“But when Eugeo and Yui went out, the expressions of Kirito and Asuna darkened one after another. They were so deceived by Kayaba Akihiko and Heathcliff that they were even treated as experimental subjects. The two of them I really can’t get a good mood out of it.”
“After being silent for a while, Asuna said, “Kirito, you should rest at home. Akihiko Kayaba and Heathcliff, I will be responsible for finding them out! “”
“There are too many things Kirito and Asuna want to know, about whether they will become undead creatures, about the real reason behind this extreme war!”
“”…” Kirito was silent for a while, then said firmly, “No, I want to go together too! “”
“But, Kirito, your body is already reaching its limit! “Asuna said anxiously, “If you continue to transform, you might…””
“”I will never become a JOKER again! “Kirito said with a smile.”
“Looking at Kirito’s resolute gaze, Asuna was silent, and finally, she nodded, “I see. However, Kirito, if it is not necessary, I hope neither you nor I will use the Awakening Fusion Device! “”
“”Um. “Kirito nodded, and then the two got up and went out to find the whereabouts of Heathcliff and Akihiko Kayaba.”
“In order to ensure efficiency, the two acted separately.”
“Kirito first planned to go to the laboratories of Akihiko Kayaba that he knew, but when he was still halfway, Kirito only felt a dark wind blowing, his heart tightened, he quickly got down, and rolled over.”
“I only heard a dull sound, followed by a “swish” sound, and leaves fell one by one, probably some monster hit the tree.”
“But, is there a monster in this place? Probably an undead creature! Kirito looked back quickly as these thoughts flashed through his mind like lightning.”
“But when Kirito saw the monster clearly, he couldn’t help exclaiming, “Experimental undead creature? ! “”
“That’s right, what appeared in front of him was an extremely weird-looking undead creature with only one ugly eyeball on its head, and the seal lock around its waist was exactly the same as the previous experimental undead creature!”
“” Was it from Heathcliff, or from Akihiko Kayaba? “”
“A gleam of anger flashed in Kirito’s eyes. Isn’t it just to make him a JOKER?! But how could he make them do what they want!”
“Heathcliff, Akihiko Kayaba, my fate is not up to you to decide! “”
“Kirito quickly sent a message to Asuna, and then put on the BLADE transformation device.”
“” Transformation! “”
“The moment Kirito pulled the BLAY buckle, the experimental undead creature raised its right hand, and shot out a huge energy ball!”
“The energy ball exploded, and a lot of smoke and dust filled the air.”
“And in the smoke and dust, there seemed to be streaks of blue light flickering, and a mechanical sound sounded from it.”
“”TURNUP! “”
Chapter 494 My wine is quite delicious
“”Kirito actually encountered a man-made undead creature experiment again! It’s hard to defeat that kind of undead creature without using the king form! “When Asuna received Kirito’s message, her heart tensed, and she hurriedly ran towards the location Kirito sent her from.”
“When Asuna rushed over there, the battle between Kirito and the experimental subject was completely at a disadvantage.”
“The power of this experimental body is much stronger than the previous experimental body. Kirito, who doesn’t use the awakening fusion device, has no power to fight back against this experimental body!”
“What’s the matter, do you only have this level of strength? “The experimental subject slowly approached Kirito, his tone full of bewitching meaning, “You should have stronger power, right?” Quick, use it and show me! “”
“It’s trying to force me to use the king form again.? A trace of anger flashed in Kirito’s eyes, but he didn’t intend to use the awakening fusion device. If he continued to use that power, he might be running all the way on the road to the undead! ”
“At that time, he will have no other way to go. He can only be a joker, killing wildly… Either seal other undead creatures, or be sealed by other undead creatures!”
“”What’s wrong? Why don’t you transform? “Seeing that Kirito didn’t intend to use the awakening fusion device, the tone of the experimental subject became more and more irritable and anxious.”
“”Transform! Transform me quickly! “The experimental subject, who was so angry, kept pushing his hands forward alternately, and energy bullets with infinite electric arcs burst out of his hands, shooting towards Kirito.”
“”what! ! “Kirito didn’t have time to dodge, he was hit straight, and flew out backwards.”
“Eternal life… just to obtain the mystery of eternal life, you two wantonly deceived me and Asuna, and played with us! Disregarding the lives of ordinary people, you deceived more than 10,000 people into this virtual world!”
“Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable!”
“The anger of being deceived by Kayaba Akihiko and Heathcliff, and the pity for the ordinary players caught in this disaster all rushed to my heart. Kirito stood up immediately as if he couldn’t feel the pain on his body, and roared to the experimental subject. Rush away.”
“”madness! “The experimental subject spat out two words coldly, and the energy in his hands gathered again. He had to push Kirito to a desperate situation, and he had to transform into a king’s form to get through the desperate situation!”
“That’s right, this experimental subject is exactly “Kayaba Akihiko”!”
“His desire for eternal life has long been beyond the understanding of ordinary people! Even a rich man who is dying, his desire for eternal life is not as serious as his!”
“Actually, I don’t think Akihiko Kayaba is that bad.” An office worker drank some wine, blushed, squinted his eyes and chatted to his colleagues, waving his fingers and spraying saliva. Quite a bit pointing the momentum of the country.
People who don’t know him think he is the CEO of a company, or a councilor or mayor of a certain city.
But in fact, he is just an ordinary Ph. D., mainly focusing on experiments related to hormone secretion.
“Look, as long as he discovers the secret of eternal life, won’t we humans be able to die forever? At that time, we can drink alcohol until the end of time! Although some people are dead, but science is progressing, how can there be immortality? ? They should be happy that they can make such a great contribution to mankind.”
The ordinary doctor Qiuyue Xiaosan, who drank a little bit, spoke his mind unabashedly, but he didn’t realize that there were already people around him looking at him with disgust, even hatred!
But the colleague sitting opposite him has a much better drinking capacity, so he can clearly feel the gazes around him! The moment he felt those gazes, this colleague was trembling all over!
Fuck! Qiuyue Xiaosan, you idiot, don’t drag me with you if you want to die!
Use your brain to think about it, there were more than 10,000 people trapped in that virtual world! There are so many people, and I don’t know how many relatives and friends there are. Maybe there are people in this tavern who lost their sons and daughters in that incident!
In front of so many people, if you say such things, I think you will die!
Although there must be someone who thinks the same as you, who would say it in public like you! Of course he was hiding at home and talking secretly!
The colleague with a numb scalp, his face full of exaggerated anger, immediately slapped the table, and the wine glasses on the table were shaken, “Qiuyue Xiaosan, you bastard! Everyone’s life is unique, they They are all ordinary people, not criminals, and there are even many students! How can you have the heart to say such cruel words!”
“I really regret that I only see through you now! How can I become friends with a person like you? From today on, we will break our friendship!”
After spraying a lot of saliva on Qiuyue Xiaosan’s head, the colleague got up hurriedly and ran out in a hurry.
As the saying goes, a dead fellow doesn’t die a poor one. In this case, of course you have to run away in a hurry!
While running, he was still complaining in his heart: What an idiot! Want to live forever? What are the benefits of immortality for ordinary people like us? Do you want to be exploited for a hundred thousand years or a billion years!
Eternal life is something that only the upper class can enjoy! As for people like us… Hehe, if it wasn’t for supporting my family, I would want to commit suicide now, and live forever! Yonima!
As for the drunk Qiuyue Xiaosan whose head was sprayed with saliva, he blinked his eyes and didn’t know what was going on… Didn’t he just drink very high?
Forget it, keep drinking!
So, he continued to raise his wine glass, but before he could drink it, someone grabbed his hand.
He looked up and saw a man looking at him with a smile, “Don’t drink this rubbish wine, my wine is quite delicious, come with me.”
“Really? Then I won’t be polite.” Qiuyue Xiao was overjoyed, put down her wine glass and followed her out.
Soon, his screams were heard outside the tavern… Presumably, it was because the wine was so delicious, right?
“But this time, Kayaba Akihiko hasn’t been able to shoot out the energy gathered in his hands, bullets have already hit him!”
“He hurriedly turned his head to look, it was Kamen Rider Garren!”
“”Kirito, are you okay? ! After hastily shooting Kayaba Akihiko, Asuna glanced at the seriously injured Kirito with heartache, and then quickly blocked himIn front of him, he held down him who was rushing forward desperately. ”
Chapter 495: As expected of a real heroine
“Even the Kamen Rider Garren is here, it’s not easy… Kayaba Akihiko frowned and weighed it up, and felt that even two ordinary knights who didn’t use the Awakening Fusion Device couldn’t be done by themselves. dealt with.”
“Let’s go now.”
“After thinking about the current situation, Kayaba Akihiko looked at Kirito and Asuna warily, while slowly backing away, and finally disappeared from their eyes.”
“Because Kirito was injured, neither Kirito nor Asuna went after him.”
“While Kayaba Akihiko is afraid of the two of them, the two of them are also afraid of this undead creature.”
“Of course, it’s also because they didn’t know that this undead creature was Akihiko Kayaba. If they knew, even if Kirito was seriously injured, the two of them must go!”
“After Kayaba Akihiko turned and left, he returned to the empty room with a gloomy complexion, and sighed, “The support came too fast, and I remember Kirito’s house still has that JOKER!” If that JOKER makes a move, I will have no way to push Kirito into a corner! “”
“”What should I do…how can I transform Kirito into the king form? “Kayaba Akihiko walked back and forth in the room, anyone could see his anxiety.”
“”If you can’t solve the mystery of eternal life, then Rinko… her time is running out! “The expression on Kayaba Akihiko’s face became more and more anxious, “I need to do what Kayaba Akihiko should do!” I have to save Rinko! “”
“I don’t have much time? What’s going on?” Rinko Kodai was stunned for a moment, she looked at her body blankly, and didn’t feel that there was anything wrong with her body.
“Besides, he said such things… Could it be that Jingyan wanted to unlock the mystery of eternal life for me?”
Although she guessed this way, Rinko Jindai herself was not very confident. Although she was Akihiko Kayaba’s girlfriend, she never felt that she would have much weight in Akihiko Kayaba’s heart!
In her memory, Kayaba Akihiko has always been a person who is desperate for her own ideals, even her so-called girlfriend is not worth mentioning in front of Kayaba Akihiko’s ideals!
But when she thought about it, the content played in the video now was far from what she knew.
“Could it be that Akihiko is really doing it for me?” Rinko Kodairo murmured, a surge of anticipation suddenly surged in her heart.
She admitted that she still has nostalgia for Akihiko Kayaba! Even if Kayaba Akihiko is dead, at this moment, she will still imagine that Kayaba Akihiko loves her!
“It looks like your actions have been hindered a little bit. “”
“Just when Akihiko Kayaba was anxious, a familiar voice rang in his ear. Akihiko Kayaba looked up, and it was indeed Nobuyuki Sugo!”
“”How did you come? ! “”
“Kayaba Akihiko frowned, feeling rather worried about this old classmate who trespassed on his territory.”
“Although I can feel Kayaba Akihiko’s repulsion, Nobuyuki Sugo is not angry at all. He smiles lightly, not as distorted as yesterday’s smile, but rather a gentlemanly smile.”
“”Akihiko, although you are not the real Akihiko Kayaba, you have inherited the memory of Akihiko Kayaba after all. So, I think, how can we be regarded as classmates, right? “”
“Hearing Nobuyuki Sugo’s words, Akihiko Kayaba’s face obviously improved a lot. After all, this man is willing to admit his identity as “Akihiko Kayaba”! This alone is enough to make him raise Nobuyuki Sugo a little bit.” I like it.”
“The weaker you are, the more you want to be praised by others! The more false you are, the more you want to be recognized by others!”
“This is the same for both humans and undead creatures!”
“Seeing Kayaba Akihiko’s gradually soothing expression, Nobuyuki Sugo’s smile became brighter, “Speaking of which, the doctor said that Rinko Kojiro’s time is running out, right? That guy is your girlfriend and also my classmate, so I can naturally understand how you feel. So, I think, I can give you a little advice. “”
“”That’s right! A trace of grief flashed in Kayaba Akihiko’s eyes, and he said in a deep voice, “She doesn’t have much time anymore!” That’s why I must unlock the secrets of undead creatures so that human beings can gain eternal life! but……””
“Kayaba Akihiko felt a throbbing pain when he thought about the increasingly tense time and Kirito’s determination not to transform into the king form again.”
“Could it be that Rinko is really going to die like this? He doesn’t want to accept such a fate!”
“Jingyan…” Rinko Kodai murmured her boyfriend’s name, staring at the video almost dully, with crystal tears gradually oozing from her eyes, “So, you think so! So, you really care about me!”
At this moment, Kayaba Akihiko, who is staying in the online world, has fallen into deep thought, “I think so? Why don’t I know?”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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