“” Nothing is impossible. After Nobuyuki Xuxiang dropped a sentence, he ordered, “Come on, Cerberus, kill them!” “”
“After the three-headed dog undead creature heard the order, it lifted up and fired an energy bomb.”
“At the same time, Klein pulled the LEANGLE buckle, “Transform! “”
“” OPENUP! “”
“A blue light curtain popped up from the belt, and the energy bomb shot by the three-headed dog undead creature hit the light curtain, and then was directly bounced back, hitting the three-headed dog undead creature’s shoulder, knocking his shoulder The dog’s head on it was beaten black, and even gave off a little meaty smell.”
“”Roar! “The three-headed dog undead creature roared, the sound was like the roar of a wounded beast! There is no doubt that the one just now completely angered him!”
“However, Klein doesn’t care about that kind of thing. He directly summoned his LEANGLE awakening device, and hit the three-headed dog undead creature in the chest with a stick!”
“With a chirp, a large number of sparks burst out from the chest of the three-headed dog undead creature, but he himself didn’t take a step back! Not even the slightest change in his face!”
“”what? ! “Klein looked at this scene in horror. He was about to withdraw the LEANGLE awakener, but the three-headed dog undead creature grabbed the stick even faster!”
“Klein only felt a huge force coming from his hand, and the LEANGLE Awakening Device came out of his hand!”
“After the three-headed dog undead creature snatched the LEANGLE awakening device, it hit Klein’s head with a stick!”
“”Ugh! ! Klein screamed and flew upside down.”
“Jin Ju on the side already frowned, “Is this guy fused with the cells of multiple undead creatures? However, he doesn’t seem to be as simple as a simple man-made undead creature, he seems… to have been recognized by this planet! “”
“Sure enough, he has been recognized! I thought Kayaba Akihiko was only in the gameIn terms of design, it can barely be compared with my divine talent, but I didn’t expect this guy to have such talent in the biological field! Kohei Imamura was wearing a pair of underpants, but his eyes still revealed the light of wisdom.
“He’s a good guy, unfortunately, it’s already cold, otherwise we can make a game together with him! The game made by two talented game designers must surely attract a large number of players and earn a lot of money.” Big money!”
Kohei Imamura panted heavily, thinking with great excitement that as long as he made a lot of money, he could create a fantasy game company again, become a shrimp dumpling, and become a rich man!
Kohei Imamura has a dream, that is to become the shrimp dumpling of Fantasy Game Company!
Kitahara Iori on the side handed over a bottle of wine, “Drink more wine, you can have everything in your dreams.”
After handing over the wine, Kitahara Iori turned around and left, sneering in his heart, just kidding, who dares to play the game you two made together? I’m afraid it’s not too long!
“On the other side, Asuna came to the place marked by the undead detector before, and searched carefully around there. Suddenly, she saw a green figure behind a boulder?”
“”Could it be…” Asuna had a little guess in her heart, and then immediately went around, and the one hiding behind that stone is really JOKER!”
“”Eugeo, why did you become like this? “”
“That guy took all my cards! “Eugeo seemed to have exhausted all his strength to suppress his instincts, trembling all over his body, “Hurry up! I can’t suppress JOKER’s instinct again! “”
Chapter 516: Smiling like a Yan Yi master
“”All the cards were taken? ! “Asuna frowned, she finally knew why Eugeo became a JOKER, but the question is, who stole Eugeo’s card?!”
“”Roar! “Suddenly, as if he couldn’t control himself anymore, Eugeo snarled and stabbed Asuna’s eyes with his sharp claws!”
“Asuna’s pupils shrank, before she even had time to dodge, Eugeo’s sharp claws were already just a few millimeters in front of her eyeballs!”
“Just a few millimeters away, Eugeo suddenly stopped moving, and retracted his claws with pain on his face, “No, no! I’m Eugeo, not JOKER! “”
“Eugeo fell to the ground with a roar and lost consciousness.”
“”Hey! Seeing this, Asuna hurried over and slapped him on the face a few times, trying to wake him up, but no matter how much she slapped, Eugeo didn’t respond at all.”
“In desperation, Asuna had no choice but to help him up, “Send him home first, and then ask him who took the card away!” No matter what, you must grab the card back! “”
“If you can’t get Eugeo’s card back, Kirito will also react because of Joker’s power. It’s hard to say what will happen to Kirito in the end!”
“The worst outcome… is Kirito becoming an undead creature!”
“On the other hand, just after Eugeo fainted, the severe pain on Kirito’s body suddenly began to slow down, and he recovered completely after a while. He shook his head and slowly stood up from the sofa, “Suddenly Recovered, what happened? “”
“Dad, are you all right? ” Yui pulled Kirito’s sleeve and asked worriedly.”
“Well, Dad’s fine. Thanks to Yui for taking care of me. “Kirito smiled.”
“Hearing this, Yui smiled very brightly,”
“Kirito touched Yui’s head, but his thoughts flew to other places. He heard what Asuna said before, so if he recovered now, is it because Eugeo is fine now? Woolen cloth?”
“Although I really want to think so, but for some reason, Kirito always has a bad feeling in his heart.”
“Suddenly, the undead detector sounded again.”
“”What happened again? “Kirito hurriedly checked the situation, and it showed two energy reactions, one of which was Kamen Rider LEANGLE.”
“”Klein and an unknown undead creature? Could it be the experimental body brought by the guy from before? “Kirito immediately thought of the person who attacked them with the experimental undead creature before.”
“No, I have to check the situation!”
“Kirito, who was worried about Klein, immediately made up his mind and ran out of the house after admonishing Yui.”
“When Kirito rushed over all the way, I saw the three-headed dog undead creature was grabbing Klein’s neck with one hand, and a strong suction force was generated by the undead creature, and all the seal cards on Klein’s body were wiped out. Suck it away!”
“Even the type A undead creature seal card used for transformation was also sucked away, and Klein, who lost the card, was forced to release the transformation state in an instant, and then was thrown away by the three-headed dog undead creature like trash out.”
“Kirito who just arrived saw this scene clearly, and there was unconcealable horror in his eyes, “He actually absorbed the undead creature? ! Eugeo will become a JOKER, it should be the ghost of this undead creature, right? “”
“Although it is an interrogative sentence, Kirito is very sure of this guess, other than that, there is no other possibility!”
“While these thoughts flashed through his mind, Kirito hurriedly ran over there, “Hey, stop!” “”
“If you don’t hurry up, Klein might be beaten to death!”
“Suddenly, a voice that seemed to be laughing strangely sounded in Kirito’s ear, “I advise you not to waste your efforts. “”
“Kirito looked sideways, it was theThe undead titans are coming to attack their people! ”
“”you again! Did you also create this undead creature? Kirito glared at him, “Also, what did you guys do to Eugeo?” ! “”
“Hehehe, yes, although Akihiko Kayaba created him, but the person who gave birth to him was indeed me! “Nobuyuki Sugo said with a sneer, “As for JOKER… well, count him running fast, otherwise he would have already been absorbed by Cerberus!” “”
“”You know the head of Kayaba? “Kirito asked first, and then from the corner of his eye, he saw the three-headed dog undead creature slowly walking towards Klein, and hurriedly said, “Make him stop!” “”
“”Ah! “Nobuyuki Sugo said with a sneer, “No one can stop Cerberus!” “”
“Kirito gritted his teeth and stared at him, without wasting any time, turned around and ran there, “Transform! “”
“After transforming into Kamen Rider Blade, Kirito swooped and threw the three-headed dog undead creature away, and at the same time yelled at Klein, “Klein, get out of here quickly! “”
“”Be careful, Kirito! That guy is strong! “Klein didn’t run away, but yelled at Kirito while covering his chest.”
“”Roar! “The three-headed dog undead roared, and spit out a huge fireball from its mouth, hitting Kirito’s face at zero distance!”
“Kirito screamed, and was immediately sent flying by this huge fireball!”
“Ha ha ha, ah ha ha ha! “Seeing this, Nobuyuki Sugo smiled like a master of facial art!”
“Woo, so strong! “Kirito tremblingly put the Awakening Fusion Device on his wrist. If he didn’t use the Awakening Fusion Device, he would definitely not be able to win against this guy!”
“But just when he was about to take out the seal card, he suddenly thought that just now, his body responded due to the power of JOKER. So, if he transforms into the king form now, will he be killed again? Controlled by JOKER?”
“But this kind of thought only flashed in his mind for a moment, and then he left it behind. If you can’t defeat this guy, you can’t protect Klein! If you can’t beat this guy, you can’t separate Klein and Yu. Get Geo’s card back!”
“Thinking of this, Kirito gritted his teeth and swiped the card directly!”
“” EVOLUTIONKING (evolution, big worm)! “”
“Thirteen cards flew into Kirito’s body one by one, and instantly transformed into the king’s form.”
“But what Kirito can’t figure out is why the undead creature on the opposite side watched him transform and didn’t act? Isn’t he able to absorb undead creatures?”
“If he absorbed the seal card directly when he transforms, then he can only sit in wax on the spot!”
Chapter 517: The Invincible Cerberus Has Fallen
“Not only Kirito was surprised, but Nobuyuki Sugo was also surprised. Why didn’t the three-headed dog undead creature absorb Kirito’s seal card?”
“But after a while, Nobuyuki Sugo stretched his eyebrows. He, he realized!”
“”So that’s it, I understand! Cerberus has reached the state of invincibility because he has absorbed a large number of undead creatures! There is no existence in this world that can threaten the invincible Cerberus! “”
“”Hohohohoho…” Nobuyuki Sugo laughed strangely like a standard villain in the animation, “That’s why he didn’t absorb Kirito’s seal card! Now he is like a top predator playing with his prey, planning to give Kirito the heaviest blow after Kirito has exhausted all means! “”
“Oh, it’s over.” Nobuyuki Sugo, who was running, glanced at the screen on the phone, his face turned dark.
Stupid or not? Stupid or not? ! Isn’t it stupid to wait for the other party to transform instead of exerting one’s own powerful power? !
This Cerberus was not beaten into a dog, he tried to eat the little hamburger made by Lao Ba on the spot!
Buried Earth on the other side also made the same judgment. She sat on the ground, folded her arms around her chest, raised her head and said, “This undead creature is dead, as I said! The last one who thought he was invincible was named Ka Here! This world bears the word invincible, but it will not be backlashed, only my invincible card is on it!”
“That’s right, except for Xiao Bu, who dares to be called invincible? Which one dares to be invincible?” Palad clapped his hands like an atmosphere group.
She could hardly listen to the bragging, she laughed dryly twice, “Ahem, Palad, don’t brag, don’t brag, don’t brag too much.”
“Kirito thought about it, and probably figured out what Cerberus was thinking. Although he was underestimated, he didn’t feel any anger.”
“It’s better to say that this situation makes him feel a little bit happy. At least in this way, he won’t be knocked to the ground without being able to transform!”
“Holding up the King Awakening Device, Kirito immediately activated his special move.”
“Four golden cards fell from the sky and landed between him and Cerberus. Next, as long as he rushes through these four cards, it will be enough to strengthen his own power to the peak level! He believes that absolutely It is the power that can defeat Cerberus!”
“But what surprised Kirito was that Cerberus sneered, covered his face with both hands, and rushed over at a speed like lightning, smashing all four cards into pieces in just a split second. !”
“”Wha…” Kirito even had time to exclaim before he was kicked in the chest by Cerberus, and he was kicked nearly 100 meters away, smashing a lot of trees and boulders!”
“Ah, this…” Nobuyuki was stupid, he wouldn’t reallyCan you win?
If he really wins against Kirito, although he will be very happy, but… he won’t really want to eat the little hamburger made by Lao Ba, right?
“Ahem!” Nobuichi Xuxiang coughed, what old eight secretly made small burgers? Never heard of it! Did someone just say to eat it? No! Absolutely not!
He is busy running, how can he have time to eat some small burgers that Lao Ba secretly made?
“Cerberus jumped and jumped to Kirito’s side. At this time, Kirito just stood up from the ground. He ignored Kirito’s attack and slapped it down with his paw.”
“As a piercing sound sounded, Kirito froze on the spot, and then just fell to the ground.”
“At this time, Nobuyuki Sugo put his hands behind his back and walked over leisurely, “Give up, you can’t beat Cerberus!” He combines the characteristics of all undead creatures, and is the ultimate undead creature. His power is even stronger than JOKER! Soon, I will let him seal JOKER too! “”
“”Seal Eugeo? “Kirito, who was lying on the ground panting, heard this, and a string called reason in his mind seemed to be broken!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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