“I do know you.” Rinko Kodai came over with two glasses of water, “After all, the video about you saving the world has just been played. So, what’s the matter with the two saviors coming to me?”
Rinko Kojiro flattered the two of them in a small way. After all, her identity was Akihiko Kayaba’s girlfriend, and Akihiko Kayaba had fooled the two of them around! If she doesn’t pay attention, the safety of her life may be in danger…
“Hahaha…” Kiritani Kazuto smiled softly when he heard the words, “We came to you to complete the agreement with Akihiko Kayaba.”
“Promise?” Rinko Kodai was stunned for a moment, and then realized that there was only one agreement between Kazuto Kiritani and Akihiko Kayaba, and that was to take good care of her!
Thinking of this, Rinko Kojiro sighed sadly, “Hey, Akihiko is such an idiot, I’m obviously not sick! I don’t know how he thinks that I have a terminal illness and has done so many wrong things.”
“Aren’t you sick?” Tong Gu Kazuto was dumbfounded, this is different from what he said.
“Yeah, I’m not sick.” Rinko Kodai emphasized again. Suddenly, she didn’t know what happened, she felt a little dizzy, and then her eyes went dark, and she fell to the ground with a thud.
“Miss Jindai!!!”
Kiritani Kazuto and Yuuki Asuna had no idea that things would develop like this, their eyes widened, and they hurried to help Rinko Kojiro up.
“Age of GodsMiss, wake up, cheer up! ”
The two of them yelled for a while, but found that Rinko Kojiro did not respond at all, Yuuki Asuna said quickly, “Kirito, give her that healing potion!”
“Oh, good.” Kiritani Kazuto immediately took out the potion, and wanted to feed her, but found that the fainted Rinko Komidai could not drink at all, and instead spilled a little potion, which made his heart ache enough !
The two had no choice but to send Rinko Shindai to the hospital first.
Chapter 539 Kirito: How dare she say she is not sick
After sending Rinko Kojiro to the hospital for an examination, because of the emergency and the fact that Asuna Yuuki activated the money ability, the hospital gave them priority, so they only waited for more than an hour for the examination results.
After seeing the test results…
Kiritani Kazuto: (⊙_⊙)
Yuuki Asuna: (⊙_⊙)
Lung cancer, liver cancer, esophageal cancer, gastroenteritis, cerebrovascular disease, coronary heart disease, acute bronchitis, high blood pressure, severe hypoglycemia…
According to the doctor, it’s a fucking miracle that this man is still alive.
After being silent for a long time, Kiritani Kazuya said with a sigh, “A single person can suffer from so many diseases… It’s no wonder Kayaba Akihiko can only pin his hopes on undead creatures.”
“That’s true…the hospital can only let her live as long as possible for these diseases.” Yuuki Asuna also had a complicated expression on her face. Before today, she never thought that she would hear it from a person. So many diseases.
Moreover, they are all serious illnesses with a relatively high fatality rate. I want to find the kind that can’t be found in minor illnesses!
It simply shocked her for a hundred years!
The two looked at each other, and sighed again. Just like that, how dare she claim that she is not sick? How dare she? !
Then the two of them walked into the ward with sad faces, waiting for Rinko Rinko to wake up.
To be honest, the two of them are in a panic now, afraid that Rinko Komidai will just burp before he can drink the healing potion!
At the same time, I still feel a little regretful. If I knew it was too late last night, I would have come here directly!
On the other side, Cheng Yang was also flustered. He turned his head to look at A Xing, “A Xing, this is what you said, it’s okay to leave it to you? I want you to add some diseases to her, so that the previous plot seems reasonable, isn’t it?” Let you send her away!”
He now feels that Rinko Kojiro may be cool at any time!
“I didn’t send it away.” Ah Xing said weakly, “Isn’t this still alive? The reason why I added a million more diseases is because I thought that this would better reflect the plot… Oh, Yes, it’s called plot conflict!”
“…” The corners of Cheng Yang’s mouth twitched. Did you secretly go to cram school recently? They all know the word plot conflict!
“I was afraid that you would be so conflicting and conflicting, so I would kill Rinko Kojiro… Then why should I open the black box for Kiritani Kazuto?”
Ah Xing confidently signed the ticket, “Don’t worry, nothing will happen! I will hang her life even if I hang it!”
“Then you’re hanging on.” Cheng Yang continued to play games after exhorting him. Anyway, his work has been completed.
In this way, under A Xing’s hanging, she suffered from a bunch of terminal illnesses, and Rinko Kindai, who claimed to be a miracle alive until now, finally woke up miraculously.
“Here… is… where?” Rinko Kojiro opened her eyes, it was a strange ceiling…
She raised her hand tremblingly, her head was still a little dizzy, she only remembered that she fainted suddenly.
Suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed her hand, it was Yuuki Asuna, and she said with great joy, “That’s great, Miss Jindai, it’s great that you’re fine! I’m afraid you won’t be able to wake up like this! ”
Let’s not talk about other diseases, just the high blood pressure, if you don’t pay attention, it will cause a series of problems such as cerebral hemorrhage and myocardial infarction, and then you will be cold on the spot!
“What’s wrong with me?” Rinko Kojiro asked in a daze.
Kiritani Kazuto also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Rinko Jindai who woke up, “Great, Miss Jindai, it’s great that you’re fine! Otherwise, I don’t know how to explain to Akihiko Kayaba! Listen to me , people really can’t be too stubborn! If you are sick, you must speak up, don’t hide it, it will not be good for your illness. ”
Rinko Kodai: “???”
too stubborn? Conceal illness? What the hell are you talking about? ! She is not sick!
However, Kiritani Kazuto didn’t notice the expression of Rinko Rinko, and was still chattering there, “I know you may have given up hope because your condition is too serious, but as I said, we can. Heal you! Don’t worry, if you say it’s cured, it will be cured, and nothing will go wrong!”
“…” Rinko Kodai was speechless, “Wait a minute! What illness am I hiding? Is it too serious? I’ve said it all, I’m fine! I’m going to faint today, I guess I didn’t get sick in the morning. Have breakfast, are you dizzy from hunger?”
When she said this, Rinko Kodai blushed a little. A girl said that she was fainted from starvation, which can definitely be called social death!
Although at her age, it seems a bit reluctant to be called a girl… But it doesn’t matter, the truth is universal!
Asuna Yuuki grabbed Rinko Rinko’s hand with a little more strength, and said worriedly, “Ms. Jindai, how can you not eat breakfast? You are already so seriously ill, and if you don’t eat breakfast, the problem will become more serious.” ! I know you may be giving up on yourself a little bit, but the more you get to this point, the more you have to take care of yourself!”
“That’s right! Ms. Jindai, you have to firmly believe that my fate is up to me! God wants you to die early, so you have to live a world!” Kazuto Kiritani clenched his fists to cheer up Rinko Kodairoad.
Rinko Kodai: “…”
Good guy, in such a short time, she is going to die, right?
But she probably understands a little bit, maybe the result of her test is not very good, right?
With a heavy heart, she said to Kiritani Kazuto and Yuuki Asuna, “Is there a test report? Can you show it to me?”
“Of course.” Kiritani Kazuto nodded, and immediately turned around to get the test report and handed it to Rinko Kindai.
The moment I saw the test report…
Rinko Kindai: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ
Is this a disease that a person can have? Wasn’t she fine before? Could it be that the test reports of hundreds of critically ill patients were all typed on this report?
Looking at the doctor’s exclamation at the end, it’s a fucking miracle to be able to survive till now! Rinko Kodai was speechless. Indeed, it was a miracle, even she thought it was a miracle!
What kind of miracle would cause so many problems in her body!
She is really giving up on herself now, with so many diseases, no one can survive, right?
Jingyan, it’s no wonder you study undead creatures, so you already know about my many diseases.
Rinko Kojiro was very moved, and at the same time, she also felt a little helpless, but she couldn’t survive after all, maybe it was God’s will…
Kiritani Kazuto patted Rinko Shindai on the shoulder, held a mineral water bottle in the other hand, and smiled like a salesman selling health care products, “Don’t worry, since we said we would save you, then we will definitely save you.” Save you! As long as you drink this, all diseases will be cured!”
Chapter 540 fully embodies the informal demeanor
Rinko Kodai looked at the mineral water bottle with a dazed expression, you are a mineral water bottle! Don’t think that this bottle has the words healing medicine written on it, so I will think it is not mineral water! I even saw the glue left on the bottle after the label was torn off!
Good guy, you just bought a bottle of mineral water, tore off the label and replaced it with a label for a healing potion, so you dare to use it as a healing potion?
Or do you think mineral water is the magic medicine that can cure all diseases in the world? If that’s the case, the waterworks would already be making crazy money, okay? !
“Ahem, I know that this bottle may have caused some misunderstandings for you.” Tong Gu Kazuto coughed, with a slightly embarrassed expression, which was the same expression he had when he first drew this item.
However, he felt that what the Holy Master said was right, the potion for healing, of course the potion inside is important, the container outside is just a foreign object!
Although he still felt that it was a bit reckless to use a mineral water bottle to store such a fetish, but…don’t worry about it, as long as it works!
For this matter, Cheng Yang said that he was fully responsible, mainly because he was too lazy to find a bottle. If he used his imagination to make a bottle, it would be a waste of imagination and it would not be worth it! In the end, I used a mineral water bottle to perfunctory.
Kiritani Kazuto didn’t know the reason, but he still fully mobilized his brain power, and felt that this matter fully demonstrated the informal demeanor of the will of the planet and the will of the human group!
So he persuaded, “This is really a healing potion, you have to believe me!”
Looking at Kiritani Kazuto’s resolute gaze, Rinko Kodai finally gave in and drank the potion… Anyway, it was mineral water at best, and it couldn’t be poison.
Afterwards, Kiritani Kazuto and Yuuki Asuna left contentedly, although they wanted Rinko Rinko to leave the hospital with him.
But Rinko Kojiro doesn’t seem to have this plan… She still wants to do another test. Although she can feel that her body has improved suddenly after drinking it, she is very excited. But she was afraid that this was an illusion, so she planned to stay for another examination.
It is conceivable that the doctors in the hospital will experience the second miracle in their lives. Following the miracle of “living so long after suffering from so many serious illnesses”, these doctors will once again witness the miracle of “a large number of terminal illnesses recovered instantly”.
After walking out of the hospital, Kiritani Kazuto seemed to have lost a huge burden, and said with a relaxed mood, “I feel much more at ease if she can be cured, at least the promise to Akihiko Kayaba has been fulfilled. ”
“Well, yes, when she fainted earlier, I was still worried about what would happen.” Yuki Asuna patted her chest with a relaxed expression.
It is conceivable that they were really terrified just now, even if they didn’t mention the promise to Akihiko Kayaba, they couldn’t accept an innocent person dying in front of their eyes!
“If this matter has been resolved, Asuna, are you going to see Klein later?” Kiritani Kazuto said softly, “I am very concerned about one thing.”
“Care… what is it?” Yuuki Asuna asked in surprise.
“It’s like this. Didn’t Yui say that in order to prevent me and Eugeo from meeting again and causing a fight, did we deliberately modify our memory? But if this video is exposed now, will it have any impact on this matter? What about the impact?” Tong Gu Kazuto guessed.
Originally, in their memory, there were no undead creatures, nor Eugeo, and Aincrad had already been destroyed, so they would not think about going back to Aincrad or anything.
But now… To be honest, he was a little worried that someone would want to go back to Aincrad and do something to Eugeo.
As Katz said in the previous video, human beings’ desire for eternity is like a rolling stone on a mountain, once it starts, it can’t stop.
The mystery of the immortality of undead creatures… Akihiko Kayaba is definitely not the only one who is interested in this mystery!
So he wanted to find Klein and discuss it with the three of them.
“This……”Although Kirito didn’t specifically say what the impact was, Asuna Yuki understood his thoughts and frowned, “Why don’t you find a way to block the entrance of Aincrad? Just ask Kohei Imamura and Tatsuya If Finch thinks of a way, he will definitely be able to do it.”
“This method is not bad.” Kiritani Kazuto nodded, and then smiled wryly, “It’s just that, it’s impossible for the two of us to see Yui again.”
Yuuki Asuna puffed up her cheeks unhappily, “Are you afraid that you will never see Eugeo again?”
“Ahem!” Kiritani Kazuto said in a panic after being choked, “Why do you want to go there! I’m just afraid that I won’t see Yui, Yui is our daughter, isn’t it?”
“Although I miss Yui very much, I always feel that your thoughts are not so pure.” Asuna Yuki curled her lips.
How is he not innocent! Kiritani Kazuto was helpless, and wanted to argue that he really wasn’t a Gai guy, and he and Eugeo definitely didn’t have that kind of relationship either!
But before the words were spoken, he felt an extremely strong killing intent!
“Asuna, be careful!” He exclaimed, and immediately pulled Yuuki Asuna behind him, looking around vigilantly.
“It seems…someone is following us.” Asuna Yuuki also felt the killing intent.
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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