“At most, it’s the level of deceiving ordinary people. Kashima is still an ordinary person, so naturally he can’t see through it. As for Mash, she still can’t fully exert the power that the servant lent her, and she can’t do it either. See through.”
“So… In fact, your former Knights of the Round Table basically knew that you were a woman?” Yukinoshita Yukino said strangely.
“Although Merlin will strengthen this magic effect for me when I’m by my side… But in fact, most of them know it?” Arturia said helplessly, obviously thinking of Merlin’s unreliable character.
“Caster Cu Chulainn warned, “Don’t underestimate her just because she looks thin, that guy is a super monster that releases huge magic power to produce impact instead of using flesh and blood!” Every blow is unbelievably heavy, and if you don’t pay attention, it will turn into a ball of meat paste! “”
“”In other words, it is similar to the existence of anthropomorphic rockets, right? Matthew said solemnly, “I understand, I will fight with all my strength!” “”
“Hey~ What a servant with an interesting Noble Phantasm. “Artoria, King Arthur, who has been silent since her debut, suddenly sneered.”
Cu Chulainn exclaimed, “What? You guy can actually talk? ! So you kept silent on purpose before? “”
“Cuchulin’s face turned serious. In their previous tactics, it was largely based on the fact that the King Arthur in front of him had no sanity and only acted on instinct! But she actually has sanity… In this case, they Those previous plans are obviously not going to work.”
“”I’m not interested in you, so naturally I’m too lazy to communicate with you. Artoria said almost contemptuously, and then looked at Mash with great interest, “Interesting… This treasure is really interesting, unknown girl, be prepared!” Whether your defense is impenetrable or not is confirmed by my sword! “”
“As soon as the words fell, Arturia’s body disappeared instantly!”
“”Be careful! “Maxiu’s pupils were wide open, and he immediately set up the shield in his hand with a loud roar.”
“Then, a powerful impact came from the shield. Even after passing through the shield, the impact still made Matthew feel like his internal organs were about to be shattered!”
“Mash! “Looking at Matthew’s painful expression, Kashima Yu shouted worriedly, and then wanted to go forward to help her.”
“But before she could move forward, she was stopped by the director Sakura Chiyo, “You idiot! Are you planning to step forward to help her? What ability do you have to fight a follower! As the Master, all you have to do is to protect yourself, and then support Mash from the sidelines! “”
“”But…” Kashima Yu still had a worried expression on her face, but her pace stopped. She also understood that as an ordinary person, she couldn’t help at all, and would only become Mash’s burden.”
“” Not bad. “Arturia smiled as if praising, “But it’s not yetEnough, just this level of attack makes it so difficult for you to resist, such determination is too weak! If you just have this level of awareness, then you will definitely die when you hit the next blow! “”
“Speaking, she raised the black holy sword in her hand, and the surging magic power gathered crazily on it, “Take the move! The humble king’s hammer, reversing the sun——swallow the light, the sword of the oath of victory! “”
“The jet-black light that seemed to devour everything erupted from that sword, and hit Mash’s shield in an instant!”
“”Well! Matthew snorted, and the hands holding the shield began to tremble. This time the attack was stronger than the last one! What’s even more frightening is that the dark light seemed to never stop, and it was still on Unceasingly releasing its terrifying power!”
Chapter 448: Noble Phantasm, Appearing to Expand
“Sakura Chiyo on the side was even more anxious, “Why can’t I use the treasure until now! If he could use the Noble Phantasm, he wouldn’t be so passive! “”
“”What’s the matter, is your determination only to this extent? “Artoria said as if she was very disappointed, and the dark light finally stopped.”
“The pressure on the hand was suddenly released, and Matthew breathed a sigh of relief, and began to breathe heavily, quickly recovering his physical strength.”
“However, Mash’s heart that had just let go immediately picked up again, because… Arturia had once again raised the black holy sword in her hand, and the jet-black light gathered on the sword, and then, it was like cutting through the sky , slam down!”
“The jet-black beam of particles pierced through the space, and hit Mash’s shield in just a split second!”
“”Hoo! “Maxiu just felt that the power this time was several times stronger than the last time! Such terrifying power made her even unable to grasp the shield steadily!”
“The power in my hands is constantly declining, and Mash’s heart will also sink to the bottom… I can’t win, and I can’t win with such power no matter what!”
“With such thoughts, Mash seems to feel that the power in her hand is getting weaker and weaker.”
“At that moment, a warm palm grasped her hand and held the shield with her.”
“Mash looked over in a daze, “Senior…””
“Kashima turned his head and smiled at her, “Mash, let’s face this power together!” No matter what kind of predicament, I will be with you! “”
“This idiot!” Masahiro Hori slapped his hands on the table fiercely, “This is not the time to be a hero! How can you, an ordinary person, resist an attack of that level! That’s King Arthur!”
It seems that he seems to care too much about Kashima Yu, so that his parents gave him surprised looks.
He coughed twice, and sat down again, “She is the trump card of our drama department. If something happens to her, I have to find someone again. To be honest, it’s very troublesome.”
“Yeah, we understand.” Hori Masahyuki’s parents nodded with a smile on their faces.
This is the recently popular tsundere attribute, right? They know it well!
“”What…” Sakura Chiyo was dumbfounded, so why did Kashima Yu run to the middle of the battlefield just because she didn’t pay attention!”
“But Mash, who was held by Kashima Yu, felt a warm feeling in his heart. His hands, which seemed to have reached their limit, once again burst out with strength!”
“Yes, senior! “Maxiu clenched her shield tightly again, and made up her mind that as long as she doesn’t fall down, Kashima Yu will never be injured!”
“Just after she made up her mind, she suddenly felt something in her heart, and a strange power circulated in her body.”
“That… is her Noble Phantasm!”
“”Real name… Log in in disguise! “”
“Mash doesn’t even know what the real name of her treasure is, but when she utters this substitute word, she has a feeling that she must be able to use her treasure!”
“Her eyes flashed with joy, “It can be done! Noble Phantasm, it seems to unfold! “”
“As the sound fell, a huge light curtain unfolded from the shield, collided with that jet-black light, and then disappeared into nothingness.”
“”Noble Phantasm…is it finally possible to use the Noble Phantasm? “Sakura Chiyo looked at this scene with joy.;”
“Not bad, you look a bit like this! Artoria sneered and raised the black holy sword in her hand again, “Then try to catch me again!” “”
“”No way? Again! Obviously, the treasure has been released twice! “Sakura Chiyo’s eyes widened, and she said in a panic, “How strong is her magic power? Could it be that for her, the consumption of the treasure has not been recovered automatically? “”
“Hey, I said you, you probably forgot about me, right? “”
“Cú Chulainn’s frivolous voice suddenly sounded, and then the ground trembled, as if an earthquake had erupted!”
“Kashima Yu looked up, and saw a huge wooden figure about ten meters tall walking towards Artoria with heavy steps, and the wooden figure was still burning with extremely raging flames!”
“Sorry, little girl, for keeping you waiting! “”
“As Cu Chulainn’s voice fell, the huge flaming wooden man stretched out his hand and grabbed Arturia while Artoria was accumulating power.”
“In desperation, Artoria had no choice but to put away her sword and fight with that flame giant.”
“”It’s such a time, don’t resist, how about admitting defeat obediently? “Cú Chulainn waved his magic wand, and one after another fireballs filled with terrifying magic power flew out.”
“Facing the back and forth attacks, Artoria quickly showed her flaws and was grabbed by the flame giant, and thenFinally, he was locked in the huge cage on his chest! ”
“Then, the huge flame giant exploded like a bomb.”
“I just heard a bang, and a huge mushroom cloud rose from the empty land.”
“When the smoke and dust cleared, Arturia’s figure appeared in the eyes of everyone. At this time, she did not have the scary Wia, but showed a self-deprecating smile, “Humph… look at that face Shield, I seemed to be merciful without knowing it, but I couldn’t make a move at the last moment. “”
“Listen well, unknown girl, you must remember today’s enlightenment… As long as your heart never yields, that shield will definitely be able to block all attacks! “”
“Just as I was talking, Arturia’s figure turned into a spot of light and gradually disappeared. She smiled wryly, “In the end, no matter how the fate changes, as long as I am alone, will I always have the same end? “”
“”what? What do you mean by that, do you guys know something? ” Cu Chulainn asked quickly.”
“But Artoria played the Riddler, “Ireland’s Son of Light, you too will know one day. GRANDORDER – The war over the Holy Grail has just begun. “”
“After saying that, Artoria completely disappeared in place.”
“”Hey, wait! ” Cu Chulainn wanted to say something more, but then his body began to turn into spots of light, and he shook his head helplessly, “It’s hard to accept that the matter is resolved after all… There is no way. So, girls, I’ll leave it up to you next. “”
“Finally, Cu Chulainn said with a smile, “If there is a next time, please summon me as a LANCER. Compared to magic, I still prefer to fight with the enemy with a gun. “”
Chapter 549 Is he cannon fodder?
“Watching Artoria and Cu Chulainn disappear in place one after another, and Roman’s phantom reappeared in front of everyone, he said happily, “It has been confirmed that the spirit base reactions of the two servants, SABER and CASTER, have completely disappeared… and also That means we have won! “”
“Well done, Matthew, Kashima Yu! The director must be very happy too… Hey, where is the director? “”
“Hearing Roman’s doubtful voice, Matthew and Kashima Yu, who were happy, also fell into doubt. According to the director’s personality, he should have already started to make a long speech at this time, and then he seemed indifferent, but in fact he praised the two very happily. people.”
“What kind of strange statement is this! Is my personality so strange?” Sakura Chiyo puffed her mouth and said dissatisfied.
“However, it’s strange. Even though this place called the singularity has been pierced, I still haven’t met Nozaki-kun… Dr. Roman also said that there is no Nozaki-kun in Chaldea, so where did Nozaki-kun go?”
“That’s right, where did I go?” Nozaki Umetaro tilted his head expressionlessly, feeling very strange. Could it be that he is just a cannon fodder who is cool when he comes on stage?
Sakura Chiyo also thought of this question, and said with some concern, “Could it be that Nozaki-kun has… been killed by the bomb?”
“Don’t worry, isn’t Nozaki all right?” Kashima Yu laughed, “Even if Nozaki was killed by the bomb, isn’t he still alive now?”
“That’s right.” Sakura Chiyo nodded, feeling relieved.
“Afterwards, several people saw the director, Sakura Chiyo, standing aside in a daze, seeming to be muttering something, and his face was a bit ugly.”
“Chiyo, is there anything you care about? “Kashima Yu asked curiously.”
“”Eh? “Sakura Chiyo recovered from that state in no time, she said with a stiff face, “Ah, it’s you… Well done, Kashima, Mash. Although there are still many doubts, but the mission is over. “”
“”In short, let’s recover that crystal first, the reason why SABER is abnormal…and the reason why this city became a singularity, no matter how you look at it, it is because of that. “”
“The two followed Sakura Chiyo’s gaze, and a crystal crystal exuding strange brilliance was floating in the void.”
“Yes, I’m going to recover it urgently. Matthew nodded and was about to step forward, but suddenly heard the sound of clapping hands.”
“Mash quickly put on a vigilant posture, “Who is it? “”
“”Oh, I didn’t expect you to come this far. It’s really beyond the planned plan and beyond the bottom line of my tolerance. The forty-eighth qualified master, I thought you were just an ordinary person with no potential, so I kindly let you go, it seems that I was negligent… Sure enough, since I decided to do this kind of thing, my conscience To plant something, you have to throw it aside. “”
“As the voice rang, a familiar tall man appeared in front of everyone… Nozaki Umetaro!”
“Professor Nozaki? Matthew looked at the familiar man in front of her in surprise, but for some reason, Umetaro Nozaki was smiling, but it gave her the feeling that he was not as gentle as usual, but rather bloodthirsty!”
“” Nozaki? Is it Professor Nozaki? is he there “Roman’s voice came from the communication device.”
“”This voice…is Roman, you survived too. “Nozaki Umetaro chuckled, as if he was happy that his colleagues survived.”
“But the next moment, his smile became ferocious, “I obviously told you to come to the control room immediately, but you didn’t listen to my instructions. Really… all of them are unorganized and undisciplined offal, which makes me sick! Why is the existence of human beings always like this? This is what humans are as inferior creaturesprove! “”
“”Master, director, please step back! Matthew gritted her teeth and looked at Nozaki Umetaro vigilantly. Even if she had no common sense, she should understand at this moment that the man in front of her is definitely not the Nozaki Umetaro they usually know!”
“”Nozaki…” Sakura Chiyo didn’t seem to notice this at all, as if she had lost the shackles in her heart, her shoulders loosened at once, with tears in her eyes, she said ecstatically, “Ah, Nozaki, Nozaki…you’re still alive, that’s great, that’s great! “”
“”Since you’re gone, I don’t know how to protect Chaldea anymore. “Sakura Chiyo broke away from Kashima Yu’s hand and ran towards Nozaki Umetaro.”
“”Boss! You can’t go there, something is wrong with that man! “Maxiu roared, trying to catch up, but she had exhausted too much physical strength in the previous battle, and she felt dizzy before she could take two steps, so she had to stop.”
“At this moment, Sakura Chiyo has already run in front of Nozaki Umetaro.”
“Nozaki Umetaro looked at her affectionately, “You look quite energetic, Chiyo, that’s great. Since the former director, that is, your father, committed suicide, you have been forcing yourself to manage Chaldea. The long-term pressure has almost crushed you, and I haven’t seen your refreshing smile for a long time. “”
“”Hmm~ It’s not refreshing! Sakura Chiyo kept shaking her head, complaining darkly, “The control room also exploded, the city is in ruins, and I don’t know how to go back to Chaldea!” All unexpected things, my brain is about to explode! “”
“But it doesn’t matter, as long as you are here, there will always be a way, right? After all, it has always been like this, so you will help me this time too, right? “Sakura Chiyo looked at him expectantly.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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