Forget it, don’t read it, it’s important to run away quickly! Looking at it further, he suspected that he was going to be pissed off, and by then he wouldn’t be able to run anymore!
“Reacting that I was deceived by Kaneju’s indomitable momentum, Nobuyuki Sugou was also furious, “Damn it! Sooner or later you will be sealed! “”
“After talking harshly, he still decided to go to those Kamen Riders first. After all, those guys are more threatening!”
“After lying on the bed for a while, Kirito and Eugeo finally woke up.”
“Not long after the two got up, Eugeo was taken aback suddenly, “There are undead creatures approaching us! It is kind KING! “”
“”Why did you come here suddenly? Did you come to fight with us? “Asuna frowned slightly, she remembered that kind of KING undead creatureHaving said that, he doesn’t like fighting! Moreover, that kind of KING undead creature also saved them. ”
“”Probably not…” Eugeo shook his head, “I can feel that his breath is a little weak. “”
“While a few people were talking, there was a knock on the door.”
“Eugeo said, “King of the species has come. “”
Chapter five hundred and twentieth I always feel that it is reasonable to think so
“”Since you are still knocking on the door, shouldn’t you come to fight us? Klein said expectantly, “Shall I open the door for him?” “”
“After getting the consent of several people, Klein walked towards the door with a smile.”
“But the moment he opened the door, Klein was stunned. The Jin Ju standing in front of him was covered in injuries, it was miserable!”
“Jin Ju, why are you so hurt? ! “Klein quickly turned his body to let him in.”
“Jin Ju walked in, clutching his chest, and said with a wry smile, “I didn’t expect that guy to turn himself into an undead creature! “”
“”That rascal? Klein closed the door and asked suspiciously, “Are you talking about the guy who brought undead creatures to attack us before?” “”
“Ah, that’s right. Jin Ju walked in, looked at the group of people, and said solemnly, “The reason why I came here is to tell you this news. That guy is really dangerous!” “”
“”You just said he turned himself into an undead creature? “The living room is not far from the gate, so Asuna and the others naturally heard what Jin Ju said.”
“Asuna and Kirito immediately thought of Heathcliff, and Kirito whispered, “Could it be that this man is also an experimental undead creature? Just like Heathcliff! “”
“”I don’t know who Heathcliff you are talking about, but that guy is not a test subject. “Jin Ju shook his head, and said in a solemn tone, “He inserted the seal card of Cerberus into his body, and merged with Cerberus!” “”
“” Instead of borrowing the power of undead creatures like the knight system, it is completely integrated with undead creatures! “Recalling the terrifying power, there is still fear in Jin Ju’s eyes.”
“”Humans turned into undead creatures…” Kirito couldn’t hide his surprise in his eyes.”
“Shaking his head and throwing out all the distracting thoughts in his mind, Kirito thanked Jin Ju, “Thank you for coming here to tell us the news. “”
“”no need to thank me. Jin Ju sighed and said in a daze, “That guy’s goal is to seal Joker and me and become the winner of this extreme war!” Therefore, he will not let me and JOKER go. If JOKER is sealed, it will be my turn next. “”
“”So, no matter how you think about it, I must come to tell you this news. After all, I can’t beat him… It’s embarrassing to say that, but I can’t beat him. “”
“”Be the victor of this extreme war? “Kirito frowned slightly, “But, what is this for? Even if you become a winner, you will be sealed, right? Why did he turn into an undead creature to participate in the battle? “”
“If Kirito remembers correctly, the winner of the last extreme war – the human undead creature was finally sealed, and it was not unsealed until the extreme war restarted… and not long after it came out, it was sealed. JOKER is sealed off.”
“Kinju stared at Kirito, “What do you think is the benefit of being the winner of the extreme war? “”
“Kirito was stunned. According to what he knew, the victor’s race would prosper on this planet for 10,000 years, but judging by Jin Ju’s appearance, it seems that it’s not just that?”
“So, Kirito shook his head frankly, “I don’t know. “”
“The victor will receive the blessings of this planet! Then, you can modify all creatures on this planet according to your own will, whether it is their body or consciousness! “”
“King Ju glanced at Kirito, and said in a deep voice, “It’s like a large-scale hypnosis in your human novels, even if you plant the idea that someone will be the ‘King of Eternity’ in the hearts of all living things, it’s okay. of! “”
“”Moreover, in this extreme war, the sealing stone has never appeared, that is to say, the victor will not be sealed again! So, do you see what I mean? “”
“Looking at Kaneju’s eyes, Kirito felt trembling all over. Doesn’t this mean that if that guy wins, he can become the eternal ruler of this planet?”
“Modify all the creatures on this planet as you like?” Makise Kurisu tilted her head. Is it really reliable to use this method to evolve?
What if the winner does not meet the standards in biological knowledge or art skills?
However, Makise Kurisu thought about it, those strange creatures in the depths of the sea are probably the result of substandard art skills, right?
There are also structures like human eyeballs that are full of weird auras like “there are various bugs but barely usable”, which is probably the result of substandard biological knowledge.
“I always think it makes sense when I think about it that way.” Makise Kurisu said with a weird expression.
However, since this is the case, does this mean that the good-looking people are really show-offs, and the ugly-looking people are ink spots thrown out at random?
Makise Kurisu hurriedly looked in the mirror, “Fortunately, I am a showman.”
“”no! That guy must not be allowed to win this war! “Kirito said in a deep voice, “The guy who does this kind of thing for his own selfish desires must not let him get that kind of power!” “”
“” you have thisSuch a mentality couldn’t be better. Well, the news has been told to you, so I will leave here first. “Jin Ju smiled, turned around and was about to leave.”
“Wait, let me bandage your wound. Klein quickly pulled him back, “Your injuries are serious.” “”
“”No need. Jin Ju shook his head, then turned his gaze to Eugeo, “After all, he has been staring at me. “”
“Eugeo said, “Of course, as an undead creature, fighting is instinctive! If you stay any longer, I can’t say whether I will do anything to you! “”
“Well, that’s right, if the undead creatures stay together and don’t fight, it’s considered restraint. “Jin Ju smiled, then turned and left the house.”
“Just a few minutes after he left, Eugeo’s face suddenly changed, “That guy is here! “”
“”Is it Cerberus? “Kirito asked quickly, and Eugeo nodded slightly.”
“Seeing Eugeo’s movements, everyone’s expressions became serious, and Kirito said, “You can’t fight here, it would be bad if it affects Yui! “”
“Indeed, he must be led outside! “Asuna also thinks the same, if Yui is affected, they will regret it even if they win!”
“So, after the four of them let Yui hide in the room, they went out immediately, and they wanted to take the initiative to find that man!”
Chapter 521 Don’t choose to run away, but approach me?
“Hey, are you coming over? Instead of running away, did you choose to approach Nobuyuki Sugo? “”
“Nobuyuki Sugo, who was on the way, saw Kirito and the others, and immediately opened his hands, smiling like a blond vampire who likes steamrollers.”
“”If I don’t get close to you, how can I ask you clearly? “Kirito stepped forward, and at this moment he saw that the man who called himself Nobuyuki Sugo did not turn into an undead creature.”
“I don’t know if this man still has nostalgia for his identity as a human?”
“”ask clearly? “Xuxiang Shinzhi sneered, “What else is there to ask?” We’ve been enemies from the beginning, haven’t we? However, you are about to be dealt with by me, and I am not such an unreasonable person. As your dying request, I can still listen to you a little bit. “”
“Kirito asked in a deep voice, “What is your purpose of winning this extreme war? “”
“Of course, it is to bring peace to this world! I want human beings to stop fighting each other! “Nobuyuki Sugo’s smiling face is full of compassion. Just looking at his expression at this time, maybe some people will think that he is a very good person.”
“Why isn’t this a very good person! Whether you look at this expression or not, I am also a very good person!” Nobuyuki Sugo stopped on the way, and then saw this scene, said dissatisfied.
He sincerely thinks he is a good person!
It’s just… others may not think so.
But seeing this scene, he was actually looking forward to it, maybe he could clean up? Maybe he did this kind of thing because he wanted to save someone!
He thinks this possibility is very high, after all, he feels that he came from a good person!
“Looking at Nobuyuki Sugo’s dignified appearance, Kirito was silent, and then sneered, “You want to destroy all human beings right now? Your eyes have told me the answer! “”
“”certainly! “Nobuyuki Xuxiang smiled coldly, “The human heart is full of evil now!” I want to destroy everything and recreate a new human being who pursues peace! “”
“Then, is it up to you to rule over them?” Asuna glared at Nobuyuki Sugo, “Is this what you call peace?” Stop putting gold on your face! “”
“What’s wrong with me ruling them? The brand new human just needs to obey my arrangements like a puppet and complete my orders! Hahahahaha! ! “Nobuyuki Sugo smiled strangely and inserted the seal of Cerberus into the flesh and blood device inserted into his left wrist, “Transform!” “”
Nobuyuki Sugo: “…”
Sure enough, he still thought too much, and he seemed to be unable to wash his hands.
“Kirito, Asuna, Eugeo, and Klein put on transformation devices, “Transform! “”
“Facing the four Kamen Riders at the same time, Nobuyuki Sugo raised his left hand with a sneer, and a fiery flame shot out from his hand.”
“Only hearing a huge roar, four Kamen Riders flew out one after another. Nobuyuki Sugou put his hands away and said calmly, “I, who chose to merge with the undead creature, is undoubtedly the strongest! You have no chance of winning at all, obediently let me take your transformation device, and then let me seal the JOKER, so that you can suffer less! “”
“”Do not make jokes! We will never let a guy like you succeed! Kirito roared and took out the awakening fusion device, “Transform!” “”
“” EVOLUTIONKING (evolution, big worm)! “”
“Eugeo and Asuna are not to be outdone, and transformed into wild form and guard form respectively.”
“Only Klein watched this scene blankly, what’s going on, this illusion that only I can’t do it?”
“Hmph, Mu Da! “Facing the people who have changed into stronger forms, Nobuyuki Sugo still has an expression of invincibility. In his eyes, no enemy can compare with him!”
“And the fact is true. Nobuyuki Sugou just raised his arm, and a burst of fiery flames shot out, easily suppressing the four of them to the point where they couldn’t move.”
“After another burst of flames blew up the four of them, Nobuyuki Sugo walked slowly in front of Kirito, raised his sharp claws, “It’s over! So, Kirito, farewell. “”
“Am I going to die like this? Kirito is lying on the groundLooking at the sharp claws that were getting closer and closer, he struggled a lot and failed to stand up, his eyes gradually lost their luster, sorry, Asuna… sorry, Eugeo… sorry, Yui…”
“Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared in front of him, with a snort, the sharp claws pierced her body!”
“” Yui! ! “”
“Kirito roared angrily and got up and hugged Yui in his arms. Yui opened his eyes with difficulty, and said with a relieved smile, “Father…it’s great that you are fine. “”
“Afterwards, Yui’s body completely collapsed, turning into pieces of light and disappearing into Kirito’s embrace.”
“”…” Kirito kept embracing Yui, as if Yui hadn’t died yet and was still in his arms.”
“But, it’s gone, no matter how Kirito maintains that movement, Yui’s figure is no longer in his arms!”
“”Ahhh! ! “A string in Kirito’s mind seemed to be completely broken, and at the same time, his body, which had already become weak and weak, once again burst into strength!”
“The King’s Awakening Device and the BLAY Awakening Device are in his hands, like two beams of light, continuously bombarding Nobuyuki Sugo.”
“Nobuyuki Sugo easily blocked every attack, he said contemptuously, “Stupid, don’t you think that just a moment of anger can defeat me? “”
“Indeed, no matter how Kirito wields his sword, he can’t hurt the opponent at all, but at this time he doesn’t care, it’s better to say that he doesn’t notice whether his attack is effective… At this time, Kirito just wants to release it wantonly. Own anger!”
“I don’t know when, Kirito’s ear seems to have a very familiar voice, who is it?”
“When Kirito finally regained some sanity, he found himself in a strange space. In this space, there is no Nobuyuki Sugo, no Asuna and the others, only Kirito himself, and… Kayaba Akihiko!”
“”Akihiko Kayaba? Kirito looked at that person blankly, then roared, “Why am I here?” What about Asuna and the others? That guy named Nobuyuki Sugo was with you before, right? “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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