Although he feels that even if there is a discrepancy between the video and reality, people nowadays will make up their own reasoning, but… it’s best to be careful in everything! What if those people can’t figure it out?
As for Rinko Kindai, after that, Kazuto Kiritani will draw a potion that can cure all diseases. Anyway, Kazuto Kiritani promised Akihiko Kayaba to take good care of Rinko Kindai.
In short, he has a lot of work now.
The next day, Kiritani Kazuto and Yuuki Asuna were pulled into the space created by Cheng Yang. After understanding the meaning of this space and meeting a bunch of saviors at the same time, the two of them worked hard to fight together. A high-intensity training session.
After the training, at the instigation of a group of people, I used the novice ten-game card to draw cards. At first, everyone thought that Kiritani Kazuto would only be able to draw a bunch of mapo tofu, and everyone was waiting to see a joke. By the way Ready to eat mapo tofu…
But Kiritani Kazuto was like an epic Ouhuang, DUANG delivered it immediately, and it was a very good healing potion! The eyeballs of a group of people are all red, this luck is too good!
So much so that Yu Ishigami has already started shouting “This is a black box operation”!
The Lord controlled by Cheng Yang didn’t dare to speak… because this was indeed a secret operation.
After leaving the training space, Kiritani Kazuto looked at the healing potion in his hand, and said with a smile, “My luck seems to be very good? I thought that getting this thing should be considered a rare thing, but I didn’t expect them Before, most of them could only get mapo tofu.”
Thinking of their expressions full of sadness and gnashing of teeth when they said this, Kiritani Kazuto wanted to laugh.
Although he doesn’t know how to show off everywhere and look like a villain, but when he sees the envious expressions of those people, he really has the urge to turn into a seal and go around to bask in the sun!
It was the desire to survive in his heart that made him stop the impulse in his heart and avoid a violent beating.
Yuuki Asuna on the side was also very happy, “With this, you don’t have to worry about getting hurt or getting sick in the future.”
“Yeah, you don’t have to worry about being sick…” Speaking of this, Kiritani Kazuto’s expression was a little gloomy, “Asuna, I want to give this potion to another person.”
“Well, I know.” Asuna Yuuki seemed to know it a long time ago, and said with a smile, “Miss Rinko Kojiro, right?”
Ever since Kiritani Kazuto promised Kayaba Akihiko to take good care of Rinko Kindai in the video, she knew that he would find a way to cure Rinko Kindai!
Now that the healing potion has been obtained, how can Tong Gu Kazuto keep it for himself?
“Thank you, Asuna.” Kiritani Kazuto calmed down, “It would be great if you understand me.”
“This is your thing.” Asuna Yuki smiled, “What’s more, with your luck, you will definitely be able to draw it again next time!”
both of themIt’s still not clear, if there are no accidents, it should not be their turn to operate in the dark next time…
Kiritani Kazuto patted his chest quite confidently, “Not only is it a healing potion, but I will definitely get you the potion of eternal youth next time!”
Yuuki Asuna’s heart was so sweet that her smile became brighter, “Then I will wait with peace of mind.”
“Hehehe.” Kiritani Kazuto smiled, and then said with some concern, “We have been separated from Aincrad for a while, and I don’t know how the condition of that Miss Jindai Rinko is… hope It won’t get any worse.”
“Don’t worry, Kirito, nothing will happen.” Yuuki Asuna comforted, “It’s late today, we’ll go find her immediately tomorrow.”
“Well, I’ll go early tomorrow morning.” Tong Gu Kazuto nodded and said with a smile, “But I guess I’ll go alone, your father probably won’t let you out of the hospital.”
“Ah…” Yuuki Asuna let out a small exclamation, and then said helplessly, “That’s right, Dad won’t allow me to leave the hospital.”
She was pulled directly into that mysterious space tonight. Under normal circumstances, her father would never let her run around outside the hospital…even if her body is almost recuperated now.
Then the two returned to the hospital talking and laughing. Under Yuki Shozo’s eyes that seemed to be eating people, Kiritani Kazuto sent Yuuki Asuna back to the ward.
Afterwards, Kiritani Kazuto walked on the way home alone.
Suddenly, his footsteps stopped and the corners of his mouth twitched. He suddenly remembered that he didn’t seem to know where Rinko Kojiro lived…
Chapter 535 How could he have been wronged like this?
Nobuyuki Sugo dragged his luggage into a dilapidated hotel, and after paying a little money, he chose a dilapidated room.
The hotel he chose was in a very remote countryside, and the boss was a bit old-eyed, so he didn’t recognize him, the super villain who was popular all over the country, so it could be said to be a pretty good hiding place.
As long as he does a good job of camouflage, he must be able to spend the rest of his life safely… After all, the police in Sakura Country are notorious for their dereliction of duty and incompetence.
Thinking about it this way, Nobuyuki Sugo felt a little happy.
But when Nobuyuki Sugo walked into the room, the little happiness that had just popped up instantly turned cold.
Look at the floor, it’s full of mold and cobwebs, how long has it been since it’s been cleaned!
Look at the small table and chair again, oh my god, one leg of the table and one leg of the chair are broken! It’s really hard for them to be so disabled, even with only three legs left, they can still stand firmly on the floor!
Finally, let’s look at the bed. Let alone the mattress, isn’t there even a quilt? Just a straw mat? ! Are you going to let him sleep wrapped in a straw mat? Why not just wrap it in a straw mat and bury it in the soil!
It seems that only the window is not bad… at least it is still firmly in the place where it should be.
Looking at the window where he stuck to his post, Nobuyuki Sugo was inexplicably satisfied. Then…he suddenly felt that he was a bit cheap, and he was quite satisfied when he encountered a place that was not so rubbish in a pile of rubbish? !
When did Nobuyuki Sugo live in such a rubbish place? ! It really is tolerable or unbearable!
Then, the angry Nobuyuki took his luggage and walked directly into the room.
The main reason is that he thought about it carefully, no matter how bad the living is, it is better than being arrested… No matter how many wrong things the villains in other videos have done, the world has been reset anyway, and the dead people have come back to life. Impossible to be convicted.
But he is different! As one of the two behind-the-scenes masterminds who killed so many players, Kayaba Akihiko is already cold, and only one consciousness is hidden in Aincrad. The families of those dead players have no way to settle accounts with Kayaba Akihiko .
What can be done? Of course, all the anger was burned on him alone!
No matter how dereliction of duty and incompetence the police in Sakura Country are, facing the anger of thousands of families, it is impossible for them to do nothing!
It would be better to be arrested by the police. Anyway, there is no death penalty in Sakura Country, and at worst, he will be fed and covered by Sakura Country for a lifetime… But I am afraid that some irrational family members will trade him for one at the limit! Then he is really Barbie Q.
So, of course he had to hide in such a remote place! No matter how bad the room is, he has to live in it! When the limelight is over, after he has grown his beard and looks very different from his current appearance, and then sneaks across the country, then he can live his life with peace of mind.
Before that, there is only one thing he needs to do – forbearance! Three years later, the Dragon King… Ah bah, Nobuyuki Sugo is back!
That’s right, as long as you endure it for three years! As if he had convinced himself, Nobuyuki Sugo sat down on the three-legged chair with a smile on his face.
It has to be said that his sitting skills are perfect, even though the chair has only three legs, he still sits on it safely, what stands out is his elegance!
Just as he was sitting on the chair with a seemingly elegant smile on his face, the sky outside gradually darkened, as if it was going to rain.
Hurrah! !
Suddenly, the wind was strong, and the window that he thought was the only good thing in this room was blown by the wind, and it was like a kite with a broken string. It clanged out of its original position and hit Xu Go Shinyuki’s face!
There was only a loud bang, and Nobuyuki Sugo was photographed on the floor, making zero-distance contact with the mold.
Nobuyuki Sugo, who was hit with a bruised nose and swollen face, lay on the ground blanklyOn his forehead, the window that was blown away from the post was still fastened to his forehead. He blinked, as if he hadn’t realized what happened.
The next moment, he couldn’t believe it, and stretched out his hand tremblingly to touch the window, only to see that there was nothing on the window for fixing it! It is purely placed on the window!
What a cheat! How can there be such a trick!
Nobuyuki Xuxiang only felt a violent anger welling up in his heart, he opened his mouth like a national quintessence, and began to greet the innkeeper 18 generations crazily.
After scolding for a while, he finally stopped scolding when he realized that it was useless, and then cried out with a wow.
At this moment, all elegance is gone! He cried like a child who weighed more than a hundred pounds!
When did Nobuyuki Xuxiang suffer such grievances!
This damn Kiritani Kazuto didn’t even reset the world! If Kiritani Kazuto can reset the world, or travel through time, those who died will definitely be resurrected! That way, he wouldn’t have to run around! Pooh! Garbage one!
While crying, Shinichi Sugo vented his anger on Kiritani Kazuto.
People like him will never reflect on their own problems. No matter how bad things they have done, in the eyes of people like him, it is not themselves but the whole world who are wrong!
Nobuyuki Sugo thought bitterly that if he could still transform into Cerberus, he would definitely devour Kiritani Kazuto directly!
It’s a pity that he can’t transform, he can only watch Kiritani Kazuto pretend to be B crazily, and then hide himself in the gutter like a mouse…
“You seem to be having a hard time.”
Suddenly there was a voice in the room that seemed to be holding back a laugh.
As soon as he heard that voice, Nobuyuki Sugo felt aggrieved and anger surged up. When he made a fool of himself, no one saw it and someone saw it. Those were definitely two different moods!
He didn’t have time to regret why he didn’t stand up quickly just now, and why he lay on the ground crying… He just wiped away his tears, got up from the ground, and stared at a pair of copper bell-like eyes, “Who are you?!”
“Who is it, why don’t you take a closer look at it?” The voice that seemed to be holding back laughter came again.
This time, Nobuyuki Xuxiang heard clearly, it was behind him!
He turned around quickly, only to see a man who looked a bit salty leaning on the door with his hands folded.
Nobuyuki Sugo patted the clothes on his body, straightened his tie, put on a posture of a social elite, and asked calmly, “Where did you come from? Don’t you know that breaking into other people’s rooms is illegal?”
Chapter 536 You better not sit on that thing
Nobuyuki Sugo was not too nervous, he made some disguises, presumably because he was quite different from the one in the video, people who are not familiar with him should not be able to recognize him!
What’s more, he knows one thing very well, when he is rational, he must put on a reasonable posture! If it is clearly reasonable, but instead looks flustered, anyone will think there is something wrong with it!
As for the fact that this man might be a robber or a thief, he might hurt himself or something… Hehe, what kind of robber and thief would come to this kind of place to expand their business! Is it because I am afraid that I will not starve to death?
Therefore, he felt that this person should be a relative of the boss or something.
But the first sentence of the man with arms crossed made Nobuyuki Sugo’s face turn livid.
“You… are Nobuyuki Sugo, right?”
A flash of panic flashed across Nobuyuki Sugo’s face, and then he calmed down in an instant, “What nonsense are you talking about, I don’t have time to mess around with you, get out of my room quickly!”
Nobuyuki Xuxiang said that he was about to push the man out, and at the same time he thought angrily, damn it, he obviously put on enough camouflage, why was he discovered so soon? ! This place cannot stay any longer!
No matter whether this man was joking with him, or if he really saw through his identity, it was impossible for him to stay any longer!
There must be another place! But… at this time, the video is no longer played, and the public’s attention is not attracted by the video as before. If you change the place, it will undoubtedly greatly increase the probability of being discovered!
Nobuzhi Xuxiang hated him so much that he wished he could stab this man to death with a knife!
But no, although this is a rural place, if a homicide occurs, the police will be attracted no matter what!
Wait… what if there was a way to make it look like he committed suicide?
Wonderful, wonderful! Such a thought flashed through Nobuyuki Sugo’s mind, and the more he thought about it, the more wonderful it became, so much so that the corners of his mouth twisted.
The man smiled, “You want to kill me? Do you want to try?”
“!!!” Nobuyuki Sugo’s complexion changed again, he jumped back like a frightened frog, and looked at the man in front of him in surprise, even if he was stupid, he knew that the man in front of him was absolutely not normal person!
What’s more, he doesn’t think he’s stupid…
The man let go of his clasped hands, and strolled over as if he was in his own home, “What’s wrong, you look so nervous? Sit casually, don’t be too restrained, just treat it as if you were in your own home.”
“This is my own home!” Nobuyuki Sugo’s face darkened.
“Huh? Then why don’t you sit down?” The man looked at Nobuyuki Sugo in surprise, then nodded and said suddenly, “Oh~ I understand, you don’t have a place to sit here at all! Pfft, it’s a shame you can Find such a dilapidated room!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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