Immediately afterwards, there were difficult words, such as “everything is for all mankind” and “this is not to make Yui sad”, which caused Yuki Asuna to remain silent the whole time.
“Kirito, you…you just…what did you do? “Eugeo looked at Kirito in disbelief, he already had guesses in his mind, but he couldn’t believe it!”
“Kirito grinned, “From now on, I am also an undead creature… In this way, the extreme war is not over yet, and it will never end! “”
“”Did you intend to do this from the beginning? Eugeo clenched his fist and looked at Kirito with heartache, “In this way, you will no longer be a human being!” “”
“Kirito nodded silently, no trace of regret can be seen from his face!”
“Suddenly, the air between the two of them began to twist, and then, that huge black slate slowly emerged from the air, and then fell to the ground.”
“Then a familiar figure slowly walked out from that stone slab.”
“Kirito’s eyes widened, and he said in surprise,” Yui? “”
Yui slowly opened his eyes, and said with a complicated expression, “Papa Kirito, Mama Eugeo… just now, I suddenly remembered a lot of things, things about me, things about this war. “”
“”In that case, Yui, you really are the consciousness of sealing the slate. “Kirito pursed his lips and said sadly.”
“”Um. Yui nodded, “Because two undead creatures, Kirito’s father and Eugeo’s mother, were detected, so… Ultimate War will be reopened!” “”
“”Until there is only one person left, right? “Eugeo said sadly. He didn’t think it would be meaningful for Kirito to turn himself into an undead creature. Even if he regained his sanity, as long as the two of them still existed, they would definitely fight each other until the horns emerged. Until the winner! This is the rule of extreme warfare!”
“Both of them are jokers. No matter who wins, it means that the life on this planet will be cleaned. Kirito’s approach can only be regarded as prolonging the time for life to be eliminated.”
“”Do not! But Yui shook his head, “There is a way!” The fusion of this virtual world and the real world has been interrupted, and the two worlds have separated again. Therefore, as long as Kirito’s father returns to the real world, he will never come to this world again, and will never meet Eugeo’s mother again. …you won’t fight anymore! “”
“After Yui said that, Kirito was about to say something more, but his body suddenly twisted, and then he disappeared directly in place.”
“Not only Kirito, but also Asuna, Klein, and more than 6,000 people who are still trapped in this world… all disappeared in this world.”
“”Virtual world? “Eugeo murmured these words in a low voice. Although he didn’t know exactly what happened, he vaguely understood something.”
“However, these things are not what he cares about. He shook his head and looked at Yui and said, “Yui… have they left already? “”
“”Um. Yui nodded, “They have already left here… Moreover, in order to prevent you from fighting again, I specially modified everyone’s memory, they will no longer remember Ultimate War, they will no longer remember the sealing stone, no Will remember JOKER again… In their memory, what they experienced during this period must be another thrilling story, right? “”
“Is that so…” Eugeo said in a daze, “In other words, there is no way to meet Kirito again. “”
“”Well, because, as long as you meet Kirito’s father, you will definitely fight under the action of instinct! So… we can’t see each other anymore. “”
“…Let’s go, Yui. “Eugeo stretched out his hand to grab Yui, in this virtual world, there are… only the two of them.”
“The two walked hand in hand on the way home, that back view looks so lonely…”
“So, the reason why I don’t remember those things, and I don’t remember Eugeo, is it because my memory has been modified?” Tong Gu Kazuin looked at the scene in the video with pain.
They lost their memory, so they don’t feel sad because of missing, what about Eugeo and Yui?
What a painful thing it must be to be unable to see each other while thinking about it!
Chapter 533 Ginkgo Bench, Cowherd and Weaver Girl
“…” Kiritani Kazuto slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was a strange ceiling.”
“This is not Aincrad, but in the real world. He looked around and found that he seemed to be in a hospital. He clearly remembered that both he and Asuna died at the hands of Heathcliff, and then Heathcliff died at his hands again, Sword Art Online was cleared, and Aincrad was completely destroyed.”
“But now it looks like he’s still alive?”
“Suddenly, the figure of Asuna flashed in Kiritani Kazuto’s mind.”
“”Asuna…” Kiritani Kazuto’s eyes gradually seeped tears, he raised his hand tremblingly, that hand has already become extremely thin, even only skinny bones remained.”
“Kazuto Kiritani, who survived on the hospital bed with nutrient solution for two years, has atrophied muscles due to long-term inactivity.”
“He took off his helmet tremblingly, leaned on the infusion pole on the side with difficulty, pushed the infusion pole with shaking steps and walked out.”
“He’s going to findThat girl… If he is still alive, then Asuna must be alive too! ”
“Yui, wait for me at home, I’m going to town to do some shopping. “After giving Eugeo some instructions, he left the room.”
“Although there are no more players in this world, there are still NPCs. With the power of the sealing stone, these NPCs are like real life. The two of them will not feel too lonely.”
“When passing by a ginkgo road, Eugeo suddenly felt something. He gradually slowed down and looked at the bench beside him. There was a familiar figure sitting there – Kirito.”
“Kirito also seemed to notice Eugeo’s gaze, looked up at him, and then smiled.”
“Eugeo smiled happily, “Kirito. “”
“But looking back, there was no one on the bench.”
“Eugeo’s smile gradually disappeared, “It’s an illusion…””
“After calming down, Eugeo took a step and left here slowly.”
“Ultimate War… This war that has been going on since ancient times, at this moment, has finally come to an end forever.”
“This article, it’s over.”
“I miss it so much that I have hallucinations! If it weren’t for true love, I would declare my renunciation of Hikigu x Hayama God Sect on the spot!” Ebina Hime’s eyes almost burst into red hearts, and she didn’t know what she thought of, and her nose bleeds Flow again!
Looking at the trash can at her feet, it was already full of toilet paper, and every piece of toilet paper was covered with blood!
You can imagine how excited she was!
Another well-known rotten girl, Mafuyu Shiina, was also staring at the star, “It’s great! I declare that this is the best CP other than Sugizaki-senpai x Reverberating-sensei-senpai!”
The older sister Shiina Mika who was beside her said casually, “Last time you said that Jian and Yoshiki Nakameguro are the best CPs…”
“The ranking will change with the mood!” Mafuyu Shiina said eloquently.
“Forget it…just as long as you’re happy.” Shiina Mikasa said indifferently.
If these rotten girls are very excited to see this place, then Asuna Yuki’s face is as black as the bottom of a pot!
Even if she is blind, she can still see that there is adultery between Kirito and Eugeo! What’s more, she’s not blind yet!
Moreover, in this situation where the two cherish each other but cannot meet for some reason, a story inexplicably pops up in Yuuki Asuna’s mind – Cowherd and Weaver Girl!
“…” Thinking of this, Yuuki Asuna’s face became even darker! The thought of “I’m superfluous” in her heart is about to break through the sky!
Although I feel sorry for Yui, this good girl, but she still has more important things to do now!
She raised the phone that she had just dialed and hadn’t hung up, and said very gently, “Kirito-kun, is there anything else you want to explain?”
On the other side, when Kiritani Kazuto heard Yuki Asuna’s gentle voice, he felt trembling all over and sweated profusely. It was obviously such a gentle voice, but why did he feel scared!
Where did his gentle, lovely, understanding girlfriend Asuna go?
After spending a while to appease Yuuki Asuna, Kiritani Kazuto seemed to have gone through a super battle that took a long time!
“Huh…” He took a long breath and sat down on the sofa exhausted physically and mentally.
Although Asuna didn’t dislike him because he was an undead creature, Asuna’s father didn’t forbid Asuna to talk to him just because he was an undead creature. but……
Tong Gu Kazuto covered his face with a look of grief.
Why…why is it that other people’s videos are all kinds of pretense, but his videos contain a lot of ambiguous plots?
If he really had an affair with a girl, even if he was pushed to the ground and beaten by Asuna, he would admit it!
But his ambiguous object is a man! man! Is this plausible? This is outrageous!
What if someone calls him Gai Lao Jian in the future!
When Kiritani Kazuto thought of the possible weird nickname, he couldn’t help shivering. He had clearly become a Kamen Rider, but why did he feel that the future was dark?
He can’t figure it out…
“Brother, are you arguing with sister Asuna?” Kiritani Suguha asked with concern. As a brother-in-law, she doesn’t like her brother being with other women, but if her brother is with other women If she quarrels and feels uncomfortable, she will not feel well either.
“It’s okay, it’s okay… it shouldn’t be considered a quarrel, right? Besides, Asuna doesn’t look too angry.” Kiritani Kazuto waved his hand with a wry smile. He could indeed feel that Asuna wasn’t too angry. After coaxing him for a while After that, Asuna even lost that little emotion.
“But, Suguha, aren’t you afraid of me?” Kiritani Kazuto said somewhat unnaturally, “After all, I’m an undead creature…”
“I’m not afraid of my brother!” Kiritani Suguha hurriedly said, “My brother is a great hero who saved all mankind in this way! Besides, whether you are a human or an undead creature, you are my brother… How could I be afraid of you?”
Hearing Kiritani Suguha’s words, Kiritani Kazuto’s expression eased a lot, and the original worry about becoming an undead creature eased a lot.
Although there will definitely be many people who will feel fearful or even hostile to him because of his status as an undead creature, as long as those close to him don’t feel fearful or alienated towards him, he will be satisfied.
Seeing Kazuto Kiritani’s relaxed expression, Naoba Kiritani smiled softly and said, “Brother, can you show me a joker? I’m curious!”
Kiritani Kazuto: “…”
this is curioussomething? You are not afraid that I can’t control it, and I will eat you on the spot!
Ahem, of course, the eating here does not mean the kind of dishonest eating.
Chapter 534: Black box operation
“Ah ♂” Cheng Yang closed his eyes and smiled contentedly, “It’s such a great feeling to have this kind of fantasy power recharged again!”
Ah Xing is no stranger to this situation now, isn’t it because he is sick? How normal is it? If Alaya is not sick, is he still called Alaya?
He waited for Cheng Yang’s illness to end, and immediately urged, “Then we must quickly create a new combat power, right?”
“Immediately, don’t worry.” Cheng Yang waved his hands perfunctorily, and then said, “By the way, does the monster from before have any clues?”
The monster he was talking about was the giant orc that Makoto Ito had turned into before. They couldn’t find any clues, and they could only feel that they were with the guys who attacked Hiki Valley Hachiman and Shirogane Dior before.
After that, Ah Xing stepped up his monitoring of Blue Star, trying to find the man behind the transformation of the monster.
But… Ah Xing shook his head, and said dejectedly, “I can’t find it at all… They have been hiding very carefully during this time, and there is no clue no matter what.”
After hearing this, Cheng Yang also felt that his head was extremely big. Of course, Shen Yong type characters are extremely reliable when they are teammates, but when such characters become enemies, they are super annoying!
“Then let’s strengthen the monitoring first, that’s the only way to go.” Cheng Yang sighed, turned his head and went to the exciting work.
He has so much work to do now!
In addition to the regular three Kamen Rider belts and seal cards, there is also Eugeo to get out.
In addition, Aincrad has indeed been destroyed, but fortunately the data is still there, so he has to rely on the sealing slate to create another Aincrad… Oh, the sealing slate is not there yet, and he has to Make the sealing slate first!
In addition, he had to modify Yui a little bit, really had to turn her into the consciousness of the sealed slate, and then had to throw Eugeo and the remodeled Yui into the new Aincrad.
Ah, that’s right… I was talking nonsense in the video that Kayaba Akihiko’s girlfriend Rinko Shindai was seriously ill, so Kayaba Akihiko wanted to study undead creatures.
Now here comes the problem… She is not sick!
Cheng Yang showed a weird smile, there’s no way, this high and low will make her feel sick! In short, the settings in the video cannot be collapsed! This is related to whether the leeks can be cut stably in the future!
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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