“The main reason is that when Kirito went out, the expression on his face didn’t look like he was okay, and then he took so long to come back, so they couldn’t help but worry.”
“Kirito can naturally hear the worry from Asuna’s words. He looked at Eugeo and Yui at the side again, and he could see the obvious worry from their expressions, which made him feel a surge of anxiety. Warmth.”
“Sorry for worrying you. “Kirito patted Asuna’s head and said apologetically.”
“Feeling the big hand above her head, Asuna’s cheeks were slightly rosy, but she didn’t resist, but asked curiously, “Kirito, what happened, can you tell us? “”
“”certainly. Kirito narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a smile on his face, “From today on, Klein will no longer be controlled by undead spiders!” At the same time, Heathcliff is also dead. “”
“”what? Heathcliff, he…” Asuna was taken aback, but before she finished speaking, the undead detector started beeping.”
“Kirito and Asuna immediately stopped communicating, and hurried to the undead detector to observe the situation.”
“”One of the energy reactions is Kamen Rider LEANGLE! The other…” Asuna frowned, and said puzzledly, “I can’t tell which undead creature it is at all! “”
“Can’t tell the difference? Tongren’s heart trembled, “Could it be an experimental subject?” It must be Akihiko Kayaba! “”
“He still doesn’t know that Akihiko Kayaba and Heathcliff are the same person, and they are already completely cold!”
“But whether he is clear about it or not, what he is going to do will not change!”
“”Asuna, Eugeo, I’ll rush over there immediately! Take care of Yui at home. “After Kirito wrote down the address, he ran out quickly.”
“”Wait for me, Kirito! “Asuna also hurriedly followed, and then shouted to Eugeo who also wanted to follow, “Eugeo, leave Kirito to me, and Yui will leave it to you!” “”
“In normal times, Asuna is quite confident about Kirito’s strength. But now, Kirito has obviously experienced a big battle, and both energy and physical strength have begun to decline. In this case, how can she Maybe let Kirito go alone.”
“Eugeo just sat up halfway up and sat back. Although he was worried about Kirito, he was also worried about Yui.”
“”Mother Eugeo, Father Kirito and Mother Asuna will be all right? “”
“After Kirito and Asuna left, Yui asked worriedly.”
“Eugeo turned his head to look at Yui, and smiled softly, “Don’t worry, it will be fine. “”
“When Kirito and Asuna rushed over, I saw Klein, who had transformed into Kamen Rider LEANGLE, dodging left and right with great difficulty. If they came later, Klein might have been too cold !”
“Kirito and Asuna saw that time was running out, so they didn’t have time to say anything, so they pulled the transforming devices on their waists almost at the same time, “Transform””
“”TURNUP! “”
“After Asuna’s transformation, she immediately took out the Garren Awakening Device at her waist, and fired several bullets in succession, forcing the undead creature Titan back.”
“At this time, Kirito also came to Klein, and supported him who was staggering and almost unable to stand, “Klein, you go to rest first, leave this place to us!” “”
“Klein panted heavily, and finally couldn’t take it anymore, and was forced to release the transformation state. He grabbed Kirito’s hand and said solemnly, “Be careful of that guy’s poison! If it is damaged by poison, it will be controlled by undead creatures! “”
“”I see. “Tirto heard the words and knew the seriousness of the matter, he nodded and said, “I know. “”
“At this moment, Asuna is already at a disadvantage., I have to say that this strange-looking undead creature Titan is very powerful! ”
“Kirito also knew that Asuna couldn’t fight the enemy alone, so he immediately turned his head and rushed towards the undead creature, and immediately joined hands with Asuna to form a righteous two-on-one against the undead creature!”
“However, this undead creature has two seal locks hanging on its waist, so it can really display the strength of two undead creatures!”
“Even due to the combined strength of these two undead creatures, he directly crushed Kirito and Asuna!”
Chapter 505 Give me face
“Soon, the undead creature Titan stretched out his scorpion tail again, and that thick scorpion tail was like lightning, quickly hitting the breastplates of Kirito and Asuna!”
“”what! “”
“Kirito and Asuna screamed and flew upside down, and then two blue light curtains passed through their bodies, and they were forced to cancel the transformation.”
“Kirito, are you all right? “Klein’s expression changed, and he shouted immediately.”
“At the same time, he was also somewhat puzzled. He could last so long alone, but Kirito and the others lost so quickly? Could it be because he was stronger than Kirito and the others? ”
“No, no! He’s using me as a bait to attract Kirito and the others! Klein suddenly thought of a possibility, his whole face turned blue, I was the one who killed them!”
“Suddenly, Nobuyuki Sugo sneered, “This is Kamen Rider BLADE and Kamen Rider Garren? How weak! LEANGLE, I want to thank you very much. If you hadn’t persisted for so long and attracted the two of them, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to catch you all! “”
“Hearing Nobuyuki Sugo’s words, Klein’s already ugly face became even uglier, and a strong feeling of guilt rose in his mind.”
“Before Klein had time to make a move, Nobuyuki Sugo immediately ordered, “Titan, let’s do it, and get rid of them all!” “”
“”Roar! “The undead creature Titan roared and rushed towards Kirito and Asuna.”
“Seeing the enemy approaching quickly, Kirito immediately took out the Awakening Fusion Device. Although if you continue to use it, you will be in danger of becoming an undead creature, but it’s better than killing everyone!”
“What’s more, maybe he won’t become an undead creature this time? After all, he has overcome the Joker’s instinct twice before!”
“But Kirito hadn’t had time to put the Awakening Fusion Device on his wrist, a stone was like a cannonball, making a deafening sound of piercing through the air, and hit the undead creature Titan in an instant!”
“The undead creature Titan didn’t even have time to scream, it was directly driven by the stone and flew into the river next to it, making a huge splash.”
“” Who is it? ! “Nobuyuki Sugo’s expression changed, and he hurriedly looked in the direction that the stone flew from.”
“I saw a man leaning on a big tree, lazily throwing a stone in his hand. After noticing Nobuyuki Sugo’s gaze, he looked over and smiled slightly, “How about letting them go for the time being? “”
“Is this guy an undead creature? After all, humans definitely can’t knock an undead creature away with a single stone.” Koshitani Natsumi scratched his head and said, “But why do undead creatures help Kamen Rider?”
“Maybe he is the same as the undead creature that helped Klein before, the type who doesn’t like to fight?” Koshitani Xiaoju guessed, and after thinking about it carefully, the more he thought about it, the more he resembled it, “Well, it must be so! ”
“”Do not make jokes! “Xuxiang Shinzhi roared, “Who do you think you are? Why should I look at your face! Titan, kill him for me! “”
“”Roar! “The undead creature Titan seems to have been enraged by the attack just now, coupled with Nobuyuki Sugo’s order, his roar at the moment is full of endless killing intent no matter how you hear it.”
“After he roared, the air around his body gradually distorted, and within a short while, the undead creature Titan completely disappeared.”
“Huh, do you really want to fight? To be honest, I’m not interested in this extreme war at all. “The man sighed helplessly.”
“Although he said so, his expression has become serious, and then his head quickly scanned the surroundings, and his eyes locked on a position in an instant, “Is it there? “”
“As soon as the words fell, his body changed into the appearance of an undead creature, with a blade on each wrist, and a well-developed mandible on his head, which is one of the important characteristics of catalpa worms. !”
“He jumped into the air, the blade in his hand slashing through the empty air.”
“The next moment, a lot of sparks erupted there, the undead creature Titan could no longer maintain the invisible state, his figure was revealed, and then he fell heavily on the ground, and struggled painfully on the ground to stand up. I knew it was going to hurt.”
“The giraffe saw the undead creature slowly took out two strange long swords that looked like his upper jaw, and said in a cold voice, “The pseudo-undead creature created by humans has no will of its own, and only knows to obey the orders of humans… You are not worth living! “”
“Because the undead creature Titan had just stood up halfway, before he had time to adjust his figure, he jumped into the air, and the two giant swords in his hands were raised above his head, and then fell from the sky to strike the undead creature Titan’s chest!”
“There was a chirping sound, and a large number of sparks shot out from the undead creature Titan’s chest, and a huge X-shaped scar appeared in response, and green blood continued to flow from the wound.”
“”Ow! “”
“Hearing the screams of the undead creature Titan, Nobuyuki Sugo’s face immediately turned blue. He didn’t expect that the undead creature he painstakingly created would be so vulnerable in front of this guy! Even the invisibility, which he regarded as the killer’s trump card, was so vulnerable. Was easily seen through!”
“A strong uneasiness welled up in Nobuyuki’s heart, he immediately confessed and said, “Wait! I’ll give you this face this time, and spare them for now! Titans, let’s go! “”
“Although he said that he looked very great, but anyone can see that he is serious now.”
“However, the giraffe saw the spade and the undead creature didn’t catch up. He turned into a human again, and turned his head to look at Kirito and the others with a smile. “I don’t want to fight, so I didn’t catch up. You should You won’t blame me, will you? “”
“No, how can I blame you? “Kirito grinned.”
“But this time it involved the injuries on his body, and his smile immediately became ugly. He grinned with pain and said, “It should be us who want to thank you. If it weren’t for you, we would be in danger today. “”
“Hehehe, that kind of thing is impossible, right? “The giraffe saw the undead creature gestured to the awakening fuser in Kirito’s hand with its eyes, “That power is very strong, even I can feel it. “”
“Kirito didn’t explain that he tried not to use the awakening fuser now, but just said softly, “In any case, we still have to thank you. By the way, what is your name? “”
Chapter 506 He’s Almost PTSD
“”Since you must thank me, then I will accept it. “The undead creature sawing the giraffe smiled gently, “As for my name, just call me Jin Ju. “”
“”Golden House? You also gave yourself a human name? “Kirito glanced at him in surprise, inexplicably thinking of Eugeo.”
“Could it be that like he said, he is also an undead creature who doesn’t like fighting? But if he really doesn’t like fighting, shouldn’t it be more like he didn’t see this? Come and save them, but with that enemy He’s facing him head-on, you can figure it out with your little toe, how can the enemy not give him face directly?”
“Kirito didn’t understand very well, he organized his words for a while, and said with some hesitation, “Mr. Jin Ju, why did you save us?” “”
“”Is there any reason to save people? Then Jin Ju smiled, “Although I want to say that, you probably wouldn’t believe it, would you?” After all, fighting is the instinct of undead creatures, and you and I are naturally not in the same group, so it is only natural for you to doubt it. “”
“Kirito said he didn’t speak, just nodded silently. He is indeed a little suspicious… I have to say that the several deceptions of Kayaba Akihiko and Heathcliff have almost brought him out of PTSD.”
“”It’s only natural for you to be suspicious. If I were in danger and an undead creature came to save me, I would also wonder if he had some kind of conspiracy or something. “Kinju shrugged, as if he didn’t care about Kirito’s suspicion at all, and said with a smile.”
“”But I don’t care too much, after all, I just want to enjoy life now… Fighting is indeed the instinct of undead creatures, and every undead creature can’t resist the control of this instinct! “”
“But, that’s a normal extreme war! This extreme war is very abnormal. In the past, every undead creature defeated would be sealed by the sealing stone, but this time, even though so many undead creatures were defeated, the sealing stone never appeared. . “”
“”At the same time, the instinct to fight in the hearts of the undead creatures seems to have weakened a lot. So, I can enjoy life so leisurely and leisurely. Jin Ju smiled happily, “This is a life I have never experienced, and I want to continue to experience it.” “”
“And this is why I saved you. The things made by humans in secret are more than just that undead creature called Titan. If you are all dealt with, that guy will definitely come to me in the future! “”
“”In order for me to continue to enjoy a peaceful life, I ask you to fight that human. Jin Ju narrowed his eyes slightly, and smiled like a fox, “I don’t think you will let that guy do whatever he wants, right?” “”
“”That’s right. “I have to say, after hearing what Jin Ju said, Kirito felt a lot more at ease.”
“If Jin Ju said that he has no purpose, but just wants to save them, then Kirito will definitely be extremely vigilant! But Jin Ju said his purpose so easily, Kirito felt a lot more relaxed .”
“The stone of the seal…could it be the dark stone from before?” Tong Gu Kazuto guessed softly, he suddenly felt a little strange, why this extreme war is like a war with set rules, and The so-called Seal Stone is something like a referee.
The question is, who set the rules? And who made the Sealing Stone? Who will guarantee that the victorious race will prosper?
“In short, let’s not fight for now. As for that guy, you have to be careful. “”
“After finishing speaking, Jin Ju disappeared in a flash.”
“”Let’s go. Kirito shook his head, turned and walked towards Klein, “Klein, how do you feel?” Are there any injuries? “”
“”I’m fine. “Klein shook his head, frowned and said, “But just be careful of that person, that person actually said that the attack on us is to let himself win!” It’s really strange, isn’t it true that only undead creatures can participate in extreme warfare?And win? “”
“”In order to win? “Kirito scratched his head, “But he should be a human right, how did humans win? “”
“”It’s really strange…… Besides, he is not Kayaba Akihiko. “Asuna also said suspiciously, they thought they would meet the experimental body made by Akihiko Kayaba, but in fact it was the experimental body made by another person, which is very strange! Could it be that there are other Are people also studying undead creatures?”
“A few people were full of doubts, but they didn’t have any clues. In the end, in desperation, they could only agree to inform the rest of the people as soon as they encountered the enemy, and then went back to their respective homes.”
“The next morning, Kirito and Asuna went out to find ingredients.”
“Only Eugeo and Yui were left at home. Yui took a paintbrush to write and draw on a piece of paper. After a while, he handed the painting to Eugeo with a happy face,” Mother Eugeo, look at this. “”
“Eugeo took the painting, which showed four people, Yui climbed into Eugeo’s arms, and pointed with his fingers happily, “This is Kirito’s father, this is Eugeo’s mother, this is Asuna Mom, this is me. “”
“Looking at Yui’s expectant eyes, Eugeo reached out and stroked her little head, and praised, “The drawing is really good, Yui is very good at drawing. “”
“”Hey hey hey~” Yui’s eyes were bent when she smiled, looking like a little crescent moon.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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