Following the sound of applause, Nobuyuki Sugo walked out of the crowd slowly with a calm smile, “That’s right, as expected of Kamen Rider Blade and Kamen Rider Garren, they were able to detect it so easily. My killing intent! Although I didn’t hide my killing intent much.”
“Nobuyuki Sugo?!” Yuuki Asuna was a little surprised, she didn’t expect this person to appear in front of them!
Logically speaking, Nobuyuki Sugo should find a way to hide now! How dare he appear in front of the public? Aren’t you afraid of being beaten to death by those angry family members?
Although it was Akihiko Kayaba, not Nobuyuki Sugo, who allowed players to enter the world of Aincrad, these people couldn’t help but find Akihiko Kayaba! Of course, he can only vent his anger on the head of the fellow villain, Nobuo Sugo!
“Be careful, Asuna.” Kiritani Kazuto reminded that it is an unreasonable thing for Kayaba Akihiko to dare to appear in front of the public, and there must be a reason for the unreasonable thing!
What’s more, he and Asuna don’t have transformation devices and seal cards now!
Cheng Yang has built the things, but he hasn’t given them yet… After all, considering common sense, Yui wants to prevent Kirito and Eugeo from fighting each other, so those things should naturally be kept in Aincrad of.
Chapter 541 Beauty? What kind of beauty?
“That’s right, it’s me!” Nobuyuki Sugo looked at the two people who were still holding hands until now, feeling like a dog! The calm smile on his face couldn’t hold back any longer, and the jealousy in his eyes was extremely burning!
“Tonggu Kazuto, you have to pay the price, the price for daring to sabotage my plan! This time, I will definitely kill you!”
Nobuyuki Sugo glared at Kazuto Kiritani, his eyes were full of anger, not only the anger that his plan was destroyed by Kazuto Kiritani, but also the anger that his “fiancee” Yuuki Asuna was robbed!
Punch Kiritani Kazuto, snatch Yuuki Asuna, right now!
“Asuna, get out of here first.” Kiritani Kazuto saw that Sugo Nobuyuki’s killing intent was gradually focusing on himself alone, so he patted the back of Yuuki Asuna’s hand and told her to leave first.
If Nobuyuki Sugo really has any powerful power, he can still transform into a joker anyway. Although he needs to find a way to restrain his instinct to fight, at least his life safety is not a big problem… After all, he is an undead creature, even if he can’t win, he can’t. will be killed! What’s more, he doesn’t think Nobuyuki Sugo has the power to defeat JOKER!
But Yuuki Asuna really doesn’t have any power now, it’s too dangerous to stay here!
I would have asked Kohei Imamura to help make a player driver and card for Yuuki Asuna if I knew it earlier… Kiritani Kazuto was a little annoyed, they were still thinking about learning martial arts from Li Shuwen and Sun Tianhua last night, after all, they can fly into the sky Eh! Come on, isn’t it super cool to be able to fly?
After all, learning martial arts is a time-consuming effort, and they are not Saiyans, so it is impossible to have such a high combat effectiveness in such a short period of time.
But Yuuki Asuna didn’t move at all, “I won’t leave.”
“No one wants to leave!” Nobuyuki Sugo roared even more, his body swelled up several times, and he transformed into a four-meter-tall wolf head with a row of fangs in his mouth and a cold glow all over his body , hair like iron needles, looks like a werewolf in legend!
Nobuichi Xuxiang raised his head to the sky and roared, the huge sound waves spread throughout the scene, countless passers-by covered their ears tightly, but they couldn’t stop the sound waves from pouring into their ears!
Everyone felt that their ears were about to be shattered, and they put on pain masks one after another.
“Ah!! Ears, my ears! It hurts!!!”
“Help… help… there are monsters!”
Countless passers-by howled and fled in all directions, only regretting that their parents gave birth to two legs for them!
But here is a bustling commercial street, and there are already many pedestrians. It would be fine if they evacuated in an orderly manner, but when everyone wants to goIn the case of crowding… the road was blocked soon, and several children and elderly people were knocked down to the ground. If they are not properly guided, there may be a SHENG stampede accident!
“Asuna, go and guide them to evacuate in an orderly manner!” Kiritani Kazuto said immediately.
Yuuki Asuna also knew that the situation was urgent, so she went to the side immediately to guide the pedestrians without saying anything. Although the effect of this situation may not be good…but it is better than no effect!
After Yuuki Asuna went aside, Kiritani Kazuto said in a deep voice, “Wolf? Did you fuse the wolf’s undead biological cells again?”
It’s no wonder that Kiritani Kazuto guessed so, after all, Nobuyuki Sugo has done such a thing as turning himself into an undead creature!
“What do you think?” Nobuyuki Sugo grinned, “Why don’t you use your body to feel it!”
As soon as the words fell, Nobuyuki Sugou disappeared directly in place.
Totally invisible! A trace of horror flashed in Tong Gu Kazuto’s eyes, and then he felt a gust of wind coming!
It’s on the left!
He didn’t have time to check the situation over there, and immediately wanted to get low and roll over, but this thought only flashed in his mind, before his body could move, he felt an unparalleled force hitting his head !
Kiritani Kazuto spun dozens of times in the air like a top, and then flew straight out!
“Hmph…” Nobuyuki Sugo kept kicking sideways, and said with a sneer, “Do you feel that I have merged with some kind of undead creature? Kiritani Kazuto.”
Such a strong force! Tong Gu Kazuto lay on the ground and twitched slightly, with a serious expression on his face. It would be great if there were transformation devices and sealing cards.
“Oh, I was beaten.” Ah Xing blinked his eyes suddenly, first with a dazed expression, and then suddenly widened his eyes, “Hey!! Where did this inhuman monster come from!!”
“Beauty? What beauty?” Cheng Yang, who was playing a game, suddenly lit up his eyes as if his DNA had been touched.
“…” Ah Xing was left speechless, “No, I mean monster, monster, can you catch the point!”
“Oh, it’s a monster…” Cheng Yang, who suddenly felt dull, turned to play the game again…
“What! It’s a monster!” Cheng Yang dropped the handle in his hand, “Where is it? Where is it? Where is the monster?”
“He’s beating Kiritani Kazuto.” Ah Xing replied honestly, “The style of transformation looks very similar to the monster Makoto Ito transformed into last time.”
“I didn’t say that, it must be a gang!” Cheng Yang glanced at A Xing in distaste, “You said you were supervised all day, what did you supervise!”
Ah Xing:  ̄�� ̄
He didn’t want to do this kind of thing either. If the enemy was so easy to deal with, he wouldn’t have to pay a lot of money to hire a savior.
Cheng Yang also knew that this kind of thing can’t be blamed on Ah Xing’s incompetence, but the enemy’s cunning! So he said quickly, “Show me what’s going on with Kiritani Kazuto now, don’t be beaten to death… no, it should be sealed! Although there is no transformation device and seal card, I at least put JOKER’s physique Give it to him first.”
Ah Xing quickly unfolded a light curtain, which showed the scene of Kiritani Kazuto and Sugou Nobuyuki fighting.
As soon as Cheng Yang stretched his head over, he saw the big werewolf beating Tong Gu Kazuto, “This is that monster? It looks like a werewolf…”
He rubbed his chin and thought thoughtfully, “This opportunity looks pretty good, and I can just give him the transformation device and the sealing card… After giving it to him, let him make up his own brain, think These things came to him at his calling.”
“In this case, Yuuki Asuna and Tsuboi Ryotaro will definitely try it later, and then they can give it directly.”
So, he began to concentrate on watching the video content of the two fighting, ready to find a good time, and then throw things over.
Chapter 542 You bastard is no longer human
At this time, Kiritani Kazuto was being violently beaten by Nobuyuki Sugo. He could neither transform into a Kamen Rider Blade nor dare to transform into a Joker. He had no power to fight back against Nobuyuki Sugo!
After being kicked in the chest again, Kiritani Kazuto felt that his ribs were about to be broken!
But he knew that this was definitely the reason why Xuxiang Nobuyuki kept his hand!
“Hoohoo.” Shinichi Sugo said with a strange smile on his face, “Mr. Savior, what’s wrong with you? You fell down before I even exerted any strength! You have to be serious, use the strength of JOKER Come out and show me! Did you hear that?”
“Well!” Kirito held his chest and stood up with difficulty from the ground. Just by looking at his sweaty appearance and distorted expression, one can know how much pain he is enduring now.
JOKER’s power? No, no! That power is absolutely unusable! He wasn’t sure if he could control that killing instinct!
Moreover, if he transforms into a JOKER, Eugeo’s side may also be affected by this power, and it’s hard to say what will happen then!
The worst case… is that Eugeo came to the real world to fight with him! By that time, no matter what the outcome, life on this planet will be over!
Damn it, if only he had the BLADE transforming device, if he had the BLADE transforming device, he would have already turned into a king and started killing all directions!
Seeing that Kiritani Kazuto didn’t seem to have any intention of speaking, Nobuyuki Sugo’s expression darkened immediately, “Are you looking down on me? I’m talking to you, bastard!”
Under the effect of that furious emotion, he just kicked Kiritani Kazuto in the head!
After kicking Kiritani Kazuto away, Nobuyuki Sugo’s expressionIt was much better, and then he showed a sinister smile, “Ah, by the way, you don’t want to transform into a joker, do you? Then come and play such a game.”
He looked around, and although Yuki Asuna had already guided him, it was obviously difficult for the panicked pedestrians nearby to calm down. They were all frightened and ran around, but they ran in the wrong direction in a panic …In short, there are still a lot of pedestrians now!
“Katani Kazuto, you should have watched the movie, right? The robbers who appeared in those movies always said such lines – From now on, as long as you haven’t seen the money, kill someone every minute Let’s play the same game too, as long as you don’t turn into a JOKER, I’ll kill one every minute!”
When it came to the end, Nobuyuki Sugo had already overflowed with murderous aura, and Kiritani Kazuto did not doubt the truth of his words at all!
Hearing this, Tong Guheren’s eyes were like copper bells, and he said angrily, “You bastard is no longer a human!”
But Nobuyuki Sugo was not angry when he heard this, but laughed like crazy, “Did you realize it now? I will become the ruler of this world, and I am the god of this world! You inferior people It is a great honor for human beings to be killed by me!”
I have to say that the current Nobuyuki Sugo is very swollen!
But he does have the capital to expand! At least in front of Kiritani Kazuto now, he has this capital!
“Is it really okay to be so leisurely?” Nobuyuki Sugo looked at the watch in his hand that had already exploded, “It’s only five seconds to a minute! Five, four, three…”
“Wait!” Kirito shouted anxiously when he heard the countdown.
But Nobuyuki Sugo’s countdown will not stop!
hateful! Kiritani Kazuto clenched his fists tightly, could he really only become a JOKER? BLADE Transformer…BLADE Transformer, if only he had a BLADE Transformer!
As long as there is a BLADE transformation device…
Thinking of such a thing, Kiritani Kazuto’s eyes turned scarlet, just when he gritted his teeth and planned to transform into a Joker. Suddenly, he felt a scorching heat surge in his body!
That hot current flowed all over his body in an instant, and finally the hot current gathered around his waist… He looked down, only to see a familiar belt had been worn around his waist.
That is the BLADE Transformer!
“Did you answer my call… Then, they are all here too.” Kiritani Kazuto’s eyes were extremely complicated, and then he reached into his pocket, and sure enough, there were sealed cards one by one in his pocket. In the trouser pocket!
He took out the Ace of Spades seal card, loaded it into the BLAY buckle, and then snapped, “Transform!”
“Bacca!” Nobuyuki Sugo stopped the countdown, and looked at this scene in disbelief, “Why…why is the transformation device still on your body! It shouldn’t be. From common sense, those things should be in Ain Grant is right!”
“Sarah, why? I’m also looking for the reason.” Kiritani Kazuto said casually, and then took out the awakening fusion device under the horrified gaze of Nobuyuki Sugo.
Nobuyuki Sugo: !!!∑(Дノ)ノ
Play it, Barbie Q! What do you think he pretended to be doing just now? Just put Kiritani Kazuto on the ground and snatch Yuuki Asuna away!
“No! I can’t think like this. My strength is not weak. How could I not be able to defeat his king form? I should be stronger now!” Nobuyuki Xuxiang shook his head to cheer himself up, although he also I don’t know who is stronger, but now he can only brainwash himself crazily!
“Come directly!” Nobuyuki Xuxiang roared and rushed forward.
But Tong Gu Kazuto stood calmly on the spot, four cards flew out of his body, and swiped them one by one at his waist.
Four huge cards fell from the sky. Tong Gu Kazuto held the King Awakening Device and passed through the four cards in an instant. The golden energy gathered on the blade had reached its peak!
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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