“Seeing Heathcliff completely disappear with his own eyes, Kirito sighed, shook his head melancholy and said, “Is he dead? “”
“He felt a little uncomfortable. He didn’t intend to kill Heathcliff at first, but under the influence of that anger, he couldn’t hold back for a while, and he actually let Heathcliff die.”
“I killed him…” Tong Gu Kazuto’s eyes widened, guilt and uneasiness welled up in his heart, he was only a student after all, and he couldn’t bear the psychological pressure of killing him!
“Brother, he was the one who wanted to kill you first! You’re just defending yourself!” Kiritani Suguha also saw Kiritani Kazuto’s mood, and quickly persuaded him.
Moreover, she is not wrong, Kayaba Akihiko in the video is trying to turn Kiritani Kazuto into a joker who only knows how to kill. In that case, wouldn’t Kiritani Kazuto’s consciousness completely disappear? What’s the difference between that and being killed? !
What’s more, the person in the video is not Akihiko Kayaba at all, but an undead creature! It is the enemy of mankind! Even if you kill it, it’s no big deal!
“Although that’s true, but…” Kiritani Kazuto shook his head, forced a smile, “I’m fine, Suguha, don’t worry about me, just let me calm down.”
“Kirito took a deep breath and threw away the distracting thoughts in his heart. He is an undead test subject after all!”
“Klein, are you alright? “He looked up at Klein and trotted over.”
“He still remembers that Klein told him to be careful before! This shows that Klein should have regained his consciousness! Thinking of this, Kirito felt a little better.”
“But Klein, who was tied up, didn’t answer his question.”
“Kirito didn’t care either. He untied the chains that bound Klein a few times. His relationship with Klein itself is not very good.”
“The moment the chain was undone, Klein’s hand was like lightning, and snatched the Awakening Fusion Device from Kirito’s wrist.”
“Then there was a tumbling, and the distance between Kirito and Kirito was widened. He looked at the awakening fusion device and laughed wildly there, “Hahahahaha! Ha ha ha ha! Awakening fuser, finally, I finally got it! “”
“”Aren’t you Klein? “Kirito glared at Klein, no, it should be a spider undead creature!”
“Yes, that’s right. The undead spider laughed wantonly, “When you were about to be attacked just now, I was thinking, if I remind you, would you think that I am that human now?” And your performance is exactly as I expected! “”
“”Ha ha ha ha! If you hadn’t let down your vigilance, I wouldn’t be able to get this awakening fuser. I would like to thank you, Kirito! “”
“”asshole! Kirito clenched his fist angrily, “Give me back the Awakening Fusion Device!” “”
“” If you want it, come and grab it! However, you no longer have that chance! “The undead spider smiled wildly and put on the LEANGLE transforming device, “Let me tell you a good thing, I have already collected all the thirteen seal cards of the plum blossom system, what does this represent, you should understand, right?” “”
“”What did you say? ! “Kirito’s pupils shrank suddenly, and his tone was full of surprise.”
“The spider undead creature was quite satisfied with Kirito’s expression, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, “That’s right, it’s exactly what you think, with this awakening fusion device, I can also transform into a king form!” “”
“” Transformation! “”
“” OPENUP! “”
“After transforming into Kamen Rider LEANGLE, the undead spider put the Awakening Fusion Device on its wrist, and then took out two sealed cards.”
“” ABSORBQUEEN (absorb tiger)! EVOLUTIONKING (evolution, tarantula)! “”
“After successfully using the Awakening Fusion Device, the spider undead creature licked its lips excitedly, waiting to get the strongest power!”
“However, what he waited for was not the king form! It was incomparable pain!”
“Uh, uh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! “Blue arcs instantly covered the whole body, and the face of the undead spider twisted rapidly, “What’s going on? What exactly is going on? ! “”
“Although the spider undead creature doesn’t know what happened, but he knows that it is definitely because of the problem of the awakening fusion device!”
“As soon as he gritted his teeth, enduring the pain, he wanted to take off the Awakening Fusion Device, but just when he raised his hand…a huge gap appeared in his chest and abdomen, followed by a huge monster Jumped out of that gap.”
“” It’s a spider undead creature! Kirito said in surprise, “The undead spider has been separated from Klein’s body!” “”
“Compared to Kirito, the surprise in the eyes of the undead spider was stronger. He looked at his body in disbelief, and roared hoarsely, “What the hell is going on? “”
“”Ha…ha…” After being separated from the spider undead creature, the transformation on Klein’s body was naturally released. At this moment, he kept panting heavily and looked very weak.”
“But for some reason, the spider undead sensed a firm will from him!”
“Listening to the roar of the spider undead creature, Klein sufferedHe laughed shyly, “Seeing him fight for me with my own eyes, how can I let him be hurt by you! Spider undead creature, that’s what it’s called, right? I’ll seal it for you!”
“”Your will can actually exclude me from your body? ! Mere human beings! The voice of the spider undead creature was distorted, and he roared angrily and waved his claws at Klein, “Stupid!” Without my power, you are nothing more than a mere human being! Fuck me! “”
“Klein quickly reached out to block it, but was sent flying by a paw.”
“”Klein, get out of the way, I’ll fight him! “”
“Kirito hurried forward to help, but was stopped by Klein, “Don’t come here! This is my fight! ! In order to overcome one’s own weakness, this is a necessary battle! “”
“…” Kirito hesitated immediately when he heard the words, he said worriedly, “But, you who can’t transform, you can’t fight undead creatures at all! “”
“”No, I can! “Klein took out the card of type K undead creature. He didn’t know that only the card of type A undead creature can be used for transformation. Under Kirito’s horrified eyes, he directly loaded it into the LEANGLE buckle.”
“Stop it, Klein, you can’t use that card to transform!” “”
“But Kirito’s words came too late after all, Klein has already pulled the LEANGLE buckle!”
Chapter 501 In fact, I am quite confident about mixing tea
“The moment Klein pulled the LEANGLE buckle, the LEANGLE transforming device around his waist erupted with a flash of lightning, covering his entire body!”
“Klein didn’t even have time to let out a scream, his vision went dark, and he stood there and passed out.”
“When Klein woke up, he found himself lying in a pavilion with a beautiful scenery. In the pavilion besides himself, there was a middle-aged man with a gentle face drinking tea.”
“Seeing Klein wake up, the middle-aged man handed over a cup of tea and smiled kindly, “Drink some. “”
“Although Klein didn’t know what was going on, he still took the cup, “Thank you. “”
“Then, he took a sip and his eyes lit up, “Oh! This is not bad! “”
“The middle-aged man smiled, “Although I’m not you human beings, but when I came into contact with tea for the first time after unblocking, I fell in love with this drink… To be honest, I’m still quite fond of mixed tea. confident. “”
“Ahaha, that’s right. Klein laughed dryly, then suddenly trembled all over, and looked at the middle-aged man in horror, “Wait, you said you are not human?” ! “”
“Well, yes, is there anything strange about it? “The middle-aged man was not dissatisfied with the guard and panic on Klein’s face, he still smiled.”
“”It’s a big problem! Why am I being offered tea by an undead creature here! Klein clapped his hands on the table and roared loudly.”
“At this time, he finally woke up from the dazed state when he just woke up, and he naturally recalled what happened not long ago.”
“Because of that fellow Kirito, he finally mustered up the courage and determination to expel the undead spider from his body with his own will.”
“He wanted to compete with the spider undead creature by himself, completely sealed it, and then used the sealing card of the KING undead creature.”
“Then he passed out, and then…he appeared here.”
“What about in the middle? What happened in the middle? Why is he here?!”
“”Don’t be so impatient, there is no point in being impatient. The middle-aged man seemed to see through the anxiety in Klein’s heart, took a sip of tea and said softly, “Nothing happened in the middle, you just appeared here after you fainted.” This place itself is the world of your mind… Well, to put it more simply, it is in your mind. “”
“In my head? Why are you an undead creature in my mind! “Klein’s complexion changed, and for a moment, things like parasitism, house grabbing, etc., were spinning wildly in his mind.”
“It always seems like you’re thinking of something impolite. The middle-aged man rolled his eyes and complained, “Didn’t you bring me here?” “”
“”I? Klein blinked his eyes and suddenly realized, “Are you a KING undead creature?” ! “”
“Yes, you finally reacted. The middle-aged man snapped his fingers, and then said, “You want to use my strength to defeat that spider, right?” “”
“”However, you are too stupid, don’t you even know that this knight system can only use type A undead creatures for transformation? I just took a look and understood why. If you use other types of seal cards to transform, this result will appear. “”
“As he spoke, the middle-aged man laughed out loud, “It’s a shame that you met me, if it was any other undead creature, it would have already occupied your body by this time. “”
“At this time, Klein also seemed to see that the middle-aged man didn’t have any malice towards him, and gradually let go of his guard…Of course, it’s more likely that he felt that even being on guard is useless.”
“After listening to the middle-aged man’s words, he said curiously, “What about you, don’t you intend to occupy my body? “”
“No, I’m not really interested in fighting or anything. The middle-aged man shook his head, “If it wasn’t for this, how could that fellow spider seal me back then?” I’m a kind of KING! “”
“When he said this, the indifferent words of the middle-aged man were full of helplessness.Poor self-confidence. Of course, as an undead creature of the KING type, he also has the capital of self-confidence! ”
“”It seems to be going too far, so let’s get back to the topic quickly. The middle-aged man took another sip of tea, then looked at Klein solemnly, “You want to use my power to seal the spider, right?” “”
“Klein nodded heavily, “That’s right! It’s rude to say that, but… please lend me your strength, please! “”
“Klein slammed his head on the stone table and made a bang.”
“”Don’t be so serious. The middle-aged man helped Klein’s head up, “I also said before that this knight system can only be transformed by using type A undead creatures!” If you use the power of the KING undead creature…””
“The middle-aged man paused for a moment, then said almost word for word, “You will gradually merge with the body of the undead creature! Finally become an undead creature! “”
“Of course, it’s okay if the battle time is short, but can you guarantee to defeat the spider guy in a short time? Or, do you have the determination to fight even if you become an undead creature? ! “”
“Looking at the solemn expression of the middle-aged man, Klein was dumbfounded, and his originally resolute gaze instantly became hesitant.”
“If he becomes an undead creature, he will no longer be a human, right? He will never be able to return to his parents, and he will no longer be able to play games happily with his friends? In that case…”
“Suddenly, Klein’s mind was shocked, and he pursed his lips in an extremely complicated expression. Was that guy Kirito coming to save me with such determination?”
“Since he has gambled on his determination to save me even if he becomes an undead creature, then I naturally have to repay the corresponding awareness!”
“Thinking of this, Klein said firmly, “Please lend me your strength!” “”
“So… isn’t the relationship between Klein and Kirito not simple?” Yuuki Asuna was numb, completely numb, she clearly remembered that there were a bunch of girls who secretly liked Kiritani Kazuto!
But why can it be seen from this video that all the flirtatious people who have evil intentions towards Kiritani Kazuto are all men!
Anyway, if her boyfriend wants to be liked by others, she would rather be a group of girls!
She pursed her lips, with tangled emotions in her eyes, she really wanted to call Tong Gu Kazuto and ask him if he was a Gai guy!
However, she had just called not long ago, and she could only hold back her desire to make a call.
And use self-suggestion crazily in my heart, Kirito is not a Gai guy, Kirito is not a Gai guy…
Chapter 502 Complete Seal
“The corner of the middle-aged man’s mouth curled into a smile, “Okay, then I will lend you my strength! “”
“After finishing speaking, Klein felt as if his whole body was being sucked into a vortex, and the gentle voice of the middle-aged man came from his ear, “Come on, remember, the speed must be fast! “”
“Speaking of which, Klein seems to have spent a long time in that mental world, but when his consciousness returned to his body, he found that the time seemed to have passed only for a moment.”
“”Are you all right, Klein? ! “Kirito was running towards him while shouting at him.”
“Although Kirito doesn’t know the consequences of using the KING undead creature seal card to transform, but judging from the flashing arcs on Klein’s body, the consequences are definitely not good!”
“I’m fine, Kirito. Klein raised his right hand and signaled Kirito to stop. He took a deep breath and smiled, “It’s better to say that there is no better time than now!” “”
“”Ah ah! ! ’ he roared and charged at the spider undead.”
“During a trance, Kirito seemed to see Klein’s body transform into an undead creature!”
“”Undead creature? ! “Kirito whispered in horror.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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