“”Is this really found in Director Kayaba’s laboratory? “Asuna’s hands trembled uncontrollably.”
“If this is true, then wouldn’t she and Kirito have been being Akihiko Kayaba’s experiments without knowing it?!”
“Heathcliff nodded with an extremely heavy expression, “Yes, you should know that I have no reason to lie to you! “”
“”According to the information in this document, in order to transform humans into undead creatures, the most important thing is that the fusion coefficient must be high! Asuna, you should also know how high Kirito’s fusion coefficient is! That’s why I said that he is already very dangerous. If he continues to use the Awakening Fusion Device, one day he will completely become an undead creature! “”
“Asuna frowned slightly. Naturally, she didn’t believe what Heathcliff said, but there was a sentence mentioned in the data–the awakening fuser can not only transform into a guard form by fusing undead creatures of the JACK type, but also Transform into a king form by fusing the KING undead creature!”
“In the process of transforming into the king form, depending on the level of fusion coefficient of the transforming person, the power of multiple undead creatures can be fused, up to thirteen!”
“And Kirito did transform into a king form through the fusion of KING undead creatures, and even fused thirteen undead creatures! This is enough to prove the authenticity of this information!”
“Besides, Eugeo has said repeatedly that Kirito’s power is very dangerous and must not be used any longer!”
“Then why, the head of the Kayaba didn’t tell her and Kirito this fact? What is the head of the Kayaba deliberately hiding?”
“”That’s why you said, is Kirito very dangerous now? “Asuna said softly while clutching the document tightly.”
“Heathcliff nodded and said, “Yes, I don’t think Kirito can continue to use the Awakening Fusion Device anymore! However, I don’t think Kirito should be the type who can listen to people’s words, so I think that even if it is necessary to use force, Kirito must be stopped from continuing to use that power. “”
“Heathcliff stood up from his seat as he spoke, walked to the side of the office, and groped a few times on the wall.”
“Just a click, Heathcliff seems to have hit some mechanism, the wall slowly opened, revealing a road inside.”
“Come with me, Asuna. “Heathcliff made a gesture and walked into it first.”
“Asuna frowned slightly, but still followed.”
“Not long after walking, a huge laboratory appeared in front of Asuna.”
“”laboratory? “Asuna looked around the laboratory, all the equipment inside was a bit worn out, it seemed that they were moved from the original laboratory, and then repaired, barely used.”
“But this suddenlyHowever, Asuna was a little surprised. Although she knew that Heathcliff was also a researcher, she didn’t know that he had secretly built a laboratory. ”
“As if seeing Asuna’s surprise, Heathcliff explained, “This laboratory was established not long ago, after I discovered Akihiko Kayaba’s purpose. And that’s what I set up this lab for. “”
“Speaking of which, Heathcliff activated a certain device.”
“The one in the center of the research room looks like a half egg. The outer cover is slowly opened, revealing a strange undead creature!”
“If Kirito were here, he would be able to recognize that this is very similar to the undead creature he killed, especially the weird seal lock on his waist!”
“Asuna exclaimed, “Undead creature? ! “”
“”That’s right, it’s an undead creature! Heathcliff nodded and said, “I can’t transform into a Kamen Rider, if I want to use force to force Kirito to stop using that power, I can only rely on undead creatures!” “”
Chapter 481 He dare not speak loudly
“”But, how did you control this undead creature? “Asuna looked at the undead creature carefully, and found that the undead creature had no desire to attack the two of them, so she couldn’t help being curious.”
“”Besides, this undead creature looks a bit strange, and it doesn’t look like ordinary undead creatures? “”
“Asuna said uncertainly.”
“”Naturally it doesn’t look like it. A smile curled up at the corner of Heathcliff’s mouth, “Because I created this undead creature, so I have the means to control him.” “”
“”You made it? “Asuna’s eyelids twitched, and her tone was full of horror. Can undead creatures be created? If so, doesn’t it mean that Heathcliff has already broken the mystery of eternal life?!”
“Hiss!” Sigong Yan’an gasped, almost drooling, “Eternity…”
This is eternity! Although it seemed like he was going to become a monster, he even dared to use the stone ghost mask that Katz took out from the loincloth. What else would he not dare to use? !
Moreover, he had obviously used the stone ghost mask before, and he should have obtained the eternal one long ago, but Katz and Baiyin Yuxing, who changed the world randomly, not only lost the eternal life, but even the substitute!
God knows how miserable his life is now, he dare not speak loudly to Shinomiya Kaguya!
I’m afraid that one day Kaguya Shinomiya’s steel chain fingers will open the zipper and invite a group of people to come and dance the gangster!
However, if he could transform into an undead creature, he wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore! Speak as loudly as you want, speak as loudly as you want!
“”That’s right, by combining the cells of undead creatures with human cells and cultivating them, I finally got such artificial undead creatures! ‘ explained Heathcliff.
“”So this is ah. “Asuna nodded, thinking that this is right, how could the mystery of immortality be so easily broken?”
Sigong Yan’an’s complexion turned dark immediately, and she was so happy!
Wait a minute? Sigong Yan’an suddenly tilted his head and thought, what would happen if he injected undead cells into his body?
Will he be swallowed by the cells of undead creatures, or does he gain the ability of immortality?
But think about it carefully, he is a dead old man, how can it be impossible for the cells in his body to defeat the cells of undead creatures? If you really want to do that, the possibility of being swallowed is obviously much greater.
Sigong Yan’an shuddered, thinking it would be better not to use such a dangerous method.
“Heathcliff continued, “After I created an undead creature, I immediately ordered him to bring Kirito back so that Kirito’s BLADE transformation device and awakening fusion device can be recovered, but unfortunately, that Undead creatures are no match for Kirito. “”
“He sighed and shook his head, then looked at Asuna expectantly and said, “So, Asuna, can you help me?” All this is to protect Kirito! “”
“”Protect Kirito…” Asuna murmured these words softly, her eyes gradually became firm, “Okay, I will help you! “”
“Early the next morning, Kirito got up from bed, only to find that Asuna had already made breakfast, he said with a smile, “Asuna, you woke up really early. “”
“”yes? I think it’s almost the same as usual. You got up too late, right? “Asuna said with a chuckle.”
“Hahaha, maybe. “Kirito sat in his seat and began to eat breakfast.”
“At the same time, I thought in my heart that as long as Eugeo also collects all thirteen cards, maybe he can successfully suppress Joker.”
“This is what he thought of last night. After he collects all thirteen cards, he can transform into a king form. Maybe Eugeo can also have new power, and this power should be strong enough to suppress JOKER!”
“And he remembered that Eugeo had a total of twelve cards of the red heart type. Before that, eleven of them were snatched by the undead creatures of the big worm, and then fell into the hands of LEANGLE.”
“Although Eugeo snatched CHALICE’s cards back, there are still ten cards in LEANGLE’s place. In addition, there are undead creatures of the red heart type KING!”
“Now, Kirito just needs to get back the ten sealing cards from LEANGLE, and then seal the red heart-type KING undead creatures as soon as possible, and finally hand over all the cards to Eugeo.”
“As for whether it can be done, it depends on God’s will… No, it will definitely work! Doing so will definitely save Eugeo!”
“Kirito ateAfter breakfast, I immediately got up and went out, “Asuna, I’m going to find Leangle, you stay at home and protect Yui.””
“Well, I see. “Asuna nodded softly, and then the smile gradually disappeared.”
“Last night, she helped Heathcliff’s undead creature train for a whole night, which greatly improved its combat effectiveness. She believes that this time, Kirito’s BLADE transforming device and awakening fusion device can be taken away. In that case , Kirito will be safe!”
“Although she has also thought about telling Kirito about this matter directly, but with Kirito’s temperament, I am afraid that she will fight until he saves Eugeo and ensures that all players in the virtual world leave safely, and then she will not stop. Use this power.”
“But by that time, Kirito would have already become an undead creature! Therefore, she can only follow Heathcliff’s method, even if she uses force, Kirito cannot continue to transform! ”
“After Kirito went out, he found Klein not long after.”
“”It’s you again. “Klein, who came out to find undead creatures to cooperate with but couldn’t find them, and was beaten up by Eugeo, saw Kirito at this moment, and he was itching with hatred.”
“”Spider undead, I’m not fighting you this time. Kirito walked over slowly, “You still have Eugeo’s cards, right?” give them to me! “”
“”Want my card, but say you don’t want to fight me? Klein sneered, “Ask yourself, how can there be such a good thing in this world!” Cards are the source of my strength and the reliance I rely on to win the ultimate war, how could I just leave it to you! Transform! “”
“” OPENUP! “”
“”Is it really only fighting? Kirito’s face darkened, and he also pulled the BLAY buckle around his waist, “Transform!” “”
“”TURNUP! “”
“The two then joined hands, one with a sword and the other with a scepter, and the sound of clashing weapons kept ringing.”
“And not far away, a strange-looking undead creature is hiding in the dark and observing.”
Chapter 482 He Has Two Swords
“Soon, Klein was defeated, and the strongest Kamen Rider was deflated again and again.”
“”and many more! Klein hurriedly stopped Kirito’s attack, he took out a bunch of cards and threw them over, “This is what you want, right?” Take it and go! “”
“Although the spider undead creature controlling Klein doesn’t want to give it, but in the current situation, if he doesn’t give it, he suspects that he will be beaten to death!”
“Although Kirito won’t make a fatal attack because of Klein’s life, spider undead creatures don’t dare to gamble on it.”
“I saw him throwing the cards in his hand, and the ten sealed cards immediately scattered and fell everywhere.”
“Kirito didn’t have time to take care of him, so he hurriedly picked up the seal card, and the spider undead creature took this opportunity to run away immediately.”
“After Kirito picked up the seal cards scattered around, he counted and found that there were exactly ten cards, and he breathed a sigh of relief, “In this way, there are only red-heart-type KING undead creatures!” “”
“”He played against LEANGLE, which undoubtedly consumed a lot of energy, so it’s time. “Heathcliff, who was remotely controlling the undead creatures at the headquarters of the Knights of the Blood Alliance, raised a smile, and immediately ordered the artificial undead creatures to appear.”
“The moment the man-made undead creature came out of the darkness, Kirito immediately felt a murderous intent radiating from his surroundings, he quickly glanced around and saw a familiar undead creature slowly walking towards him. ”
“”This undead creature…” Kirito’s eyes widened, and he said in disbelief, “It looks like the undead creature I killed before! What the hell is going on here? ! “”
“And this undead creature will naturally not stop because of Kirito’s shock. When he was not far from Kirito, he suddenly accelerated his speed and waved his sharp claws.”
“Kirito leaped lightly and jumped over the head of this undead creature.”
“But what Kirito didn’t expect was that when Kirito passed over the head of the undead creature, the undead creature bent down immediately, and the gun mounted on the right wrist fired a torrential rain of bullets!”
“Ding ding ding ding…”
“”what! ! ! “Countless bullets poured into Kirito’s chest, and the huge impact directly interrupted Kirito’s jump and knocked him out.”
“”I already knew my movements, so I mentioned that I was ready? Or did you react at that moment? “Kirito turned over from the ground and looked at this undead creature in surprise. He didn’t expect this undead creature to react so quickly!”
“However, this is not very important. Since this form can’t defeat this guy, then use the king form directly!”
“”Although Eugeo said that he can’t continue to use this kind of power… But, if I don’t defeat you, I can’t seal the red heart-type KING undead creature! “Kirito put on the awakening fusion device while talking.”
“” ABSORBQUEEN (absorb goat)! EVOLUTIONKING (evolution, big roundworm)! “”
“Thirteen sealed cards of undead creatures flew out of his card box, and then merged into his body.”
“Then, Kirito took out his own weapons, the King Awakener and the BLAY Awakener.”
“That’s right, in his king form, he has two weapons!”
“”When I draw my second sword, no one can stand before me! “Kirito moved his mind, and two cards flew out of his body, and then flew into the card box at his waist to swipe.”
“”SLASH (slash lizard)!MACH (Sonic Jaguar)! “”
“”STARBURSTSTREAM (Starburst Stream Slash)! “”
“”Ah ah! “Kirito roared, his speed was like lightning, and a silver light appeared out of nowhere, and Kirito had appeared behind the undead creature, and then slowly put away the two swords in his hand.”
“An ear-piercing sound sounded, and sixteen sword marks appeared on the undead creature in an instant. Before the undead creature could even cry out, it fell to the ground and gradually disappeared into light spots.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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