“”Seal Eugeo? you dream! I will never let you do what you want! “”
“Kirito roared, and it seemed that a steady stream of power surged out of his body again! He grabbed the king’s awakening device in his hand, pulled out the BLAY awakening device with the other hand, jumped up from the ground, and pointed at Cerberus’ head It’s just a sword!”
“Cerberus first raised his right hand very contemptuously. From his point of view, this kind of weak attack can be done casually.”
“However, in the next second, an unspeakable pain came from his arm!”
“”Ooh! “Cerberus screamed, backed up again and again, wrong step by step, just the contempt just now, let him be suppressed by Kirito’s attack to the point where he couldn’t fight back!”
“”I will never forgive you for hurting Eugeo and Klein! I will never let you hurt anyone again! “”
“Kirito’s two long swords swung like a violent storm, leaving one wound after another on Cerberus’ body!”
“”Ugh! “Cerberus kept screaming, and the more and more injuries on his body also aroused his fierceness. He endured the pain on his body and was about to start absorbing the seal card on Kirito!”
“”It’s too late to want to absorb my card at this time, right? Let me show you a sword skill that is faster than lightning! “Kirito said as he took out two cards, and quickly swiped them on the King’s Awakening Device.”
“”SLASH (slash lizard)! MACH (Sonic Jaguar)! “”
“”STARBURSTSTREAM (Starburst Stream Slash)! “”
“Just as Cerberus drew out a card, Kirito, who turned into a beam of light, passed through his body!”
“The action of Cerberus absorbing the card stopped, and the card that had been sucked out slowly fell like a fallen leaf, and then fell into Kirito’s hand.”
“After a long time, Cerberus finally fell to the ground, and the seal lock around his waist was opened directly, and he didn’t respond anymore.”
“” Cerberus actually lost? how can that be? ! “Nobuyuki Sugo looked at the scene in front of him in shock, the invincible Cerberus actually fell like this?!”
“SB stuff! That undead creature swelled up, and you swelled up too. If you ordered Cerberus to suck Kirito’s card away earlier, there would be no such thing!” Nobuyuki Sugo could not understand his own operation. , Spray directly.
Chapter 518 Kamen Rider is poisonous
“Daughter, are you sure Kiritani Kazuto is not Gai?” Yuuki Akizo sighed and said with a melancholy expression.
Kiritani Kazuto was already blown up, but when he heard that Eugeo was going to be sealed, and Klein was also beaten up before, he immediately exploded, and directly killed the three-headed dog The creature Cerberus was beaten into a dog!
No matter how you look at it, this is a martial arts romance drama, or a fairy tale romance drama, where the male protagonist explodes everything for the female protagonist!
The only problem is that the “heroine” here is a man, well, a man! What a cheat!
Then Yuuki Akizo recalled how Hayato Hayama was lying in Yukinoshita Hachiman’s arms when Kamen Rider Kato was played, and then thought about the fantasy game company Shrimp Imamura Kohei who blackened for his friend matter……
Akizo Yuki suddenly became speechless, Kamen Rider is poisonous! Shouldn’t all guys who turned into Kamen Riders have a tendency to be a bit gay?
If you think about it this way… Fortunately, his daughter Asuna is a girl, if it is a boy, it will be over!
Yuuki Asuna on the other side also fell into silence, why does this video get more and more wrong the more I watch it!
Why did Kirito explode for Eugeo and Klein!
Now she feels more and more that she is not Kirito’s girlfriend, but a huge light bulb!
“Kirito, who defeated Cerberus, fell to the ground as if he had exhausted all his strength, and his transformation state was also released.”
“Nobuyuki Sugo looked at Kirito with a cold face, if he wants to attack Kirito, now seems like a good opportunity?”
“He licked his lips, and there was a little emotion in his eyes. After all, he wants to win this extreme war. All Kamen Riders also belong to the objects that should be eliminated. It is natural to be able to kill one in advance. OK!”
“Since that’s the case, what else is there to say, Neizuto!”
“There was a fierce light in his eyes, a long sword fell into his hand, and then he tiptoed slowly towards the fainted Kirito… He wanted to walk faster, but he was afraid of waking Kirito up .”
“But just after he took a few steps forward, a figure appeared in his eyes, it was Klein!”
“Klein saw Kirito lying on the ground and the weapon in Nobuyuki Sugo’s hand at a glance. He understood the current situation in a blink of an eye. This guy wants to kill Kirito!”
“He quickly took out his weapon, and while speeding up his pace towards Kirito, he shouted angrily, “Stop! “”
“” Tsk! “Nobuyuki Sugo spat, stopped in displeasure, then took out a card and threw it at Cerberus, sealing the defeated Cerberus away.”
“Then the sealed card flew back to his hand, and he took a deep look at Kirito and Klein, as if he wanted to engrave the appearance of these two people into his mind.”
“Next time, he won’t make any mistakes again, he will definitely kill all the Kamen Riders, seal all the undead creatures, and win this war!”
“With anger towards Kirito, he turned and left here.”
“But what Nobuyuki Sugo doesn’t know is that the KING undead creature Kinju is secretly following behind him!”
“”Phew…” After seeing Nobuyuki Sugo leave, Klein let out a breath, and his vigilance was obviously relaxed. If there was a real fight just now, he can’t guarantee that he will be able to protect Kirito!”
“He hurried over to help Kirito up, and then looked happily at the position where Cerberus was before. Because Cerberus was sealed, all the sealing cards absorbed by Cerberus also fell on the in place.”
“”Great, all the cards are back! “”
“Klein picked up all the sealed cards scattered on the ground with a happy face. Before, he was worried about what to do without the cards, but now he finally doesn’t have to worry.”
“After picking up the cards, Klein helped Kirito back to the lakeside hut, and then happened to bump into Asuna who was helping Eugeo back.”
“After listening to Klein’s narration, Asuna felt terrified for a while. An undead creature that can absorb other undead creatures is really too scary! Fortunately, Kirito defeated it.”
“After the two put Kirito and Eugeo away, they helped Eugeo swipe the human undead creature seal card, making him change from JOKER back to human.”
“Seeing this, the two of them are finally relieved. This way, Kirito should no longer be affected by Joker’s power!”
“On the other side, after returning to the research room, Nobuyuki Sugo walked to a corner, took out something from the box there, and fiddled with it in his hands, then he breathed a sigh of relief and said, “After following me for so long, Are you still out? “”
“Jin Ju also knew that he had been discovered a long time ago, but when he got here, he didn’t want to continue to hide his figure, so he stood up boldly, and looked at the scar on Nobuyuki Xuxiang’s hand with fiery eyes. That card, “If you use that card, you can seal the rest of the undead creatures, right? “”
“That’s right, he is eager to get that card! He is eager to seal the remaining undead creature JOKER through this card, and then win!”
“Why don’t you want to fight, why do you want to maintain such a peaceful life, it’s all a lie!”
“The reason why he said those words to Kirito and the others is entirely because he has long realized that in this extreme war where the sealing stone will not appear, ordinary undead creatures like them have no way to win at all!”
“In the past extreme wars, their undead creatures only needed to fight, and the defeated ones would naturally be sealed with the sealing slate! But if the sealing slate doesn’t appear, what should they do? Cold salad!”
“In this war, only the undead creature JOKER and those Kamen Riders with sealing cards are the only ones who have the means of sealing! In other words, the winners of this extreme war are only JOKER and those fake Face Knight decides!”
“That’s why he pretended to be peace-loving in front of those Kamen Riders, in order to find the right time to snatch the seal card from their hands. Only in this way can he win this war!”
“But now, he has a better way – that is to grab this Cerberus seal card!”
“He licked his lips, eyes full of desire.”
Five hundred and nineteenth chapters are inflated again
“So, I was deceived again…” Tong Gu Kazuto said with a dark face, the corners of his mouth twitching.
He thought about his own experience, and was deceived several times by Akihiko Kayaba and Heathcliff in turn. Although the two were the same person, he just couldn’t get angry! And now he was tricked by Jin Ju, an undead creature…
Why, is he easy to cheat?
However, as Eugeo said, the instinct of undead creatures is to fight!
Kirito sighed, Klein’s idea is quite good, but there is no basis for realizing this idea at all!
“Nobuyuki Sugo sneered, “You are right, I will use this card to seal you and Joker, and by that time, Cerberus will be the only undead creature left on this planet!” “”
“As he spoke, he stood up from his chair.Come on, walk slowly to the sealing stone, and caress the stone intoxicated, “Then, the god will appear and bless the final victor of this extreme war – Cerberus! Hahaha, ahahahahaha “”
“Hearing Sugo Nobuyuki’s strange laughter, Kaneju’s mouth curled into a smile, “I will seal JOKER, and I will win this war!” As long as I get that card! Besides, Cerberus has been sealed, right? How could a guy who has already retired win the war? “”
“Nobuyuki Sugo stopped his stroking, and the expression on his face gradually turned cold, “You want to take this card away? “”
“Kinju’s body gradually changed into his main body, and the giant sword that resembled the upper jaw stopped at Nobuyuki Sugo’s neck with a swish, “Give me that card!” “”
“After being threatened by Kaneju, Nobuyuki Sugo didn’t have any fear, but said with a light smile, “You don’t seem to understand the real Cerberus yet! “”
“Afterwards, Nobuyuki Sugo slowly raised his left hand, and pulled the sleeve off his left hand. On his left wrist, there was a strange flesh-and-blood device, which made people feel like the SAN value had dropped. Feel!”
“This is exactly what he took out before, and then fiddled with what he put on his hand!”
“”What it is? ! “Jin Ju’s eyes widened in horror, for some reason, a sense of fear suddenly appeared in his heart!”
“Nobuyuki Sugo smiled strangely and inserted Cerberus’ seal card into the flesh and blood device, and said coldly, “Transform! “”
“His body twisted crazily, but he turned into the appearance of Cerberus in an instant! Immediately afterwards, Cerberus’ chest trembled, and then condensed into the face of Nobuyuki Sugo! It can be said to be weird Extreme!”
“”You actually merged with the undead creature? “Jin Ju said in horror, he never imagined that humans can fuse with undead creatures!”
“”No, I’m already an undead creature! “Nobuyuki Sugo didn’t seem to think that his appearance was weird, and said very proudly, “I am Cerberus!” Let me show you the true power of Cerberus! “”
“After that, Nobuyuki Sugou directly stabbed Kaneju’s chest with his paw.”
“Jin Ju only felt an irresistible force coming from his chest, and then his body backed up uncontrollably, crashing into the wall of the laboratory!”
“What a terrifying power! “”
“King Ju’s is clutching his chest, his tone is full of fear, you know, he is not an ordinary undead creature, but KING who is enough to be the highest level among the high-level undead creatures!”
“But this guy’s strength can easily knock him back!”
“Jin Ju has already begun to regret in his heart. If he had known earlier, he would not have come here! Could it be that I am going to be sealed here?!”
“When he was feeling remorseful, Nobuyuki Sugou slowly walked out from the smoke, “King, you will be sealed here by me!” As long as you are sealed, there will be only JOKER! “”
“”Seal me? Jin Ju glared at Nobuyuki Xuxiang, “Don’t think about it!” “”
“The angry Kaneju took out his other sword, and he crossed two huge swords with weird shapes on his chest, with the attitude of wanting to fight Nobuyuki Sugo to the end.”
“” Still want to resist? “Nobuzhi Xuxiang smiled calmly, “Then come on, my power, you can experience it to your heart’s content!” “”
“Afterwards, he raised his head and closed his eyes. He put his hands behind his back and quietly waited for Jin Ju’s attack. He was confident that he could defeat Jin Ju the moment he attacked!”
“There is no doubt that he, Nobuyuki Sugo, is inflated again!”
“I saw Jin Ju slowly put on a posture, then turned around and ran away!”
“He’s not a fool, why fight hard if he can’t beat him!”
“And when Nobuyuki Sugo heard the footsteps, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he started to act! Today he is going to play a game of listening to the sound! The B grid is full!”
“”Um? Why are the footsteps getting farther and farther away? “Xuxiang Shinzhi opened it in a daze, “Damn it, where is that undead creature? ! “”
“There is still Jin Ju in front of me, that guy has already slipped away!”
“Pfft!” Xuxiang Shinzhi vomited, damn it, you’re really mentally retarded! Cerberus was sealed just now because of swelling, and after turning around for a while, it actually swelled again!
There is something wrong with your brain!
He suddenly began to wonder if there was a puddle of water in his head! Otherwise, how could such a stupid operation be done!
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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