“”Human undead creatures are just the lower-level undead creatures of Heart 2. In terms of combat power alone, they can be said to be the bottom of the existence. Eugeo explained, “In the last extreme war, he was able to win because of his wisdom!” “”
“”Relying on the tactics of combining vertical and horizontal forces, I captured one seal card after another, and finally it was strong enough to defeat all undead creatures! “”
“”But this time, I found him before he could act. He hasn’t got any cards yet, and he basically has no fighting power, so he can only helplessly fall down and be sealed by me. “”
“Hearing this, Kirito’s eyes went dark, and he couldn’t stand still. Fortunately, Asuna grabbed him in a hurry and prevented him from falling to the ground.”
“He covered his forehead and murmured, “How could this be… In other words, we humans have already been eliminated in advance? “”
“”No matter how we human beings struggle, our final destiny has already been decided. Is that what you mean? ” Kayaba Akihiko said.”
“Eugeo didn’t speak. Although he is not a human being, he can inexplicably feel the grief and anger in their hearts at this moment… Although the source of the grief and anger is because of him.”
“”Director, in this case, can you find a way to unseal the human undead creature from the card? “Kirito suddenly turned his head and asked Kayaba Akihiko.””Akihiko Kayaba thought about it carefully, and finally shook his head helplessly, “No, the reason why we were able to unseal the cards at the beginning, and more importantly, the cards themselves were opened again after 10,000 years. It’s time to unblock it. “”
“”But now, the extreme war is going on, and the sealed cards can’t be unsealed no matter what. “”
“In other words, is there really no other way? Kirito slumped on the sofa in despair, “Then why do we do so much?” “”
“In short, let me go back and look up the information first. Kayaba Akihiko stood up, “Maybe there are other ways.” “”
“Ah, please, sir. “Kirito said with a look of hope.”
“Eugeo glanced at Akihiko Kayaba in surprise, he felt that Akihiko Kayaba’s expression seemed too plain, but after thinking about it, he felt that he didn’t know much about human beings, maybe this expression is normal. ”
“Where is it normal? It’s not normal at all!” Akihiko Kayaba, who was left with a bunch of data, complained wildly in the computer, and he could see that he must be the villain!
Although he is undoubtedly a villain who has imprisoned tens of thousands of players in the game, but he doesn’t remember doing any of these things in the video!
He suspects that the video is slandering him, but he has no evidence…
What’s more, recalling the strange incidents that broke out during this period, he felt that this video was probably true…so he was panicking now!
But after thinking about it, fortunately, he was clever and uploaded his consciousness to the computer in advance. In the eyes of outsiders, he was already a dead person. Even if the government of Sakura Country wanted to convict him, it would not work!
Thinking of this, Kayaba Akihiko instantly calmed down, and immediately changed into a mentality of eating melons and watching dramas.
No matter how the situation develops, what does it have to do with him, a person who uploads his consciousness into the computer world and just wants to play games?
If there is a chance in the future, he would like to exchange experiences with that talented game designer Kohei Imamura.
As a designer who also made a game that would cause players to die, he felt that the two of them should have a lot in common.
“It’s been a long time since the fact that human undead creatures have been sealed has been exposed. These days, neither Kirito nor Asuna intend to go out to attack Aincrad.”
“It’s also fortunate that there have been no traces of undead creatures during this period of time. Otherwise, with the current state of the two of them, I am afraid that they will not be able to raise the will to fight undead creatures.”
“In these days, Eugeo could also feel that Asuna looked at him with a bit of malice. He didn’t think it was strange, after all, he sealed the undead creature, the ancestor of human beings, and cut off the human race in the next day. With the possibility of prosperity for thousands of years, it is only natural that humans would hate him.”
“Perhaps… leaving here is the best choice? After all, he was supposed to be alone, with no clan, no friends, and no companions.”
“Eugeo walked alone by the lake, thinking about the future in his mind. He wanted to leave here and return to the lonely days before, but as long as he thought of leaving here, he would never see the end again. When he was undressed, he felt a throbbing pain in his heart.”
“”Like that guy said, am I slowly getting closer to humans? “Eugeo exhaled and sighed.”
“”Did anyone say that? It seems that what that guy said is quite accurate, JOKER, you have indeed become human. Maybe, this is also the way that human undead creatures are willing to be sealed by you. “”
“Suddenly a familiar voice sounded next to his ear. Eugeo followed the sound and saw a sunny-looking boy leaning against a tree beside him. When he saw Eugeo’s sight, he waved his hand, “It’s been a long time Gone, JOKER. “”
“”It’s you. “Eugeo looked at the man in front of him vigilantly. He knew that this was an undead creature, but a high-level KING undead creature!”
“”What are you doing here? “”
“Hearing Eugeo’s question, the man was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed out loud, “Hehehehe, why are you asking me? Besides fighting, are there other things we undead creatures need to do? Of course not! Sure enough, you have become different, you have become human, and you have become innocent! “”
“”Fight…you are right, we undead creatures only need to fight! “Eugeo’s eyes suddenly became extremely firm, and a CHALICE awakening device emerged from his waist, “Transform! “”
“However, just when Eugeo was about to swipe the seal card of the praying mantis undead creature, the type KING—the Nanyang Caucasian giant beetle undead creature had a strange smile on its mouth, “Stop! “”
“As the voice fell, another undead creature appeared behind him, it was a scarab undead creature!”
“Eugeo’s pupils shrank suddenly, probably because he was absent-minded, he didn’t realize that there are two undead creatures here!”
“And more importantly, he knows that the ability of this scarab undead creature is to stop time within a certain range!”
“I saw a light flash in the eyes of the scarab undead creature, and Eugeo’s body stopped!”
Chapter four hundred and seventy first: Time doesn’t care about face
“It’s the same ability as my stand-in!” Baiyin Dior shook his head, and suddenly felt that his time pause was no longer good. Why are there time pauses everywhere? ! This is amazing! Is time shameless? !
But fortunately, this scarab undead creature can only pause the time of a part of the area,In terms of ability strength, he is still better than Dior!
“After the timeout, the scarab undead creature slowly walked to Eugeo’s side, but did not act without authorization, as if waiting for an order.”
“The big beetle undead creature sneered and said, “Let him move. “”
“”Roar. “The scarab is not a creature, it roared, and immediately released its ability, causing Eugeo to move, and then, before Eugeo could react, he punched out!”
“That punch carried unparalleled power, and the terrifying wind of the fist exploded!”
“Before Eugeo could react, a fist in his eyes was getting closer, and it hit his chest in the blink of an eye.”
“Following that, the scarab undead creature took advantage of Eugeo’s failure to transform, and beat him for a while. After this punch, Eugeo’s body was soon covered. It’s hurt!”
“At this time, Kirito ran over. He was resting at home, but suddenly found that the undead detection equipment revealed the location of two undead creatures, and they were near his home!”
“Is this all coming to you?! Kirito’s heart tightened, he asked Asuna to protect Yui, and ran out by himself.”
“Then, as soon as he came over, he saw the scarab undead beating Eugeo!”
“” Eugeo! “Kirito roared and rushed to help.”
“Don’t be such a spoiler, it’s a fight between the two of them, isn’t it? “The giant beetle undead creature threw a stone and knocked off the BLADE transformation device that Kirito was holding, and said calmly.”
“”Are you an undead creature too? “It was only then that Kirito realized that there was another person here, and when he thought of the two undead creatures found on the machine, he couldn’t help becoming nervous.”
“”That’s right. “The undead creature of the big worm directly admitted it, walked slowly to Kirito and said, “Although I really want to introduce myself, but I don’t have a human name, Emmmm… Anyway, remember that I am a kind of KING. Alright, the strongest undead creature KING! “”
“”Type KING? ! “Kirito frowned slightly, and his expression became more and more anxious, because Eugeo on the side was beaten badly.”
“”That undead creature is with you, right? ! Let go of Eugeo! “”
“Hey, you want to save him. “The big pocket worm raised his eyebrows, “Then save him by yourself, but I don’t think you can do it.” “”
“After finishing speaking, the big worm kicked the BLADE transforming device on the ground without dying.”
“Kirito took a deep look at the undead creature of the big beetle worm. This is the first time he has seen an undead creature that is so confident in its own power! If you can see the whole leopard at a glance, the strength of this undead creature may far exceed him. imagination!”
“But, even so, he still has a reason to fight!”
“Kirito picked up the BLADE transformation device on the ground and put it on, “Transform! “”
“”TURNUP! “”
“”drink! “Kirito pulled out the BLAY awakening device, let out a roar, and slashed at the undead creature with a sword.”
“But the undead worm just spread its hands indifferently, neither intending to dodge nor defend, as if it wanted to give up resistance and let Kirito seal it.”
“Could it be that he doesn’t intend to fight at all? A trace of doubt flashed in Kirito’s eyes, but the movements of his hands did not stop at all.”
“It’s getting closer, it’s getting closer! The blade is only about three centimeters away from the cheek of the giant worm undead creature!”
“Kirito’s sword stopped at the distance of three centimeters, and he couldn’t get any closer. It was just air, but Kirito’s sword seemed to be cutting on steel… No, it must be stronger than steel. Hard materials are needed!”
“With the sharpness of the Blay Awakening Device, even steel can be easily split, but at this moment, Kirito’s sword can only make a crisp sound when it cuts on the air!”
“”How is this going? ! “A trace of horror flashed in Kirito’s eyes. He didn’t believe in evil, and waved the BLAY awakening device in his hand, attacking from all directions of the big worm undead creature.”
“But, it’s completely useless! Kirito can’t break through that defense in any direction!”
“The big beetle undead creature still maintained that movement, and even hiccupped boredly, “What? Is it only to this extent? Your strength should be more than that, right? “”
“Kirito gritted his teeth and immediately put on the Awakening Fusion Device.”
“” ABSORBQUEEN (absorb goat)! FUSIONJACK (Fusion Vulture)! “”
“Kirito, who quickly transformed into a bodyguard, immediately swiped two seal cards and activated his special move.”
“”JACKLIGHTNINGSLASH (Thunder Slash)! “”
“Looking at Kirito who flashed a flash of lightning into the sky, and then rushed towards him, the big worm undead showed an interested smile, “Oh, this trick looks pretty good. “”
“However, it’s just not bad… Facing such a powerful attack, he still stands where he is, and has no intention of dodging!”
“Kirito slashed with his sword, but there was still only a crisp sound, and the sword light couldn’t move forward at all!”
“Instead, Kirito himself flew upside down under the terrifying shock.”
“”ended? “The big bagworm undead creature asked quite kindly, “In this case, I will leave. “”
“On the other side, the scarab undead creature has already knocked Eugeo out, and then put it on his shoulders, standing behind the big beetle undead creature like a little brother.”””Wait a moment! Kirito roared, clutching his shoulders and stood up with difficulty, “Put Eugeo down!” “”
“”Um? “The undead creature, who had already planned to turn around and leave, turned around again, and looked at Kirito curiously, “You can still stand up, but why do you want to do this for an undead creature? He is a JOKER, a natural killing machine, even sealed human undead creatures, the murderer who cut off your hope of human prosperity! “”
“”He’s not a killing machine! “Kirito said decisively, “I know, that guy…his cold face hides fiery blood!” And more importantly, he is my companion! “”
“The big worm undead creature raised its eyebrows, “It’s really interesting that a human being would treat an undead creature as a companion. I like it the most. “”
“Then you come and rescue him and have a look, but you have to show your strongest strength. The location is on the plain on the seventeenth floor, come here as soon as you recover from your injuries. EMMMM, it’s a bit like the dragon kidnapped the princess and asked the knight to rescue the princess, right? Hahahaha, it’s getting more and more interesting. “”
“After that, the big scutellaria undead creature turned around and left, followed by the scarab undead creature carrying Eugeo on its shoulder.”
“Kirito finally couldn’t hold it anymore, his eyes darkened and he fell down.”
Chapter 472 What should I do if the princess is gone?
“When Eugeo woke up, he found himself lying in a very dark house. When he opened his eyes, he saw the undead creature of the big roundworm sitting on a chair, playing with a pile of cards in his hand.”
“Eugeo’s face changed, and he quickly reached out to touch the card box on his waist. Sure enough, all the sealed cards have disappeared!”
“At this time, the big worm undead creature said with a sigh, “I didn’t expect you to have collected such a card of undead creatures. Except for the KING of the red heart type, all the undead creatures of the red heart type have been sealed by you. “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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