“Kirito hurried over to help Klein up. The four of them exchanged glances with Jin Ju, but neither of them did anything. Both they and Jin Ju are in a very bad state right now. If we do, we don’t know what will happen. ”
“Then Jin Ju snorted coldly, turned and left.”
“The next time we meet, it’s time to decide the winner!”
“”Let’s go back too. “Kirito supported Klein and said to everyone.”
“As soon as this sentence was said, everyone’s faces became depressed. There is no Yui in that family anymore…”
“Kirito naturally knew why several people were sad, he smiled and said to everyone, “Don’t worry, Yui is fine! Akihiko Kayaba shouldn’t have lied to me at this time! “”
“”Akihiko Kayaba? “Asuna looked over in surprise, not knowing when Kirito met Akihiko Kayaba.”
“Then Kirito explained to everyone what happened before.”
“After hearing this, several people’s expressions became brighter. Although they are not sure if it is true, at least they have hope in their hearts!”
“After returning to the cottage by the lake, as expected, Yui was waiting for them there.”
“”dad! Mama Eugeo, Mama Asuna, and Uncle Klein, you are all back! Yui excitedly rushed up and hugged Kirito, “Dad, I just dreamed that I was stabbed in the chest, it was so scary!” “”
“”It’s okay, it’s okay. “Kiri Ren touched Yui’s hair distressedly. He watched Yui block the knife for himself before, and he felt that the whole person completely lost his mind.”
“But it’s great that Yui is fine! “A few tears leaked from the corners of Asuna’s eyes. At that time, she was also choked with grief.”
“”By the way, eat something good tonight, let’s celebrate it! “”
“Asuna clapped her hands suddenly and said, firstly, to celebrate that Yui is fine, secondly, to celebrate finally defeating Cerberus, and thirdly… it’s a bit of preparation for the next battle.”
“”nice! Klein jumped up excitedly, “I like delicious food the most!” What ingredients are needed, I will go out to prepare now! “”
“Looking at such a scene, Eugeo’s mouth curled into a smile. This kind of life is exactly what he desires most!”
“When Yui thought Yui was dead, his eyes went dark, and he was almost directly controlled by JOKER’s instinct! Fortunately, he finally suppressed that instinct.”
“It is precisely because of this that he finally understands how much he longs for this peaceful life!”
“And if there is a battle, this peace will be broken after all, right? It would be fine if he sealed that type of KING, but what if it was that type of KING that sealed him? How sad should Yui be? Eugeo Don’t even dare to think about it.”
“So, if possible…”
“Could Eugeo plan to find that kind of KING undead creature? No way, just look at that guy’s expression before, it’s absolutely impossible for him to stop!” Kirito said with a frown.
“In the early morning of the next day, Eugeo, who woke up first, took a look at the closed room, and then walked out of the room.”
“He’s going to negotiate with that type of KING undead creature! He must also negotiate!”
“After walking for a long time, Eugeo finally came to Kaneju’s residence, “Kinju, is that his name? “”
“”Isn’t this JOKER? Jin Ju looked at Eugeo in surprise, “This is really a rare visitor, what are you doing here?” Could it be that you can’t wait to fight me? “”
“Speaking, Jinju took out the Cerberus seal card.”
“”Wait, I didn’t come to fight you! Eugeo shouted quickly, “Jin Ju, I’m here to negotiate with you. “”
“”negotiation? I don’t think we have anything to talk about. ” Jin Ju shrugged and said.”
“”The two of us are already the last undead creatures. As long as we truce like this and don’t attack humans, the extreme war will end here, forever! There is no final winner, only time will flow peacefully. “Eugeo said softly, but there was a bit of expectation in his eyes.”
“…” After a moment of silence, Jin Ju suddenly sneered, “I didn’t expect Joker to say such naive words, what is the meaning of our undead existence, have you forgotten? It’s fight! It’s a fight! If we don’t do these things, is there any need for us to exist? “”
“In other words, did the negotiations break down? “Eugeo’s expectant gaze gradually became cold, and the CHALICE awakening device on his waist emergedOut, I have already held a card in my hand, “Transform!””
“”That’s right, the negotiations have broken down! ” Jin Ju sneered and turned into an undead creature.”
“But just when Eugeo was about to make a move, Jin Ju suddenly said, “Wait, you can’t seal me! “”
“”What did you say? Eugeo looked at him suspiciously, “What do you mean by that?” “”
Chapter 525 This is your destiny
“Hehehe, JOKER, have you been in the human world for too long, have you even forgotten the rules of extreme warfare? “Jin Ju sneered, “Once all undead creatures win, they will have the power to modify all life on this planet!” We use this to make our group stand on the top of the planet! “”
“”However, there is one exception! That is you who do not belong to any ethnic group – JOKER! Once JOKER wins, it means that all life on this planet is eliminated, and there is no need for any evolution! What this means, you should be very clear! “”
“Eugeo froze suddenly, and the hand holding the weapon CHALICE arrow kept trembling, “Creatures with no evolutionary value naturally have no need to exist… This means that all life on this planet will be destroyed.” Be destroyed! Then, the will of the planet will reshape species with more potential! “”
“Total destruction?!” Shinomiya Kaguya was numb, this was much worse than the ending she thought she lost the battle at first!
Of these two guys, if one wins, human beings will be underestimated, and if the other wins, life on the entire planet will be over!
Co-authoring with them, human beings have no good results, right?
Why are human beings always so weak as undead creatures! If it’s a little bit stronger, it won’t be sealed so early! Shinomiya Kaguya thought with some resentment.
“”That’s right! “Jin Ju laughed, “At that time, those human beings you cherish will all perish too!” You can’t accept such consequences, can you? So, you can’t seal me! Heh heh heh… JOKER, this is your destiny! “”
“Eugeo stood there in a daze, as if he no longer had the will to fight.”
“Hehehe, go to hell. “Jin Ju chuckled a few times, and hit Eugeo several times with the weird big sword in his hand.”
“Eugeo not only didn’t fight back, he didn’t even have any defense, he was knocked to the ground!”
“JOKER, I didn’t expect you to be so weak! “Jin Ju said contemptuously, “The mistake you made was to have feelings for human beings!” It is precisely because of this feeling that you become so weak! “”
“Then Jinju took out Cerberus’ seal card, and just as he was about to do it, Kirito and others suddenly appeared here.”
“They found Eugeo in the morning, and immediately used the undead detection equipment to find Eugeo’s traces. It took a long time to finally locate Eugeo’s location!”
“Looking at the current situation, it’s just right for them to come!”
“”stop! Don’t even think about sealing Eugeo! “Kirito roared and rushed to Eugeo.”
“Kinju looked at Kirito, Asuna, and Klein, and sneered, “There are three more idiots, idiots who want to protect JOKER and destroy the world!” “”
“Let the world be destroyed? what do you mean? ! “Asuna was startled when she heard this, and asked quickly.”
“”literal meaning! Once JOKER wins the ultimate war, all life on this planet will be wiped out! “Jin Ju said.”
“In an instant, several people froze. If they were all eliminated, would it mean that all life on this planet would die?”
“What about the evidence? What is your evidence for saying that? ! “Kirito yelled at Jinju.”
“Jin Ju Wenyan gestured to Kirito with his eyes, “Look at the man behind you, don’t you know? “”
“Kirito looked at Eugeo, and saw Eugeo lying on the ground with blank eyes, not moving at all.”
“The moment I saw Eugeo like this, Kirito understood that what he said was true!”
“But Kirito still couldn’t believe it, he directly transformed into Kamen Rider Blade, and roared and attacked Jinju, “No way! impossible! It is impossible for Eugeo to destroy all creatures! “”
“As for Asuna and Klein, they are still shocked by this sudden news at the moment, and they didn’t realize that Kirito has already gone up to fight.”
“Kinju said while dodging Kirito’s attack, “Stupid, when did I say he was going to destroy all life? This is the rule, the rule of extreme warfare. As soon as he wins, the Sealing Stone will release a large number of monsters to clean up all the lives one by one! “”
“Kirito slowed down his movements, and then immediately said, “There is a way! There must be a way to fix this! No matter what, I won’t let you seal Eugeo! “”
“If Eugeo is sealed, Yui will be so sad!”
“However, Kirito, who is restless at the moment, naturally didn’t perform very well, and was beaten down by Jin Ju after a few hits.”
“Kinju looked back at Eugeo this time, picked up the Cerberus seal card again, and threw it at Eugeo.”
“”Be careful! Seeing this, Kirito yelled, and threw himself directly on Eugeo, and the seal card just landed on him!”
“Afterwards, a huge suction force came from that card, and the card used to transform Kirito was sucked away! Kirito, whose transformation was also forcibly released, immediately fainted on the ground.”
“” Kirito! ” Eugeoand Asuna exclaimed. ”
“As the sealing card of Cerberus flew back to Jin Ju, he said coldly, “Cerberus can absorb other undead creatures and seal them, and now, his power is still valid! “”
“After all, he will throw out the sealed card again.”
“” Transformation! “At this moment, Asuna and Klein finally came to their senses.”
“Klein hit Kaneju on the back with a stick, and shouted to Asuna, “After I’m done, you take Kirito and Eugeo first! “”
“”Be careful! “Asuna said, she immediately helped Kirito and Eugeo and turned to leave.”
“”call. Seeing Eugeo’s figure disappear, Jin Ju sighed, “Why do you have to cover JOKER?” Could it be that letting JOKER win and letting all life die is so in line with your wishes? “”
“”Do not! Not all will die! Klein said firmly, “I believe in Kirito!” Since he said there is a way, then there must be a way! “”
“”It’s really…it’s up to you. “Without Eugeo, Jinju has no interest in fighting. He turned into a human again, ignored Klein, and turned to leave.”
“On the other hand, Asuna didn’t help Kirito and Eugeo back to the lake house, but took them to a secret place.”
“At this time, Kirito was in a very bad state, and he passed out immediately. Asuna used the contents of the backpack to spread a simple mattress for him, and let Kirito lie on it.”
“And Eugeo is not much better now, but compared to Kirito, he is at least awake.”
“After Asuna settled Kirito, Eugeo felt Asuna’s gaze for the first time, and he said calmly, “Are you going to seal me? “”
Chapter 526 Where is his cute daughter?
“”…” Asuna was a little depressed, “I’m sorry, I don’t want to do this either… But, I don’t want all life to be destroyed… My parents, my friends, and Kirito, no matter who they are I don’t even want them to die! “”
“”Ok, I know. “Eugeo nodded in a daze. He wanted to stay with Yui and Kirito, but if he won the final victory, Kirito and the others would definitely die!”
“His wish and reality are doomed to be incompatible!”
“Maybe, just like Jin Ju said, this is his destiny as a joker!”
“The two fell silent like this. After a long time, Eugeo said lonely, “Take care of Yui for me, please. “”
“He doesn’t know whether Yui is the consciousness of sealing the slate, and he doesn’t care about that. He just wants Yui to live happily.”
“”I know! With a trembling right hand, Asuna pulled the garren transforming device on her waist, “Transform!” “”
“”TURNUP! “”
“Then, she silently raised the Garren Awakening Device, aimed it at Eugeo’s head, and slowly placed her index finger on the trigger.”
“Suddenly, there was a clear and pleasant voice from Eugeo’s body. It was the communicator on his body.”
“Asuna’s hand that was about to pull the trigger stopped suddenly. She knew that Yui was the only one who dialed Eugeo’s communicator at this time!”
“Eugeo silently took out the communicator from his pocket, and then squeezed out a smiling face, “Is it Yui? “”
“It’s me, Mother Eugeo, where have you been? When I came together, I found that I was the only one in the house. “Yui complained from the phone.”
“”I…we went shopping. “Eugeo slowed down his tone as much as possible, so that Yui would not hear that he was seriously injured.”
“”shopping? Yui was a little excited, “Then I will go too!” Shall I go find you? Tell me quickly, where are you now? “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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