“Facing this former classmate, who later abandoned her manga work and studies, and came to Chaldea alone to help her, Nozaki Umetaro, who is also the object of her crush, she can’t help but show an expression of attachment. ”
“Ah, indeed, it was an unexpected situation, which is really irritating. Umetaro Nozaki looked at the girl in front of him with a smile, “The most unexpected thing is you, Chiyo, I set the bomb under your feet, but I didn’t expect you to be alive!” “”
“”Eh? “Sakura Chiyo’s delighted expression froze instantly, “No… Nozaki? That… what do you mean by this? “”
“Her mind was muddled, as if she was instinctively refusing to believe this sentence, she couldn’t believe it no matter what, the man in front of her… actually planted a bomb under her feet?”
Chapter 550: Licking a dog is not allowed to house
Don’t talk about Sakura Chiyo in the video, Sakura Chiyo who is watching the video is also numb, now her mind is full of three words, who is she? where is she What did she hear?
The previous director was her father, and he committed suicide… No wonder she, a little girl, was the director.
And the bomb was actually set by Nozaki-kun? He was even afraid that she would not die, so he deliberately planted a wave of bombs under her feet… These can’t be true, can they?
Kashima You on the side looked serious. If this was true, wouldn’t they be staying with a deranged murderer? Too dangerous! How to do? Do you want to run away?
As for Umetarou Nozaki, he was touching his chin and thinking, “I see, the people who seemed to be the main characters turned out to be the villains. There are also some developments of this type…but it was exposed too early. A little bit? Generally speaking, shouldn’t it be revealed in the finale? If it’s revealed too early, there won’t be that shocking reversal.”
Sakura Chiyo and Kashima Yu were left speechless. Is it time to talk about this kind of thing? Are you watching a movie?
“Nozaki, don’t you have any other feelings?” Kashima Yu couldn’t help but asked out loud. I have to say that Nozaki Umetaro’s off-line behavior made her a lot less vigilant…
“Ah…that’s right, the current situation is obviously not in my favor.” Nozaki Umetaro blinked, and finally realized that he seemed to be the villain.
“Is there some misunderstanding… For example, this Nozaki-kun in the video is actually someone pretending to be a villain or something?” Sakura Chiyo still didn’t want to believe that Nozaki Umetaro would do such a thing, and couldn’t help guessing.
“According to common sense, it is indeed possible.” Kashima Yu nodded, but in fact, she was saying in her heart that licking a dog is not a house, Xiao Chiyo…
But in fact, she didn’t really trust Nozaki Umetaro, a bad guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes.
“”I mean I didn’t expect you to be alive… Ah, no, you can’t say you are still alive, you are already dead, your body has long since died. “Nozaki Umetaro said with a smile, as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing.”
“”The spirit sub-calculation device is really kind, and it will transfer you, who has been turned into a residual thought, to this land. Think about it, when you were alive, you didn’t have the qualifications to transfer spirit seeds at all, right? You who have a physical body are absolutely unable to carry out spiritual transfer! “”
“”understand? It is because you are dead that you have acquired the aptitude you have always craved. Thank me, it’s my bomb that got you there. “”
“Hearing this from Umetaro NozakiWith these words, Sakura Chiyo has completely fallen into despair. What she just heard is neither an illusion nor a lie, but the real truth! But it was precisely because it was true that it made her feel even more desperate! ”
“”I’m already dead… already dead…” Her eyes were glazed over, and she kept murmuring in a low voice, unable to accept this fact.”
“Yes, you are dead. “Nozaki Umetaro narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, “But this is too pitiful for you who have dedicated your short life to Chaldea, so I will let you see what is going on in Chaldea now. What has become of it. “”
“As soon as the words fell, the surrounding space was distorted, and then Chaldeas appeared in front of them!”
“But Chaldea at this time is different from ordinary ones. The Chaldeas that originally exuded azure blue shimmer is like a huge fireball at this moment, exuding a frightening fire!”
“”Then… what is that? Sakura Chiyo looked at that Chaldeas in horror, “Chaldeas turned red? Impossible? You…are you lying? Nozaki, that’s an illusion, right? “”
“She knows very well what it means for Chaldeas to become like this, and it is precisely because she knows all this that she looks so terrified!”
“The only thing she can do now is to pray, and pray that all this is false!”
“But Umetaro Nozaki’s next words knocked her hopeful heart into the abyss, “It’s true, I connected time and space specially for you, as long as you have the Holy Grail, you can do this.” This little thing is simply a matter of course. “”
“”Come on, Chiyo, take a good look, this is what happens to your stupid actions! The blue that represents the human survival response has disappeared, and what is left is only the burning red flame! This flame will burn from modern times to thousands of years ago! Until the traces of human existence are completely burned! “”
“” Hahahahaha! “Nozaki Umetaro laughed wildly without style, showing no trace of his usual gentleness and elegance.”
“Human beings…are they extinct?” Chitoge Kirisaki was dumbfounded. Whether it was in the videos that really happened or in the movies she had seen before, none of them could be as fast as the extinction of human beings here!
Even in the time that Kamen Rider Kato experienced, didn’t human beings still struggled tenaciously for ten years, and there were still a small number of people who did not die?
It’s good here, within the first five minutes, oh well, everyone is cool!
However, if it is cold, can it be saved? Chitoge Kirisaki found it difficult…but thinking about it again, it didn’t seem like a big deal to those superheroes.
“”Don’t…don’t be kidding! “”
“The fear that she is dead, the despair that human beings are extinct…all of these weighed on Sakura Chiyo’s heart, and her spirit almost collapsed.”
“”Will not! This is false, human beings are not extinct! I’m not dead either! “”
“Sakura Chiyo roared for a while, then glared at Nozaki Umetaro, “Who the hell are you? ! What have you done to my Chaldeas? “”
“”That’s not your thing…Really, the little girl is just so annoying, even if she is dead. “Nozaki Umetaro smacked his lips and said annoyedly.”
“While he was speaking, Sakura Chiyo’s body gradually floated up, and she shouted in panic, “My body… floated up…what happened? What exactly is going on? ! “”
“”As I said, it is connected to Chaldea. “The smile on Nozaki Umetaro’s face gradually twisted, “Let me help you one last time… to fulfill your wish!” Go ahead, touch your treasure, don’t be shy, just treat me as a show of mercy! “”
“”Touch? What are you talking about, Nozaki, touch… do you mean Chaldeas? “Sakura Chiyo shouted in despair, “Don’t…don’t do this, Nozaki, please! That’s Chaldeas, it’s a high-density intelligence body, it’s a different-dimensional domain! “”
Chapter 551 He is an old man
“Hmm, you’re right. Umetaro Nozaki smiled kindly, “It’s no different from a black hole…or more like the sun?” Forget it, no matter what, as long as human beings touch it, it will be decomposed to the molecular level. Even if you are an existence with only residual thoughts, facing Chaldeas will not make any difference. “”
“You’re welcome, Chiyo, just taste what it’s like to live and experience infinite death! “”
“Infinite death?” Sigong Huang Guang tilted his head in surprise, he knew this well!
At this point, he can definitely be called an old man!
But fortunately, he doesn’t have to experience infinite death anymore… Otherwise, he would really go crazy.
“”no no no! Help me, someone help me, I don’t want to die in this kind of place! No one has praised me yet, no one has recognized me yet! Why, why is it always like this…Stop it, don’t, don’t, don’t…I haven’t done anything yet! “”
“Amid Sakura Chiyo’s desperate wailing, her body was sucked into the red Chaldeas, and then disappeared…”
“Abaa, baa…” Sakura Chiyo was completely paralyzed, isn’t this death too miserable? It’s completely dead without a whole body…or it’s not even a single fragment left behind!
“Don’t be sad, Chiyo, aren’t you okay now?” Nozaki Umetaro, who was a little off-line, actually went to comfort Sakura Chiyo.
This scene fell into the eyes of Kashima Yu, just as wonderful as the kidnapper comforting the hostages…
and even weirderYes, Sakura Chiyo was very touched and said, “Well, I’m fine, Nozaki-kun, I know the Nozaki-kun who appears in the video must be a fake!”
Deer Island Tour: “…”
Licking a dog is not a HOUSE, why don’t you understand?
But having said that… Kashima Yu looked at the expressionless, iron-faced Nozaki Umetaro, and always felt that he would not be a murderer without blinking an eye… I have to say, in the world of looking at faces, Faces do matter.
“”! ! ! “Kashima Yu widened his eyes, and then wanted to rush up.”
“But Matthew stopped him, “No, senior, you can’t go there!” If you get close to that man, you will be killed too! “”
“”Oh? As expected of a sub-servant, have you already felt that I am a different creature at all. “Nozaki Umetaro raised his eyebrows and smiled ferociously.”
“”Different creatures…you just said the words ‘you humans’. “Dr. Roman’s dignified voice sounded from the communicator, “Speaking of which, Professor Nozaki, who first entered Chaldea, has no expression, but makes people feel gentle. “”
“”But I don’t know when, Professor Nozaki became able to smile, and no matter who he faced, he smiled brightly like the sun… I think, since then, you have replaced Professor Nozaki, right? Where is the real Professor Nozaki? ! “”
“”The real Professor Nozaki? Umetaro Nozaki said with a frivolous smile, “I see, you think I’m a fake.” What you said is barely partly correct… There are three personalities in this body. “”
“”The personality in charge of the past—Raif Valle, whose duty is to reproduce the world and theorems that existed in the past in modern times. “”
“”The personality in charge of the future——Lenor Gusin, whose duty is to measure the future, and make magic flourish at the expense of the past and the present. “”
“”The personality in charge of the present-Flauros…or the name Nozaki Umetaro, you should be more familiar with it. Its duty is to mediate between the two personalities. “”
“”But now, the personality in charge of the present is no longer able to control this body… because your human folly has completely angered our king! Following the king’s order, I was sent to deal with you humans. “”
“”Do you understand, Doctor Roman? The corner of Nozaki Umetaro’s mouth twitched, “For the sake of our good relationship, I will give you one last piece of advice.” Chaldea is useless, at this moment, you humans have perished! “”
“So, there are actually three personalities in Nozaki-kun’s body?” Sakura Chiyo looked at Nozaki Umetaro curiously, she was completely at ease now.
After all, Nozaki Umetaro didn’t kill her! Is there anything more fun than this?
Nozaki Umetaro has always been expressionless and can’t hold back anymore. His face is full of confusion. There are three personalities in his body? Why doesn’t he know?
“Professor Nozaki… what do you mean by that?” Does it have anything to do with our inability to observe the future? “Roman asked in a deep voice.”
“” Not related, but everything is over! Umetaro Nozaki said with a sneer, “Because you can’t observe the future, you are just talking about it, saying that the future has disappeared.” But the future didn’t disappear, it was just burned to ashes! “”
“”At the moment when Chaldeas was dyed crimson, the ending has been determined, and the era of your humans no longer exists! Thanks to Chaldeas, Chaldea was preserved, but the rest of Chaldea has become the same as this city. “”
“After listening to Nozaki Umetaro’s words, Roman was silent. After a long time, he finally said with a sigh, “So, the reason why I can’t get in touch with the outside world is not because of a communication failure, but because the person receiving communication from the outside world has disappeared. “”
“At this moment, Roman finally completely gave up and completely accepted the reality that human beings are extinct!”
“”Hehehe, you are right, the demise of human beings is a foregone conclusion, and no one can change it anymore! It is not that you have reached the end of your evolution and started to decline, nor is it that you have fought against alien races and caused your extinction. But because you are pointless! Because you have lost the favor of our King! So, you are like worthless waste paper, be burned to nothing! “”
“Nozaki Umetaro laughed wildly like this, and then he stopped laughing, “Oh, this singularity is almost reaching its limit… Then, farewell, Roman, Mash, and the forty-eighth qualified person . “”
“”After all, I also have other jobs, so I’m sorry I can’t happily appreciate that you are going to the end… However, I am not a devil, and I will still do things like leaving a little time for you to pray. Hehehe. “Nozaki Umetaro chuckled, and then disappeared in place.”
“The moment Nozaki Umetaro disappeared, the Singularity immediately began to crumble.”
“At that extremely critical moment, Dr. Roman finally activated the spirit transfer, and brought Kashima Yu and Mash back to Chaldea.”
Chapter 552 I don’t know if I’m sewing
“After returning from the spiritual transfer, Kashima Yu passed out directly, but she is still unable to adapt to the pressure of the spiritual transfer as an ordinary person.”
“I don’t know how long it took before Kashima Yu finally opened her eyes slowly, and what caught her eyes was a beautiful girl holding a scepter… But for some reason, she always felt that this face was familiar?”
“”You’re awake, Kashima Yu. The beautiful girl said with a smile, “This is our first meeting, right?” Hi. How do you feel now, are you conscious? “”
“Kashima Yu’s head is still thereA little dizzy, unable to pick up the words. ”
“She narrowed her eyes slightly and smiled brightly, “What’s the matter, could it be that she was shocked to see the peerless beauty when she woke up? I understand, I understand, but it’s better for you to get used to it quickly… because you will see me often in the future. “”
“”It was a bit startling. “Lu Daoyou felt more refreshed now, she smiled and said, “This beautiful princess, what is your name?” “”
“”Hey, do you call me Your Highness the Princess as soon as you come? Although it doesn’t feel bad… But so far, you have called many people Your Highness Princess, right? “The beautiful girl seems to be in a good mood, it’s better to say that she looks in a good mood at any time.”
“”My name is Da Vinci, and I’m Chaldea’s assistant, or to use a cooler way of saying it, it’s called Summoning Heroic Spirit No. 3! How about it, does it feel like a mech? “”
“Oh, it really does feel that way! After hearing this, Lu Daoyou nodded excitedly, and then she looked at Da Vinci curiously, “Your name is the same as that famous person, isn’t it a real person?” I remember Heroic Spirit Summoning, which is to summon famous people from the past. “”
“Although Heroic Spirits don’t just include the past, they don’t just include famous people. But I am the Da Vinci you mentioned. “”
“”Eh, really? Kashima Yu said in surprise, “I thought Leonardo da Vinci would be a man as recorded in history.” But thinking that King Arthur is also a woman, it feels okay. “”
“But Da Vinci smiled and said, ‘I’m a man…at least while I’m alive. When I was summoned, I changed my spiritual foundation without authorization, making me into my most perfect work. Sure enough, for an artist, it’s awesome to be able to make it his own. “”
“Da Vinci…” Shinomiya Kaguya looked at the heroic spirit in the video with a somewhat complicated expression, “Although I saw it last time, when I saw it again, I would still be shocked, and I would actually treat myself Changing into the appearance of my own work…not just the face, but even the gender.”
“I want to know how Master Huang Guang is feeling now.” Ai Hayasaka said as if holding back a smile.
Of course, she didn’t like this Sigong Huangguang who had tortured and killed her. If she had the opportunity to ridicule her, she must seize the opportunity!
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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