“”Stole my card, but didn’t seal me, what on earth do you want to do? “Eugeo asked coldly.”
“”I originally wanted to seal you after I got the card, but there is a human with a sick mind who seems to want to save you. “”
“The big roundworm undead creature looked at the cards in its hand one by one, and said indifferently, “So, I also left you here. After all, you know that I like interesting things the most. “”
“”Ah, yes. “The hand of the undead creature playing with the card suddenly paused, “In addition to the King of Hearts, there is one card missing here, the Human Undead Creature Seal Card of Heart 2!” After all, you rely on this transformation now, and I can’t take it off directly. So, could you please give me a hand? “”
“”Don’t think about it! “Eugeo stood up and said in a deep voice.”
“He knows that once he loses the sealing card of this human undead creature, he will no longer be able to use the appearance of other undead creatures. At that time, his original appearance will be fully revealed!”
“He is very clear that he used to be a joker, he was an irrational existence with only killing in his mind, but since he sealed the undead human beings, he gradually became rational, and even developed a deep love for human beings from the bottom of his heart. closeness.”
“He doesn’t know whether this is the plan of human undead creatures, or what… All he knows is that he never wants to go back to the way he used to be!”
“Once he returns to his former appearance, his current personality, and the memory of this period, he will gradually lose it!”
“At that time, he will no longer remember Yui, and he will no longer remember Kirito… He doesn’t want such a thing at all!”
“In your eyes, I’m completely unimportant, right?” Yuki Asuna complained with a wry smile, although she didn’t have any memory about Yugioh, and from the video, she didn’t feel that she and Yugi How good is the relationship between Europe and the United States.
But, Eugeo’s mentality made her very uncomfortable!
Mainly because she was thinking, wouldn’t it make it more obvious that Eugeo, Kirito and Yui are the same family, and she is just a dispensable third party? !
“As soon as Eugeo’s voice fell, the scarab undead creature on the side kicked him in the chest. At this moment, Eugeo, who was only using the power of the two human undead creatures of the hearts, had no power to fight back, and was killed Kick it away.”
“The big worm undead creature sighed, “Why don’t you just hand over the card? I don’t have any bad intentions, I just think about how handsome you Joker is, so I just want to see you. “”
“”You’re bored, so it’s true you want to have some fun, right? “Eugeo directly debunked the lie of the giant worm undead creature.”
“Hahaha, you really understand me. “The big beetle undead creature laughed, but did not deny it, “It will be a while before that human comes to save you, right?” Waiting is boring, so we naturally have to do something interesting. “”
“”Is it interesting to see me in my original form? “There was a little anger in Eugeo’s eyes. For him, once he changed back to his original body, he would never be able to live his previous life again! But such a painful thing for him, in this big bag of immortals In the eyes of creatures, it’s just an interesting thing!”
“Of course, I haven’tHave you ever fought against the JOKER figure? I would be very happy if you could change back into your true form and fight me. “”
“The big beetle undead creature put away the card and squatted down in front of Eugeo, “Otherwise, I will kill that Yui. You kept calling his name when you fainted, that person is very important to you, right? “”
“Hearing these words, a string in Eugeo’s mind seemed to be completely broken, his eyes became blood red, and his sanity was instantly lost!”
“”Don’t shoot her! “”
“Eugeo roared like a wild beast, and the CHALICE Awakening Device on his waist suddenly emerged. Under the surprised eyes of the undead creature of the giant worm, a terrifying green energy shock wave centered on Eugeo, erupted instantly!”
“The big beetle undead creature and the scarab undead creature were blown away by that terrifying force before they could react!”
“When the undead worm managed to recover from the shock wave, it was as if the house had been cut open, and the upper half was directly turned into fly ash!”
“Not only that, but from the house, there is nothing in the endless mountains and fields. Both the woods and the rocks have completely disappeared, as if they never existed!”
“As for Eugeo… he has disappeared.”
“”Is this the power of JOKER? The undead worm licked his lips, his eyes were full of excitement, “It’s great!” I will definitely take this power into my hands! “”
“But in a blink of an eye, he smiled wryly, “However, it is really troublesome to let him run away like this. What if the knight comes to rescue the princess later, but finds that the princess is gone? The fun that should have been there is gone. “”
“Hey, come with me to get JOKER back. “He said to the scarab undead creature next to him, and then the two searched for JOKER’s whereabouts based on some weak induction.”
“On the other hand, Kirito finally woke up from his coma.”
“Kirito, you finally woke up. Asuna happily handed over a glass of water, “What happened?” I just saw you lying on the ground alone. “”
“” Eugeo was taken away by two undead creatures! One of them is very powerful! Kirito smiled wryly, “After I transformed into a bodyguard, not only did I fail to hurt him, but I was knocked back by his power and fainted.” “”
“”Undead creature? Why did you want to capture Eugeo on purpose? “Asuna asked suspiciously.”
“”I am not sure as well. Kirito shook his head, “But I will save Eugeo!” Otherwise, Yui will definitely be sad. “”
“”Do you know where he is? “Asuna asked.”
“”Listen to that guy, it seems to be on the plain on the seventeenth floor. “”
Chapter 473 Is this telepathy?
“Drip, drop, drop…”
“Suddenly, the undead detection instrument sounded a rapid alarm.”
“Kirito and Asuna’s expressions changed, and they hurried out to check.”
“”The undead creature energy reaction that I have never seen before, who is it? “Asuna frowned and said, but although she found the undead creature, at this moment Asuna has no plans to move out.”
“Ever since she knew that the human undead creatures were sealed, she has no motivation to act…Anyway, no matter what she does, the fate of human beings cannot be changed. This is what she thinks in her heart now.”
“But Kirito immediately turned around and ran out, “Asuna, protect Yui, I’ll go there! “”
“Kirito has a hunch that it’s Eugeo! It must be Eugeo!”
“Is this considered telepathy?” Tong Gu Kazuto’s face darkened, he felt that the two of him and Eugeo in the video seemed to be getting more and more gay!
Is this really okay? He will be regarded as a Gai guy!
His sister is already looking at him with strange eyes now!
“Kirito rushed all the way to the position detected by the detection device, and saw Klein beating Eugeo violently.”
“” Transformation! “”
“Kirito didn’t say anything, he transformed himself and charged Klein away.”
“”Ugh! Klein was knocked into the wall, and then landed on the ground with a bang. He looked up and glared at Kirito, “You bastard, don’t make trouble!” “”
“”Klein… no, it should be a spider undead creature, I won’t let you hurt Eugeo! “Kirito pulled out the BLAY awakening device and pointed it at Klein.”
“Klein’s face turned black. Although he didn’t want to admit it, Kirito who can transform into a bodyguard is indeed stronger than him.”
“”Do you know his real identity? Klein had no choice but to try to make Kirito give up Eugeo with words, “He is a cold killing machine, JOKER!” “”
“”From the current situation, you are more like a killing machine. Kirito was still standing in front of Eugeo, without moving away, “Now, get out of here immediately!” “”
“”You chose to protect JOKER…you will regret it! “Klein said a harsh word, got up and left.”
“Looking at Klein’s back, Kirito put down the BLAY Awakening Device, but he didn’t make a move after all. Once he fights with this spider undead creature, Klein might die right away!”
“When Klein was no longer in sight, Kirito heaved a sigh of relief and canceled the transformation, “Eugeo, are you okay? “”
“”fine. “Eugeo shook his head, his eyes were very complicated, “Why did you come to save me?” I’m the murderer who causes humanity to lose hope, am I not? “”
“But, you are also my friend. “Kirito said with a smile,” and, I believe, there must be other ways! ifIt is an inevitable fate that human beings will lose their status as the spirit of all things, then I will definitely overcome this fate and show you! “”
“Eugeo looked at Kirito blankly, “You mean friend? “”
“Yes, we are friends! “The smile on Kirito’s face became even brighter.”
“Suddenly, Eugeo’s face changed, “They are coming! go! “”
“Before the words fell, Eugeo ran to the side. Kirito was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Eugeo was talking about the two undead creatures that captured Eugeo before!”
“The two were running, and suddenly, time stopped!”
“The undead worm came slowly, “I didn’t expect that you would have found JOKER in such a short time. “”
“He looked at Kirito with a sneer, and then punched Kirito in the face.”
“But when his fist touched Kirito, there was only a dull sound.”
“Ah, pain, pain. He shook his hands and frowned in pain, “When the time is stopped, there is no way to attack the opponent, which is also a disadvantage. “”
“What kind of rubbish does time stand still, and there’s no way to attack people!” Baiyin Dior couldn’t help complaining, and at the same time, a proud expression appeared on his face inadvertently.
After his stand-in world pauses time, he can hit people! That’s the difference!
“But, Dad, there seems to be no time limit for this undead creature to stop. Unlike you, you can only stop for five seconds, which is very good.” Baiyin Yuxing inadvertently gave his father a knowing slap hit.
“…” Baiyin Dior was immediately silenced.
“The big beetle undead creature shook its hand, took a few steps back, and ordered to the scarab undead creature beside it, “Do it, get rid of this human!” “”
“”Roar. “The scarab undead creature let out a roar, a golden light flashed on its body, and the time suspension was immediately lifted.”
“Then, before Kirito knew what happened, he kicked Kirito in the chest!”
“Caught off guard, Kirito was kicked onto a rock, crushing the rock, and his blood dropped to less than half blood in an instant.”
“” Kirito! “Eugeo turned around immediately when he heard the movement behind him, only to realize that these two undead creatures had already arrived beside them!”
“”JOKER, just watch the play aside first. Of course, you can choose to help this person. “Speaking, the big worm undead creature lit up the cards in its hand, “However, I don’t think you can do it, after all, all your cards are in my hand. “”
“”Is that Eugeo’s card? ! “Kirito looked at the cards in surprise, gritted his teeth, and instantly transformed.”
“”Bring back Eugeo’s card! “”
“Kirito mentioned the BLAY Awakener and was about to grab the card, but was stopped by the scarab undead creature.”
“Don’t be so impatient, your opponent is not me. “The big beetle undead creature smiled and found a place to sit and watch the show.”
“Kirito has no choice but to fight the scarab undead creature, but facing the scarab undead creature’s time freeze, Kirito was suppressed and beaten almost the whole time!”
“The big beetle undead creature is very happy to watch, just like a landlord Lao Cai is enjoying a play.”
“But Eugeo was lost in thought. Since the undead beetle has controlled the undead scarab, the undead scarab must obey his orders before it can act.”
“If this is the case, the scarab undead creature must exclude the big beetle undead creature when suspending time, otherwise once the time of the big beetle undead creature is also stopped, the scarab undead creature who cannot get the order is afraid It is to suspend time until the end of time!”
“So, being controlled by people. How does the scarab undead creature that has lost the ability to think independently distinguish between others and the big beetle undead creature?”
“Eugeo was thinking desperately while listening to the screams of Kirito who was beaten violently.”
“Suddenly, he saw a ribbon on the arm of the scarab undead creature! And on the arm of the big beetle undead creature, the same ribbon was also tied!”
Chapter 474 Card bug
“After discovering this, Eugeo stopped thinking about whether it was correct or not. When the scarab undead creature was fighting with Kirito, he directly bumped into it, and began to tear the ribbon on the scarab undead creature’s wrist with both hands.”
“Eugeo, get out of here! You don’t have any cards anymore, so you can’t transform into CHALICE! “Kirito was shocked, and at the same time, he attacked the scarab undead creature more vigorously, trying to attract the opponent’s hatred.”
“”Roar! “The scarab undead creature roared, as if it was stimulated, completely ignored Kirito’s attack, desperately protected the ribbon in its hand, and kicked Eugeo away.”
“”Well! “Eugeo was kicked in the chest, as if struck by lightning, he flew upside down.”
“Hiss, the hands that were holding on to the ribbon tightly tore off a corner of the ribbon!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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