“”Dead again… What the hell is going on with this undead creature? ! “Kirito frowned, what kind of undead creature can be killed? But this undead creature was killed!”
“Forget it, don’t worry about it, the top priority now is to seal the undead creature of the red heart type KING! “Kirito shook his head, turned and left, he was going back to the lakeside hut, always paying attention to the undead detection device.”
“In this way, as soon as there is news, he can immediately dispatch.”
“Obviously it is to prevent Kirito from continuing to use that power, but from a practical point of view, isn’t this forcing Kirito to use this power instead?” Mayuri Shiina tilted her head and said, “Mayushi thinks that this Nozomi There’s something wrong with Zcliffe.”
“Huh?” Phoenix Academy looked at Mayuri Shiina in surprise, “Mayuki, did you just see it now? I thought it was already obvious.”
“Eh? Is it obvious?” Mayuri Shiina turned pale with shock, and looked around again, it seemed that everyone had noticed it, only she, who was so natural, didn’t see it…
“Woooooo…” Mayuri Shiina lowered her head in frustration. What’s the matter with the feeling that everyone is a smart person, but she is an idiot?
“After Kirito returned home, Asuna’s eyes widened in surprise, “Kirito, are you back? “”
“Well, I’m back. Kirito looked at Asuna curiously, “Is it strange that I’m back?” “”
“”Eh? Ah, no, I mean why did you come back so soon? “Asuna was startled at first, then smiled and played a blind eye.”
“Kirito nodded after hearing this and didn’t care about it. He smiled and sat on the seat, and then lined up the cards of the red heart one by one. “Well, I have already brought back all the cards from Kamen Rider Leangle. . Now just wait for the undead creatures of the red heart type KING to appear. “”
“”By the way, I met that strange undead creature again today, there is no way to seal him, and I can only transform into a king form. “Kirito warned, “Asuna, you have to be careful, you must notify me as soon as you encounter such an undead creature. “”
“Ah, um, ok, I see. “Asuna nodded casually, is that form so powerful? It even easily defeated that undead creature.”
“No, no, that’s not the point. The point is that this undead creature actually forced Kirito to transform into a king form! She obviously helped Heathcliff in order to prevent Kirito from transforming into a king again. what!”
Chapter 483 Kirito and Eugeo are a couple
“At night, after Kirito and Yui fell asleep, Asuna went to the headquarters of the Knights of the Blood Order alone to meet Heathcliff.”
“When she walked into the room, Heathcliff was observing various data in the laboratory, and seemed to have been busy for a while.”
“Asuna waited for a while, and found that Heathcliff didn’t seem to notice her, so she called out, “Senior Heathcliff? “”
“”Um? Heathcliff turned his head and smiled, “It’s you, Asuna.” What’s going on at night? “”
“”Senior Heathcliff, it’s about that undead creature. “Asuna didn’t have any intention of greeting, and said straight to the point, “That undead creature has no way of snatching the BLADE transforming device and awakening fusion device from Kirito’s hand. “”
“”Well, I’ve also noticed this problem. I thought the power of the undead creature before was strong enough, but I didn’t expect Kirito’s new power to be even stronger. Heathcliff said melancholy, “That’s why I stayed up late and worked overtime here, hoping to make stronger artificial undead creatures.” “”
“But, Mr. Heathcliff! Such an undead creature forced Kirito to deal with it only by transforming into a king form. Isn’t this putting the cart before the horse? Our goal is to make Kirito never use that power again! “Asuna said anxiously.”
“Look at the look in her eyes, if Heathcliff doesn’t give a reasonable explanation, she probably won’t help Heathcliff anymore, but will choose to use her own means to achieve her goal!”
“Heathcliff obviously also saw the meaning in Asuna’s eyes. He frowned slightly and sighed in his heart. It seems that there must be another plan.”
“Thinking of this, Heathcliff showed an apologetic expression on his face, “That’s what you said. I’m sorry, Asuna, maybe I was too concerned about Kirito’s safety, so I fell into a dead end in my thinking. Let me think about it, is there any other way to save Kirito…””
“Hearing Heathcliff say that, Asuna’s expression obviously improved a lot, and she even looked forward to the other methods that Heathcliff said.”
“This guy is really good at acting.what. “Asuna Yuuki sighed, if she hadn’t known that Heathcliff was Akihiko Kayaba, even if she watched this video now, she probably wouldn’t think that this man is a bad person.
Thinking back to Heathcliff in her memory, she obviously joined the Knights of the Blood Alliance and went through so much with him to attack Aincrad, but she didn’t realize that this man would be Akihiko Kayaba !
“”Ah, there it is! Suddenly, Heathcliff’s eyes lit up, he clapped his hands, and said, “Kirito wants to collect thirteen red heart-type undead seal cards, right?” “”
“”Eh, that’s right. “Asuna nodded suspiciously, not understanding what Heathcliff meant.”
“”That’s good! Heathcliff did not explain, and left the laboratory first, “Asuna, follow me.” “”
“Asuna tilted her head in confusion, but she followed.”
“After returning to the office, Heathcliff took out a locked personal belongings box, and then took out a card from it, that is the undead seal card!”
“”This card is…” Asuna seemed to understand something, and said out of breath.”
“Heathcliff nodded, and handed the sealing card to Asuna, “That’s right, this is the red heart type KING undead creature sealing card!” It was sealed when I was still working as Kamen Rider Garren. “”
“Asuna took the card excitedly, looked it over carefully, and confirmed that it was the sealing card, and then asked, “But, what does this card have to do with us not letting Kirito use that power anymore? Woolen cloth? “”
“Heathcliff smiled and said, “We can use this card to make a deal with Kirito! If you want this card, you must hand over the BLADE Transformer and Awakening Fusion Device. “”
“Asuna’s eyes lit up, “In this case, it will be impossible for Kirito to transform again! “”
“”That’s right. “Heathcliff narrowed his eyes slightly, and seemed to be smiling happily.”
“The next morning, when Kirito was about to keep guarding the undead detection instrument, Asuna suddenly said, “Kirito, you don’t need to guard there anymore. “”
“”Um? Why? “Kirito asked in surprise.”
“”Because the undead creature of the red heart type KING has been sealed. “Asuna took out a sealed card from her backpack, and showed the front to Kirito.”
“”The type of red heart KING? Great, it really is this! “After seeing the card clearly, Kirito jumped up excitedly, and then wanted to reach out to take it.”
“But Asuna took the card back with a solemn expression, and Kirito looked at her suspiciously, not understanding what Asuna meant.”
“Under Kirito’s suspicious eyes, Asuna’s red lips slowly spit out a word, “I can give it to you, but there are conditions. “”
“”condition? “Tirto was stunned for a moment, then smiled, “Let’s talk, no matter what the conditions are, I can accept them. “”
“Facing Kirito’s smile, Asuna didn’t smile, she still said with a cold face, “I want your BLADE transformation device and awakening fusion device, as well as all the undead seal cards! Of course, except for the red heart type, I know that you are going to give these cards to Eugeo. “”
“”Transformers and cards? Kirito was silent for a while, and then handed all these things to Asuna, “Give me the KING of the red heart type!” “”
“After Asuna accepted it, she silently handed the card to Kirito.”
“”Great, Eugeo is saved! “Kirito happily took the card, and immediately turned and went out.”
“”Wait for me, Kirito, you can’t transform now, it’s too dangerous to go alone! Asuna hurriedly followed, “Yui, don’t go out at home!” “”
“Although this will make Yui a little dangerous, but now Asuna can’t care so much anymore, she can no longer allow Kirito to continue to transform, if this continues, Kirito may completely transform into an undead creature , lose the human heart!”
“I’m sorry Yui, but for Asuna, Kirito is more important now!”
“Could this be the legend that husband and wife are true love, and children are just accidents?” Akagi Haohei smiled obscenely.
But his younger sister, Akagi Seta, couldn’t hear this, and immediately slapped the table with both hands, and roared, “What kind of couple! I don’t recognize this kind of couple! Kirito and Eugeo are just a couple!”
The Chicheng parents who were also sitting at the table were stunned and stared at their daughter dumbfounded. What did their daughter just say?
Chapter 484 Wild Form Chalice
“After Kirito and Asuna ran outside for a while, they suddenly heard the sound of fighting, and the two rushed to see the hideous green monster JOKER fighting Kamen Rider LEANGLE.”
“God knows why LEANGLE is so unlucky. He just wanted to find an undead creature to cooperate with, but he met the strongest undead creature JOKER!”
“But this JOKER can’t cooperate! Not only can’t cooperate, but even get beaten up by the other party!”
“The undead spider controlling Kamen Rider Leangle is about to vomit blood.”
“”That’s Eugeo? ! “Kirito said happily, and then quickly took out the card of the red heart and ran over there.”
“” Eugeo, stop fighting! I know, you don’t want to be such a monster, you want to be a human! “”
“Kirito shouted, “So, try these cards! You can definitely turn back into a human again! “”
“”Roar! “JOKER heard Kirito’s shout, and slapped him flyingKamen Rider LEANGLE, a roc spread its wings and rushed towards Kirito. ”
“Kirito, be careful! “Asuna hastily transformed and is going to help.”
“But before she could move, Kamen Rider Leangle’s scepter struck.”
“”do not bother me! “Asuna roared angrily, drew out her gun and attacked him.”
“Kamen Rider LEANGLE took back his scepter, waved it airtightly, and knocked down the bullets in a few strokes, he said with a sneer, “Your awakening fuser is mine! “”
“He’s drooling looking at the Awakening Fusion Device on Asuna’s wrist. If he had this thing, he wouldn’t be bullied by Kirito and Joker!”
“While JOKER puts the target on Kirito, he must get this awakening fusion device! At that time, he will be able to punch JOKER, kick the KING undead creature, and he will be the one who wants to be the second. God of extreme warfare!”
“Asuna also saw that Kamen Rider Leangle didn’t intend to let her pass, and immediately fought with him with a sullen face. Although she is worried about Kirito now, she can only help Kirito if she gets rid of Kamen Rider Leangle as soon as possible. gap.”
“On the other side, facing Eugeo’s attack, Kirito’s face turned pale, and he quickly rolled on the ground to avoid Joker’s attack, “Eugeo, it’s me, Kirito! Don’t you remember me already? ! “”
“”Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh! ! “Eugeo’s outstretched paw paused, and the green figure changed into a human.”
“Kirito breathed a sigh of relief just now, and when a smile was about to appear on his face, Eugeo immediately changed into a Joker’s posture, and a cold light flashed through his sharp claws, and cut Kirito’s arm open.”
“”what! ! “Tirto screamed, backed up again and again, he said with a wry smile, “Do you hate me?” Because I awakened the king form, you have to become a joker, so you treat me as an enemy! “”
“”But, whether you hate me or not, this is the only thing I can do for you. “Kirito raised the card in his hand to Eugeo again.”
“”Roar! “But how could JOKER listen to his words at this time, JOKER roared, and swung out his sharp claws, scratching Kirito’s arm again.”
“” Eugeo, stop being controlled by your own instincts! Use these cards, please. “Kirito begged bitterly while being beaten violently by JOKER.”
“Hearing Kirito’s voice, the movements of Eugeo’s hands became slower and slower, slower and slower… Finally, his movements stopped.”
“At this time, Kirito was already covered in bruises, and there was only a trace of blood on his head, but he still smiled, stretched out his hand, and revealed the card in his hand, “Trust me, Eugeo, you can definitely suppress it.” Joker’s! “”
“JOKER took out CHALICE’s card tremblingly, swiped it on the CHALICE Awakener at his waist, and then changed into CHALICE’s appearance.”
“Kirito watched this scene with joy, because it means that Eugeo has temporarily regained the human heart!”
“Afterwards, he excitedly threw the card to Eugeo, and Eugeo grabbed it casually, and grabbed the seal card of the KING undead creature ghost mantis.”
“call out!”
“The moment the KING undead creature card was swiped, thirteen red heart-type seal cards flew into the sky, and then quickly fell into the CHALICE awakening device on his waist.”
“A black-red halo gradually spread from the CHALICE awakening device to Eugeo’s whole body, and soon, Eugeo’s body changed into red, with bright diamonds mixed on his body, and the huge green star on his chest The heart-shaped symbol even depicts a praying mantis-like undead creature, this is the wild form of CHALICE!”
“”Successful! It really worked! Eugeo does have a new power! “Kirito shouted excitedly, in this case, Eugeo will no longer be controlled by Joker’s power?”
“Eugeo slowly bent down and opened his arms, like a wild beast ready to hunt. With a click, the two daggers by his legs bounced and he held them in his hands.”
“This is his weapon—the Wild Slasher!”
“Kirito swallowed a mouthful of saliva. The killing intent emanating from Eugeo at this moment made him feel a little frightened.”
“” Get out of the way! “”
“As soon as Eugeo’s words fell, he jumped into the air and cut him down!”
“Asuna, who was fighting with Kamen Rider LEANGLE, quickly moved away, and the knife fell straight on LEANGLE’s chest, bursting with flames!”
“”what! ! ! asshole! “Kamen Rider LEANGLE took a few steps back, eyes full of panic and unwillingness, he kept pressing Asuna to fight, preventing Asuna from transforming into a bodyguard, as long as he worked harder, he could grab the Awakening Fusion Device of!”
“However, this guy Joker actually set his target on him again! Moreover, this guy Joker seems to have a new power!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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