“”Eugeo, are you alright? “Kirito pushed the scarab undead creature away with a sword, and turned to check Eugeo’s situation.”
“”I’m fine. “Eugeo shook his head, and handed the ribbon in his hand to Kirito, “Put this on, and with this, time will not be stopped. “”
“Kirito paused and looked at Eugeo affectionately, are you willing to get hurt for me? Don’t worry, YugiOh, I won’t let you down! I will definitely win this battle! ”
“Kirito didn’t say anything, but solemnly took the ribbon and wrapped it around his wrist.”
“” Was it discovered? “The big bagworm undead creature murmured in a low voice, and then ordered, “Stop his time!” “”
“The scarab undead obeyed the order, and a golden light shone all over its body.”
“But it’s completely useless! Kirito glanced at his unaffected body happily, then looked at the other party and said in a deep voice, “You can’t stop my time!” “”
“”Phew…” The big worm undead creature took a long breath, shook its head helplessly, and was controlled by him. It’s just annoyed that it doesn’t have independent thinking. It’s purely mentally retarded! It doesn’t know how to adapt!”
“It stands to reason that he should leave now with the scarab undead creature and change the setting again, but he just sat there and watched the show.”
“Because, compared to winning, he is still more interested in interesting things! And what’s happening now is interesting to him!”
“The scarab undead creature couldn’t stop time, and he, who had already become mentally retarded, got stuck in an instant.”
“To put it simply, I used Time Pause, found that the enemy was not stopped, and then continued to use Time Pause, but found that it still did not stop, so I continued to use Time Pause… This process has been looping non-stop, and it has directly entered an endless loop. ”
“From this point, it can be seen that most of the undead creatures of the big beetle have never learned programming. Once you find that the scarab undead may enter an endless loop, you have to BREAK!”
“Pfft, it seems that undead creatures are still not good.” Hashida Zhixiao’s fat body trembled, and he finally found confidence in undead creatures, “When it comes to programming, my SUPER hacker is better. what!”
“Of course, it’s useless to say anything now, the scarab undead creature has entered an endless loop, standing motionless in place, just standing there and blinking non-stop.”
“Although Kirito doesn’t know what happened to the scarab undead creature, he also knows that this is a great opportunity!”
“I saw him jumping into the air, and the BLAY awakening device in his hand was cut straight down.”
“”Ow! “The scarab undead screamed and flew out.”
“But even so, he is still extremely loyal and continues to enter the endless loop. Even if he is flying in the air, he must shine unswervingly.”
“Kirito immediately took out three cards and swiped them separately.”
“” KICK (kick the locust)! THUNDER (thunder deer)! MACH (Sonic Jaguar)! “”
“After the three cards flew into Kirito’s body, he kicked his feet violently, and with the help of the terrifying recoil, jumped into the air. Immediately afterwards, a group of dazzling lightning gathered on his right leg!”
“In just a split second, Kirito kicked the scarab undead creature caught in an endless loop, and countless azure and scarlet arcs spread all over its body in an instant.”
“”Ugh! ! ! “The scarab undead screamed and struggled. After a while, it finally didn’t move.”
“Kirito threw a card and sealed it.”
“The big beetle undead creature clapped its hands in satisfaction, “It’s really a good show for me. I didn’t expect mere human beings to be able to do this. Although I also know that it uses the power of undead creatures, what is it called…Kamen Rider? In short, it is worthy of praise. “”
“You bastard, it’s you next! “Kirito pointed the BLAY Awakening Device at the giant beetle undead creature.”
“But the big roundworm undead creature smiled disdainfully, “You seem to have forgotten what it was like to be beaten by me before, right? I haven’t even started yet. “”
“Kirito’s fighting spirit, which had just climbed to the peak, stagnated for a moment. At this time, he once again recalled the fear of being dominated by the giant worm undead creature.”
“But this fear didn’t last even a second, and he forcibly dispelled it. In order to protect his friend, Eugeo, his friend, he is fearless!”
“However, the undead creature of the big beetle obviously has no intention of doing anything, so it stood up and patted the dust on its body, “The battle just now should be regarded as you fighting me to save Joker, so, as a spoil, JOKER will return it to you. “”
“But JOKER, don’t forget, your cards are still in my hand. The undead worm shook the cards in its hand, “You also know what will happen if you lose these cards, right?” “”
“”So, the next battle is for you to take back these cards, although I don’t think you can do it. “He smiled, and then disappeared in front of the two of them.”
“”stop. “Eugeo stood up unsteadily, trying to stop the undead creature, but his legs gave way and he fell down again.”
“He was kicked by a scarab undead creature before, so he can’t recover now.”
“”Eugeo, hold on! “Kirito quickly canceled the transformation, and ran over to help Eugeo up.”
“But when he was supporting Eugeo, he saw that Eugeo seemed unable to hold on any longer, closed his eyes and fell into a coma.”
“At the same time, Eugeo’s body gradually emitted a strange green light, and an extremely hideous phantom flashed past.”
“Kirito looked at this scene in a daze, and murmured, “Is this, Joker? “”
Chapter 475: Eugeo Fighting Ego
“Mother Eugeo, are you feeling better now? ” Yui obediently put a wet hairPutting the towel on Eugeo’s forehead, he asked worriedly. ”
“But Eugeo didn’t even have the strength to answer, he was just trembling all over, with an extremely ferocious expression.”
“” Yui, how is Eugeo doing now? “Kirito suddenly walked in and asked.”
“”It’s still the same as before. Yui shook her head sadly, “I’ve never seen Eugeo’s mother feel so uncomfortable. “”
“”However, I will take good care of Eugeo’s mother! “Yui clenched his fist and assured him with all his strength.”
“Kirito forced a smile and patted her head, “Then Eugeo will be left to you, Yui. “”
“”Um! “Yuki nodded vigorously.”
“Kirito smiled, glanced at Eugeo worriedly, and walked out.”
“As soon as Kirito walked out of the room, Asuna asked, “What happened to Eugeo? “”
“Although Asuna has a bad impression of Eugeo because he sealed the human undead creatures. But Asuna is a gentle and kind girl after all. Seeing Eugeo hurt like this, I still can’t help it care.”
“Kirito shook his head, “I don’t know, logically, Eugeo was kicked by a scarab undead creature and injured… But after I checked, I found that Eugeo had no injuries. The reason why he became like this is probably because of other reasons. “”
“Suddenly Kirito’s mind flashed the words said by the undead worm, and his eyes lit up and he said, “Could it be because of the card? “”
“”card? Asuna looked at him suspiciously, “Do you mean to seal the card?” “”
“”Um! Kirito nodded and said, “That guy said that once Eugeo loses these cards, there will be some consequences… No, I’m going to get the cards back!” “”
“As soon as the words fell, Kirito opened the door and rushed out.”
“Asuna looked at his retreating back worriedly, and murmured, “Be careful, Kirito. “”
“On the other side, the big beetle undead creature has changed back to its original appearance, and is staying in the maze to play games with a group of players.”
“I saw the players carrying their swords and attacking the undead creature, but they couldn’t break through the defense. Every blow hit a distance of three centimeters from his body, and then they all bounced back.”
“”What’s going on with this boss? ! No matter how hard you hit him, you can’t hurt him! “”
“”Why is there a BOSS here! Isn’t this a safe leveling area? I don’t want to die yet! “”
“”Run, jump! If you continue to stay here, you will definitely die! “”
“But in just a few minutes, the mood of the players fell into despair. A group of people either sat on the ground and shivered, or turned around and wanted to escape.”
“”Don’t run away. “The big bagworm undead creature stopped the fleeing players with a dodge, “Didn’t it be agreed that as long as you can touch me, I will let you go?” Just met me, very simple, right? You see, I haven’t resisted at all, just let you attack me. “”
“”Do not make jokes! “One of the players roared, jumped up and gave him a sword, and then he was knocked out as if he had cut something extremely hard.”
“As soon as he was about to hit the wall, a figure suddenly appeared, grabbed the player, and put him aside, “Hey, are you okay? “”
“What, Blade, why are you here so soon. “The big roundworm undead creature said with some dissatisfaction.”
“That’s right, he just found a fun thing to do, and he was disturbed just like that.”
“Seeing that the player shook his head to indicate that he was okay, Kirito glared at the big worm undead creature, “What are you doing? ! “”
“”Is it clear after a look? “The big beetle undead creature opened its hands and said with a smile, “I told them, as long as they can touch me, let them go, but they always fall to the ground by themselves, and they can’t touch me at all. How about it, is it fun? “”
“”Run, leave this to me! “Kirito said quickly, and then stood in front of these players.”
“Soon, the players ran away one by one. They were already filled with fear, and they never considered whether Kirito would be in danger facing the enemy alone.”
“However, Kirito doesn’t care about such things. In his opinion, even if these players stay, they will only add to his troubles.”
“Ah, they all ran away. “The big beetle undead creature lost its voice and said, but it didn’t chase after it. Anyway, BLADE has come.”
“This guy is much better than those useless ordinary people! Naturally, it’s also more interesting!”
“”Ah, by the way, what’s the status of JOKER? “”
“”You really know! “Kirito said in a deep voice, “That is to say, the reason why Eugeo became like this is because he lost the card, right? ! “”
“Hahaha, from your tone of voice, JOKER’s current situation is very bad. However, you are wrong. The big worm undead creature shook his head with a smile, “If there would be problems without the sealing cards, then how could he survive without these cards in the first place?” “”
“”The reason why he becomes bad now because of losing the card is because he is fighting with his body in order not to return to JOKER! “”
“The big worm undead creature shrugged and said, “That guy has always relied on the seal cards of these undead creatures to suppress Joker’s killing instinct, but now, with only one human undead creature seal card left, he is very I’m about to turn back into a JOKER! “”
“”Hahaha, as long as I think that JOKER’s true face is about to emerge, I willFeeling very excited, that scene must be very interesting! “”
“The big beetle undead creature laughed heartily, and then the voice became deep in an instant, “By then, the power of JOKER will be mine! “”
“Kirito slowly put the BLADE transforming device on his waist, “That is to say, as long as you can get back all the cards in your hand, Eugeo can change back to his original form, right? “”
“That’s right, so you want to fight me?” Want to get your card back? “The big bagworm undead creature laughed loudly, “But I don’t think you can get this card anymore. “”
“” Transformation! “”
“Kirito didn’t speak any more, he transformed into Kamen Rider Blade, and then took out the Blay Awakener to attack.”
“But the big beetle undead suddenly said, “Ah, that’s right. I heard that you are called Kamen Rider, right? A Kamen Rider who claims to be the guardian of mankind. “”
“”But, you are now fighting me to save JOKER, the murderer who caused the defeat of mankind. Such you, can you really be called the guardian of mankind? “”
Chapter 476 Starburst Airflow Slash
“Hearing that, Kirito’s originally high fighting spirit dropped several levels in an instant.”
“When the undead creature saw this, a long sword emerged from its forehead, and he held it in his hand, “Actually, you are also thinking about whether you did something wrong, right? Otherwise, how could you be so weak after using so many undead creature powers? “”
“”I didn’t! “Kirito seemed to have been hit by a rumor, and he attacked in anger.”
“The shield on the left wrist of the undead creature blocked the attack with a light lift, and then slashed Kirito’s chest with a backhand sword, followed by an offensive like a storm, easily suppressing Kirito to the point of being unable to The point of moving.”
“”While saying no, but in fact, your strength is weaker than before, isn’t it? “”
“The undead worm kicked Kirito’s chest and sent him flying while saying those words that would kill his heart.”
“”Ugh! Kirito groaned, struggling to stand up, “I said it before, I didn’t think that way, I will definitely save Eugeo!” “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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