“”no! “Eugeo directly refused, but maybe because he felt that what he said was a little too serious, he immediately said softly, “Because…you have to keep it secret, so you can’t come here. “”
“”You want to keep it a secret? Yui’s tone became more excited, “Is it a gift for me?” “”
“Watching the exchange between the two, Asuna’s hands trembled even more. She couldn’t even imagine how sad it would be if Yui knew that Eugeo was sealed by her!”
“Eugeo glanced at Asuna, then smiled and said, “Haha, you found out, I really can’t hide it from you. “”
“”Really? I’m so happy, I’m looking forward to it! “There was a jingling sound from the communicator, probably because Yui was excited for a while, and then hit something.”
“Then Yui quickly asked, “What are you going to buy for me? Tell me now! Please~””
“Eugeo showed a smile from the bottom of his heart. At this moment, even just this moment, he completely abandoned the matter about JOKER, and just enjoyed the happiness of this moment from the bottom of his heart.” The surprise will be saved for later Let’s reveal, shall we? “”
“”Okay…” Yui said with a little disappointment, but he cheered up again in an instant, “Then you, Kirito’s father, and Asuna’s mother must come back quickly. “”
“…” Eugeo was silent for a moment, but he still said softly, “Well, I will be back soon, whether it is Kirito, Asuna, or Klein, they will all be back soon. “”
“Here, Eugeo didn’t say that he would go back as soon as possible, but the oppositeYui didn’t notice this small problem, she said happily, “That’s fine.”
“Well, it’s done. “After that, Eugeo heard the sound of the communication hanging up, so he also slowly put away the communicator.”
“The atmosphere fell into silence again, Eugeo was waiting for Asuna to make a move.”
“But the gun that Asuna raised slowly fell down, she couldn’t do anything anymore…”
“After all, she is not a ruthless person. The one time just now has exhausted all her ruthlessness.”
“It’s all like this, how could it be possible to move your hands.” Yuki Asuna’s eyes were red, Yui was her precious daughter no matter what, how could she do something that made Yui sad.
But the problem is… If JOKER wins, all creatures will be destroyed! So, what should we do?
“Kinju, who left that battlefield and was about to go home, suddenly stopped after walking for a while, and a person who shouldn’t have appeared in front of him – Asuna!”
“”Why stop me? what do you want to do? “Jin Ju asked leisurely.”
“”JOKER… Eugeo, I will never give it to you! “Asuna said solemnly.”
“Jin Ju was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, “Is this really okay? Once I am sealed, JOKER will immediately become the final winner, and all life on this planet will perish! Think about it again, should we let you humans lie dormant for 10,000 years, and then strive for victory in the next extreme war, or should we all die together? “”
“No, it won’t be like that! Asuna took out the garren transformation device and put it on her waist, “I’ve thought about it, since you don’t want to stop fighting, then use your strength to force you to stop fighting!” As long as the extreme war does not end, human beings will not fall to the lower end of the food chain, let alone lead to the destruction of all life on this planet! “”
“”Clam? Jin Ju was dumbfounded, “Using strength…you mean using strength to force me not to fight?” what are you going to do “”
“”If you want to fight, I will break your hands! If you want to escape, I will break your legs! Imprison you here forever, and you will never be able to fight Eugeo! “Asuna directly pulled the garren belt buckle around her waist, “Transform!” “”
“Oh, yes, this method is reliable!” Yuuki Asuna’s eyes lit up, as long as Jin Ju can no longer fight, it will be fine!
She can even think of such a method, she is really a little genius!
It seems that things will be perfectly resolved soon!
But the excited Yuuki Asuna didn’t see her father who was sweating profusely. Her father Yuuki Akizo was really shaking his legs at this moment, what a fool!
Is this still his soft and cute daughter? No matter how you look at it, it’s not right!
Rather than being soft and cute, it is better to say that it is overbearing, right? Are you really not some undead creature pretending to be my daughter?
Kiritani Kazuto on the other side also swallowed a mouthful of saliva, with great doubts in his small eyes, is this still his gentle and kind Asuna?
Chapter five hundred and twentieth seventh failed plan
“Hearing Asuna’s words, Jin Juli became angry, and his body quickly changed back to the appearance of an undead creature, “Then let me see how strong you are! “”
“The angry Jinju ran towards Asuna, and Asuna also fired quickly, hitting Jinju with more than a dozen bullets, but the defense was not broken at all!”
“”Isn’t it okay to attack at this level? “Asuna quickly took out two cards.”
“” ABSORBQUEEN (absorbing giant snake)! FUSIONJACK (peacock guard)! “”
“After transforming into a guard form, Asuna stretched out six wings from her back, and then quickly flew into the sky, shooting non-stop in the air.”
“”Do you think that if this is the case, I will have nothing to do with you? “Kinju, who was constantly being attacked on the ground, sneered, and then jumped up directly under Asuna’s surprised gaze!”
“Asuna wanted to dodge right away, but Kaneju grabbed her feet. Immediately afterwards, Kaneju slashed the wings of Asuna’s back with a sword, and Asuna flew in the sky instantly. Losing their balance, the two fell directly to the ground.”
“”Well! “Asuna struggled to stand up from the ground, just now, she was thrown hard!”
“But Jin Ju got up faster than her. As a rough-skinned and thick-skinned undead creature, the fall just now was like a breeze!”
“Thus, Kinju, who got up early, slashed Asuna’s chest with a sword just as Asuna just got up!”
“”Stupid guy! Are you going to die for JOKER? “”
“Kinju roared, and cut Asuna to the ground with a few backhand strikes.”
“Asuna staggered back a few steps, sat on a boulder and panted non-stop, as if she was too injured and couldn’t stand up anymore.”
“King Ju holds the Cerberus seal card and walks slowly towards Asuna. He wants to absorb Asuna’s transformation card! In this way, Kamen Rider Garren will never bother him and Yuu again. It’s Geo’s battle!”
“But just when he was about to put the Cerberus seal card on Asuna, Asuna, who was dying just now, suddenly grabbed Jinju’s hand!”
“”I have just observed that the reason why my attack is ineffective is not because your body is strong, but because you have deployed a barrier not far from your body, am I right? But at such a short distance, you can no longer deploy the barrier! “”
“Nani? ! “Jin Ju was startled, he didn’t expect Asuna to be hereObserve his secret in a short time! ”
“He hurriedly tried to free that hand and distance himself. But Asuna’s Garren Awakening Device was already on his chest, and bullets kept firing!”
“”Ugh! ! “Jin Ju, who was not protected by the barrier, immediately yelled in pain.”
“No, we can’t go on like this!”
“Kinju’s eyes flashed a stern look, then he raised his giant sword and slashed at Asuna’s shoulder!”
“The two just resisted each other’s attacks like this, and kept attacking each other! This is the cruelest fight in nature, and it will only stop when one of them is no longer able to fight!”
“Finally, Kaneju slashed Asuna’s head armor with his sword.”
“With a crisp sound, the armor on Asuna’s head shattered, revealing her beautiful face.”
“” Even the armor is broken! You are finished! Panting heavily, the exhausted Jin Ju revealed a trace of excitement in his eyes, “I won this battle, and you will be forced to withdraw from the transformation immediately. At that time, you will no longer have the power to stop me from sealing it.” JOKER! “”
“Asuna’s eyes shot out from the shattered head armor, and that resolute gaze made Jin Ju feel a little afraid!”
“”I used to be weak and incompetent, and I almost lost Kirito several times like that… So, I have already made up my mind that I will never lose any companions again! “Asuna roared angrily, and the power in her heart continued to emerge. Under the action of this power, she was not forced to quit the transformation state when she was in a broken state!”
“Bang bang bang!”
“The Garren Awakening Device in Asuna’s hand is like a roaring fire snake, spitting out powerful flame bombs!”
“”Whoa! “Jin Ju was beaten back again and again, and finally his legs gave way and he fell to his knees on the ground, and he no longer had the strength to stand up.”
“Asuna ejected the enhanced bayonet from the Garren Awakening Device in her hand, then walked towards Jinju step by step, and said in a cold voice, “Next, I will abolish your hands! If you want to hate, just hate me alone! “”
“”You want to abolish my fighting ability, let me not fight JOKER, and let this extreme war continue forever? Do not make jokes! Jin Ju’s expression twisted, “I won’t let you get what you want!” Rather than living in such a humiliating manner, I would rather let all my ethnic groups perish! “”
“As Jin Ju’s roar fell, his powerless body burst out with the final strength, laughing wildly and inserting the seal card of Cerberus into his body!”
“A huge attraction suddenly exploded, and Jin Ju’s body twisted instantly, being swallowed by that card continuously!”
“”Ha ha ha ha! did you see it? JOKER has won! All life on this planet will be wiped out! Do you regret it? Are you desperate? pain? you deserve it! ! ! Krypton Hahahaha! “Jin Ju seemed to have completely lost his mind, smiled maniacally, and then completely disappeared in place!”
“Only the seal card of Cerberus was left, and it fell to the ground lightly.”
“…” Asuna stared blankly at this scene. At this moment, her hands and feet were cold, and she was speechless for a long time.”
“Failed, she failed completely! Human beings… and all life on this planet have come to an end.”
“How could this be…” Yuuki Asuna was dumbfounded. In this case, it would be better to let Jin Ju win! At least human beings will not perish!
And more importantly, this ending was caused by her own hands!
Like this, she might be regarded as the sinner of all mankind, right?
She pursed her lips, unable to express her discomfort…
and many more! Yuuki Asuna suddenly realized, aren’t they human beings doing well? And other beings are fine too!
So… there must be a solution later! Yes, it must be right! No matter what, Kirito will definitely have a solution!
With the expectation of her lover in her arms, she continued to read.
Chapter 528 Don’t Shake the Pot
“”Well! Eugeo, who was lying there recovering from his injuries, suddenly groaned, and he felt that the instinct belonging to the Joker in his body began to agitate, “What’s going on? Could it be that KING has been sealed? “”
“Asuna didn’t say anything when she left, and he didn’t know what Asuna was going to do…but now it seems that Asuna probably sealed the type KING!”
“”Why are you so stupid… In this way, both Kirito and you will die! “”
“Eugeo tried so hard to suppress his killing instinct that his expression became distorted and his body began to tremble.”
“”If this continues, I’m afraid I won’t be able to restrain myself…””
“Eugeo, who felt that he could no longer suppress his instinct, stood up while supporting the stone beside him, and staggered and disappeared into the woods.”
“After a long time, Tongren finally woke up from the coma. He shook his head and looked around suspiciously. He was the only one here.”
“Where’s Asuna? Where’s Eugeo? Where’s Klein? Where did they all go?”
“Kirito with a confused face got up and sent a message to several people. Asuna and Klein both replied, but Eugeo didn’t reply. Suddenly, a shadow was cast over Kirito’s heart.”
“Then after gathering with Asuna and Klein and hearing what happened from Asuna, Kirito finally understood that the ominous premonition was not false.”
“”What happened to Eugeo? “Kirito asked in a low voice full of worry.”
“But unfortunately, neither Asuna nor Klein can answer him.”
“Nearly a month has passed since then, and Ultimate WarfareThe dispute has obviously ended for a long time, but for some reason, everyone is still trapped in the virtual world of Aincrad. ”
“Is it because you haven’t cleared all 100 floors of Aincrad yet?”
“Kirito and the others don’t know, and at the same time, they don’t have time to think about that problem, because… countless black monsters have appeared in this world!”
“Whether it’s players, NPCs, or ordinary animals or monsters in this virtual world, they are all within the attack range of those black monsters!”
“In order to prevent all players from dying at the hands of these monsters, Kirito, Asuna, and Klein took turns fighting. It has been nearly a month without a good rest!”
“Hey, is it okay for us to come here? “On the seventy-fifth floor of Aincrad, a tall and burly player showed a timid look, and said to his companions, “I don’t know how those monsters appeared. It’s too strong! “”
“He can be regarded as one of the top players, but facing the black monster that suddenly appeared, he could only be beaten… That’s why he was so scared, and he managed to get to the seventy-fifth floor, which is far from the hundredth floor. The floor is not far away, he doesn’t want to die at this time no matter what!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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