“The door of the room was opened suddenly, and Eugeo and Yui looked over in surprise. After seeing the person clearly, Yui’s eyes lit up, and he jumped off Eugeo, “It’s Kirito’s father! Why did you come back so soon? “”
“Afterwards, she smiled and handed the painting to Kirito, “Dad, I drew this. “”
“Kirito took the painting with a blank expression, but didn’t say anything.”
“Eugeo frowned slightly, this doesn’t seem like the expression Kirito would make!”
“Yui also feels a little strange. If it were an ordinary Kirito, he would have already patted her on the head with a smile and praised her.”
“Did something happen that made Kirito’s father feel bad? Yui thought about it, and then wanted to ask.”
“However, Kirito didn’t give her a chance to ask questions. He walked around her with the painting and walked slowly in front of Eugeo.”
“From Kirito’s cold expression, Eugeo inexplicably felt a sense of depression, “Is there something wrong? Kirito. “”
Chapter 507 I’m afraid it’s under control
“Kirito slowly raised the drawing paper in his hand, covering his face. Suddenly, a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he punched out, directly piercing the drawing paper!”
“After that, the fist didn’t slow down at all, and it went straight to Eugeo!”
“Eugeo’s face changed, and he grabbed Kirito’s fist as soon as he raised his hand, “Kirito, what are you doing? “”
“Dad, stop it! ” Yui was taken aback for a moment, and she was extremely anxious, and shouted in a voice that was about to cry, “Why do you want to do this, don’t fight with your mother! “”
“What’s wrong with me? Could it be that I was also controlled by undead creatures?” Kiritani Kazuto was stunned for a moment, and then said in panic.
It’s why he doesn’t panic. If he is controlled by undead creatures, he doubts whether he will become a joker in the future!
“It’s okay, brother, it’s definitely okay!” Kiritani Suguha grabbed Kiritani Kazuto’s hand and comforted him, “Brother will never be controlled by an undead creature, let alone become an undead creature! Because, Brother, aren’t you all right now?”
“That’s what you said…” Kirito scratched his head, thinking that this was also true.
After all, not only can he not change into an undead creature, but even Kamen Rider can’t change. Maybe the content in the video is a parallel world? Or, just like the content of the video I watched before, maybe the past has been changed, or the world has been reset.
In short, he feels much more at ease, as long as he is not an undead creature!
“”Well! “Kirito, who was held by Eugeo, grunted, and then struggled. During the struggle, his arm was scratched by Eugeo’s nails.”
“In just a second or two, Kirito struggled to get out, then turned back and opened Yui, and ran out through the gate.”
“”Whoa! ” Yui was pulled, and couldn’t help but let out a cry of surprise, staggered a few steps, and fell backwards without standing still.”
“It was Eugeo who grabbed her arm in a hurry, so she didn’t fall to the ground.”
“Thank you, Eugeo mother. Yui patted his chest in shock, and then said worriedly, “What happened to Kirito’s father?” “”
“”…” Eugeo remained silent, he hugged Yui all the way to the sofa, and then comforted softly, “Don’t worry, Kirito will be fine, I assure you. “”
“”Um. “Yui nodded obediently, she knew that Eugeo must be going out.”
“Yui stretched out her little finger, “You must come back safely with Dad. “”
“”must. “Eugeo made an extremely firm promise with Yui Lago.”
“After going out, Eugeo first took out a communicator, which was given to him by Kirito, and can be used to communicate with Kirito, Asuna, and Yui.”
“Similarly, Yui also has one, this is to prevent Eugeo or Yui from being unable to contact when they are in danger.to them. ”
“After all, he and Yui are not players and cannot communicate through game functions.”
“Eugeo dialed the communicator according to what Kirito taught him, and soon Asuna’s doubtful voice sounded, “Eugeo? Why did you call suddenly? Could it be that something happened to Yui? “”
“No, Yui is fine. “Eugeo shook his head, before Asuna continued to ask questions, he quickly said, “But Kirito is busy! Just now, Kirito suddenly came back and attacked me! I want to ask, do you know where Kirito is now? “”
“Eugeo can feel that the Kirito who attacked him before has the breath of an undead creature! He is afraid that Kirito will be controlled by JOKER’s instinct again!”
“”You said Kirito attacked you? how can that be? ! “Asuna exclaimed, “I did separate from Kirito to find ingredients just now, could it be… no, no! It is impossible for Kirito to attack you! I know how much he cares about you! Is Kirito at home now? “”
“No, he broke free from my grip and ran away. I don’t know where he is now either. ” Eugeo said.”
“”I’ll go find Kirito first! “Asuna dropped a few words and hung up the phone.”
“Eugeo put away the communicator, looked at the footprints on the ground, and chased after them.”
“On the other side, Klein is walking slowly on his way to the lakeside hut. His package contains some delicacies bought in the town.”
“” The food in this store is delicious, that guy Kirito will definitely like it. He scratched his head in embarrassment, “Before I caused so much trouble to Kirito and the others, I don’t know if it would be a bit perfunctory to use this as an apology.” “”
“Klein thought about it, and finally gave up thinking, “Well, let’s do this for now, it’s a big deal and invite guests a few more times later. “”
“Suddenly, there was a sound of leaves being touched in the woods around him. He frowned and looked over, but saw a familiar voice, “That girl is called Asuna, right?” why here? And it looks like it’s in a hurry. “”
“Klein quickly chased after him, and quickly caught up with Asuna, “Hey, Asuna, what are you doing here? “”
“Hearing someone calling her name, Asuna followed the sound and found the figure who looked like a down and out samurai, “Klein, it’s you, it’s just in time, help me find Kirito!” “”
“Asuna sent a message to Kirito first, but she didn’t receive a reply. This made her uneasy even worse. Could it be that something happened to Kirito? The anxiety in her heart made her have no time to think about it now. Why is Klein here?”
“” Kirito? What’s up with him? ! “Klein’s expression also changed, and he asked hastily.”
“Afterwards, Asuna explained to him what happened.”
“After Klein heard this, his face turned livid, “Could it be that he was injected with poison when he was fighting that undead creature last night? Then, just like me before, I was manipulated by undead creatures. “”
“Hearing this guess, Asuna’s expression became extremely ugly, “That would be too dangerous! Tongren must be found immediately! “”
“The two hurriedly ran towards the place where Kirito might go. After running for a long time, they met Kirito. Kirito showed a gentle smile to the two of them.”
“After seeing that smiling face as usual, Asuna’s face brightened and she relaxed a lot. It seems that Kirito should be fine!”
“She asked quickly, “Kirito, where have you been? I just messaged you and you didn’t reply me. “”
Chapter 508 Is this toxin so powerful?
“The moment Asuna finished speaking, the smile on Kirito’s face disappeared instantly and became extremely cold!”
“”Roar! “Kirito roared up to the sky like a beast, and then rushed towards Kirito and Asuna.”
“”Be careful! “After Asuna yelled, she quickly turned sideways and dodged.”
“But Klein at the side didn’t react, and was directly grabbed by the neck by Kirito, and then rushed all the way into the depths of the woods.”
“After Asuna stood up, she found that Kirito and Klein were nowhere to be seen. She murmured with an ugly face, “Is there something wrong with Kirito? Could it be that toxin really? “”
“Asuna pursed her lips, suppressing the uneasiness in her heart, and chased after her.”
“On the other side, after Klein was caught and rushed into the depths of the woods, he hastily pulled the LEANGLE buckle around his waist, “Transform! “”
“” OPENUP! “”
“A blue light curtain popped out from his waist, knocking Kirito who was holding his neck flying.”
“Then Kirito got up and didn’t turn around to fight Klein, but turned around and ran away.”
“Don’t run away, Kirito! “Klein quickly chased after him, but after chasing for a while, he found that he had completely lost Kirito’s whereabouts.”
“Where did Kirito go?” “”
“Klein looked around in a daze, but he didn’t find Kirito, but he ran into Asuna again. After he released his transformation, he quickly ran over, “Asuna, Kirito ran away from me, what are you doing?” did you see him? “”
“Asuna shook her head and said nothing. For some reason, Asuna’s eyes were very gloomy.”
“But Klein didn’t care. He thought that Asuna might have such an ugly expression because of Kirito.”
“”Hey…” Klein sighed and became discouraged all of a sudden, “It’s unbelievable that even Kirito lost to the will of the undead creature. “”
“He walked melancholy to a big tree,Hitting the tree with a fist, “Kirito…he is obviously not such a weak person like me.””
“”You say yes, ya…””
“Klein turned around and asked Asuna, but just as he turned halfway, a thick rope suddenly tied his neck! Klein could clearly see from the corner of his eye that the tied rope The one holding his neck is Asuna!”
“”Well! Klein snorted, immediately grabbed the rope with both hands, pulled it away with difficulty, and asked in disbelief, “What are you going to do?” Asuna? ! “”
“Asuna didn’t reply, it’s just that the power in her hand is getting stronger and stronger.”
“Am I even controlled by the undead creature?” Yuki Asuna blinked in disbelief. Although she was weak and timid at the beginning, she should not lose to the will of the undead creature later. That’s right!
She still has this confidence!
But… Even Kirito lost to the will of the undead creature. Could it be that the toxin is so powerful?
Yuuki Asuna rubbed her temples, feeling a little uneasy.
She was thinking, neither she nor Kirito remembered the existence of Eugeo, could it be because of this incident that Eugeo was sealed by them?
If that’s the case, no matter whether Eugeo is sealed by Kirito or her, Kirito won’t feel good, right?
“Looking at his health bar dropping, Klein understood that Asuna was for real!”
“Could it be that Asuna was injected with poison during last night’s battle?”
“After Klein thought of this, the strength in his hand suddenly increased a bit, and he broke free from Asuna’s grip!”
“Asuna, after being freed, immediately dropped the rope in her hand, turned around and ran.”
“”and many more! Klein yelled hastily, but Asuna disappeared in a blink of an eye. He sighed, and his whole body sank visibly to the naked eye. “How could this be? Even Asuna… …””
“But in a blink of an eye, he patted his cheek and raised his spirits, “No, I can’t go down like this! We must find a way to restore Kirito and Asuna to their original state! Just like Kirito came to save me before! “”
“Just when Klein regained his energy, Eugeo bumped into Kirito.”
“”Eugeo, why are you here? “Tirto smiled and raised the basket in his hand, “I made a lot of delicious food today, and I’m lucky at noon today!” Ah, by the way, Asuna asked me where I was before…but I was busy catching rabbits at that time, so I didn’t see the news, and I don’t know why she was looking for me in such a hurry? Maybe she’s already home? “”
“Let’s go back too, Eugeo. “Kirito put the basket in the package, and then walked back home.”
“But just as he was getting close to Eugeo, Eugeo suddenly punched Kirito on the cheek!”
“Kirito was blown away.”
“”Well! “Kirito covered his cheeks, he couldn’t believe that Eugeo would attack him!”
“”What are you doing? Eugeo? ! “”
“Eugeo walked over slowly, and said in a deep voice, “Kirito, when I transformed into a Joker, you fought to save me, this time it’s my turn! “”
“Kirito stood up blankly, “What are you talking about? “”
“And at this time, Asuna and Klein also rushed over from different directions.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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