hesitant expression on his face.”
“”Is there a problem? Kirito asked directly after seeing his expression.”
“The man took a deep breath, and asked as if mustering up his courage, “The one just now was our friend, he was originally a very gentle and kind person! But I don’t know why, since I became like that, it has become strange! I think you can also become similar. Excuse me, do you know why? “”
“”There is an evil will in that belt, and he is probably controlled by that will! Kirito said, “What’s his name?” As long as the belt is taken away from him, it should be possible to restore him to his original state. “”
“”His game name is Klein! said the man.”
“” Klein? ! “Kirito’s eyes widened, and Asuna looked at each other in dismay. The two of them never expected that the belt would end up in Klein’s hands.”
“Since then, Kirito and Asuna have been trying to take Klein’s belt, but in terms of results, it seems to have failed completely. Every time they found Klein’s whereabouts, they lost to Klein has never been able to win.”
“Under such circumstances, Kirito yearns for stronger power.”
“And today, Akihiko Kayaba brought him this power.”
“”You said, have you prepared the awakening fusion device? ! “Kirito looked at Akihiko Kayaba who suddenly came to his house in surprise.”
“Being watched by Kirito’s burning eyes, Kayaba Akihiko didn’t feel uncomfortable, he smiled and said, “Yes, after three months, I finally made the awakening fuser! With this, you can get stronger power! That Kamen Rider LEANGLE can no longer stop you! “”
“”Great! “Kirito took the awakening fusion device excitedly, his face full of excitement.”
“Sorry, Asuna, time is limited, I will only make this one for now. “Akihiko Kayaba said to Asuna apologetically, “I will make your awakening fusion device as soon as possible in the future. Don’t worry, with experience it will be much faster this time. “”
“”Don’t worry too much, Director Kayaba, you have worked so hard for so long, you can take a rest before doing it, right? “Asuna gave Kayaba Akihiko a cup of tea and advised.”
“Akihiko Kayaba looked solemn, and said, “This matter is related to whether you can seal all the undead creatures as quickly as possible, and also related to whether all the players involved in this war can get out of this danger as quickly as possible. The situation is more related to whether human beings can prosper in the next ten thousand years! For such a big event, I have no time to slack off! “”
“This can be said to be righteous. In the eyes of Kirito and Asuna, Kayaba Akihiko is full of righteousness, so that both of them can’t help but look at Kayaba Akihiko with reverence.”
“Then I’ll leave it to you, Director Kayaba. “Asuna nodded and said, with expectations for her own awakening fusion device in her eyes.”
“On the other hand, under the influence of the spider undead creature, Klein, who became more irritable, found a man who was drinking and eating meat in a restaurant in the town.”
“He didn’t say hello either, and sat directly opposite the man, staring at him with a half-smile.”
“That man stopped eating meat, dissatisfiedHe said, “Young man, you should at least be polite, right? This is my seat, and other tables are still available. Why don’t you go to other tables?”
“”I came here specifically to find you, Elephant. The corner of Klein’s mouth curled into a smile, “Is it comfortable to stay in human society?” “”
“The man in front of him is an elephant ancestor undead creature that mimics a human being! With a gloomy face, he put down the big chicken leg he was holding, “Who are you? I don’t feel the breath of undead creatures on you! “”
Chapter 462: The Elephant Beat Klein
“The one who came to beat you. Klein put the LEANGLE transformation device on the table, “Come with me outside the city, you don’t want to fight here, right?” “”
“”Humph. “The elephant undead creature sneered, grabbed the chicken leg and gnawed it again, “Why don’t you want to fight here? I don’t want to fight at all. I’m the one who yearns for peace the most. There’s no point in fighting. “”
“Longing for peace? If you are not absolutely sure, you will never make a move, right? Klein sneered, “Sure enough, as I heard, you have no guts at all.” “”
“Whatever you say, I won’t fight you anyway. “The elephant undead creature completely ignored Klein’s clumsy aggressive method, showing no angry expression at all.”
“”yes? Klein put the LEANGLE transforming device on his waist, “However, I remember that although ordinary people cannot fight in towns, people like us are different.” “”
“Klein casually pulled the LEANGLE buckle, “So, it’s not a big deal to fight here. Transform! “”
“” OPENUP! “”
“A light curtain passed through his body, and he instantly transformed into Kamen Rider LEANGLE!”
“”Wow! what is that? “”
“”Is it a strange skill? Or is it ornamental equipment? “”
“”It should be equipment, right? I don’t think there will be such a strange skill. “”
“The guests in the tavern all exclaimed, and then began to discuss heatedly, but no one seemed to be panicked. After all, it has long been the consensus of everyone that fighting in the town is impossible.”
“But… what will happen next will definitely make them feel terrified!”
“The elephant undead creature glanced around, frowned, and said rather annoyed, “I said I don’t want to fight, do you have to force me to take action? “”
“Whether you want to fight or not is not up to you to decide! “Klein immediately took out the LEANGLE awakening device, and hit it with a stick!”
“But to his shock, the elephant undead casually grabbed the stick!”
“Nani? ! Klein exclaimed.”
“The elephant undead creature tightly grasped the stick, and the voice became colder and colder, “It’s really not up to me to decide whether to fight… But, what I want to tell you is that whether the battle will end or not is not up to you to decide! “”
“As soon as the words fell, the elephant undead creature grabbed the stick and pulled it hard, and Klein was pulled into the sky directly!”
“What a powerful force! Klein was terrified, but he didn’t have time to make any movements. He could only watch helplessly as the fist of the elephant undead creature got closer and closer to his chest…”
“The iron fist containing terrifying power hit Klein’s chest, and the surrounding air exploded with shock waves!”
“Just a bang, Klein flew upside down and hit the wall of the tavern, smashing the wall right through!”
“”…” Everyone in the hotel was silent, almost dumbfounded watching this scene.”
“Suddenly, I don’t know whose cup fell to the ground, and the crisp sound instantly detonated the tavern that was so quiet just now.”
“”what happened? ! Why can they fight in town! “”
“”do not know! Although I don’t know… But, run for your life! If we are affected, we who cannot fight back may die! “”
“” Run away! “”
“All the people who were happily drinking and eating meat before, are running non-stop to the outside of the tavern at this moment, and they all wish they could grow a few more legs!”
“The elephant didn’t care about those fleeing people. Unlike those low-level undead creatures, he has no interest in slaughtering humans!”
“However, he is very interested in killing this guy who bothered him to eat and forced him to fight! So, his weapon slowly emerged in his hand—a meteor hammer!”
“”I am the strongest Kamen Rider! “Klein knocked away the broken wall that was pressing on him, let out a roar, and rushed over again.”
“I saw the elephant undead creature standing there motionless. Just when Klein was about to rush to him, the meteor hammer in his hand was like a shining meteor, drawing a stream of light in the air and hitting Klein. Rein’s chest!”
“Klein goes as fast as he goes!”
“”Pffw! “Klein screamed, flew far away, and smashed into a pile of dining tables.”
“How can there be such a strong force. “He propped himself up on the ground, half-squatting on the ground with difficulty, his tone was full of disbelief, he had obviously gained such a powerful force, he had obviously transformed into the strongest Kamen Rider, and he had already defeated so many A monster called an undead creature!”
“But why…why! Why did he still lose like this?!”
“A wave of resentment and resentment surged in Klein’s mind. He was not reconciled, and he was not reconciled to failure!”
“The angry Klein immediately drew out two cards, which were Mole Rat Undead Creature and Polar Bear Undead Creature. ”
“The mole undead creature strengthens the spin attack power, and the polar bear undead creature adds ice attribute damage. First, the ice freezes the enemy, and then uses the powerful kick to cause fatal damage to the enemy!”
“This can be regarded as his nirvana! Since sealing these two undead creatures, it can be said to be invincible when fighting other undead creatures!”
“”Look at my trick! BLIZZARD GALE! “”
“Klein jumped into the air, his legs exploded with icy ice, and his whole body spun wildly in the air, those legs containing the power of terrifying frost were about to kick the elephant undead creature!”
“”Humph! “However, facing such a terrifying attack, the elephant undead creature just snorted coldly and didn’t even try to hide, and then a meteor hammer smashed Klein into the floor, “It’s all about the show. “”
“”How is this possible…” Klein lay on the ground with an unbelievable expression on his face. That was his unique move, and he was beaten down so easily?”
“Elephant undead creatures don’t find it strange. As the ancestor of elephants, his power is far beyond ordinary people’s imagination! The so-called one force can reduce ten times, that’s it.”
“How about it, do you have any regrets to provoke me now? “The elephant undead creature changed into its original appearance, and approached Klein with a grinning meteor hammer, “However, it’s too late to regret it! As I said, when the battle ends, it’s up to you! “”
Chapter 463 Now You Are Stronger
“”drink! “The elephant undead creature yelled, and raised the pop hammer in its hand to smash it down.”
“If this hit hits for real, I’m afraid Klein’s blood bar will be emptied on the spot!”
“” Klein! “”
“Kirito who just rushed over saw this, his pupils shrank, and he rushed up to block Klein with a loud roar.”
“The huge meteor hammer hit Kirito’s back and sent him flying. If he hadn’t mentioned the transformation into Kamen Rider Blade, he might be completely cold by now!”
“”Kirito, you…” Klein immediately froze in place, even though he was affected by the spider undead creature and became ruthless, he was shocked at this moment!”
“The scene in front of him reminded him of the moment when Hanaka blocked the attack for him in order to save him!”
“”You were involved in this game after all because of us… To be honest, I feel very guilty towards you after all. Kirito smiled wryly, and stood up from the ground, “Klein, you step back, leave this to me.” “”
“Hearing this sentence, the shock in Klein’s heart disappeared instantly, and he returned to the state of indifference again. Yes, that’s right, he owes me this! It’s because of them that I fell into this situation, yes He owes me!”
“”The guy who came to die again. “The elephant undead creature shook the meteor hammer in its hand, its tone was casual, and it seemed that it didn’t take Kirito seriously!”
“”Whether you are going to die or not, you will know later! “Kirito stood up straight, took out the awakening fusion device and put it on his arm.”
“Master Kayaba, everything depends on your achievements!”
“He immediately drew two cards, put one card into the awakening fuser, and swiped the other card on it.”
“” ABSORBQUEEN (absorb goat)! FUSIONJACK (Fusion Vulture)! “”
“A huge vulture light curtain passed through his body. All parts of the armor were strengthened into golden artificial diamond gold. The vulture coat of arms was engraved on the breastplate, and a pair of cloaks composed of wings emerged from the back.”
“”This is the bodyguard form? “Kirito looked at his body in surprise, and he could feel that both his strength and speed had been greatly improved! Even the weapon – the BLAY Awakener has been changed into an enhanced type!”
“”It turned out to be again? ! “Klein’s eyes widened. How did this happen? Is it because of that instrument?”
“Klein set his sights on the Awakened Fusion Device on Kirito’s arm. Longing for more powerful power, he licked his lips, as if he was thinking about how to get this thing!”
“”Um? “The elephant undead creature was on guard secretly. Although he didn’t know what was going on, he instinctively felt that this transformation should not be just for looks!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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