“Lying on the bed, Eugeo, who was in a coma, suddenly opened his eyes wide.”
“Mother Eugeo, you’re awake! “Yui on the side wanted to lean over happily.”
“”do not come! But Eugeo roared ferociously, and then jumped up from the bed, but Yui and Asuna stopped him, and quickly left the lakeside hut.”
“”This power… um! ! “Eugeo’s expression became more and more ferocious, and that green terrifying phantom kept flickering.”
“”Is it Kirito? No, no! You cannot use this power! cannot! Uh… uh ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! “”
“Finally, he seemed to be unable to restrain himself any longer, and completely transformed into that terrifying green phantom—JOKER!”
“”I also said why this card suddenly responded, it turned out to be responding to your existence. “Klein held a card that sealed the praying mantis undead creature in his hand, and walked here with a smile.”
“He has turned into a joker. He has almost lost his sanity as Eugeo. He glared at Klein and roared like a beast from his throat.”
“”Humph. Klein directly pulled the LEANGLE transforming device, “Transform!” “”
“” OPENUP! “”
“” Let me show you the power of the strongest Kamen Rider! JOKER! “”
“Klein laughed wildly and took out that thick and long stick——the LEANGLE Awakening Device, and hit Eugeo on the head with it.”
“Eugeo raised his right hand to easily block the blow, and then grabbed the LEANGLE awakening device with a backhand.”
“Nani? Klein exclaimed, before he could make a move. Eugeo had already snatched the LEANGLE Awakening Device, and hit Klein’s head with a stick with lightning speed!”
“”Ugh! “”
“Klein screamed, clutching his head and backing away again and again.”
“”Roar! “Eugeo roared again, threw away the LEANGLE awakening device, and the wrist knife on his right wrist began to emit violent green energy. With a wave of his right hand, the green energy turned into a light blade, which instantly penetrated Klein’s belly!”
“A piercing voice sounded, and the armor on Klein’s body was directly shattered. He was sitting tremblingly on the ground at the moment, who was so arrogant just now, panting heavily in shock, “This is the power of Joker… …How could he be so strong? ! “”
“Today is also the day when the strongest Kamen Rider is deflated.”
“Pfft!” Hikigu Hachiman sprayed out directly.
“Brother, is it not good for you to laugh at others like this?” Hiki Gu Komachi gave his brother a sideways look.
Hikigaya Hachiman sat up straight, “I didn’t laugh at him, I’m a professionally trained Kamen Rider, no matter what happens, I can’t laugh.”
“But you’re smiling so happily.” Hikigaya Komachi said, pointing at the corner of his mouth.
“I just remembered happy things.” Hikigaya Hachiman said with a shrug.
Leaving aside the other people’s teasing, Klein was about to cry at this moment, why did he treat him like this? Which Kamen Rider is not deflated!
Courtesy Klein: Do you?
“Eugeo seems to have finally regained some sanity at this moment. He walked slowly to Klein and squatted down. Under Klein’s horrified eyes, he took out the card that sealed the undead creature CHALICE of the praying mantis.”
“”I didn’t expect this card to be with you, so I accepted it. “”
“Eugeo, who received this card, changed into the appearance of Kamen Rider CHALICE in a blink of an eye, and then left, leaving only Klein trembling in place.”
“Not far from here, Eugeo, who transformed into CHALICE, lost his legs and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, he held the tree beside him with his hands in time.”
“He can feel that Joker’s power is getting more and more restless. Even if he gets the seal card of the praying mantis undead creature, he won’t be able to suppress Joker for long!”
“At this time, Asuna, who came out looking for Eugeo with Yui, finally came here.”
Yui shouted happily, “Mother Eugeo! “”
“Eugeo paused, with a joyful expression on his face, but that joy turned into panic in an instant, “Don’t come here! “”
Chapter 479 That Power is Dangerous
“Asuna asked in a deep voice, “Eugeo, what’s wrong with you? Why did you leave suddenly? “”
“Eugeo glanced at Yui beside him, and said sadly, “I don’t know how long I can suppress the other self. “”
“”another me? Asuna frowned slightly: “Are you referring to your real identity—JOKER?” “”
“Eugeo nodded lightly, “A powerful force was born in Kirito’s body, and Joker is responding to that power. The next time I change back into a Joker…I’m afraid even Jieyi will forget it. “”
“Eugeo’s words were like a thunderbolt from the clear sky, split into Yui’s mind, she opened her mouth sadly, “Mother Eugeo…””
“”I’m afraid that I will hurt Yui, so… I have to leave. “Eugeo made up his mind not to look at Yui, turned around and left.”
“Asuna and Yui didn’t try to keep Eugeo, they all know that this is Eugeo’s decision, and there will be no change!”
“So, even though Yui was in tears, she still didn’t say anything to make him stay.”
“But EugeoAfter walking a few steps, he stopped suddenly, and said in a serious tone, “Tell Kirito, don’t use that power anymore! If you continue to use it, sooner or later… Ugh!””
“Before Eugeo finished speaking, he let out a muffled snort, as if he couldn’t hold it back anymore, a phantom flashed across his body, and then he left in a hurry.”
“Can’t use that power anymore? “Asuna frowned, she didn’t understand what this meant, but there was already a sense of uneasiness in her heart.”
“Afterwards, Asuna also left with Yui. When I returned to the room, I found that Kirito hadn’t come back. Asuna and Yui, who were more and more disturbed, hurried to the address detected earlier.”
“When the two of them arrived, I saw Kirito fainting on the ground.”
“Asuna’s complexion changed and she hurriedly brought Kirito back home. Kirito finally woke up near midnight.”
“Kirito, you finally woke up. Asuna said happily, “Do you still have any discomfort?” “”
“”Hmm…” Kirito covered his head, slowly got up from the bed, took a sip of the water that Asuna handed him, then shook his head and said, “I’m much better. “”
“”That’s good. Asuna breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked, “Kirito, what happened?” “”
“”I don’t know why, even though I used the Awakening Fusion Device, it didn’t turn into a guard form, but instead turned into a brand new form. But thinking about the type of KING card I use, this form may be called the king form. “”
“”The strange thing is that after I transformed, all the thirteen undead cards of spades flew into my body. “Kirito said puzzled, “After defeating the enemy in the king form, I passed out. “”
“”Is this what Eugeo said, great power? Asuna murmured, then grabbed Kirito’s shoulder and urged, “Kirito, you can no longer use this power!” Eugeo said that if you continue to use it, there will be serious consequences! “”
“” Serious consequences? “Kirito tilted his head, “But since Eugeo said so, then it must be true. I will take care not to use this power again. “”
“By the way, what about the Eugeos? How is he feeling now? Kirito suddenly said anxiously, “I failed to get the card back, and I don’t know how long Eugeo can last.” “”
“Asuna pursed her lips and said, “Eugeo has already left. Just when you awakened the king form, the JOKER in Eugeo’s body began to respond to your power, and he left without being able to restrain JOKER. “”
“”what? ! Kirito suddenly got up from the bed in shock, “That is to say, it won’t be long before Eugeo will completely become a joker?” ! “”
“”I’m afraid…that’s the case. “Asuna nodded lightly.”
“”Why is this…” Kirito clenched his hand tightly on the quilt, and then flipped off the bed with a slam, “Asuna, you should rest first, I’ll go find Eugeo! “”
“” Kirito! “Asuna just yelled, before he could reach out to stop him, Kirito ran out in a hurry.”
“After Kirito left the lake house, he looked around anxiously. He didn’t know the exact location of Eugeo, so he could only run around like a headless chicken.”
“Eugeo, where are you? Kirito ran around, the more he ran, the more uncertain he was. He felt that he might not be able to find Eugeo before he became a joker.”
“But probably he was lucky enough. After running for more than an hour, he finally found Eugeo on the side of the road.”
“At this time, Eugeo is leaning against the big tree, half lying on the ground, his face is pale, and he twitches from time to time, and he can feel his pain just by looking.”
“”Eugeo, are you alright? ! “Kirito hurriedly wanted to run over.”
“Eugeo woke up suddenly when he heard Kirito’s voice, and he roared, “Don’t come here! “”
“Seeing that Kirito stopped, Eugeo continued, “I will soon turn back to that beast that only wants to kill, go back, and don’t come to me again. “”
“Don’t worry, Eugeo, I’ll get the card back for you soon! “Kirito said quickly, “I already know where your cards are…””
“Before Kirito spoke, he saw Eugeo take out a card, which is the card of CHALICE, an undead mantis creature.”
“Kirito was dumb for a moment, “Have you got your card back yet? Even with this card? “”
“”It’s no longer possible. “Eugeo shook his head, “The power of this card alone is not enough to suppress JOKER’s power. “”
“”But, haven’t you always relied on CHALICE’s power to suppress JOKER? “Kirito asked quickly.”
“”Kirito, your new power is very dangerous, JOKER is responding… oh! “Eugeo’s expression became extremely ferocious in an instant. Before Kirito could react, he turned into that terrifying green figure, and disappeared into the night sky with a single jump!”
“…” Kirito stared blankly at the scene in front of him, “My power is dangerous? Asuna also conveyed it to me once before… Could it be that it is because of my king form that Eugeo has completely become a Joker? “”
Chapter 480: He is probably still human
“On the other hand, not long after Kirito left, Asuna received a message from Heathcliff.”
“Heathcliff: Asuna, you have timeIf so, please come to the headquarters of the Knights of the Blood Alliance as soon as possible, I have a very important thing to tell you here! It’s about Kirito, he’s dangerous right now! ”
“” Kirito is dangerous? “Asuna was terrified in her heart, and she was about to get up and go to Heathcliff, but she glanced at Yui who was resting in the room, and then sat back.”
“If you leave now, there might be undead creatures hurting Yui.”
“After waiting for a while, Kirito came back from the outside. He looked downcast, and there was no Eugeo behind him.”
“After Kirito fell asleep, Asuna hurried to the headquarters of the Knights of the Blood Order.”
“Asuna got there soon, she knocked on the door, and walked into Heathcliff’s office, “Senior Heathcliff, here I come. “”
“Ah, Asuna, you’re finally here, I thought you’d be late. Heathcliff smiled and pointed to the seat beside him, “Sit first.” “”
“Asuna heard that, she found a place to sit down, and then asked, “What do you mean Kirito is dangerous? “”
“Heathcliff sighed, took out a document and said, “Asuna, although I don’t continue to be a Kamen Rider anymore, I have always had psychological shadows from using the Garren Transformer. wary. I don’t think I’m that kind of person who is prone to fall into fear, and there must be some unknown secrets in it. “”
“”Since then, I have established the Knights of the Blood Alliance, and while attacking Aincrad, I searched for the whereabouts of Akihiko Kayaba. “”
“”Not long ago, I finally found the ruins of Kayaba Akihiko’s new laboratory. In it, some materials have not been taken away by Kayaba Akihiko. I sorted it out. You can take a look. “”
“Speaking, Heathcliff handed the document to Asuna.”
“Under Heathcliff’s serious eyes, Asuna took the document, and then her pupils shrank suddenly, and she said tremblingly, “What is this? “”
“I saw that it was written impressively – “Feasibility of further transforming human beings into undead creatures with the aid of the Awakening Fusion Device””
“Transforming humans into undead creatures?” Kiritani Kazuto swallowed, he suddenly felt that the Kayaba Akihiko in this video seemed to be more insane than the one he remembered.
Thinking about it this way, wouldn’t he have become an undead creature now?
Kiritani Kazuto quickly checked his body, but he didn’t see anything wrong.
This made him reluctantly breathe a sigh of relief, he probably, is still human.
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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