“Suddenly, he felt a huge killing intent behind him!””He turned around quickly, but what caught his eyes was three energy bombs in a row! Eugeo, who had no time to dodge, could only quickly protect his head with his hands.”
“With a loud bang, three energy bombs directly hit Eugeo’s body and exploded! A large amount of smoke and dust filled the air, covering the entire area.”
“The one who attacked was naturally the fifth type A undead creature created—the three-headed dog undead creature!”
“”…” The three-headed dog undead creature roared in a low voice, and the expression on its face seemed to be smiling.”
“Maybe he thinks he’s won?”
“But what he doesn’t know is that there is a law in this world called——There is no harm in smoke!”
“As expected, a pitch-black figure tore through the smoke and rushed out of it. It was Eugeo who transformed into Kamen Rider CHALICE!”
“”who are you? “Eugeo asked in a deep voice, in his memory, there is no undead creature that looks like this!”
“”Roar! “The three-headed dog undead creature roared, without any intention of answering, it directly attacked Eugeo.”
“Eugeo dodged his attack, and then quickly punched the opponent’s wrist. With that blow, Eugeo didn’t intend to keep his hand. I’m afraid that ordinary undead creatures will be destroyed by him directly! ”
“However, the three-headed dog undead creature just shook his hand, as if he didn’t feel anything, he quickly backed away and opened the distance, then pushed his right hand forward, and a raging flame shot out from his hand!”
“Great opportunity! Eugeo thought to himself, kicked his right foot, directly crossed the flame, kicked a standard knight kick, and kicked the three-headed dog undead creature in the chest!”
“”Oh! “The three-headed dog undead creature was directly kicked in a somersault.”
“But Eugeo frowned. After being kicked, this undead creature has not suffered any injuries? The strength of this undead creature is definitely a superior undead creature!”
“”The current undead creatures should be only me, and the undead creatures of the type KING’s giraffe saw spade! who are you? “”
“As Eugeo asked, he took out the ghost mantis seal card. Judging by this guy’s performance, I don’t plan to communicate with him, but it doesn’t matter, just beat him up!”
“But just as he was about to swipe the ghost mantis seal card and transform into a wild form, the three-headed dog undead creature stood up from the ground, and directly absorbed the card in Eugeo’s hand!”
“Nani? ! “Eugeo looked at the three-headed dog undead creature in shock. It was the first time he heard that there was an undead creature that could absorb the seal card!”
“Don’t talk about you, it’s the first time I’ve seen it…” Kayaba Akihiko shook his head and complained, “I made such a fierce undead creature?”
He is a quantum physicist and a genius game designer, but he is not a scientist in biology!
So how on earth did he make such a fierce undead creature? Are you open?
“”Roar! “The three-headed dog undead creature roared, and a golden light flashed on its body for a moment.”
“Hand over my card! “Eugeo immediately took out the CHALICE arrow, switched it to the blade mode, and slashed through it.”
“But the power of the three-headed dog undead creature that absorbed the seal card of the ghost mantis seems to have exceeded Eugeo’s imagination. He just raised his right hand and easily blocked Eugeo’s attack, and then blasted out with his left fist, hitting On Eugeo’s chest!”
“”Ugh! “Eugeo screamed and flew out like a kite with a broken string.”
“”Roar! “The three-headed dog undead creature roared, and once again used the ability to absorb, but in a short while, all the seal cards on Eugeo’s body were absorbed by the three-headed dog undead creature!”
“Eugeo, who lost the seal card, instantly transformed into a Joker!”
“At this time, Kirito is complaining with Asuna and others at home, “Klein and Eugeo, what are they talking about for so long? It’s been almost an hour, right? “”
“”That’s right, Eugeo’s mother hasn’t come back after such a long time. ” Yui sighed unhappily.”
“Asuna smiled and said, “Don’t be unhappy, Yui, let me cook something delicious for you, okay?” “”
“Well, thanks mom! “As soon as Yui heard that it was delicious, her eyes rolled into laughter immediately.”
“Then I too…” When Kirito was about to say that he would also have a share, his face suddenly changed, “Woo! “”
“Kirito clutched his chest, fell directly from the sofa, and hit the table next to him with a clanging sound.”
“” Kirito, what’s wrong with you? ! “Asuna hurried over to support Kirito and asked anxiously.”
“”In my body… it seems, there is something…” Kirito grabbed his chest tightly, only feeling hot all over, and a desire to kill is crazily rising! And he wanted to suppress this desire, It’s even more painful and distorted!”
“”What’s there? “Asuna was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately realized that if there is anything in Kirito’s body, it is only JOKER!”
Chapter 514: Cerberus is Invincible
“Dididi, Dididi…”
“Suddenly, the undead detection instrument sounded a rapid alarm bell, and Asuna suddenly had a premonition in her heart, she quickly hugged Kirito to the sofa, and said, “Yui, take care of Kirito first. “”
“I know, Mom! Yui nodded heavily, with undisguised worry in her resolute eyes.”
“Asuna took two steps in three steps, and quickly came to the undead creature detection device, and waited for her to see clearlyAfter reacting to the energy displayed on the surface, his eyes shrank immediately, and he shouted in panic, “An unidentified undead creature reacts with energy, and the other is…JOKER?! How is this possible!”
“JOKER is naturally Eugeo, Asuna knows this very well! But the problem is, Eugeo went out with Klein just now, what happened to cause Eugeo to become a Joker?!”
“Near Eugeo is an unidentified undead creature. Is it that guy’s experimental body? Then where is Klein? Could something have happened to him?”
“As for the fact that Eugeo took the initiative to transform into a Joker without anything else, she thinks it is absolutely impossible! Whether it is for Yui or for Kirito, Eugeo will never take the initiative Transform into a joker!”
“Then, is it really caused by that unidentified undead creature? But, what level of undead creature does it need to cause Eugeo to become a Joker!”
“Asuna’s mind is in a mess right now, but she was only at a loss for a moment, and immediately made a decision. No matter what, she has to go and see the situation!”
“If Eugeo is allowed to continue using Joker’s power, Kirito’s side will be doomed!”
“Asuna worriedly glanced at Kirito lying on the sofa, gave Yui a word of advice, and then rushed out immediately, time can’t stand to be wasted!”
“On the other side, facing the three-headed dog undead creature that has absorbed thirteen undead creature seal cards, even JOKER, known as a killing machine, has fallen into a disadvantage!”
“Even if it’s because Eugeo is resisting JOKER, causing JOKER’s power to be unleashed perfectly, this is enough to prove the horror of the three-headed dog undead creature!”
“At this time, they have moved the battlefield to the edge of a cliff in the constant battle.”
“After a long battle, Eugeo has already started to breathe heavily, but the three-headed dog undead creature still looks mighty and incomparable!”
“Probably because the fierce battle lasted too long, Eugeo’s energy was a little slack. After blocking the attack of the three-headed dog undead creature again, his vision went dark.”
“This time, it probably took less than a second, but in this extremely fierce battle, less than a second is enough to secure the victory!”
“There was a puff, and the claws of the three-headed dog undead pierced Eugeo’s chest! A lot of green blood sprayed out, splashing everywhere.”
“”Ugh! ! “Eugeo screamed and fell directly from the edge of the cliff.”
“”Roar! “The three-headed dog undead creature roared up to the sky, as if to praise its own strength.”
“Nobuyuki Sugo, who has been hiding in the dark watching the show, finally walked slowly to the side of the three-headed dog undead creature, “Cerberus, who can absorb all undead creatures, is so powerful that even JOKER can only Give up! Hahahahaha! ! “”
“” Cerberus, take this opportunity to seal JOKER directly! “Xuxiang Shinobu gave the order.”
“After the three-headed dog undead creature heard the order, it jumped directly from the edge of the cliff.”
“After a few minutes, the capital of Suxiang Shinobi was already waiting impatiently, and the three-headed dog undead creature flew up again. His ferocious face seemed to have a hint of disappointment that he had not completed the task, and then he shook his head at Xuxiang Shinobu. Shake your head.”
“” Did you escape? “Nobuyuki Sugo frowned unhappily.”
“After thinking for a while, his frown slowly relaxed, “Forget it, anyway, that guy JOKER lives in Kirito’s house, if you want to solve it, you can do it anytime! What is more important now is that undead creature! “”
“Nobuyuki Sugo remembered that guy named Kaneju from before, who dared to beat his undead creature Titan violently, and even yelled for him to give Kaneju face! It’s unbearable!”
“He immediately took out the miniaturized undead detector in his bag, took a look at it, and said in surprise, “That guy is not far from here? “”
“”Cerberus, let’s go! “After Nobuyuki Sugo finished speaking, he walked ahead first.”
“Is Jin Ju going to be okay?” Asuna said worriedly.
To be honest, she actually has a good impression of Jin Ju who saved her, Kirito, and Klein in the video. After all, he is the lifesaver… No, it should be the lifesaver undead creature.
Moreover, she felt that what Klein said was quite right. Since human beings would lose their status as the overlord of the planet after the end of the extreme war, wouldn’t it be good to let the extreme war never end?
Therefore, she did not want Jin Ju to be sealed, no matter in terms of personal emotions or the overall situation.
“At this moment, Klein finally found Jin Ju, scratched his head, and said with a smile, “Hello, Mr. Jin Ju. It’s really embarrassing to come to the door without authorization. “”
“”It’s nothing, after all, there is no rule that you can’t find it without authorization, right? “Jin Ju smiled gently, no matter how you look at it, it is not the kind of brutal undead creature who only thinks about fighting and winning.”
“This made Klein breathe a sigh of relief. In this case, maybe he can succeed in persuading him!”
“Looking at Klein who was patted on his chest and seemed very relieved, Jin Ju smiled and said, “What’s wrong? You came to see me for something, right? Just say it directly. “”
“Ah, I do have something to ask you. Klein pursed his lips, and said solemnly, “Well, can we continue like this?” “”
“”Keep going like this? “goldJu raised his eyebrows, “What do you mean?”
“”I mean, let’s give up the fight completely like this. As long as you and JOKER are not sealed, the extreme war will not end, and nothing will happen! Klein said excitedly, “Don’t you think this is very good?” You also want to continue to maintain such a peaceful life, right? “”
Chapter 515: Dreams Have Everything
“”…” Jin Ju stared at Klein blankly after hearing the words, as if he didn’t expect to hear such words.”
“”Pfft ha ha ha! After being stunned for a while, Jin Ju burst out laughing, the tears in the corners of his eyes were almost bursting out, “It’s really interesting that you can come up with such an idea.” “”
“What about your answer?” Is this a truce? Klein asked hastily.”
“Jin Ju stopped laughing suddenly, looked Klein up and down, and looked at Klein with hairs all over.”
“Why are you looking at me like that? Is there anything strange about me? Or is he not going to agree with this proposal? Feeling the other party’s gaze, Klein’s mind began to think wildly.”
“Just as Klein’s thinking became more and more divergent, Jin Ju finally nodded with a smile, “That’s right, a truce. “”
“A smile appeared on Klein’s face immediately, but when he was about to say something, Jin Ju suddenly said, “But…””
“Klein’s heart tightened. Generally speaking, as long as you hear the word but, things will go wrong.”
“As expected, Jin Ju pointed behind Klein with his finger, and said solemnly, “But, even if I want a truce, the two guys over there won’t agree, right? Oh, if either of me or JOKER is sealed by them, Ultimate War will be over. “”
“The two guys behind? Klein’s expression changed, and he quickly looked behind him, only to see Nobuyuki Sugo and an undead creature he had never seen before standing behind him!”
“When did it come? I didn’t feel it at all! Doesn’t this mean that as long as they are willing, they can easily take my life just now? Thinking of this, Klein’s heart rose. An unspeakable horror!”
“Did that undead creature do it? This guy always makes such a powerful experimental subject… Huh? Klein blinked suddenly, staring fixedly at the waist of the undead creature next to Nobuyuki Sugo In the middle, the seal lock on the waist is not the seal lock of the experimental subject! It is a seal lock like a real undead creature!”
“Have you seen enough? “Nobuyuki Sugo said with a sneer.”
“Klein shifted his gaze to Nobuyuki Sugo, and said in a rather angry tone, “It’s you again! What is going on with this undead creature beside you! The only undead creatures that still exist now are Jin Ju and Eugeo! “”
“”Don’t you know this kind of thing? He is a man-made undead creature! “Nobuyuki Sugo licked his lips, his smile was extremely distorted.”
“”An artificial undead creature? ! Klein’s eyes widened in shock, “How is this possible!” “”
“Even if it’s a test subject undead creature, it’s still just a test subject after all! It’s a pseudo-undead creature that can be killed!”
“But now, he says that this is a man-made undead creature? Could it be that he has already solved the mystery of immortality?”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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