“” Kirito! “Asuna walked towards Kirito with a sullen face, she knew that Kirito is now under the control of undead creatures!”
“”and many more! But Klein suddenly stood in front of Asuna, “Do you want to reconcile with Kirito?” I will not let you succeed! “”
“”what are you saying? “Asuna couldn’t understand Klein’s words at all, and asked suspiciously.”
“”You, like Kirito, have been controlled by undead creatures! Klein slowly took out the LEANGLE transformation device and put it on, “In the past, both Kirito and you have helped me many times, this time, it’s my turn to help you all!” “”
“” Asuna and I were controlled by undead creatures? “Kirito just felt that his head had turned into a paste, “What are you talking about? ! “”
“”Don’t play dumb! “Eugeo roared and knocked Kirito to the ground with a punch.”
“”Woo! “Kirito snorted, grabbed the trees on the side, and stood up. Although he only heard the general idea, he now instinctively feels that something is wrong!”
“Wait, Eugeo, don’t do it yet! “”
“And Eugeo, who had already determined that Kirito was controlled by undead creatures, didn’t listen to him, but said coldly, “I can’t let you go on like this anymore! “”
Chapter 509 Still Unaccustomed to the Characteristics of New Humans
“Eugeo took out the Mantis undead creature seal card, swiped it on the CHALICE awakening device at his waist, “Transform! “”
“”CHANGE! “”
“And Klein on the other side has also pulled off the LEANGLE transformation device at his waist, “Transform! “”
“” OPENUP! “”
“Kirito and Asuna immediately understood that they were serious about it!”
“In desperation, they also immediately pulled the transforming device on their waists, “Transform! “”
“Soon, the four transformed Kamen Riders started fighting like this.”
“Not far from here, Nobuyuki Sugo licked his lips with a cruel look on his faceWith a smile, “In this way, all Kamen Riders will continue to fight under the suspicion of each other until they destroy themselves!”
“Beside Nobuyuki Sugo, the air gradually twisted, and a figure emerged, it was “Asuna”!”
“”You did very well. “Nobuyuki Sugo patted her on the shoulder encouragingly.”
“”Roar. “This “Asuna” roared up to the sky, her body gradually changed, and finally turned into an undead creature Titan!”
“It’s this guy!” Kiritani Kazuto stared at him, gnashing his teeth with hatred. He thought that he and Asuna had failed to control and were being controlled by undead creatures, but he didn’t expect that it would be the order of Nobuyuki Sugo This undead creature is in disguise!
When he thought of Asuna’s father wanting Asuna to marry this guy Sugo Nobuyuki, he became angry!
But, having said that, after seeing the true face of Nobuyuki Sugo, Asuna’s father will not force Asuna to marry that guy anymore, right? Kiritani Kazuto thought with some anticipation in his heart.
“On the other side, Kirito kicked Eugeo away and opened the distance, “Stop, Eugeo! “”
“Eugeo stood up silently, holding a card in his hand.”
“Kirito saw that card clearly, it is a KING undead seal card!”
“”Eugeo, are you serious? “”
“”I said, I won’t let you be controlled by undead creatures anymore! “As soon as the words fell, Eugeo swiped the card down.”
“” EVOLUTION (evolution, ghost mantis)! “”
“Thirteen cards flew out, and then merged into his body one after another. As a yellow-green liquid enveloped his body, Eugeo transformed into a wild form of CHALICE.”
“Immediately, Eugeo pulled out the two wild slashers tied to both sides of his thighs. Like lightning, before Kirito could react, he slashed his chest!”
“”Ugh! ! “Kirito, who was only in the initial form, naturally couldn’t bear this blow, and was immediately sent flying, and the sparks that burst out from that slash sprayed all over the sky.”
“Kirito felt as if all the bones in his body were broken. Enduring the severe pain, he struggled to get up from the ground and roared, “Stop, Eugeo…why, why do we have to fight?” ! “”
“To tell you the truth, his mind is still full of muddleheaded. Everyone was fine in the morning, right? Why do we have to fight now!”
“However, Eugeo didn’t listen to his excuse, but silently raised the wild slasher in his hand, rushed up and beat Kirito violently, and beat him until he exited the transformation state.”
“Asuna on the other side was also beaten until she exited the transformation state, and the two sat on the ground back to back.”
“Kirito’s painful face was distorted, and he said aloud, “Please, stop, there must be some misunderstanding about this matter!” “”
“”Misunderstand? If it was a misunderstanding, then why did you attack me? “Klein canceled the transformation and said in a deep voice.”
“”What the hell are you talking about? When the hell did we attack you? “Kirito looked over blankly, he only remembered that he and Asuna went out to look for ingredients in the morning, and then they were beaten up…”
“Yeah, when did I attack you? At that time, didn’t we go to Kirito together? “Asuna also looked blank. Although she remembered that Kirito attacked Klein, she didn’t remember that she had attacked Klein at all!”
“”Don’t play dumb! I know, last night, when you came to save me last night, you were all poisoned by that undead creature… That’s why you were controlled by the type A undead creature! Klein said guiltily.”
“”wrong! Kirito flatly denied, “If we were really poisoned by the undead creature, how could we still be rational now?” Can you see it too? We are undoubtedly sane now! “”
“Eugeo felt it carefully, “Indeed, I don’t feel the breath of undead creatures from you now, but…””
“Eugeo changed the subject and said, “Maybe it’s because you were not deeply poisoned, and we beat you up again, which reduced the activity of Type A undead creatures, so you can temporarily recover your sanity. “”
“”This is the first time I know that you are so suspicious! Kirito sighed and said helplessly.”
“”If you said you weren’t poisoned, then who the hell attacked me? “Eugeo obviously doesn’t trust what Kirito said.”
“…” Kirito was stunned, and shook his head after a while and said, “I don’t know about this. “”
“”Next, I will monitor you and Asuna until your suspicions are cleared. “Eugeo looked at the two of them and said vigilantly.”
“Klein also quickly said, “I will help too! “”
“”call. Kirito sighed helplessly, “You can do whatever you want.” “”
“Then, Eugeo reached out to help Kirito, “Come on. “”
“Kirito also knew that Eugeo and the others were worried about him and Asuna, but he wasn’t angry. He just felt helpless and at a loss. Seeing Eugeo coming to help him, he stretched out his hand.”
“But when Eugeo grabbed Kirito’s arm, his pupils suddenly shrank. If he remembered correctly, Kirito’s arm was scratched by him before… But now, there is no injury at all.”
“No, thinking about it now, Kirito and the others seem to have never been injured? Eugeo finally realized that the new humans in this era will not be injured. Instead, they will be replaced by something called a blood bar. When the blood If the bar is cleared, you will die directly!”
“Of course Eugeo doesn’t know that this is a gameIn the world, these characteristics are still regarded as the evolution of new humans…”
“But no matter what, the Kirito from before was indeed injured! In other words, it was a fake?”
“Thinking of this, Eugeo became a little annoyed, damn it, why didn’t he react before! Sure enough, he is still not used to the characteristics of new humans!”
Chapter 510 I Can’t Do It To Eugeo
“Eugeo let go of Kirito’s hand, put his hand into his clothes, and didn’t go to pull Kirito anymore, but said coldly, “Stand up by yourself, it doesn’t look like there is any injury anyway. “”
“Kirito was taken aback for a moment, and after looking at Eugeo calmly, he rolled his eyes, “I said you, if you are angry, I should be angry, right? Why do you make it look like I provoked you? “”
“Then Kirito got up from the ground, and one fell on Klein’s body before he could stand firmly.”
“Klein blinked, “Hey, Kirito, isn’t it that exaggerated? How come it seems like I can’t even stand still. “”
“Sorry, it just happened by accident. “Kirito smiled embarrassedly, and went to help Asuna up again.”
“After everyone stood up, Eugeo explained the doubts about that “Kirito” to everyone.”
“”That is to say, whether it was Tong Boss who attacked me and Eugeo before, or Asuna who attacked me later, are they actually disguised? ‘ asked Klein.
“”That’s right, that’s the only way to explain it. Eugeo nodded, and then apologized to Kirito and Asuna, “I’m sorry, I didn’t think about it before, so I directly attacked you.” “”
“”I’m sorry too! Klein scratched his head with a smirk.”
“”That is to say, we were beaten for nothing, right? Kirito sighed, wondering if he was a bit unlucky.”
“”…” Asuna also looked helpless, she smiled wryly and said, “Anyway, it’s good that the misunderstanding is cleared up. “”
“”But…” Kirito suddenly frowned and said, “Since that guy can pretend to be us, now, among the four of us, will one of us be disguised by him? “”
“”That’s right! Klein clapped his hands, expressed high agreement with Kirito’s conjecture, and then asked, “But, how do we tell the difference?” “”
“Kirito chuckled, “It’s actually very simple, the three of us ‘new humans’ won’t get hurt, right? As long as you scratch it a little, you can tell if it is true or not by seeing if there is any scar. “”
“Afterwards, Kirito, Asuna, and Klein each cut their fingers with a knife, and there were no injuries, which means that they are all true to themselves!”
“Then the three of them turned their attention to Eugeo, and Kirito smiled a little wickedly, “Eugeo, the only thing left is you not to prove your identity. “”
“Eugeo frowned, “Are you doubting me? “”
“”You still have the nerve to say? Didn’t you doubt me before too? “Kirito said angrily.”
“Eugeo sighed and was about to start trying to prove his identity.”
“Suddenly, his face turned livid, his whole face seemed to be distorted, and he wailed in pain, “Ugh! ! “”
“”What’s going on here? Could it be… are you really pretending? Eugeo! “Kirito said in surprise.”
“Not far away, Nobuyuki Sugo, who was looking at the situation here, also showed doubts. What’s the matter?”
“When he heard Kirito’s communication through the monitoring equipment placed by the undead creature Titan, he thought that this plan had failed. He was ready to leave here, but the development of things far exceeded his plan. expected.”
“What happened to this Eugeo? If he didn’t know very well that his undead creature Titan was by his side, seeing this scene, he would probably think that this Eugeo was pretending! But the problem is, the undead creature Taitan really didn’t pretend to be Eugeo now!”
“Nobuyuki Sugo looked at the undead creature beside him, and then at Eugeo over there, with a dazed look on his face.”
“Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, “That’s right! It’s JOKER! The JOKER in this guy’s body is rioting! He is almost unable to control JOKER’s strength! “”
“” Hahahahaha! Hahahahaha! “At this moment, Shinobu’s smile was extremely rampant, “If you want to win the final victory, defeating JOKER is a must!” But JOKER’s strength is too strong, even I am not sure whether I can defeat JOKER, but now, what a godsend opportunity! “”
“That’s right, this is definitely a godsend opportunity! Kirito, Asuna, and Klein may have already decided that this Eugeo is a fake. Next, they will definitely do something to that “fake”, even if it is JOKER Maybe there’s no way to deal with three Kamen Riders at the same time, right?”
“When JOKER is in the weakest state due to injury, he can order the undead creature Titan to attack and seal JOKER directly!”
“” Sparsi! “Nobuyuki Sugo trembled with excitement, and then he just stared there, waiting for the time to come.”
“Why is it at such a time… Eugeo, you must be fine!” Kiritani Kazuto looked at this scene worriedly.
With a deep sense of substitution, he already regards Eugeo as his best friend!
Although he doesn’t remember having such a close friend…
“On the other side, Eugeo roared in pain, his body gradually began to change, and the characteristics unique to undead creatures flashed past like phantoms.”
“”Sure enough it’s fakeEugeo! Kirito pulled the BLAY buckle with an ugly expression, “Transform!” “”
“Asuna and Klein didn’t show weakness, they transformed into Kamen Riders one after another, and the three fought around Eugeo.”
“It was naturally difficult for Eugeo to fight against three people at the same time, and he was quickly restrained by Asuna and Klein on the left and right.”
“”Hurry up, Kirito! “Asuna grabbed Eugeo tightly and roared.”
“Ah, I see. “Kirito raised the BLAY awakening device high, and was about to chop it down.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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