Shinomiya Kaguya immediately covered her mouth when she heard the words, her eyes were full of smiles. Apparently, she also remembered the famous declaration of Shinomiya Huangguang once – “When I saw that hand, it was a bit obscene to say it, I’m BOKI.”
Isn’t the object of BOKI that Sigong Huangguang sees is Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa?
And now, Da Vinci with the face of Mona Lisa is in the video, and I don’t know if Sigong Huangguang is BOKI now, or he is already preparing for sewing.
“After communicating with Da Vinci here, I learned that Dr. Roman and Matthew are waiting for her in the central control room.”
“After Kashima Yu thanked her, she hurriedly walked towards the central control room. When she saw Matthew, she said happily, “Matthew, good morning, it’s great that you are fine. “”
“To be honest, she really thinks it’s a miracle that she survived the critical situation before! Of course, she likes such a miracle very much, and she can’t wait for more.”
“The only pity is that the director died after all, she was such a lovely girl.”
“”Thank you, senior. Matthew smiled sweetly, “Thanks to the presence of seniors, I can maintain my consciousness.” “”
“”Ahem, I can understand the joy of seeing you again, but can you come here first? “Dr. Roman was like a light bulb, interrupting the conversation between the two.”
“After the two of them focused their eyes on him, Roman continued, “Judging from the situation of Chaldeas, what Leif said may be true. We cannot communicate with the outside world. The staff didn’t come back either…I’m afraid, except for us in Chaldea, the human race is already extinct. “”
“Kashima Yu thought of his family and companions, and couldn’t help asking, “Can we save mankind? “”
“”certainly! Roman nodded heavily, then pointed to Chaldeas, “Look at this, after Sheba recovered, I tried to scan the status of Blue Star. “”
“Kashima Yu and Mash looked along their fingers, and saw that the red-red Chaldeas once again burst into blue light… But there seem to be several distorted places in that light?”
“Without waiting for Kashima Yu to ask, Roman continued to explain, “This time, the scanned blue star is not the blue star of the future, but the blue star of the past! Although human beings have no future, the past is still there… But I am afraid that these pasts will not last long. Look at those distorted places. “”
“”Those places are similar to the singularity you went to before, but the scale is far larger than the large singularity! “”
“Roman’s expression is very dignified,” Nozaki Umetaro said, the raging flames will burn from modern times to thousands of years ago, and now I understand what he means…These singularities are enough to cause human history to happen A huge event with huge changes! “”
“”If these events fail, it will be equivalent to the collapse of the cornerstone of human history! That’s why he said humanThere is no future… because once these singularities are fully formed, then human beings would have perished in the distant past! Not to mention the future, not even the present! “”
“”I’ll just go straight to the conclusion. “Roman looked at the two solemnly, “If you want to save mankind, you must transfer the spirit to these seven singularities and restore history to the correct form!” “”
“”But our current strength is too weak, Kashima, except for you, all qualified masters have been frozen because they are on the verge of death, and the only servant who holds it is Mash. “”
“”I know that in this situation, saying such words is close to forcing, but I have to say… Master No. 48, Kashima Yu, if you want to save mankind, from now on, you must Fight alone with heroes, magicians, and even gods throughout seven periods of human history! Do you have such awareness? Do you have the ability to shoulder the future of mankind? “”
“Looking at Roman’s extremely solemn expression, Kashima Yu nodded slightly, “Of course! “”
Chapter 553 He is undoubtedly a loyal knight
Without a doubt, it was the largest mass murder ever recorded! Faced with such a murder, all human beings have been reduced to ashes without even realizing it.
For most humans, they seem to have stepped off the stage…but for the brave, her journey has just begun!
The Hundred Years’ War of the Evil Dragon… The Perpetual Crazy Empire… The Blockade of the End World… The City of the Dead World and the Magic Mist… The North American Mythical War…
The Holy Maiden of Salvation, the Witch of the Dragon, the Rose Emperor, the Whip of God, the Captain Who Shoots Down the Sun, the Notorious Great Pirate, the Rebellious Knight, the “Human Mythology” of the New Era, the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows, and the Strongest Ulster The mad king of warriors…
The acquaintance with countless heroic spirits, the battle with countless heroic spirits… These epic adventures, experiences that were not known to the world, are unfolding before everyone’s eyes.
And after experiencing five singularities, the brave man who saved the world finally reached the sixth singularity…
“Sacred Round Table Domain – Camelot”
“On the edge of a certain Gensokyo, there is a human-shaped rock… No, this is not a rock, but a living person! It’s just that he is motionless and looks like a rock… But he is indeed still living.”
“However, it’s just alive. Although he is alive, he can’t move. His body is shattered, and his soul is a burnt dregs. He is a walking dead! However, what is surprising is that this person’s spirit has not been exhausted! ”
“That “rock” has allowed himself to live year after year with his amazing obsession… because he still can’t allow himself to die.”
“At this moment, a man wearing a white hooded magic robe, holding a magic wand, and surrounded by flowers walked slowly. His face seemed to have been specially treated so that people could not see clearly. Some people may think that he is a woman, or even think that he is a flower fairy.”
“The magician came to the “rock” and whispered softly, as if talking about something.”
“Hearing the magician’s words, the young man slowly opened his eyes in his long sleep…”
“Why wake you up, you already understand it? Body, soul, spirit, after a long time, all of you have been rusted… But, go to fulfill the sinner’s promise, this is truly the last chance. “”
“”However, let me remind you in advance, no matter what the outcome of the battle is, you will die, exhaust your soul, break away from the track of reincarnation, and this existence named ‘you’ will surely fall into nothingness. Even so, do you still hope to move towards the end of this journey? “”
“The young man who just opened his eyes hadn’t seen his surroundings clearly when a familiar and frivolous voice suddenly sounded in his ears. But this time, there seemed to be a little pity in that voice…but he knew that this was an illusion, that People don’t have human emotions, human hearts.”
“However, although that person has no heart, no emotion…but what that person told him is indeed the truth.”
“He tried his best to prop up his nearly shattered knee and raised his left arm, which was already as thin as a twig. For such a simple movement for ordinary people, he had to use all his strength to do it.”
“As that person said, he has long been a burnt residue. His overworked body can’t even move a finger. In order to drive this immobile body, his soul has also been burned as fuel. As for the remaining spirit, he can’t even move a finger. Worn and consumed as body and soul…”
“The young man stagnated for a while, and his face gradually became firm.”
“No…only the spirit, which will never be exhausted! His spirit is still shining for the glory of the king!”
“”Really, you stood up… Although you didn’t answer, your actions are already the best answer. “The frivolous voice seemed to be praising, but also seemed to be sighing, “Then, please accept this as my farewell gift. “”
“What appeared in front of the young man was a silver arm, and then this arm automatically fell on his broken right arm.”
“”Even if you have to fight your comrades from the past, even if you have to face the sins of the past, the brilliance of this arm will never diminish a bit! Because, this is exactly…””
“Before the young man heard the last words clearly, his eyes fell into darkness.”
“When he came to his senses, he was already standing on the dry land filled with yellow sand.”
“Feeling the howling wind, the surrounding air is as hot as a flame, no matter where you look, you can’t feel the breath of life.”
“After a moment of silence, the youth,Said in a deep voice, “So that’s it, this is the end of my journey… let’s go, this time… this time… definitely… must kill my king with my own hands!””
“The king who killed him? I thought he was a loyal person.” Yukinoshita Yukino said in surprise.
After all, looking at the previous description, in order to accomplish his goals, this person even burned his body and soul, but his spirit still shines for the glory of the king. No matter how you look at it, such a person is a loyal person, right?
But in the end, he burned everything, but to kill his own king?
It’s outrageous!
“No, he is indeed an extremely loyal knight.” Arturia said with a complicated expression.
“Does SABER know him?” Hikigaya Hachiman asked curiously, but he didn’t get an answer… No, or rather, SABER’s expression is already the best answer.
That guy is definitely the legendary Knight of the Round Table!
“Doctor Roman. “One morning, Kashimayou approached Roman with a serious look on his face, “I have something I want to ask you, is that okay?” “”
“Hahaha, it’s really rare to come to see me so early in the morning. “Roman said with a smile, but seeing Kashima Yu’s still dignified expression, Roman’s expression also sank, “It’s about Mash, right? “”
“”Um. Kashimayou nodded heavily, “Mashu is not a normal human, is he?” “”
“Roman exhaled and said with a sigh, “As you know, although heroic spirits are summoned, they are used as familiars, but they are existences above human beings after all. As long as they want, they can kill the master at any time and let themselves return to the seat of heroes. “”
“”In the eyes of those who want to control everything, this is naturally not a safe weapon… If you want to save mankind, you must get a safer weapon! “”
“”The former director who came up with this kind of idea, had an unprecedented and bold idea in his heart-the sub-servant experiment! “”
Chapter 554: As expected of Da Vinci
“Speaking of which, Roman fell silent, with a sad expression on his face, “In the name of protecting the righteousness of the future of mankind, but wantonly carried out a large number of inhumane experiments, it is really ironic when you think about it… and even more ironic Yes, as the head of Chaldea’s medical department, I didn’t find out about the existence of that incident until Matthew was 11 years old. “”
“”Inhumane experiments…” Hearing this word, Kashima Yu felt a strong sense of unease in his heart. No matter how you sound, this kind of word is something that a villain in a movie would do!”
“What is the Sub-Servant Experiment? “”
“She stared at Roman, no matter what, she must get the answer today!”
“”In the past, holy relics related to heroic spirits were used as catalysts for summoning, but the former director boldly used a brand new catalyst…’Children of Humanity’! A child with a pure soul who possesses the proper magic circuit needed to summon a heroic spirit! Using this method, the heroic spirit and the child become the same existence, turning the heroic spirit into a ‘human being’. “”
“When he said this, Roman’s eyes were full of pain and pity.” Matthew was artificially inseminated, genetically manipulated, and the magic circuit was artificially adjusted based on this theory, just like making a machine, a child made! “”
“”Because the body has been interfered too much, the deterioration rate of Matthew’s body cells is very fast! I’m afraid… she can only live to be eighteen years old. “”
“”Eighteen…but she’s sixteen now! “Kashima Yu shouted in panic, doesn’t this mean that Mash has only two years of life at most?”
“”Um. Roman nodded heavily, his face full of sadness, “That child obviously hasn’t experienced the beauty of the world much, but for her, life has come to an end. “”
“…” Sakura Chiyo was dumbfounded, her father actually did such a crazy experiment?
So lovable Matthew is going to die in less than two years?
And at this moment, Sakura Chiyo’s father, who was staying at home, was lost in thought. How could he not know that he was so insane?
“”The failure that Director Sakura mentioned earlier refers to…” Kashima Yu then asked.”
“Roman shook his head, “No, the summoning itself was successful. Matthew’s body indeed summoned a heroic spirit…but that heroic spirit disagreed with the behavior of the former director. He said that ‘his retreat would cause the girl to die, So I will not retreat, but I will never awaken. ’””
“”Although Matthew proved the correctness of the Heroic Spirit Fusion technique, it also proved that the act of Heroic Spirit Fusion itself was wrong… One year after the experiment encountered setbacks, the former director passed away in the director’s room. was deemed a suicide. After that, Chiyo came here to serve as the director. “”
“”At first, Chiyo was very scared, thinking that the father he admired actually did such a cruel experiment behind the scenes, and Chiyo, who was hit hard, fell into anorexia for nearly a month, and it was easier to get angry than before . “”
“‘Matthew will definitely take revenge on me, and I will definitely be killed by Matthew in the toilet! ’ Such similar words have almost become Chiyo’s mantra. However, even if she is afraid of this, Chiyo has never avoided Mash, this is her strength, no matter how annoying she is, she will never do wrong things. “”
“”Thanks to Chiyo, Matthew was able to be treated as a human being, and was able to gain the right to act automatically in Chaldea…Although it was limited to Chaldea, after all, Matthew, who grew up in a sterile room, could not adapt at all. outside world. “”
“”…” Kashima Yu fell silent.”
“She suddenly thought of the first meeting with Matthew.When we met, Matthew once looked outside longingly and said, “It would be great if I could see the blue sky.”
“At that time, she also thought that there was something strange about the blue sky… Now that I think about it, for Matthew at that time, the blue sky was probably something that only existed in books.”
“”Does Matthew know that she can only live up to eighteen years old? “”
“Amid Kashima Yu’s complicated expression, Roman shook his head, “I probably don’t know…well, Kashima. By this time, Matthew should be coming soon. Before she comes, I have a request. I hope you can treat Matthew with the same attitude as usual. “”
“”For Matthew, the time spent with you is very wonderful…so please don’t deliberately worry about Matthew, it will only make her time less wonderful. In the previous words, you regarded it as reading a novel, what do you think? “”
“Kashima Yu clenched his fist tightly, “Doctor, do you think this is really good? “”
“…” Roman sighed, “It’s not good, but it’s the most appropriate choice. “”
“”Well, this is indeed the best policy, and I’m worried that Roman, a coward, won’t dare to say anything about Matthew. If that’s the case, it will be my turn, the almighty genius Da Vinci, to make an appearance in person. “”
“Da Vinci jumped out suddenly, startling the two of them. It turned out that she had been hiding and eavesdropping.”
“Seeing the panicked expressions of the two, she chuckled, “However, Kashima doesn’t have to worry too much, maybe that guy called the Magic King is super weak, and he can defeat him even without the seven Holy Grails. In that case, there would be one Holy Grail left for Mash to use, wouldn’t it? “”
“”Oh! As expected of Da Vinci, he easily thought of things we couldn’t think of! “Kashima Yu said excitedly with his eyes shining.”
“”Although I don’t think the King of Magic can be called a weak chicken…But if it really wants to be like that, it would be great. “Roman seemed to have thought of that scene, and couldn’t help but smile.”
“Fu, fuu! “”
“Fufu’s voice suddenly rang in the ears of the three of them. The three of them followed the sound and saw Matthew and Fufu standing at the door.”
“When Matthew saw the three of them, his face was a little panicked, and he trotted a few steps, “Sorry, I’m late. “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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