“Kayaba Akihiko soon calmed down, he raised his head and looked at Sugou Nobuyuki, without going around in circles, he asked directly, “What’s your suggestion? “”
“Nobuyuki Sugo didn’t give a shit, and said directly, “Kamen Rider LEANGLE… Although that guy is a Kamen Rider controlled by an undead creature, he himself is someone Kirito knows. Kidnapped him, and then used him as a threat to forceForcing Kirito to transform into a king form. How about this suggestion? “”
“What?! Take me as a threat!” Tsuboi Ryotaro was shocked on the spot. Although he was controlled by the spider undead creature, although he was beaten by JOKER and Kirito’s king form successively, no matter how he said it, he was known as the most Strong Kamen Rider!
It shouldn’t be so easy to lose your identity and get caught directly, right?
But after thinking about his recent record in the video, Tsuboi Ryotaro felt unconfident again.
So, he could only sigh and say, “I hope, I haven’t caused Kirito any trouble…”
Even if he knew that he was going to be kidnapped, the first thing he thought of was Kiritani Kazuto, definitely true love! Worthy of being a real heroine.
“Once Kamen Rider LEANGLE is kidnapped, not only can Kirito be forced to transform into a king form, but Kirito can even be ordered to come alone without telling anyone!”
“This is definitely a brilliant move! After thinking this through, Akihiko Kayaba’s eyes lit up, and he said excitedly, “That’s right, that’s enough! This will allow Kirito to transform into a king form, and eventually turn him into a JOKER! “”
“” Rinko is saved! She is saved! “”
“Kayaba Akihiko clenched his fists excitedly, and turned around and left immediately, ignoring Nobuyuki Sugo.”
“But he didn’t see the faint sarcasm hanging from the corner of Nobuko Sugo’s mouth.”
Chapter 496 The sky cleared and the rain stopped…
“At this time, Kamen Rider LEANGLE did not transform, but only showed Klein’s appearance.”
“His condition at this time is obviously not good…Obviously, after escaping from Kirito and Eugeo, he bumped into other undead creatures.”
“He really wanted to form an alliance and tried to join hands with the opponent to steal the Awakening Fusion Device, but unfortunately, the opponent just wanted to kill him!”
“Thinking of my miserable state, the spider undead creature feels like it’s a POI!”
“I didn’t grab the Awakening Fusion Device, and I was beaten up… I couldn’t turn Kirito into a JOKER, let alone get the Joker’s power, and I was beaten up… Finally, I encountered an undead creature for no reason, and tried to form an alliance with the other party. Beaten!”
“Does he feel that he is unlucky in the past! How come all these unlucky things happen!”
“When Kayaba Akihiko found him, what he saw was such a miserable existence, he couldn’t help sneering, “It seems that your current situation is not good at all! “”
“His tone was filled with endless resentment. After all, it was because of this guy’s incompetence that he didn’t let Kirito transform into a Joker! Otherwise, he would have already obtained the cells of Kirito who turned into a Joker. , and unlock the secret of eternal life!”
“It’s you, Heathcliff. “After the spider undead creature heard the sound, it was startled in fear, for fear of encountering another powerful undead creature. But when he saw the person coming, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Who is Heathcliff? That is Rape! It’s his little brother!”
“And more importantly, a mere human can’t threaten him at all! Even if he is seriously injured now!”
“And after he breathed a sigh of relief, the spider undead immediately realized what he said just now. What kind of words are that?! How can there be a subordinate who talks to the boss like this!”
“He immediately stared at Akihiko Kayaba with an unsuspecting face, and said coldly, “Heathcliff, watch your tone! Even if you are mine now, don’t think that I dare not kill you! “”
“”Only by you? Kayaba Akihiko sneered, “Don’t think too highly of yourself!” “”
“”What did you say to me? “The spider undead creature frowned, and a strong killing intent burst out from its body, followed by a punch!”
“He didn’t hold back a bit. If this punch is real, with his understanding of human beings, he can definitely beat the opponent to pieces!”
“Kayaba Akihiko easily grabbed the arm of the spider undead creature, and then threw him out like throwing garbage.”
“The spider undead arcs through the air and finally hits a rock, smashing it to pieces!”
“”Well! You, a mere human…how could it be…” The spider undead creature clutched the injured part of its body, struggled to get up from the ground, and looked at Akihiko Kayaba in amazement.”
“There is no doubt that the human being in front of him directly broke his inherent impression of human beings!”
“You know, even the undead creatures, the ancestors of human beings, are not famous for their outstanding strength!”
“It’s better to say that it’s just the undead creature, the ancestor of human beings in the second heart. In terms of strength alone, it can definitely be called the bottom of the category!”
“But the human in front of me easily grabbed his fist and threw him out? Is this still a human?!”
“Could it be that I’m actually weak? The undead spider looked at the man in front of him suspiciously, and felt that his self-esteem had been greatly hit!”
“No, no! Humans can’t be so strong! It must be because I haven’t transformed yet!”
“The spider undead immediately shook his head, found a reason for himself, and then yanked the LEANGLE buckle, “Transform! “”
“” OPENUP! “”
“A blue light curtain passed through his body, transforming into Kamen Rider LEANGLE!”
“Feeling the full power in the body, a strong self-confidence surges in the spider undead creature’s heart!”
“Common saying—the sky cleared, the rain stopped, and he felt he was doing well again.”
“”go to hell! “The spider undead creature roared, and its fist struck out like lightning.”
“It seems that I saw the scene where Kayaba Akihiko turned into meat paste,The corners of his mouth curled up. ”
“However, Kayaba Akihiko let out a cold snort, and his right hand came first, grabbing the spider undead creature’s fist in just a split second!”
“Nani? ! “The spider undead creature was startled and struggled quickly, but no matter how he struggled, Kayaba Akihiko’s hand was like an iron claw, firmly grasping his hand, never loosening at all!”
“”what happened? Who the hell are you! “”
“The spider undead creature roared, he can now be sure that the guy in front of him, the guy who offered his loyalty to him before, is definitely not an ordinary human being!”
“Kayaba Akihiko didn’t speak, but electric arcs flickered on his body, and then he became an undead creature in the eyes of the spider undead creature’s widening eyes!”
“”Undead creature? ! “The spider undead creature exclaimed, even the sound became extremely distorted, this guy is actually an undead creature!”
“If you say that, isn’t Kayaba Akihiko telling him that he wants to take refuge in him that he was lying to him from the very beginning?! This made him, a self-proclaimed smart undead creature, put his face on ?!”
“Besides, he has never seen the appearance of this undead creature! What’s going on here?!”
“”You say I’m an undead creature? “Akihiko Kayaba said with a bit of anger in his tone, “I am not an undead creature!” You are not allowed to call me that! My name is Akihiko Kayaba! “”
“Suddenly hearing the exclamation of the spider undead creature, Kayaba Akihiko became angry instantly. He is not an undead creature! Not an experimental subject! He is a human, Kayaba Akihiko!”
“The angry Kayaba Akihiko didn’t give the undead spider any chance, first he punched the opponent’s head, and then beat him mercilessly!”
“After a few minutes, the spider undead creature finally couldn’t stand it anymore, and was forced to cancel the transformation, and even passed out directly.”
“Looking at the unconscious spider undead creature, the anger in Kayaba Akihiko’s heart finally dissipated a little. With a cold snort, he held the opponent on his shoulder and walked towards a former laboratory base.”
“I…” Tsuboi Ryotaro can’t wait to breathe out the fragrance at this moment, where is the strongest Kamen Rider that he promised? Is it okay to be deflated every day? !
Although he also expected that he was going to be arrested, but he never expected that he would be beaten by Kayaba Akihiko, and he was powerless to fight back!
Chapter four hundred and ninety seventh
“When Akihiko Kayaba carried the spider undead creature back to the laboratory, Nobuyuki Sugo looked at him with a smile, “Your efficiency is really high. “”
“Kayaba Akihiko didn’t expect that he was still there at all, so he couldn’t help asking in surprise, “Why are you still here? “”
“”You don’t need to reject me like this, do you? “Nobuyuki Xuxiang sighed, and said sadly, “I gave you such a good suggestion anyway, didn’t I?” “”
“”It’s not repulsion, I just find it strange. You made a special suggestion for me first, and then stayed here all the time, you are not very free, are you? “Akihiko Kayaba shook his head and said.”
“Although he wasn’t too wary of Sugou Nobuyuki because of the previous incident, he did feel a little strange about Sugou Nobuyuki’s behavior.”
“Nobuyuki Sugo spread his hands, and said helplessly, “After all, we are also classmates, aren’t we? If I don’t help you, who will help you? “”
“A gentle smile appeared on Kayaba Akihiko’s calm face, “Thank you, but next I will force Kirito to transform into a king form, maybe there will be a fierce battle…you are an ordinary person It’s dangerous to stay here, so let’s get out of here first. “”
“Facing Akihiko Kayaba’s kind advice, Nobuyuki Sugo did not move, but looked around the undead spider creature on the ground, and then said softly, “I said Akihiko, while you are threatening Kirito How about letting me collect some information from him and analyze it? “”
“”I think since he can transform into a Kamen Rider, the fusion coefficient must be very high. Even if he can’t transform into a king, he must have corresponding research value! “”
“Xuxiang Shinzhi shrugged and said softly, “This is also for an extra road, you also know that eggs can’t be put in one basket…Of course, if you don’t want to, then forget it, I happen to be too It’s okay to do less. “”
“Nobuyuki Sugo spoke from the perspective of Akihiko Kayaba throughout the whole process. It seems that he acted only to help Akihiko Kayaba. Anyone who listened to it would have to say a word of praise. “!”
“He knows that after saying that, Kayaba Akihiko will definitely agree to him!”
“Sure enough, Kayaba Akihiko nodded slightly after thinking about it, “That’s fine, then I’ll trouble you. “”
“Afterwards, Kayaba Akihiko tied up the spider undead creature on the ground, took a photo, and threw him to Nobuyuki Sugo.”
“Nobuyuki Sugo smiled, took out a few devices, collected some data on the spider undead creature, and left.”
“After watching Nobuyuki Sugo leave, Akihiko Kayaba immediately sent this photo to Kirito.”
“Heathcliff: Kirito, this man is in my hands. If you don’t want him to have an accident, come to me immediately! Remember, don’t tell anyone, you must come alone! Otherwise, , I will kill him!”
“After sending the message, Kayaba Akihiko attached another address information, and then stayed where he was and waited for Kirito’s arrival.”
“He knows that Kirito will never refuse! He is that kind of person!”
“Sure enough, I still caused trouble for Kirito.”I Ryotaro took a bite of the pizza with a melancholy expression on his face.
I hope Kirito was not injured in this incident… Otherwise, he would be so guilty that he would be speechless.
“On the other side, Kirito, who was fishing with Asuna and the others and was preparing for lunch, suddenly received this news. When he carefully identified the man who was tied up, Kirito could not restrain himself softly, “Yes Klein! “”
“Asuna, who was sitting next to Kirito, didn’t hear clearly, so she looked at him in surprise, “Kirito, what did you say just now? “”
“…No, nothing. “Kirito subconsciously wanted to say it, but when he was about to speak, he suddenly remembered Heathcliff’s warning.”
“No, I can’t say it! If Heathcliff notices Asuna and Eugeo, maybe he will do it!”
“In Kirito’s heart, Kayaba Akihiko and Heathcliff have long since become the kind of crazy characters who just kill one person. He doesn’t think Heathcliff will not be able to do it!”
“”Asuna, Eugeo, I’m going to leave in advance, you can play with Yui at home, don’t wait for me for lunch. “Kirito put away the fishing rod, and then said comfortingly to Yui beside him, “Yui, I’ll come back to play with you later, you have to listen to Asuna and Eugeo at home. “”
“After speaking, Kirito didn’t wait for them to speak, and ran away under the suspicious eyes of several people.”
“When Kirito rushed all the way to that address, he saw the man trapped on a pillar.”
“” Klein! “Kirito was about to step forward to put him down, but a familiar undead creature came out from the darkness.”
“Kirito’s expression gradually darkened, “It’s you again! Experimental body! “”
“Kirito glanced at the experimental subject, then quickly glanced around, and shouted loudly when he didn’t find Heathcliff, “Heathcliff, where are you? ! Since you called me over, don’t you plan to meet me! “”
“Stop shouting. Kayaba Akihiko said in a cold voice, and walked slowly to Klein’s side, “I’ll just say this once, if you don’t want anything to happen to this man, immediately transform me into a king form!” “”
“While saying this, the sharp blade in his hand is slowly approaching Klein’s neck.”
“”and many more! “Tirto’s complexion changed, and he quickly called to stop him.”
“With this distance, I’m afraid there is no way to save Klein. In other words, I can only listen to him first and become a king…”
“Kirito thought for a while, then transformed into Kamen Rider Blade, and then slowly took out the Awakening Fusion Device.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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