Hard, hard, fist hard!
Nobuyuki Xuxiang didn’t speak, but his face became darker and darker, and his fists were clenched even harder! A pair of eyes looked up and down the man in front of him, as if he was thinking about where to attack better.
But the man in front of him didn’t seem to see his anger at all, he was still leisurely, and even sat on the floor, took out his phone, and read a novel! That’s right, just read novels!
Nobushi Xuxiang is numb, you came to his house just to mock him, and then read novels? Where is this cerebral palsy!
He took a deep breath, calmed down a lot, and asked in a deep voice, “Who are you, and what is the purpose of coming to me?!”
“Hey, are you going to get to the point so soon? I see that you look like you don’t want to talk, and you plan to take the opportunity to read novels and try your luck.” The man smacked his lips and put away his phone with a dissatisfied expression.
Then he sat up straight and said seriously, “Let me introduce myself first, my name is Yao Chixiang.”
“Want to eat Xiang?” Nobuyuki Xuxiang tilted his head, feeling that his brain was almost unable to turn around! How could someone be called that name?
Although he is a native of Cherry Blossom Country, Cherry Blossom Country is also a subsidiary country of Hua Country. Chinese is a compulsory subject, and as a social elite, his Chinese is naturally quite good!
So when he heard this name, Shinichi Sugo was dumbfounded. Are you serious about this name? I’m afraid you’re not here to entertain Sajia!
Seeing that Nobuyuki Sugo’s expression was wrong, Yao Chixiang twitched the corner of his mouth, and said quickly, “It’s not what you thought!”
After staying on this planet for a while, especially after reading the novels for so long, he has a better understanding of Huaguo’s questioning, so he naturally understands that Nobuyuki Xuxiang is thinking wrong!
This makes him very aggrieved! His name, in their empire, clearly represents honor, brilliance, and perseverance, the standard vocabulary of great glory! But when it comes to the country of Hua on this planet, why does it become like eating Xiangxiang!
He said with a dark face, “Let’s skip that question first, don’t waste time, let’s get straight to the point.”
“Hmph, it should have been like this a long time ago!” Nobuyuki Sugo also saw that this guy named Yao Chixiang didn’t seem to be hostile to him, so he picked up the chair on the ground and sat on it gracefully, “Tell me, what can I do for you?” What’s up?”
Yao Chixiang looked at Nobuyuki Sugou who insisted on being elegant, his expression gradually became strange, he pointed behind Nobuyuki Sugou and said, “Why don’t you sit on that thing?”
“You want me to sit on the ground? My pride doesn’t allow me…” Before Xu Xiang Shinzhi could say anything, he was knocked to the ground by half a brick flying from the window.
Yao Chixiang spread his hands, “I told you not to sit on that unlucky thing. According to my calculations, if you don’t sit on that thing, that stone will hit me.”
Xuxiang Shinzhi held his waist hit by the brick, feeling that his waist was about to be beaten into a paste, and the tears rolled in his eyes in pain. He overturned the three-legged bench and sat with a livid face. When he was on the ground, he didn’t care about elegance and pride at this time… Mainly because he was afraid of another brick.
“Let’s just put it this way, what do you want me for?” Nobuyuki Xuxiang said casually.
“Ahem.” Yao Chixiang cleared his throat, and there was still a smile that couldn’t get rid of at the corner of his mouth, but he had been professionally trained anyway, so he wouldn’t laugh out loud, otherwise it would be embarrassing!
“I came to you to ask you something, do you hate Tong Gu Kazuto?” When he said this, there was a hint of bewitching in Yao Chi Xiang’s voice.
Xuxiang Shinzhi’s pupils shrank sharply, does he hate it? He hates it so much! If it weren’t for guys like Kazuto Kiritani, he would have already become the winner of the extreme war and the ruler of all life on this planet! How can I be as depressed as I am now!
Chapter 537: Transformer No. 2
Hearing Yao Chixiang’s question, Nobuyuki Sugo’s whole body became angry, and he imagined a hundred ways of death for Kiritani Kazuto in his head on the spot!
After fantasizing about it for a while, Shinobu’s mood improved a lot, and he looked like Ah Q, then he looked at Yao Chixiang warily, he didn’t think that someone would be so kind and would come here to avenge him! This person must ask for something when he asks this question!
Looking at the vigilant eyes of Nobuyuki Sugo, Yao Chixiang sighed in his heart, this kind of guy in the society is harder to fool than a guy like Ito Makoto who is still studying.
If it wasn’t for fear of attracting attention, he would have dragged Nobuyuki Sugo back to make a transformation. He had already thought of the name. The last time Makoto Ito called it Remodeler No. 1, this time it’s called Remodeler No. 2!
However, the possibility of being discovered by taking people away is still too great, so this plan was shelved. It is still necessary for Nobuyuki Sugo to take the initiative to accept the transformation, so the possibility of being discovered is very low!
So why did you let him do this kind of troublesome thing! Yao Chixiang felt very uncomfortable, he obviously just wanted to stay in the base and watch the novel… it was just to study the culture and customs of this planet!
I also blame him for being unlucky. We agreed to roll the dice, and whoever gets the lowest number of points will go. Fortunately for him, it will be 1 point! Oh, his mood is just like beeping Teddy!
But now that he’s here, he can only muster up a little bit of energy.
“Don’t be so nervous. Essentially, I’m the same kind of person as you…” In just a split second, his faint smile turned into an expression of bitterness and hatred, and he said bitterly, “It’s all about being raped.” Those damned Kamen Riders are hindering the people of Ambition! If it weren’t for those Kamen Riders, I would have ruled this planet by now!”
Such words are naturally false, and the purpose is to arouse the resonance of Nobuyuki Sugou! If you want to stand on the same front, you must have a common enemy!
After hearing Yao Chixiang’s words, Nobuyuki Sugo’s expression improved a lot, but at least he was less vigilant, and even felt a little sympathetic, so he couldn’t help cursing, “Go to the fuck Kamen Rider!”
Yao Chixiang also followed the organization to shout slogans, and shouted with a serious expression, “Yes, go to the fucking Kamen Rider!”
After the two scolded Kamen Rider, they all smiled, as if two perverts had found the organization!
However, Nobuyuki Sugo would not completely relax his vigilance just because of such a small matter, “Then, Mr. Yao Chixiang, who is the same kind of person as I am, why did you come to see me?”
Again, he didn’t think anyone would come here to avenge him! There will be no free pie in the sky, even if there is, the pie is an iron pie that can kill people!
“Hehehe, it’s only natural that you don’t trust me.” Yao Chixiang shrugged and smiled, “People like us will never completely trust others, let alone we are meeting for the first time, so I don’t expect too much. You can trust me.”
“However, I think we will lose because we are all alone, and those nasty Kamen Riders always form a team! So I think if we want to win them, we need to form a team. Isn’t it? Or, do you think it’s good now?”
After finishing speaking, Yao Chixiang scanned the room, the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.
“How can I just accept it like this!” Nobuyuki Sugo clenched his fists tightly, “I wish I could punch Kiritani Kazuto, kick Eugeo, and hug Yuki Asuna with both hands! Instead of panicking like a mouse here Not all day long!”
After that, he stared at Yao Chixiang, “However, I don’t think I have any value worthy of your attention. I can no longer transform into Cerberus!”
“I know.” Yao Chixiang shrugged, “Isn’t it the same for me? I was knocked down by those damned Kamen Riders and lost my former strength…”
“Then you still talk about alliance?” Nobuyuki Xuxiang put on a serious face, “What’s the use of our alliance without the slightest strength? Isn’t that a proper gift of the head?”
“Then what if we have power again?” Yao Chixiang grinned, and took out a crystal clear stone. There were two thumb-like grooves on the stone, which seemed to need to be pressed down with the thumb.
Facing Nobuyuki Sugo’s curious gaze, Yao Chixiang smiled and said, “This is something I found in an ancient ruin, and according to the documents I read in that ruin, it is something that can stimulate the potential of the human body. Like the arrows found by Jonathan Joestar and Silver Dior.”
“The way to use this stone requires two people to press the two grooves with their right thumbs at the same time! How about it, do you want to use this stone with me?” Yao Chixiang handed the stone out, Although it was a question, his tone was full of confidence.
He didn’t think someone like Nobuyuki Sugo would reject him!
And Nobuyuki Sugo’s eyes were indeed full of longing! But he still fell into a little hesitation, he was a little hesitant whether Yao Chixiang had told the truth, “Can I have a look at this stone?”
“Please.” Yao Chixiang waved his hand, motioning for Xuxiang to take it.
Nobuyuki Xuxiang took the stone, and after looking at it for a long time, he didn’t see any problem. Then he thought again, if Yao Chixiang wants to use this stone with him, there should be no trap.
After a few minutes, Nobuyuki Sugou finally made up his mind, “Okay, I’ll use it with you!”
“You won’t regret it.” Yao Chixiang showed a smile, and then pressed his thumbs on the stone with Sugo Shinyuki.
On the crystal-clear stone, the light shined brightly for a moment, almost blinding Nobuyuki Sugo’s eyes, and the next moment, he felt a steady stream of power pouring into his body from the stone!
But in just a short time, he already felt that he could hit hundreds of his previous self! But this power is still pouring in!
Suddenly, he felt a message coming from the stone, that is, the power of the stone is divided between two people, but if the other person is killed, then he can enjoy this power exclusively!
Just half of it is so powerful? What a great power it would be if it could be enjoyed exclusively!
Shinobu was startled violently, and then a wave of anger welled up in his heart, this is his strength! The power that belongs to him alone! How can others share it? !
He opened his eyes, but Yao Chixiang also opened his eyes just in time, and the two looked at each other, as if they understood each other’s thoughts!
But Kayaba Akihiko’s reaction was a little faster, and he punched out, only to hear a bang, as if the air had been blown up!
The next moment, Yao Chixiang’s head exploded instantly, and blood was everywhere!
Chapter 538 Goddai Rinko: I’m not sick
“Hahahahaha! Stupid guy! If you didn’t work so hard to bring me this stone, I would have to stay in this small place and live a miserable life for the rest of my life!”
Nobuyuki Sugo laughed wildly, without any intention of wiping off the blood stains on his body, that ferocious smile combined with the blood stains all over his body, just like a legendary evil spirit!
The stone in his hand emitted a more dazzling brilliance, and then gradually turned into dots of light and drifted into his body bit by bit. He could feel the power in his body increase faster than before! It even reached the point where he felt that his strength was rising like a rocket!
Finally, that stone was completely integrated into his body, and that power completely belonged to him!
He licked his lips, even the blood at the corner of his mouthHe licked it all in, looking at the corpse on the ground, his eyes were full of greed… So, he squatted down and stabbed the corpse’s chest with a hand knife!
Immediately after that, the corpse trembled for a while, and then gradually melted, and flowed into Nobuyuki’s body along with Nobuyuki’s hand!
With the inflow of flesh and blood, a satisfied smile appeared on Nobuyuki Sugo’s face, power, more power poured in!
This corpse… was eaten by Nobuyuki Sugo just like that!
And outside the room, Yao Chixiang was holding the phone in one hand, laughing and laughing… Obviously, he was still reading novels.
As for the one in the room, it was just a clone he intentionally made, in order to be eaten by Nobuyuki Sugou. Only in this way will Nobuyuki Sugou not be suspicious… After all, everyone is dead, and there is Can you suspect that that person has any conspiracy?
Only in this way can Nobuyuki Sugo gather all his energy and do things with peace of mind!
“Don’t let me down, Sugo Nobuyuki…it would be the best if you can kill a few Kamen Riders, Substitute Messenger, magicians, or martial arts masters.” Yao Chixiang shrugged, and disappeared in a flash. It’s still raining in this poor place. If you want to read novels, of course you have to go back to the base and read slowly!
Early the next morning, Kiritani Kazuto went to the hospital to ask the future father-in-law Yuuki Shozo, hoping that he could help find Rinko Kindai’s address.
Akira Yuki had a dark face, although he really wanted to ignore him directly, but after seeing his daughter’s begging expression, he finally softened his heart.
Not long after, Yuki Akizo came over with the address of Rinko Kodai.
“Thank you very much!” Kiritani Kazuto happily took over the address, so that he can fulfill his promise to Kayaba Akihiko!
Afterwards, Kiritani Kazuto and Yuuki Asuna rushed towards that address. Yuki Shozo really wanted to stop his daughter, but after thinking about it, he probably couldn’t stop him… After all, his daughter is a Kamen Rider, and she really wanted to run away. If so, how could he be stopped?
Thinking about it again, Tangtang Kamen Rider’s health is not that bad. The doctor also said that her physical condition has recovered a long time ago, but he was always worried, so Yuuki Asuna continued to be hospitalized.
“Hey, I can’t keep my daughter when she grows up…I’d better go back to the company.” Yuki Akizo sighed, shook his head, went to discharge Yuki Asuna, and then went back to the company.
On the other side, Kiritani Kazuto and Yuuki Asuna took the tram for more than an hour before finally arriving near Rinko Kindai’s house.
After walking to the door, Kirito checked the house number and confirmed the name plate at the door. After confirming that it was correct, he knocked lightly on the door.
“Here we come.” A female voice sounded from inside the door, followed by footsteps.
The door was quickly opened, revealing a woman in a shirt and jeans with short hair. It was Rinko Kojiro!
She looked at the two suspiciously, “You…”
She knew that these two people were Kirito and Asuna, and she had seen them in the video…but she didn’t know why they came here. Could it be that they came to settle accounts with her because of Kayaba Akihiko’s affairs?
But if you think about it carefully, these two people shouldn’t have this kind of personality, right?
When Rinko Kodai was still brainstorming, Kazuto Kiritani took the lead and said with a smile, “Are you Miss Rinko Kodai?”
There is also a photo of Rinko Kamidai on the information given by Akira Yuki, and Kazuto Kiritani just asked first as a habit.
“Hey, I am.” Komidai Rinko nodded in response, and she also saw that the two probably had no bad intentions for her, so she stepped aside and said, “Come in first?”
“Thank you.” Kiritani Kazuto and Yuuki Asuna walked into the room one after another, and found a place to sit down.
“Let me introduce myself first, my name is Kirito Kazuto, or you should be more familiar with the name Kirito.”
“I’m Yuuki Asuna, and I’m Asuna.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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