“Afterwards, a black circle appeared under his body again, and a large number of black cockroaches appeared in the circle. At a glance, there were twenty or thirty of them!”
“Klein directly took out two cards and swiped them, then jumped into the air, blowing endless cold air from his feet!”
“”BLIZZARDCRUSH (Blizzard Crush)! “”
“In just an instant, these black cockroaches were all frozen into ice cubes!”
“However, the cold air blowing on JOKER didn’t have the slightest effect on him!”
“Even so, JOKER pierced Klein’s waist with his claws against the cold air!”
“”Ugh! “Klein was sent flying as if he had no power to fight back, and was even lifted from his transformation!”
“And on Klein’s waist, there was also an injury that almost ran across his waist!”
“”Roar! “JOKER let out a roar, and was about to rush over and kill Klein directly.”
“A sudden weapon blocked Eugeo’s attack. That weapon…is the king’s awakening device!”
“And it is Kirito who has transformed into a king who came here at this critical moment!”
“”Um? “JOKER tilted his head, as if he couldn’t believe that someone dared to block his attack. Immediately afterwards, a raging anger surged in his heart. Under the stimulation of that anger, he seemed tireless, as if Like the tide, the waves are stronger than the waves and attack Kirito.”
“” Eugeo, stop! You can no longer let JOKER’s instinct control yourself! “KiritoichiWhile blocking Joker’s tide-like attack, he roared at him. ”
“However, such a roar did not affect JOKER in the slightest.”
“After fighting for a while, JOKER seemed to realize that the enemy in front of him was not so easy to deal with. He pushed Kirito away with a paw, then took a deep look at Kirito, and then quickly turned away. went.”
“Kirito didn’t chase after him, but immediately canceled the transformation, hugged Klein, and asked worriedly, “Klein, are you okay, how do you feel? “”
“And the moment he hugged Klein, Kirito’s pupils shrank suddenly, and he touched the blood on Klein’s waist!”
“Why? Why are Klein and himself bleeding from injuries? They are clearly in the virtual world!”
“Indeed, I also want to know this question, it’s obviously not right!” Kyosuke Kosaka scratched his cheek in confusion.
Kosaka Kirino said casually, “Isn’t it because the two of them have been using the knight system for too long, so they are transforming into undead creatures?”
“Absolutely impossible!” Kosaka Kyousuke denied the statement without giving his sister any face, “If they are transforming into undead creatures, their blood shouldn’t be red!”
“Then what do you think is going on with them?” Kosaka Kirino’s guess was denied, and he suddenly became unhappy, showing his small fangs, and looked at his brother viciously.
“I just don’t know, that’s why I want to know.” Kyosuke Kosaka shook his head, but he still didn’t notice the malice from his sister.
“Under Kirito’s call, Klein slowly opened his eyes, and said intermittently, “Kirito, next time… don’t keep your hands. Eugeo…has completely…become a JOKER! “”
“”Stop talking! I’ll take you back to recuperate right away! “When Kirito said this, his tone was very impatient.”
“Because he found that the wound on Klein’s body was still bleeding, and the blood bar was also dropping!”
“And more importantly, after he used the healing item for Klein, the blood bar showed no sign of recovery at all!”
Chapter 531 Keep Touching Tata Kai
“The extremely impatient Kirito hurriedly carried Klein back to the lakeside hut. After disinfecting the wound with alcohol and bandaging Klein with gauze, Klein’s blood finally stopped falling.”
“Although the healing items are still useless, Kirito is relieved a lot. As long as the blood volume does not continue to drop, Klein will not die!”
“”What exactly is going on? Asuna worriedly handed Kirito a glass of water, “Why do you and Klein both have wounds?” ! “”
“This weird situation has once again cast a shadow over Asuna’s already gray heart.”
“”I don’t know…” Kirito naturally has no answer.”
“Neither of them noticed. Yui fell into silence when he saw the injuries on Kirito and Klein.”
“Her expression was as dull as a robot, and she muttered to herself in a low voice, “The integration of the world has begun, and it can no longer be stopped. “”
“Yui, what did you just say? Asuna looked at Yui with a horrified expression, “What does the fusion of worlds mean?” ! “”
“”Um? Yui shivered violently, and retreated from the sluggish state. She looked at Asuna in confusion, “What did you say? “”
“She doesn’t remember what she said.”
“Asuna and Kirito looked at each other, and they both saw the panic in each other’s eyes. Both of them heard what Yui said just now! At the same time, both of them also had a similar guess— ―This virtual world called Aincrad is probably merging with the real world!”
“If it’s as they guessed, then these black cockroaches are not as simple as killing these thousands of players at most! They will cause the extinction of all human beings sooner or later!”
“World fusion?” Akihiko Kayaba was a little excited. Although he had already lost his body, logically speaking, there shouldn’t be any hormones affecting his emotions anymore.
But now, he is so excited! He still clearly remembers his dream, longing for a real world of sword and magic!
And now, the Aincrad he carefully created is about to merge with the real world!
“Huh? Wait a minute!” Kayaba Akihiko suddenly discovered a blind spot. There is no Aincrad in the current real world, which means that this kind of fusion is really blocked, right?
Hey, it’s boring… Akihiko Kayaba suddenly withered, completely unable to cheer up.
“”Yui, can you stop the fusion of the world? “Asuna hurriedly grabbed Yui’s shoulder and asked.”
“If Akihiko Kayaba said that Yui might have the consciousness of sealing the slate before, it was just speculation, but now, Asuna thinks that Yui is definitely the consciousness of sealing the slate!”
“”Mother Asuna, I don’t quite understand what you’re talking about…” Yui looked at her in confusion.”
“” If this continues, time will be too late! Asuna, take care of Yui! “Kirito got up immediately and was about to go out to fight.”
“Tatakai, Tatakai, keep touching Tatakai… that’s all he can do now! Then, at the end of the battle, there will definitely be what he desires!”
“Kirito put his hand on the doorknob, but stopped. After a moment of silence, he said to Asuna, “Asuna, if I fail, then everything will be up to you . “”
“After that, Kirito rushed out without hesitation, regardless of Asuna’s shout.”
“After finding a wave of black cockroaches, Kirito roared and transformed into a king directlyform, “Tatakai! Tatakai with me!””
“” EVOLUTIONKING (evolution, big worm)! “”
“After transforming into the king form, Kirito can easily kill the black cockroaches one by one with one sword, but the number of black cockroaches is increasing instead!”
“Just as he kept killing black cockroaches, the figure of JOKER appeared not far away.”
“He is like a seasoned hunter, quietly waiting for Kirito to be exhausted by the black cockroach.”
“” Eugeo! “After Kirito found Eugeo’s figure, he roared, and four seal cards floated out of his body, and they were swiped automatically.”
“Four huge cards fell in front of Kirito, the king’s awakening device in his hand gathered surging golden energy, and then stabbed it out!”
“That surging energy passed through four cards in an instant, and every time it passed through a card, the power became stronger by several points!”
“In the end, the huge golden beam of energy engulfed all the black cockroaches, and these pitch-black monsters completely disappeared into nothingness in the beam of light!”
“And because JOKER couldn’t dodge in time, he was hit by the golden beam of light, and he flew upside down!”
“”asshole! “JOKER’s hoarse voice is full of endless resentment.”
“As Klein said, this is no longer Eugeo, that body has been completely dominated by JOKER!”
“Sine! “JOKER roared and rushed towards Kirito, the sharp blade on his wrist seemed to tear Kirito into pieces!”
“Kirito didn’t care, let Joker attack him, and at the same time, his fist hit Joker’s face!”
“The two are like angry beasts, without any fighting skills, without any fear, but with the determination to defeat the enemy in front of them!”
“I don’t know how long it has passed, but the fists of both of them seem to have become weak.”
“Of course, after such a long battle, no one can maintain combat effectiveness.”
“Kirito punched JOKER in the face again, suddenly, he let out a muffled grunt, and took a few steps back stiffly!”
“”Well! “Kirito only felt the endless pain coming from inside his body, which made the rationality in his brain seem to be burning!”
“But the golden armor on his body suddenly emitted a green halo, and the various patterns symbolizing undead creatures began to agitate, as if they were about to come back to life.”
“What’s wrong with you, Kirito? ” Eugeo asked suddenly.”
“”Um? Eugeo was taken aback for a moment, and then said happily, “Have I regained my sanity?” ! Great! Kirito, this is a good opportunity, quickly seal me away! As long as you seal me away, things will definitely turn around! “”
“However, Kirito silently removed the type A seal card in the BLADE transformation device, and withdrew from the transformation.”
“”Kirito, what are you doing…” Eugeo froze suddenly before he could finish his question. He saw that the wound on Kirito’s arm was bleeding continuously!”
“And that blood is green! It’s the same green as him, the same green as JOKER!”
Chapter 532: About the Kamen Rider, can you be considered a Gay?
“”All the black monsters just now disappeared suddenly, what happened? “Asuna looked at the energy reaction on the undead detection instrument that disappeared almost instantly, feeling flustered in her heart.”
“The words Kirito said to her before going out gave her a very bad feeling!”
“Kirito, don’t do anything stupid! “Asuna clasped her hands together and prayed softly, but it didn’t take long before her eyes widened with horror on her face.”
“She saw that on the undead creature detection instrument, the energy reactions of two JOKERs appeared!”
“”Two Jokers…Could it be Kirito…” Asuna suddenly understood Kirito’s plan, and also understood that Kirito has become an undead creature, and he will never turn back into a human!”
“Have I really turned into an undead creature?” Kiritani Kazuto sighed, his face full of melancholy.
He obviously had no intention of not being a human being, but he was suddenly told… that he was no longer a human being!
Damn it, he still wants to continue being a human!
He was weeping, his previous worries had come true! I don’t know what Asuna and Asuna’s parents think now?
At this moment, Yuuki Akizo was twitching non-stop, “Asuna, are you sure you want to be with him? He’s an undead creature!”
The ghost knows whether there is reproductive isolation between undead creatures and humans!
“…” Asuna Yuuki watched the video with a dull expression, unable to say anything, not because she thought Kirito became an undead creature and began to dislike Kirito.
Rather…why would Kirito be willing to make such a big sacrifice for Eugeo!
Although from a common sense, Kirito is actually to save all mankind, to prevent all life on this planet from being wiped out by black cockroaches. But for some reason, Asuna always feels that Kirito has such a little bit of selfishness in order to restore Eugeo to his former sanity… Maybe this is the so-called woman’s intuition?
To be honest, the illusion of “I’m superfluous” is getting stronger and stronger in her heart now!
So with trembling hands, she took out her mobile phone and called Kiritani Kazuto.
Facing Yuuki Asuna’s inquiry, Kazuto Kiritani’s argument quickly came from the other end of the phone, “Friendship can’t be considered a Gay…Friendship!…The matter of Kamen Rider, can it be considered a Gay?”
Previous:People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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