“Could it be that Klein is being controlled by another undead creature?”
“Just as this thought flashed through Kirito’s mind, he immediately shook his head, “No, that’s not right! That expression and voice just now are definitely Klein’s! He is using the power of the undead? “”
“On the other side, the surprise in the spider’s undead creature’s eyes became a bit more, “You actually used the power of the undead creature directly? ! how can that be! How on earth did you do it! “”
“”This has nothing to do with you! All you have to do is to be sealed by me! “Klein took advantage of the undead spider’s doubts and punched him in the face!”
“Kirito at the side can clearly see that the cheek of the undead spider gradually became distorted under the impact of that huge force!”
“”Uh! “The undead spider snorted, the ninja’s face was in severe pain, and he punched Klein’s chest with a backhand.”
“The two are like gangsters in a street fight. Hands, elbows, legs, knees, heads, all parts of the body are used as their weapons, and they bite each other!”
“If this continues, I don’t know how long the fight will last… Kirito is a little impatient. Although it is a draw now, if the time drags on for too long, I don’t know how the situation will develop.”
“We must establish a victory as soon as possible! But how do we do it? Although Kirito wants to step forward to help, he can also see that Klein’s attitude is very firm.”
“Suddenly, Kirito’s anxious eyes glanced at the BLAY awakening device on his waist, his eyes lit up, yes, a weapon! It’s a weapon!”
“Neither Klein nor the undead spiders have weapons. If Klein is allowed to use weapons at this time, the outcome will definitely be decided in an instant! ”
“Just do it when you think about it, Kirito immediately took off the BLAY Awakening Device from his waist, and threw it at Klein, “Klein, catch this! “”
“Klein heard Kirito’s voice, and immediately hit the head of the undead spider with a hammer. The undead spider took two steps back in pain, keeping a distance from Klein.”
“Seeing this, Klein turned around and caught the BLAY Awakener that Kirito threw over.”
“”Roar! “At this time, the spider undead creature also recovered from the slightly dizzy state. He roared, waved his sharp claws, and grabbed Klein.”
“Klein gripped the BLAY Awakener tightly, and also rushed towards the spider undead creature.”
“In an instant, the bodies of the two crossed each other.”
“Afterwards, both of their bodies maintained their posture of attacking each other, and time seemed to be frozen at this moment.”
“After a long time, the undead spider smiled wryly, “I will lose to mere humans…hehehe…””
“The undead spider fell heavily to the ground, and the seal lock on its waist opened with a click.”
“”…” Klein remained silent without answering, took out a card, turned around and threw it on him.”
“Spider undead creature, seal it!”
“This guy has finally been completely sealed! It’s great!” Tsuboi Ryotaro jumped up excitedly, “In this way, I don’t have to worry about being controlled by undead creatures anymore!”
Ever since the video was played until he was controlled, he had been worried whether the spider undead creature was still hiding on him, and now he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.
“But speaking of it, it’s all thanks to Kirito, and the KING undead creature.” Tsuboi Ryotaro scratched his head, “Let’s treat Kirito to dinner another day. As for the KING undead creature, if There will be a day when we meet again, and I will thank him again.”
“Speaking of which, there are undead creatures like him who don’t want to fight, and also like to drink tea. Buy more tea and prepare them. If you can meet him again, invite him to drink tea.”
“Excellent, Klein! You finally completely got rid of the control of the spider undead creature, from now on, you are already a real Kamen Rider! “Kirito ran over excitedly and congratulated Klein.”
“Klein looked carefully at the seal card in his hand, and then smiled, “Thanks to you, Kirito, if it weren’t for you, I don’t know how long I would have been controlled by him. “”
“”Do not. Kirito shook his head, “I didn’t do anything, you sealed him by yourself!” “”
“Klein put away the seal card in his hand, and bowed solemnly to Kirito, “I’m sorry! “”
“”Eh? Kirito was startled, and quickly helped Klein up, “Klein, what are you doing?” You didn’t do anything to be sorry for me, it’s better to say… I’m sorry for you. “”
“Speaking of which, Kirito felt a strong sense of guilt.”
“If it was in the past, he could still use the words Kayaba Akihiko said to him to suppress the guilt in his heart, which is the sentence-“This is for the future of all mankind, even if a small part of mankind is sacrificed , is also forgivable. “”
“But now, he can no longer suppress his guilt with such words.”
“Because both he and Asuna have been deceived by Akihiko Kayaba from the beginning to the end, how can he guarantee that what Akihiko Kayaba said about Ultimate Warfare is true?”
“Perhaps, Kayaba Akihiko and Heathcliff started this extreme war from the very beginning in order to unravel the mystery of eternal life!”
Chapter 503 The end of the Kamen Rider is here
“No, it’s me who should say I’m sorry! “Klein shook his head and said, “At first, I thought you lied to me, and you were also one of the murderers who wanted us to die, so I said a lot of exaggerated things to you. “”
“However, now I feel that you are not that kind of person… Absolutely not! Klein stared at Kirito and said, “So, I want to apologize to you.” “”
“”But…” Before Kirito could open his mouth, Klein continued, “I want to know everything! please tell me! “”
“”All I know is the meaning of this extreme war and the fact that the undead human beings have long been sealed… However, this is also what the undead spiders told me in order to snatch my body, I I don’t know whether it is true or false. “”
“When he said that, Klein’s expression was very serious.”
“Well, well, I’ll tell you all! “Looking at Klein’s solemn request, Kirito nodded slowly, and then told Klein everything.”
“Including Kayaba Akihiko and Heathcliff’s purpose, including him and Asuna being deceived, including this extreme war…”
“It turns out that you were also deceived. In order to understand the secret of eternal life, those two people actually treated you as experimental subjects. It’s too much! “Klein clenched his fist, his eyes full of anger!”
“But anger turned into despair in just a moment.” However, if human undead creatures have already been sealed, maybe it would be better to become undead creatures? After all, human beings have no future. “”
“”I thought those words were lied to by spiders and undead creatures, but I didn’t expect that they would be true… If they really lied to me, why didn’t they lie to me? “”
“Looking at Klein with a look of despair on his face, Kirito felt uncomfortable, but he still smiled.He patted Klein on the shoulder, “Don’t worry, it’s fine, we will definitely find a solution! Humans… must be fine!””
“This feeling is too desperate.” Sakura Chiyo said in a deep voice.
The feeling that no matter what she does, no matter how she does it, the future will not change, as long as she thinks about it for a while, she feels as if her breath is about to suffocate.
“Well, this kind of theme can be used to draw manga.” Nozaki Umetaro didn’t have any expression, but thought that this kind of theme could be used to draw manga.
Upon hearing this, the tension in Sakura Chiyo’s heart disappeared instantly, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and she said, “Nozaki-kun, you are drawing a girl manga.”
“It’s okay, I’m already trying to transition to drawing hot-blooded comics!” Umetaro Nozaki said expressionlessly while holding the paintbrush in his hand. Just from the sound, it can make people feel the passion and confidence in his heart, “Men and men The friendship between them, I’m already about to ignite!”
“The first male lead is called Suzuki Saburo, and the second male lead is called Mami…” Nozaki Umetaro suddenly widened his eyes, with a look of horror on his face, “Oops! Apart from Suzuki Saburo and Mamiko, I can’t think of any other protagonist names. !”
Sakura Chiyo looked at him speechlessly, “Nozaki-kun, think back to what Jianbian told you—don’t underestimate Hot Blood Manga, you just draw girl manga obediently.”
“After parting with Kirito, Klein rushed to the residence of his guild Furin Volcano. He still needs to explain to his friends what happened before, and apologize to them by the way.”
“Although he was under the influence of spider undead creatures at that time, he did do very bad things to his friends, and these things cannot be done without an apology.”
“Walking on the road, Klein recalled the conversation with Kirito, and murmured with a complicated expression, “Will humans be fine? He is really confident. “”
“As he spoke, a smile appeared on Klein’s face, “Just trust him! Humans will be fine! “”
“Suddenly, Klein’s smile froze, and he could feel a strong killing intent gradually approaching him!”
“Behind, is behind!”
“Klein turned his head suddenly, but he couldn’t see anything. This made Klein even more vigilant when he was puzzled. He really felt that there was a killing intent!”
“Suddenly, a terrifying roar sounded, and Klein quickly rolled to avoid it, and quickly put the LEANGLE transformation device on his waist, “Transform! “”
“” OPENUP! “”
“Just as Klein transformed successfully, the air gradually distorted less than a meter away from him, followed by an undead creature with a hideous face and dripping mucus all over its body. appeared before Klein’s eyes.”
“What shocked Klein in particular was that there were actually two seal locks around the waist of this undead creature!”
“”What the hell is going on with this undead creature? ! “Klein just felt his scalp go numb, he remembered Kirito said that every undead creature has only one seal lock around its waist!”
“Klein took out his weapon, the LEANGLE Awakening Device, and looked at the undead creature with great vigilance, but what surprised him was that after that attack, the undead creature just stood there without moving.”
“”You are Kamen Rider Leangle, right? “”
“Suddenly, a man’s voice rang in Klein’s ears. He followed the voice and saw a man wearing black-rimmed glasses standing under a tree. It was Nobuyuki Sugo!”
“”who are you? What does it have to do with this undead creature? ! Klein asked while guarding against the undead creatures in front of him.”
“”relation? Hehehe. “Nobuyuki Sugo laughed, “Of course it’s the relationship between creation and being created!” This is the undead creature I created through the undead creature cells and the data collected so far, the name is Titan. How about it, do you feel the wild beauty hidden in it? “”
“”Chuang looking for undead creatures? Are you crazy? ! “Klein felt his scalp tingling when he heard that, not to mention, what’s the point of creating this undead creature?”
“As if seeing the doubt in Klein’s eyes, Nobuyuki Sugo said softly, “Crazy? How could I be crazy? Everything I do is to win the ultimate war! Not for humans, but for me! I will win this war and become the god of the new world! “”
“”For this reason, I have to get rid of all of you Kamen Riders who are obtrusive to the eyes first! “”
“The smile on Nobuyuki Sugo’s face became more distorted, “Although the strength of this undead creature is not too strong, the unique toxin in his body can activate the activity of undead creatures! As long as this toxin is injected into Kamen Rider’s body, Kamen Rider’s will will be controlled by undead creatures! “”
“”In this way…the end of the Kamen Rider is here! “”
Chapter 504 Justice Two vs One
“Am I really a villain…” Nobuyuki Xuxiang’s face was full of misery, he felt like he was on a pill!
If things go on like this, let alone marry Yuuki Asuna, whether he can stay in the company… Or, whether he will be presented with a pair of silver bracelets and then forced to eat and shelter is a question !
He thinks this possibility is quite high…
“Do you want to run away now?”
Nobuyuki Xuxiang rubbed his chin, pondered, and said, if you want to run away, it must be better to run now! After all, soldiers are expensive and fast!
Thinking of this, Nobuyuki Sugo nodded, quickly got up and packed his luggage, ready to run away, and stay any longerIn other words, maybe you will really be given a pair of silver bracelets and a set meal with food and accommodation!
On the other side, Yuuki Akizo was numb, completely numb, and he had no way to argue against this situation!
Good guy, you are really a villain bastard! What do you want him to do? Doesn’t that make him look bad?
“Father, now you have nothing to say, right?” Yuuki Asuna said with a smile, she was very happy at the moment, at least, her parents would no longer be able to force her to marry Nobuyuki Sugo!
Yuki Akira’s face was dark, and he finally sighed, “Well, when you get old, you can’t see people well.”
“”Controlled by undead creatures? “Klein’s scalp tingled, if what this man said is true, wouldn’t he be the same as before?!”
“Just as he was terrified, that strange undead creature named Titan raised his right hand, and a huge scorpion tail stabbed at Klein like lightning.”
“Klein quickly dodged sideways, the scorpion tail stabbed a big tree, and the tree turned yellow and withered almost instantly.”
“Watching this scene, Klein’s scalp is numb, what if he gets stabbed?!”
“On the other side, Kirito walked slowly back to the lakeside hut with his tired body.”
“When he walked into the house, he realized that Eugeo, Asuna, and Yui were not resting, but were waiting for him in the living room.”
“Asuna was the first to find Kirito, she stood up from the sofa happily, “You are finally back, Kirito! I almost thought something was wrong with you. “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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