Immediately afterwards, the sword hit Nobuyuki Sugo’s waist like a shooting star!
“My waist!” Nobuyuki Sugo had just rushed halfway, and then retreated with a wail. His waist was directly chopped off by Kiritani Kazuto. It is estimated that the entire waist has become bare .
He looked at his waist, then at Kiritani Kazuto, his eyes were full of fear, why is he so strong? ! why!
In fact, according to common sense, his strength should be above Kiritani Kazuto’s king form! After all, although the previous cyborg No. 1 had poor attack power, his defense power was so strong that even the Golden Experience Requiem and the Invincible Cassette couldn’t break through the defense!
As the reformer No. 2, even if he didn’t pay as much attention to defense as No. 1, he wouldn’t be able to break the defense with a single blow.
But, Kamen Rider…he is ideal! Kamen Rider’s data is unbelievable! As long as the level of idealism is high, the basic form can blow up everything!
Chapter 543: How the enemy can hack
“He didn’t die?” Tong Gu Kazuto said in shock, he knew how much power he used just now!
And at the shocking moment of Kiritani Kazuto, Nobuyuki Sugo quickly launched the legendary stunt – Mud to Ruda! It was not easy for him to have such power, no matter what, he didn’t want to die so easily!
And when Kiritani Kazuto came back to his senses, Nobuyuki Sugo was no longer in front of him, and he was speechless, “You ran too fast… Wasn’t it crazy before?”
On the other side, Yao Chixiang and others who were secretly observing in the base were also speechless.
The squad leader, Monk Zhang Er, was puzzled, “Why is the record of the reformed No. 2 not as good as that of No. 1? The more we reform, the more we go back? It shouldn’t be!”
He is obviously very confident in the transformation of No. 2 this time!
“It doesn’t seem to be the reason why the reformer No. 2 is too weak…but the power of that attack has exceeded the limit.” Yao Chixiang rubbed his chin and guessed, he remembered that this kind of thing happened in the previous video. People can’t beat the enemy, but when they think of such and such things, they suddenly burst into seeds and knock the enemy down.
This is a proper opening! How can there be such a thing that can’t be beaten and explode? Isn’t this something that only happens in novels or animations?
Yao Chixiang felt something was wrong, but on second thought, what does this have to do with him, a salted fish who only wants to study planetary culture and customs?
Well, that’s right! Yao Chixiang nodded and stopped talking, lowered his head slightly, and put his other hand behind his back, revealing a small corner of the phone screen from inside the cuff, while his eyes aimed at the cuff in a very strange way, Start fishing.
But their team leader didn’t notice Yao Chixiang’s perfect fish-catching method at all, but sighed and nodded in agreement, “That’s right, it makes sense, it’s not that we don’t work hard, but the enemy can open it!” hang!”
what can he do He is also very wronged!
“But fortunately, when designing the reformed man 2, he added the ability to sense danger. Under the effect of this ability, he should be able to escape Kiritani Kazuto and the others, right? “The captain said uncertainly.
Then he nodded vigorously as if to cheer himself up, “Well, there must be no problem! As long as you can escape the pursuit, hide and heal your injuries, there will be opportunities to make trouble later!”
He didn’t want the remodeled person No. 2, which he worked so hard to make, to be the same as the last remodeled person No. 1. It hasn’t played any role yet, so it will be cold!
Just when the team leader expected Nobuyuki Sugo to escape, Asuna Yuuki trotted to Kazuto Kiritani, “Kirito, who are you?”
She remembered very clearly that Kirito didn’t have this before! And she doesn’t have any… According to her and Kirito’s deduction, the transformation device, sealing card and awakening fusion device should all be left in Aincrad.
“I don’t know what’s going on.” Kiritani Kazuto shook his head and said after undoing the transformation, “It’s just that I was longing for the transformation device in my heart before, and then they suddenly appeared. Maybe it answered my call Bar?”
“Oh.” Yuuki Asuna said suddenly, “If you say that, Klein and I should be able to call them.”
“Well, you can try it, it should be possible.” Kiritani Kazuto’s expression was a little sad, “It’s a pity that Nobuyuki Sugo ran away, and I don’t know if he will hurt others… we have to think of a way Just find him!”
“Go ask Da Vinci to kiss her, she should be here at this time.”
Then the two went to the training space and asked Da Vinci for help.
“I feel that my body is getting more and more comfortable. My body should be completely fine, right?” After the examination, Rinko Shindai felt that her body seemed to be getting lighter and more comfortable. She always had one of her diseases that had completely Feeling restored!
From this point of view, the healing potion given by Kazuto Kiritani is indeed genuine!
Although she hasn’t waited for the examination report yet, she is almost convinced that she has fully recovered!
With so many serious illnesses on his body, he completely recovered in a blink of an eye. It seems that today’s luck is very good.
With this mentality, Rinko Kojiro happily opened the door of the ward, and then…
She closed the door expressionlessly again, “Is it an illusion? It must be an illusion, right? How could there be a fruit boy in my ward? It must be the wrong way for me to open the door!”
After taking a few deep breaths, she adjusted her posture and opened the door of the room again. Sure enough, there was no Guonan inside… no wonder! Does it mean that if you put on a bed sheet, you are not a fruit man? Isn’t this still the case? !
“There has been a change…” Rinko Kojiro opened her mouth and was about to roar.
But the perverted fruit man wrapped in a bed sheet covered her mouth instantly like lightning, and then directly closed the door of the ward.
So much so that Rinko’s eyes were full of fear, isn’t this Nobuyuki Sugo? Why is he not wearing clothes? What does he want to do? So what is her luck today!
Rinko Komidai, who was still praising her good luck just now, was about to cry.
Why pick a random room and meet acquaintances! On the other side, Nobuyuki Sugo’s expression was also ugly. After he ran away from Kiritani Kazuto, it didn’t take long for him to return to human form due to collapse.
But…he turned into a werewolf four meters tall before! He didn’t have any specially made fat times, and of course all his clothes were blown out!
Ashamed and angry, he just turned into a fruit man, found a random room, and jumped in… It turned out to be his college classmate and Kayaba Akihiko’s girlfriend-Kindai Rinko!
Being seen by someone familiar with him, to be honest, the shame is more serious than he imagined!
Sure enough, it still needs to be killed? A killing intent appeared in Nobuyuki Sugō’s eyes.
Um? and many more! Suddenly, he thought of one thing, if Aincrad was not destroyed, could he still be called into Aincrad?
If he remembers correctly, the server should have been turned off, and the current Aincrad should exist by relying on the sealing slate… At the same time, Kayaba Akihiko also exists by relying on the sealing slab!
Maybe, that guy Kayaba Akihiko has a way to enter Aincrad! In this case, this woman is very important… After all, everyone can see how much Akihiko Kayaba loves this woman!
“Kindai Rinko, why don’t you come with me first!” As he said that, Nobuyuki Sugou laughed sinisterly.
On the other hand, Jindai Rinko shed tears of despair, I’m sorry, Akihiko, your head may be turning green…but this is beyond my control!
After all, anyone who is held hostage by a fruit man wrapped in a sheet can only think of that kind of experience! Even if a man is held hostage by this pervert, he will only worry about that aspect!
Chapter 544 What people pay attention to in the rivers and lakes is the sophistication of the world
“I can’t catch it at all…” Ah Xing sighed.
It has been more than ten days since Nobuyuki Sugo ran away. During this time, Yuuki Asuna and Klein also “summoned” their own transformation devices and seal cards, and the heroic spirit Da Vinci also created A machine capable of locking Shinyuki Sugo’s position.
Logically speaking, it should be easy to catch Nobuyuki Sugou, but it is a pity that Nobuyuki Sugou always senses the danger long in advance every time, and then slips away like this…
“How about I just control him?” Ah Xing suggested to Cheng Yang.
Although Nobuyuki Sugo has been transformed by others, he is still an existence belonging to this planet, and as long as he is an existence subordinate to this planet, A Xing, who is the will of the planet, can be controlled unconditionally!
“…” Cheng Yang thought for a while and shook his head, “For now, this guy didn’t cause any casualties anyway.”
Isn’t that right, after Nobuyuki Sugo got his strength, he was blown up by Kiritani Kazuto just after he appeared on the stage, and he was chased after him and ran around like a mouse. He had no chance to harm anyone. It can be called the worst villain…
“Keep this guy here, so that these heroes will not have nothing to do all day long and have no sense of crisis. Moreover, if they fight with Nobuyuki Sugo, this kind of real fight will be a good accumulation of battles for them. way of experience.”
“This way of accumulating experience is definitely better than their own training! After all, when they train by themselves, they subconsciously believe that they will not die, and their mentality is different.”
It’s not good for a character with so many functions to let him feel cold like this! As a qualified exploiter, one needs to exploit people until they have no use value! Although Cheng Yang thought he was not qualified enough, he could learn slowly, starting with Nobuyuki Sugo!
There is no doubt that Cheng Yang has already regarded Nobuyuki Suxiang as a kindling book from God, thank you for the gift of nature.JPG.
“Oh~ I see.” Although Ah Xing didn’t understand much, it didn’t prevent him from making a gesture of “I have fully understood”.
Cheng Yang rolled his eyes, he knew that Ah Xing must not understand, but he didn’t expose it, people in the Jianghu, what they pay attention to is a person’s sophistication.
If you don’t expose it, it’s a favor, if you expose it…but it’s an accident.
“In short, we don’t care about Nobuyuki Xuxiang’s hand over to them.” Cheng Yang stretched his waist and said with a smile, “Our task is to continue to create heroes!”
“Oh! That’s great!” Ah Xing’s eyes lit up instantly. As a senior patient with a lack of firepower phobia, only by constantly increasing firepower can he feel at ease!
“Nozaki-kun, we are here.” Sakura Chiyo stood at the door of Nozaki Umetaro’s house with a smile.
Umetaro Nozaki looked curiously at the person behind Sakura Chiyo——Kashima Yu, because he had to draw at night, Sakura Chiyo should not bring other people, after all, it would affect the progress.
But even though he found it strange, Umetaro Nozaki greeted him with a blank expression, “Come in first, it’s not good to stand at the door.”
After the two were done, Nozaki Umetaro brought over two glasses of water, “Plain water is fine, I don’t have any drinks at home.”
“Well, no problem, thank you Nozaki-kun.” Sakura Chiyo quickly took the water glass, probably thinking that this water glass was touched by Nozaki Umetaro, and her face was full of laughter.
“It’s okay with me, 3Q, Nozaki.” As a girl, but also known as His Royal Highness and Elder Sister, Kashima Yu, who is like a man and woman, took the water glass carelessly, and then took a sip. do.
“Is there something wrong with coming to my place suddenly?” Nozaki Umetaro asked.
“I have something to do! Nozaki, I have something very important to ask you!” Kashima Yu said with a serious expression, “What do you think of the girl manga “Let’s Fall in Love”?”
“”Let’s Fall in Love”?” Nozaki Umetaro tilted his head, isn’t this his own manga?
“Basically, I look forward to each issue when it comes out. After watching it, there will be a sense of relief mixed with regret and a little growth. In short, it is a very complicated view.”
“Gah!!” Kashima Yu was dumbfounded, “How could you have such complicated feelings? Sure enough, in this era, is it actually very common for boys to read shoujo manga?”
“Boys watching shoujo manga?” Sakura Chiyo looked over curiously. She really didn’t know why Kashima Yu came here. She only heard that Kashima Yu said that she wanted to ask Nozaki Umetaro about something very important.”Yeah.” Kashima Yu said with a solemn expression, “Today, I found out that Senior Hori’s schoolbag contained the girl’s manga “Let’s Fall in Love”, and I made a lot of bookmarks and notes, so I read it no matter what I thought. Super serious! So, there was really a feeling of disillusionment at the time… the disillusionment of watching girls’ comics despite being a tough guy.”
“However, after hearing Nozaki’s answer, I feel better!” Kashima Yu scratched the back of his head and smiled happily, “After all, Nozaki is taller and stronger than Hori-senpai, even Nozaki If everyone likes to read shoujo manga, then Senior Hori will have no problem reading shoujo manga!”
Sakura Chiyo kept a straight face, “Don’t let Senior Hori know what you just said, you will get beaten.”
“Hahahaha…” Kashima Yu smiled brilliantly, “But if Senior Hori likes to watch girls’ manga, is he also looking forward to the princess hug? Go and give Senior Hori a princess hug tomorrow! I am taller than Senior Hori , giving him a princess hug is absolutely easy!”
“Oh, there’s also women’s clothing. Senior Hori, who likes to watch shoujo manga, must have a girlish heart, and he must be looking forward to women’s clothing. I’ll bring an extra set of women’s clothing to Senior Hori tomorrow!”
Sakura Chiyo still had a straight face, “I will be beaten, really.”
“Anyway, Nozaki, thank you for your answer, I’ll be leaving first, bye~” After getting the answer, Kashima Yu got up and planned to leave.
But just as she stood up, the TV suddenly turned on.
“”I am Yu Kashima, I have received the help of countless people, and I stand here in place of countless people… Master Chaldea! It’s time for the final victory! “”
“Ah?” Kashima Yu stopped in his tracks, and asked a black question mark, who is she, where is she, and what is she doing?
“It’s actually Kashima?!” Nozaki Umetaro’s eyes burst into a fierce light like a flashlight. He took out a paper and pen, and appeared in front of Kashima Yu in an instant, and asked excitedly, “Kashima, what are you doing?” How did you save the world? What did you experience? How did you feel after saving the world?”
“Please, give me the answer for my next manga!”
Deer Island Tour: “…”
She knows a knitting wool!
Chapter 545 Date the enemy and make him shy?
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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