“” Fu! Fu…fuu! “”
“The sound of a small animal sounded softly in her ear, Kashima Yu in her sleep seemed to feel something warm licking her cheek, she frowned, opened her eyes sleepily, and appeared In front of her is a pretty girl with short pink hair who looks about fourteen or fifteen years old.”
Seeing that she had woken up, the girl showed a relieved smile, “It’s neither morning nor night, nor is this room, how could senior fall asleep here?” “”
“”Your Highness the beautiful princess, here is…? “Kashima Yu scratched her head, and rubbed herself up from the ground in a daze, her head was like a paste, she couldn’t think of anything.”
“”Princess…His Royal Highness? The girl blushed from this word, lowered her head a little shyly and said, “This is the passage leading to the central control room… To put it bluntly, it is in front of the main gate of Chaldea.” “”
“This guy Kashima, he’s flirting with girls casually again!” Hori Masayuki looked at it with pain in his liver. When he was in school, this guy was like this. He caught a girl and called her highness the princess, which made all the girls feel angry. They are all obsessed with her beauty, and even boys call her His Royal Highness.
If it’s just this, it’s fine, but when this guy is dressed up as a woman, he will provoke the hearts of those boys and girls, and call her elder sister…
Typical unisex take-all!
He really wanted to yell at Kashima Yu, you fucking broke the law, do you know that?
He now has some doubts that the way Kashimayou saves the world is not to date the enemy and make him shy, right?
“” Fu! Fu! “”
“A small pure white beast climbed onto Matthew’s shoulder, and then called softly.”
“Ah, I forgot to introduce you. “The girl let out a small exclamation, “This cute, squirrel-like creature is Fufu. It was Fufu who brought me here, and I found the sleeping senior. “”
“”F, F! “Fufu raised her head as if she was very proud, and called out twice.”
“What an incredible animal. “Kashima Yu sighed, and then said with a chuckle, “However, Your Highness the beautiful princess, that is not the only thing you neglected. “”
“”Eh? “The girl tilted her head, a little confused, and her reddish cheeks coupled with that confused expression are really cute.”
“Facing such a shy and beautiful girl, who can bear it? Anyway, Kashima Yu can’t bear it!”
“She stood up, reached out and raised the chin of the girl in front of her, and looked down at the girl, “Your Highness, you haven’t told me your name yet. “”
“…” The girl felt the breath of Kashima Yu, and felt dizzy all over, “Mash…my name is Mash Kyrielight. “”
“At this moment, Fufu’s ears moved, as if she had sensed something, she quickly got off Matthew and ran away.”
“Kashima Yu didn’t care, but praised sincerely, “Mash Kyrielight, what a nice name. “”
“Ah, you are hereLie, Matthew. “As a gentle voice sounded, an extremely tall man slowly walked over.”
“Matthew said happily, “Professor Nozaki, you are here. “”
“Me? Professor?” Umetaro Nozaki tilted his head. How did he become a professor as a high school student? A professor who draws shoujo manga?
But it seems that he and Kashima Yu in the video don’t seem to know each other yet.
“Nozaki-kun is also a hero who saves the world, so amazing!” Sakura Chiyo looked at Nozaki Umetaro, whom she had a crush on, with a look of admiration, hearts almost popping out of her eyes!
“And this Nozaki-kun has such a gentle smile! Although Nozaki-kun who is usually expressionless is very handsome, but this smiling Nozaki-kun is also great!” If it weren’t for Nozaki Umetaro, Sakura Chiyo might They were about to throw themselves on the bed and roll around.
“Oh, there are others here. Umetaro Nozaki looked at Kashima Yu with a smile, “You are… By the way, you are a newcomer who just came here today, right?” I’m Umetaro Nozaki, one of the technicians working here, what’s your name? “”
“”My name is Kashima Yu. “Kashima Yu also said with a smile, the man in front of her seems to be a very nice person. But what puzzled her was, when this man looked at Mash, there seemed to be pity in his eyes?”
“Oh, you are Kashima Yu. Umetaro Nozaki said suddenly, “He is the last of the 48 qualified candidates who have been summoned… Welcome to Chaldea, I am very glad that you can come.” “”
“Afterwards, during the friendly exchange between the two, Kashima finally understood that she was just making up the numbers. Among the 48 qualified candidates, 38 were from famous magic families, while ordinary people only had ten people. She belonged to the One of these ten ordinary people.”
“And the reason why she slept at this gate was also clarified. It was because she was not used to the infiltration of spirit particles during simulated battles, which put a heavy burden on her brain, so she fell down here directly. ”
“Although I can’t understand what is a famous magic family, what is a spiritual submersion…but there is one thing that Kashima Yu understands very clearly, she is too good!”
“Famous in magic?” Hikigaya Hachiman touched his chin and said, “Is it the story of a magician again? But speaking of it, the Yukinoshita family is also famous in magic, right?”
“Our family?” Yukinoshita Yukino nodded, “According to what was said in the previous video, it is indeed a famous family…Although everyone in our family has been made completely ignorant of magic by the Holy Grail.”
“…” Saber Altria, who was visiting Xueshixia’s house for a holiday on the weekend, stopped eating and said in a complicated way, “So, it was that experience, then It was an epic experience.”
“Eh? Did Saber know about that?” Yukinoshita Yukino asked curiously.
Arturia, who had been implanted with that memory long ago, nodded, “Well, most of the heroic spirits have participated in that incident to some extent, which is enough to cause… No, no! That has already caused The catastrophe of the double extinction of mankind!”
“Hiss!” Hikigu Hachiman and Yukinoshita Yukino gasped at the cool skin one after another, and they were stunned.
So what is the extent of disasters and disasters on this planet!
“After chatting for a while, Nozaki Umetaro looked at the time on his watch, “Although I really want to send you to the infirmary, I’m sorry…the director’s briefing session is about to start, so please bear with it. “”
“”Seminar? “Kashimayou blinked her eyes in confusion. To be honest, she still doesn’t understand how she got here… let alone figure out what this place is.”
“Mash nodded,” saying hello to the qualified masters who just arrived here today, just like Kashima-senpai. “”
“Nozaki Umetaro said with a smile, “To put it simply, it is the boss of the organization who greets the impetuous newcomers for the first time. “”
Chapter 546: The Weakest Instantly Becomes the Strongest
“”This is the central control room. Senior’s number is… a single digit, it’s in the front row. Matthew led the way, but after walking for a while, she found that she didn’t hear the sound. She turned around and found that Kashima Yu was standing there and fell asleep.”
“Senior, why are you asleep again? Matthew patted Kashima Yu on the shoulder, and said worriedly, “Why don’t we just skip this meeting and go to the infirmary first?” “”
“Kashima Yu who was patted on the shoulder suddenly woke up. She smirked embarrassedly and said, “Sorry, my mind is not very clear yet, and I accidentally fell asleep again… As for the warping, let’s forget it Well, if you don’t give the boss face when you first come here, you will definitely be put on small shoes in the future. “”
“While the two were chatting, Nozaki Umetaro suddenly appeared on the podium of the central control room, and said gently, “It’s better not to chat, the meeting is about to start. “”
“Kashima Yu and Mash quickly sat down on their seats.”
“Soon, a girl with a stern face, as if everyone owed her tens of millions, walked in quickly, “Although it was a little later than the scheduled time, everyone finally arrived. Welcome to Chaldea, I am the director Sakura Chiyo. “”
“Eh?” Sakura Chiyo pointed at her face in confusion, “I’m the director?”
She is a high school student! Who the hell chose to let a high school student be the director! Isn’t this really a decision made only when there is a problem with the brain? !
At this time, she has subconsciously ignored the fact that Nozaki Umetaro, who is also a high school student, is also a professor.
“Although Sakura Chiyo is also a beautiful girl, Kashima Yu, who is extremely tired at the moment, is completely unable to cheer up.Pi seemed to be fighting constantly, and finally, she fell asleep completely. ”
“I only heard a crisp sound, and Kashima Yu stood up suddenly, his face was still in hot pain, and Sakura Chiyo looked extremely angry in front of him.”
“Get out of here!” You don’t have to take part in your first battle! “Sakura Chiyo pointed her finger and glared at Kashima Yu like an angry puppy.”
“Is it possible that I just fell asleep again? Kashima Yugan scratched his head with a smile, “I’m sorry, Your Royal Highness. “”
“Hearing this, Matthew’s expression on the side turned darker. It turns out that she is not the only princess…”
“Hearing this address, Sakura Chiyo’s expression improved a lot, but she didn’t let go of her raised hand, “Don’t think that this level of flattery will make me let you go, get out!” “”
“Afterwards, Kashima Yu walked out of the central control room with a smirk. Matthew worried that she would not find her way, so she hurried out and took Kashima Yu to her personal room, and then returned to the control room.”
“Anyway, let’s take a rest first. “Kashima Yu, who felt dizzy, was about to lie down on the bed and rest.”
“The door was suddenly opened.”
“A cheerful-sounding voice sounded, “I’ll come in… Uh, eh? Who are you? ! “”
“Kashima Yu, who was still sleepy just now, was woken up immediately. She looked at the man in front of her who was wearing a doctor’s attire, had long orange hair, and even tied a single ponytail. She blinked and said, “It’s Ma. Xiu brought me here and said it was my room… So, who are you? “”
“Doctor Roman, it’s Doctor Roman!” Sun Tianhua said in surprise, he was very familiar with this man, after all he was a doctor who helped him a lot.
“I didn’t expect that there would be a story about Dr. Roman in this video… It seems that he is not a Heroic Spirit at this time? In other words, Dr. Roman must also be a hero who saved the world, so he became a Heroic Spirit! ”
He was in a mood of anticipation. It was like watching TV when he suddenly saw an acquaintance with a good relationship. Anyone would be more interested in this TV.
“”your room? In other words, the last qualified person has finally come…” The man looked a little frustrated, “If this happens, this shelter that belongs to me and skip work alone will finally disappear. “”
“However, in a blink of an eye, the man cheered up again, “Oh, it’s the first time we met, Kashima Yu…is that the name right? Although it was just a chance encounter, let me introduce myself. I am the head of the medical department, Romani Achiman. “”
“”However, for some reason, everyone referred to me as Dr. Roman for short… Although I don’t know the reason, it sounds pretty good. It has a romantic feeling, so you don’t have to be polite, even if you call me Roman it is good. “”
“Doctor? Human?” Conan frowned. According to his previous guess, it is more likely that the man in front of him is King Solomon! No matter how you think about it, it shouldn’t be an ordinary human doctor!
Was his reasoning wrong?
“”Yeah, so it’s from the gentle and soft type…” Kashima Yu said with a smile, she quite likes this kind of character.”
“After some exchanges between the two of you… Kashima Yu got to know this organization called Chaldea better. To put it simply, a group of magicians built a Sheba device that can observe the future of the planet, and a spiritual The summoning and awakening system of the transfer center.”
“The Sheba device will observe and deduce the fire of human civilization. As long as the flame is still burning, it means that BIAO is safe and sound for human civilization.”
“But just a while ago, Sheba suddenly observed that the fire of human civilization will be completely extinguished, without any reason, as if fate has stipulated that human beings will be completely extinct at that time!”
“Therefore, Chaldea gathered 48 qualified masters… commonly known as the saviors!”
“However, she should be here to make up the numbers, right? Kashima Yu thought in his heart, because in Roman’s narration, the seven members of Group A are all monster-like existences! They must be able to save the world! Therefore, Just leave it to them, okay?”
“I understand! This is the plot of a traditional boy manga. The main character is the tail of the crane when he first appeared, but as time goes by, Kashima-kun will gradually surpass the other forty-seven qualified masters and become one with them. Become a good partner, save the world in the end, and become the Master King!” Sakura Chiyo looked like she had seen through everything.
Nozaki Umetaro and Kashima Yu also nodded. According to common sense, this kind of development should be right…
However, the next development caught their eyeballs.
First, the central control room suddenly exploded, and the 47 masters staying in the central control room were all wiped out! Mash was pressed by a boulder and was about to die, but he and Kashima Yu performed a spiritual transfer, and arrived at a place full of flames.
And in the process, Matthew also suddenly got the help of the heroic spirit in her body, became a sub-servant, and all the injuries on her body recovered.
“Ah…” Sakura Chiyo was dumbfounded. Just now, Kashima Yu was still at the end of the crane, but in a blink of an eye, he became the strongest Master… because the other Masters have all died down!
Chapter 547: Black Saber
“After receiving the help of CASTER Cu Chulainn, Kashima Yu and Mash defeated one after another of the shadows formed after being polluted, and finally came to the place they had previously identified as a problem.”
“When seeing that thing clearly, Sakura Chiyo was stunned, “This isThe Great Holy Grail… Isn’t this a super advanced magic hearth? Why is there such a thing here! “”
“As her words fell, the image of Dr. Roman appeared in front of everyone, explaining, “Is this the Holy Grail that caused the mutation here? The abnormal world separated from the normal timeline, only the Holy Grail can have such a huge magical power to do this kind of thing… Wait, although I want to continue explaining to you, it seems that we have been discovered. “”
“While speaking, a “man” in a black skirt walked slowly towards them. With the sound of heavy footsteps, the pressure in everyone’s heart continued to rise.”
“Mashu held the shield, gritted his teeth as if he was resisting the opponent’s magic power, and said, “What a powerful magic power…and, it seems very evil, is this really King Arthur? “”
“”That’s right, although there seems to be some mutation, but she is King Arthur, the master of the Holy Lord outside of Britain! “It seems that he felt the difficulties when everyone was oppressed by the magic power, and Doctor Roman’s voice also seemed a little dignified.”
“”He really is a handsome man like a legend. Kashima Yu looked at the “man” in front of him and sighed involuntarily.”
“”Eh, man? “Roman was taken aback for a moment, and then said, “No, it’s not right, no matter how I look at it, they are all women here!” Ah, that’s right, if it’s not a man, it’s that era where it’s impossible to ascend to the throne, right? It must have been a trick of the court magician. In fact, folklore has mentioned… Merlin’s interest is really bad. “”
“”Eh……? After hearing this, Matthew was stunned for a while, and then looked at her carefully, “Ah, really, she is a woman… She has such a petite and cute appearance, but when I first saw it, I subconsciously Think it’s male. “”
“Is there such an effect on SABER?” Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Artoria who was eating and drinking suspiciously, “But we don’t seem to be affected much.”
Artoria ate a piece of chicken leg meat in one bite, and explained, “It’s because you are the master, right? The master himself was given the ability to see through the information of the servants by the Holy Grail, although some special treasures, skills or props What, it can completely blind this ability, but the magic on me is not that strong.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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