“Although the companions around him also had fear in their eyes, their tone was very firm, “It’s impossible for us to stay in the safe zone forever, right? If you don’t conquer the BOSS, you will never be able to leave this world! I don’t want that kind of thing! Or, do you intend to stay in this virtual world for the rest of your life? “”
“” I don’t want to either! “He said loudly, but his voice quieted down again in a blink of an eye, “But those monsters are really too fierce…it must be the ghost of Kayaba Akihiko! He just doesn’t want us out, he just wants us all to die here! “”
Akihiko Kayaba: “…”
Don’t talk nonsense, I am neither a pot shadow nor a pot in this world, this pot can’t be thrown around!
“That’s right, it must be that bastard Kayaba Akihiko! “His companion also cursed angrily, “However, the more that bastard doesn’t want us to pass the level, the more I want to show him the level! Don’t worry, it took me a long time to find out this path, there will definitely be no monsters! “”
“Indeed, he has walked this road several times in secret, and has never encountered any monsters, but today…his good luck seems to have come to an end.”
“The two were walking, and suddenly, a few drops of liquid fell on the top of their heads.”
“”Is it raining? “The quite tall man touched the drop of liquid with a surprised hand, and then his face changed suddenly!”
“Because, that drop of liquid does not feel like rain, but has a viscous feeling.”
“What is this? A shadow suddenly cast over the tall man’s heart. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then looked up, and there were dozens of ugly black monsters sitting on the tree, staring at the two of them with salivation. indivual!”
“”what! ! ! “”
“The tall man screamed in horror, grabbed the hand of his companion and ran away, but the next moment, these dozens of monsters had already surrounded the two of them!”
“Both of them looked desperate, “Are we going to die here? “”
“Even if these monsters are just a single one, they have to use all their strength to barely resist, let alone dozens of them!”
“”Chi Chi Chi…” The monsters yelled and approached the two of them.”
“Just when the two of them looked desperate and thought they were going to be buried here, a blue light rushed in. It was a strange guy in blue armor. The person who came was Kirito.”
“”You go! “Kirito shouted at them while stopping the monsters one after another.”
“The two looked at each other, and quickly ran away.”
“After seeing the two running away, Kirito relaxed and fought these monsters. After spending more than a minute, Kirito cleaned up all the monsters.”
“”Huh…” Kirito exhaled, and fell to the ground exhausted, “Just counting today, this is already the seventh wave. “”
“After squatting on the grass for a short while, Kirito recovered a lot of energy and returned home.”
“At this time, Asuna and Klein each occupied a sofa, lying on it with tired faces, squinting their eyes to rest.”
“After hearing the sound of Kirito entering the door, Asuna opened her eyes slightly.”
“”You’re back, Kirito. “Asuna wanted to get up to greet Kirito, but Yui pushed her down on the sofa.”
“Mother Asuna, you need to rest for a while now. ” Yui said with a puffed mouth.”
“Kirito’s eyelids were also trembling, and he agreed, “Yes, Asuna, take a break, I’ve worked hard for you these days. “”
“”You too. Asuna shook her head, as if she couldn’t fall asleep, and said bitterly, “In the past few days, although we haven’t counted the monsters we have eliminated, at least they have exceeded a thousand, right?” However, monsters are still emerging endlessly. “”
Chapter 529: The Inexhaustible Black Cockroach
“”Yeah…these monsters seem to be endless. “Kirito sat down on the sofa and said helplessly.”
“Klein on the side was also awakened by the conversation between the two, and said rather dejectedly, “To be honest, I can hardly hold on anymore.If this continues, the three of us will definitely be exhausted! by that time……””
“Although Klein didn’t say it was a joke, both Kirito and Asuna knew what he meant.”
“Now, none of the players have died because of these monsters, the reason is that they are three, but once all three of them are exhausted, it is not just as simple as player casualties, it is possible to destroy them all! ”
“After all, this is what Jin Ju said, a huge disaster that can cause the extinction of all life on the entire planet!”
“Right now, Kirito and the others are only fortunate that the Ultimate War is taking place in this virtual space, and the sealing slate is also here. Otherwise, the entire Blue Star is such a huge area, just because the three of them would be able to If it’s too late, it might have caused the deaths of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people long ago!”
“Thinking of this, Kirito’s inexplicable hatred for Akihiko Kayaba has diminished a lot. After all, thanks to him, the possibility of mass death of mankind has been avoided!”
“Well, that’s right, that’s what I thought at the beginning! As expected of me!” Although Akihiko Kayaba didn’t have that part of memory at all, it didn’t affect him in the slightest.
“”Once you find black monsters, rush to deal with them immediately, this is all we can do now! “Kirito encouraged Klein.”
“” Kirito, you should also understand! Klein shouted emotionally, “The reason why they appeared… is that Eugeo, that is, JOKER, won the ultimate war!” “”
“Hearing Klein’s words, both Kirito and Asuna fell into silence. They naturally knew, but what if they knew?”
“Now that the extreme war is over, can we still choose the winner again?”
“”Mother Eugeo…” Yui whispered dejectedly, she had clearly promised her that she would be back soon, but in the end, Eugeo probably will never come back.”
“After a long silence, Klein suddenly said, “What if the final winner, JOKER, is also sealed away? If he is sealed away, will the situation change? ! “”
“When he said this, his face was full of anticipation, but Kirito shook his head, “According to the investigation, after the previous extreme war ended, even after the winner had done what the winner should do, he was still It will be sealed by the sealing stone. Therefore, even if Eugeo is sealed away, the situation will probably not change. “”
“The anticipation on Klein’s face froze immediately. He shook his head and said with a wry smile, “Then I’d better take a rest first. In short, I’ll defeat all the black monsters before I’m exhausted. That’s fine, right?” “”
“Then Klein was about to close his eyes, when suddenly, the undead detection instrument started to sound again.”
“The three of them cheered up almost instantly, Asuna hurriedly checked the situation, and said in surprise, “It’s near us? ! And not just those black monsters, but also JOKER! “”
“”It’s Eugeo? ! “Kirito ran out of the room quickly, he looked around, and then saw JOKER who was leaving with a black monster not far away!”
“” Eugeo, stop, wait for me! “Kirito hurriedly chased after him.”
“Then, Klein also ran out of the room and followed. Asuna stayed at home in case black monsters appeared elsewhere.”
“Eugeo didn’t hear Kirito’s shout, he took these black monsters all the way to the distance, and then looked at them coldly, “You are absolutely not allowed to go to that place, understand?” “”
“”…” The black monster let out a roar, tremblingly approached JOKER, as if expressing submission.”
“”leave me alone! Eugeo roared, shaking these black monsters away, “I have nothing to do with you, and your birth is not from my wish!” “”
“Tremblingly, Eugeo took out the seal card of the praying mantis undead creature CHALICE, and swiped it on the CHALICE awakening device at his waist.”
“”CHANGE! “”
“Eugeo’s body immediately changed from a Joker’s posture to a Kamen Rider CHALICE. Seeing this, the black monsters around them immediately changed from a surrendered posture to restlessness, waving their sharp claws one by one to attack Eugeo.”
“Eugeo took out the CHALICE awakening device, hacked these black monsters to death with a few knives, “I will never allow anyone to approach that house!” “”
“”Well! Eugeo, who was roaring, suddenly paused, knelt down on the ground, and turned back into a joker again, “Am I about to lose control? “”
“At this time, Kirito and Klein finally came here. Kirito looked at Eugeo in agony, “Eugeo, you have become like this again…””
“Eugeo stood up from the ground, turned around and looked at Kirito, “Kirito, you are here. “”
“Just as we were talking, a huge black circle appeared under Eugeo’s feet, and dozens of black monsters emerged from it.”
“Kirito was speechless for a moment, Klein’s eyes widened, and he said angrily, “What’s the matter with those black monsters? Did you let them out? ! “”
“Eugeo seemed to be suppressing himself, and said in great pain, “After Joker wins, black cockroaches will be born, and their purpose is to destroy all life on this planet! Then, a whole new ecosystem will be born in their bodies! “”
“How can we stop them? “Kirito asked quickly.”
“”Seal me! Eugeo said immediately, “Although I don’t know if it will work, this is the only way I can think of!” “”
“”But…” Kirito still wanted to say something, ClayBecause of this, he directly transformed into Kamen Rider LEANGLE, and fought with those black cockroaches. ”
“Although the strength of these black cockroaches is not even comparable to low-level undead creatures, and Klein can almost kill one of them with a stick, but black cockroaches are constantly emerging from Eugeo’s body!”
“To the extent that no matter how Klein kills it, it feels like the black cockroaches can’t be killed!”
“Seeing that Kirito was still in place, Klein couldn’t help urging, “Kirito, hurry up and do it now! Do you really want to watch the human race perish? “”
“”…” Kirito pulled the BLAY belt buckle on his waist in silence.”
“”TURNUP! “”
Chapter 530 Bleeding Body
“While Klein blocked all the black cockroaches, Kirito pulled out the BLAY awakening device and rushed towards Eugeo.”
“Swish, the sword light is like lightning!”
“However, Kirito’s sword finally stopped one centimeter in front of Eugeo, and he could no longer move forward.”
“It’s not that the attack was blocked by Eugeo, but Kirito couldn’t do it no matter what…”
“”Kirito…” Eugeo murmured his name softly, and reached out to Kirito tremblingly, as if he wanted to touch Kirito’s face.”
“Suddenly, Eugeo snorted, and the breath on his body became extremely violent!”
“With a loud and crisp sound, Kirito was slapped by Eugeo and flew away!”
“”Uh! “Eugeo seemed to be unable to control himself, covering his head with pain on his face, and then staggered and turned to leave.”
“With Eugeo’s departure, the black cockroaches did not regenerate again. After Klein killed the remaining black cockroaches, he quickly ran to Kirito, “Kirito, are you okay? ! “”
“Seeing that Kirito still had a lot of blood, he felt relieved, and then hurriedly chased after Eugeo, “Stop!” “”
“If Kirito can’t do it, he will seal Eugeo away!”
“But Kirito, who was left in place, stretched out his hand to touch his cheek in confusion. He could feel something warm on his cheek… Ah, it turned out to be blood!”
“But why, is he bleeding?”
“This should be a virtual world, and he should also be a virtual existence!”
“Kirito looked at the blood on his hands in a daze, but gradually, his eyes brightened, “Yes, there is another way!” It can work, this will definitely work! “”
“What can it do? Brother, what are you thinking about?” Kiritani Suguha asked hastily.
“I’m not very clear either.” Kiritani Kazuto said with a wry smile.
However, even though he said this, Tong Gu Kazuto’s heart was already covered with a layer of haze… He didn’t know what he did in the video, but now he has figured out a way.
That is to turn yourself into a JOKER through the king form!
In this case, there are two undead creatures JOKER in the world! The extreme war is not over yet, these black cockroaches will naturally disappear!
The moment he thought of this method, Kiritani Kazuto’s heart trembled, he wondered if Asuna’s father would forbid him to meet Asuna if he really became an undead creature?
After all, undead creatures are monsters after all, even if Asuna’s father forbids Asuna to meet with him, it is normal… But normal is normal, this does not mean that BIAO can accept it!
“After Klein chased him for a long time, JOKER finally stopped.”
“”Jie Jie Jie…” JOKER smiled ferociously, “It’s so stupid to come here to die on your own initiative! “”
“Klein looked at the Joker in front of him with a broken heart, “You are no longer Eugeo…I will seal you away completely! “”
“Hehehe, you can’t do this kind of thing! “JOKER said contemptuously.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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