“”Ahhh! ! “”
“But at this moment, Eugeo roared again, and his body turned into an undead creature! And this undead creature looks like a JOKER!”
“The sword in Kirito’s hand suddenly stopped in the air, and he said in disbelief, “No, that’s not right! He’s not pretending, he’s Eugeo! This posture is JOKER, Eugeo can no longer control the power of JOKER! “”
“Kirito held up his sword, unable to strike any further, staggering back and forth, “No, I can’t do it… I can’t do it to Eugeo. “”
“Just as Kirito retreated, Eugeo roared and struggled again, almost throwing Asuna and Klein flying!”
“At this time, Eugeo is like a wild beast, he doesn’t recognize them at all!”
Chapter 511 Waiting for him to retreat strategically first
“The two were holding on to Eugeo, not daring to let go at all! It took a lot of effort to restrain Eugeo again, Klein shouted anxiously, “Kirito, he is no longer human Yes! “”
“”But…” Kirito still hesitated, unable to raise the sword in his hand.”
“”If you can’t do it, then I will do it! Nobuyuki Xuxiang watched this scene from a distance, licked his lips excitedly, and ordered to the undead creature Titan beside him, “Do it!” Go seal JOKER away! “”
“”Roar! “The undead creature Titan roared, and ran towards that side like flying feet.”
“Soldiers are precious! He wants to give JOKER a fatal blow before everyone has reacted! As long as JOKER is sealed, he will have the power of JOKER!”
“I have to say that Nobuyuki Sugo’s calculations are very good, but… there is always a difference between reality and imagination!”
“Just as the undead creature Titan was about to attack Eugeo, Asuna and Klein suddenly let go of Joker’s hand.”
“Afterwards, the three of them turned around and stared at the undead creature Titan. Those six pairs of eyes gave the undead creature Titan a great sense of oppression, which made his originally flying footsteps stop in place!”
“”…” The undead creature Titan stood there in a daze, not knowing what to do.”
“Although he has no self-awareness, he instinctively discovered a problem… There are so many people, he seems to be unable to fight.”
“I don’t know when, Kirito also appeared behind him, and four people surrounded him in one direction, one by one.”
“At this time, Eugeo also changed from the appearance of an undead creature to that of a human, “It really took us a lot of hard work to lure you into the bait. “”
“”If you want to win, you will definitely want to defeat JOKER. Seeing the situation just now, it is impossible to hold back your shot! So we did this play. “Kirito said with a smile, “The person behind the scenes, you should be able to hear it, right?” You were cheated by us! “”
“Just before, after Eugeo discovered that doubt, he secretly used the communicator to send the plan to Kirito. Kirito first pretended not to stand still, fell on Klein, and whispered the plan Klein then told Asuna of the plan when he helped Asuna up.”
“And then came this play they played.”
“Sugo Shinobu’s face turned green when he heard these words from a distance. He never thought that this would be a play! But like a fool, he believed it foolishly, and even put the carefully crafted The undead creature Titans that came out were all taken up!”
“Damn Kiritani Kazuto! How dare you play me like this!” Nobuyuki Sugo, who had already packed his luggage and was carrying a large bag, glanced at the video, and then saw this scene.
Angry, his angry face was distorted, “Steal my wife! Slap me in the face! Kiritani Kazuto, this feud is irreconcilable! One day, I will make you look good!”
Nobuyuki Xuxiang dropped a harsh word and ran away in a hurry.
Wait for him to retreat strategically first, and come back for revenge later!
“”The play we acted is over, and next, it’s up to your play to end! Eugeo took out a card and swiped it, “Transform!” “”
“”CHANGE! “”
“After transforming into Kamen Rider CHALICE, Eugeo pulled out CHALICE’s arrow and slashed it down. The blade drew a beautiful arc in the air, and finally landed on the chest of the undead creature Titan!”
“The rest of the people also quickly followed, each with one blow, the undead creature Titan fell to the ground before he could react, and was immediately blown into piles of pieces!”
“Nobuyuki Sugo clenched his fist tightly and said through gritted teeth, “Don’t think it’s over like this! “”
“Afterwards, he snorted coldly, then turned and left, his experimental body is not the only one!”
“Nobuyuki Sugo returned to Akihiko Kayaba’s laboratory before.In the middle of the night, trembling hands gently touched the dark sealing stone, and those eyes were as obsessed as seeing a peerless beauty without clothes. ”
“”God…God, you created fifty-three undead creatures, but, I think the number of undead creatures is not enough? “”
“Nobuyuki Sugo took out a sealed card from his pocket, “the fifth type A sealed card, this is the highest masterpiece created by Kayaba Akihiko who combined the data of all undead creatures and experimental subjects ! Unfortunately, he hadn’t been able to see the birth of this undead creature, so he just died. “”
“”However, after my long-term cultivation, the undead creature in this card has been born and evolved! God, how do you feel? Can you accept the existence of this undead creature that was not created by you? “”
“So what is God?” Conan adjusted his glasses, which reflected a light of wisdom, “Are there still gods on our planet?”
He used to firmly believe that their world was physical and materialistic…but the facts gave him a head-on blow!
However, even though he has fully realized the unscientific aspects of their world after being baptized by so many videos, it does not mean that he can accept the fact that there are still gods!
Could it be that human beings were really created by God?
“I think… the will of the planet and the will of human clusters are gods in a sense, right?” Mao Lilan said with her head tilted.
Conan thought about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case. For ordinary people, these two can be called gods.
Moreover, to say that this kind of extreme war that bets on whether the race can prosper, no matter how you think about it, you can’t get around the will of the planet!
“Afterwards, Nobuyuki Sugo directly pressed this card into the sealing stone. In an instant, the sealing stone burst out with endless brilliance, and that holy and dazzling white light filled the entire room!”
“Nobuyuki Sugo trembled with excitement, “Successful, new undead creatures will come soon! “”
“Suddenly, the sealing slate trembled, and the surface of the slate rippled like water waves. An extremely ferocious undead creature stepped out of it. It was an undead creature with a ferocious dog’s head on its neck and shoulders. Everyone knows that this is the legendary hell three-headed dog!”
“” Sparsi! “Nobuyuki Sugo said excitedly, “This is the fifth type A undead creature that shouldn’t exist among all undead creatures! It is also a three-headed dog that does not exist on this planet! At the same time, it is also the strongest undead creature! Hahahahaha! “”
“After Nobuyuki Sugo laughed wildly, he picked up the seal card spit out by the seal stone, and slowly put it in his bag, “Thank you for your hard work, all Kamen Riders, and… Farewell! “”
Chapter 512 Can I go out safely tomorrow?
“At noon the next day, Klein suddenly appeared at Kirito’s lakeside hut.”
“Yeah, good afternoon everyone. He smiled and waved his hands, “Guys, I shouldn’t have bothered you, right?” “”
“”No no. Kirito, who was packing up the dinner plate, was stunned for a moment, then smiled, “Why are you here at this time?” We’re all done, have you eaten yet? “”
“”I’ve eaten, don’t worry about me. Klein said with a smile, and then turned his head to look at Eugeo, “Well, Eugeo, is it convenient for you to talk outside with me?” “”
“Kirito and the others looked at each other in surprise, not wanting to understand that there is something that cannot be said in front of everyone.”
“”……it is good. Eugeo hesitated for a while, then nodded and said, “I’ll go out for a while.” “”
“Kirito and Asuna didn’t say anything. Now that Klein has defeated the spider undead creature, they naturally trust Klein.”
“But Yui waved her hand, “Mother Eugeo, come back early. “”
“After walking to the grove next to the lakeside hut, Eugeo took the initiative to ask, “Is it all right here? Speak quickly. “”
“Ahaha, that’s fine here. Klein laughed dryly, and then said in a deep voice, “I was thinking, can we maintain the status quo without sealing the remaining undead creatures?” The only remaining undead creatures are you and Mr. Jin Ju who saved us before. In other words, as long as you don’t choose to fight, you can maintain this state forever! “”
“This is the solution that Klein came up with after thinking hard for a long time. Since human beings are doomed to lose, once the extreme war is over, human beings will fall to the bottom. Then, as long as the extreme war never ends!”
“Although, if the extreme war is not ended, these people will only be able to stay in this virtual world forever, and will not be able to return to the original world. But…he has already awakened accordingly!”
“Although I’m sorry for the rest of the players, but for the sake of all mankind, he can only do this!”
“That’s why he called out Eugeo alone. He doesn’t know what Asuna thinks, but he knows that Kirito will never agree with this method!”
“That guy has always wanted to end Ultimate War as soon as possible and let all players return to the real world, so Kirito will not agree with this decision.”
“Thinking of this, Klein couldn’t help showing a wry smile. In the past, he hated Kirito and Akihiko Kayaba so much, but now, he has made the same decision as Akihiko Kayaba. I have to say that this reality is too Ironic!”
“This is my decision?” Tsuboi Ryotaro blinked, and suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart. The rest of the players who were trapped in Aincrad might wish to takeHe dismantled…
What to do? Can I go out safely tomorrow?
“Gulu.” He swallowed a mouthful of saliva in panic, “But, I’m a Kamen Rider anyway…Even if those people hate me, they can’t come and beat me, right? No matter how you say it, life safety should be There are certain guarantees.”
“Eugeo doesn’t know what kind of awareness Klein has made, he just thinks Klein is too naive.”
“He shook his head and said, “No way! Do you know the history of Extreme Warfare? “”
“”The history of extreme warfare? Klein didn’t know why he said this suddenly, and shook his head, “I don’t know, why did he say this suddenly?” “”
“Eugeo explained in a deep voice, “The so-called extreme warfare is a way to promote the evolution of life! It is the result of all life longing for evolution! All races on this planet, all life forms, their desire to evolve finally touched the gods—that is, the will of this planet! “”
“”Under the operation of the will of the planet, representatives of fifty-two races, plus JOKER who does not belong to any race, a total of fifty-three undead creatures are brutally slaughtered! In endless battles and killings, life will evolve! “”
“”In other words, extreme warfare is created by the desire of all life to evolve! Eugeo glanced at Klein coldly, “All of us undead creatures are not fighting from the heart, but are driven by the expectations of all life on this planet to fight!” “”
“”We have never been involuntary, but we can only indulge in it! No life can resist the will of countless lives on this planet to evolve! “”
“So, give up. As long as the undead creatures are not sealed, they will definitely fight! Until the winner of this war is determined! “”
“”If that’s what you’re going to say, I’m going back. “Eugeo shook his head, turned around and was about to leave.”
“”But, what you’re talking about is normal extreme warfare, isn’t it? Klein quickly grabbed Klein’s arm, “This extreme war is not normal, is it?” That’s what the undead creature who saved me, Kirito, and Asuna said so. In this extreme war, the undead creature’s desire to fight has weakened a lot! “”
“”And…” Klein walked up to Eugeo and stared at him intently, “Aren’t you the same? Suppress the fighting instinct and live like a human! and also……””
“Klein took out the tarantula undead creature seal card, with a little gratitude in his eyes, “There are also undead creatures like Mr. Tarantula who don’t like fighting and even helped me!” Undead creatures like you, I think, will be able to suppress the desire to fight, and will definitely not fight to the end just to win! “”
“”That undead creature—Mr. Jin Ju must also be willing to coexist peacefully with humans! “Klein said hopefully.”
“If Eugeo and that undead creature can be persuaded, then humans won’t fall into the situation of being used as food by other creatures!”
“However, Eugeo sneered, “How naive! Undead creatures don’t want to coexist with you humans! “”
“Klein hurriedly said, “But, aren’t you just…””
“”Think about it! I am JOKER! Eugeo directly interrupted Klein’s words, “I am an undead creature that does not belong to any race!” Just because I don’t belong to any race, I can lean towards any race! “”
“”However, other undead creatures are different! They have their own race and their own ethnic group, why do you think they will abandon their own ethnic group to help you humans maintain the status of planetary hegemony? ! “”
Chapter 513: He’s Not a Biologist
“After Eugeo finished speaking, he turned and left without waiting for Klein to say anything else.”
“After listening to Eugeo’s words, Klein was stunned, and then smiled bitterly, “That’s right… just expecting that undead creatures will abandon their own group to help humans, it’s unavoidable How naive. “”
“Looking at Eugeo’s receding figure, the bitter smile on Klein’s face gradually turned into firmness, “But, this is the only way I can do it! If I want to save all mankind, I have only this way! “”
“Come on, me! I can definitely convince him! As long as he is convinced, Eugeo will definitely not continue to fight! “Klein patted his cheek, puffed himself up, then turned and left here, looking for the undead creature called Jin Ju who had saved them before.”
“On the other side, just when Eugeo was about to walk to the door, he suddenly stopped, and he could feel a strong breath, it was an undead creature!”
“”Over there… are you inviting me to fight? “Eugeo was silent for a moment, then ran towards that side.”
“As long as it is an undead creature, he will definitely fight! This is not only his instinct, but also his desire to protect Yui!”
“Eugeo followed that breath for more than half an hour, running all the way to the depths of the distant woods, “It’s near here… But where is the enemy? “”
“Eugeo quickly scanned his surroundings vigilantly, but he didn’t find the enemy.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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