“Ah, be careful, don’t run like this! “Roman said in a panic, “Your current body can’t do without a good rest. “”
“Kashima Yu also hurriedly asked, “How does Matthew feel about his body now? “”
“Matthew was taken aback, slowed down, and blushed in embarrassment, “I’m sorry, I made everyone worry. Fighting for too long before seems to have put a huge burden on my body, but it doesn’t matter, I have fully recovered now! And I have accumulated a lot of combat experience, I will do better next time! “”
Chapter 555 He understands the truth, but why is it a woman
“”next time? “Kashima Yu asked in amazement, not long after the fifth singularity was repaired, is it going to be dispatched again?”
“Roman nodded, “That’s right, Kashima, the sixth singularity has been successfully calculated… In order to restore humanity as soon as possible and save all mankind, I hope you can work with Matthew to find the Holy Grail and restore the sixth singularity, Do you two disagree? “”
“”…” After a moment of silence, Kashima remembered what Roman had said before, so he nodded heavily, “No objection! “”
“Matthew also nodded, “I will obey the Master’s order! “”
“Roman smiled, “In this case, let’s start the battle meeting… The sixth singularity, the time is the thirteenth century, and the location is Jerusalem, which is known as the Holy Land. At this time, it is the Ninth Crusade The end of the Eastern Crusade and the end of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. “”
“”However, this singularity is not as simple as the previous singularity… The observation results of the Sheba feedback are too unstable, which means that the sixth singularity is gradually breaking away from the flow of human reason, and is gradually becoming a ‘cannot exist’ ‘History! “”
“”Therefore, the foundational evaluation of human theory of the sixth singularity is recognized as EX rank! The degree of danger is far higher than before! Kashima, even so, are you willing to go with Mash? “”
“Hearing this, Kashima Yu just smiled lightly and said, “Of course! Although I’m not strong enough to protect Her Royal Highness, as a knight, I should at least be by Mash’s side at all times, right? “”
“Roman smiled, “Very well, then let’s start the spiritual transfer immediately, Matthew, Kashima, you immediately enter the cage. “”
“”Hmph~” At this time, Da Vinci also opened a cage, and walked into it calmly.”
“”Wait! “Roman was dumbfounded, “Do you mean you want to go too?” “”
“Da Vinci said as a matter of course, “Isn’t this a matter of course? Just look at my actions and you will understand. This is the singularity of the EX rating. Whether it is Kashima or Mash, they all need the assistance of a genius! “”
“Roman opened his mouth, and didn’t know how to dissuade Da Vinci, and finally sighed, “Maybe just like you said, with your help, Matthew and Kashima will be safer. “”
“So, amidst Roman’s sighs, the three of them completed the spiritual transfer and went to the sixth singularity—Jerusalem in the thirteenth century!”
“”I’m almost tired of seeing this citySo I’m going to say goodbye. “In the empty and sacred palace, a female monk in monk’s uniform held a Zen stick, saluted with one palm, and said with a smile, “In short, I have been taken care of during this time, all the knights of the round table. “”
“That is a very cheerful and sunny monk, but compared to her smile, the huge evil on her chest seems to be more eye-catching.”
“As soon as the monk said this, the air in the palace fell silent for an instant, and everyone she called the Knights of the Round Table looked at her solemnly.”
“The monk blinked his eyes and said nervously, “Huh? Why is the air suddenly heavy? Could it be that I said something strange? “”
“A knight wearing black heavy armor and looking unsmiling said, “…that is to say, Sanzang Xuanzang, are you planning to break with us? “”
“Pfft!” A high-ranking person in the Huaguo directly sprayed out, is this Xuanzang Sanzang? Whether it is the name Xuanzang or the name Sanzang, he is too familiar with it!
Isn’t this the eminent monk in their country who went to Tianzhu to seek the scriptures during the Tang Dynasty?
But why is it a woman! And there is such a great evil! Isn’t this really a demon monk?
Although he is the heroic spirit of their Huaguo, this makes him very happy.
But why Xuanzang is a woman!
“”Aggewen, why do you understand so well, I never thought of becoming an enemy of you. Xuanzang Sanzang said puzzledly, “I was only staying here for a while, I have to go back to my hometown.” “”
“The knight who was called Aggavin by her still said with a straight face, “Your hometown doesn’t exist in this world, where are you going back to?” “”
“”Hey~” Xuanzang Sanzang narrowed his eyes and laughed, “I don’t refer to the physical area, but the goal of the heart… For me, only travel will feel valuable. In other words, when I travel, I feel like I am back in my hometown. “”
“”Of course, I think this city is really amazing, peaceful, rich, and magnificent… Presumably this is what Utopia refers to. “”
“Hearing Xuanzang Sanzang’s words of praise, a blond-haired knight in silver armor smiled and said, “Thank you very much for your praise. You can say that, we are very proud to have built this city with our own hands. So, Miss Xuanzang, don’t you have the option to stay? “”
“Thank you, Mr. Gao Wen, your character of being courteous to women is really very attractive. “Xuanzang Sanzang shook his head, “But let’s give it up, my character of longing for travel is already in my nature. By the way, I will take my apprentice Fujita with me when I leave, please forgive me. “”
“”Then, I will leave first, thanks to everyone’s care, there will be a period later. “Xuanzang Sanzang waved his hands and left the palace with a smile.”
“After Xuanzang Sanzang left, the rebellious knight Mordred laughed heartily, “She is finally gone, I have always looked down on her. Ageguiwen, are you going to intercept her? Without the permission of the father, but can not leave the city. “”
“Agguiwen shook his head expressionlessly, “But the king has already agreed, ‘If Xuanzang Sanzang wants to leave the city, let her go’, that’s what the king said. “”
“”real or fake. Mordred smacked his mouth in displeasure, “It’s rare to have a chance to stab her from behind. But forget it, anyway, she shouldn’t be able to survive in the desert as a woman! You think so too, right? Bastard Tristan… are you still alive? He has been standing still since just now. “”
“Tristan, with long red hair and eyes closed, said helplessly, “I’m sorry, I didn’t fall asleep…don’t worry about me, you just go on, and if it’s about women, please go to Lancelot … Although this fact is sad, it is true that Lancelot has more experience in love than I do. “”
“Okay, let’s talk about boring topics later. “Aggewen interrupted the communication of everyone, and said softly, “The rebel foreseen by the astrology – the last master of the world is coming. The king ordered, don’t be rude to them… Our next task is to handle such trivial matters for the king. “”
Chapter 556 Feeling instantly upgraded from Party B to Party A
“”This is Jerusalem in the thirteenth century? “”
“After the successful spiritual transfer, Kashima Yu looked around, and the yellow sand was flying all over the sky, as if to cover the sky. The scorching wind mixed with the hot sand, blowing on their faces, making their cheeks tingle It was burning hot pain.”
“”Hmm, this is Jerusalem… no wonder! Da Vinci roared, “How could this be Jerusalem? There is no city at all, and there are sandstorms everywhere!” “”
“Just as Da Vinci roared, another gust of wind came in the distance, and the wind and waves visible to the naked eye hit the three of them!”
“Mash held a shield in front of him, and shouted anxiously, “Senior, dear Da Vinci, find a place to hide, the next gust of wind is coming soon!” “”
“”Kashima, come with me, there is a skull of an unknown animal…it looks very big, it should be a dragon, right? “Da Vinci took Kashima Yu’s hand and ran all the way into a huge skull.”
“With the cover, the burning sensation of being blown by the hot wind dissipated a lot in an instant. It feels as refreshing as taking a bath in summer and then walking outside from the bathroom!”
“After a while, Matthew also walked in, “Everyone is fine. “”
“” with RomanAre you in touch? Da Vinci said with some complaints, “Don’t Chaldea plan to explain this mistake?” “”
“When there were mistakes before, she and Roman explained the mistakes together, but this time, she asked Roman to explain from the perspective of the victim. This feels like upgrading from Party B to Party A in an instant. Let Da Vinci I feel very at ease.”
“Matthew shook his head, and said with some difficulty, “The communication with Chaldea is very unstable, I think the doctor should already be thinking of a way. “”
“Kashima said helplessly, “This is an EX-level singularity after all. “”
“” Fu! Fu Woo! “Fufu suddenly yelled rather violently.”
“Mashu’s face changed, and he quickly stood up vigilantly, “Senior, dear Da Vinci, be careful, something is coming along the wind! “”
“Amidst the raging wind, she heard something like the howling of wild animals.”
“Oh, not bad. Da Vinci was unexpectedly excited, “This is where you can see the almighty genius—the power of Da Vinci!” “”
“While they were talking, a sound of flapping wings suddenly sounded in their ears, and the sound became louder and louder…it seemed to be getting closer to them.”
“Da Vinci’s face changed, “Although I want to show off my power as an almighty genius, I don’t want to face such an enemy right away! Kashima, Mash, get ready, this is no ordinary enemy! “”
“While they were talking, a sphinx, an extremely huge monster fell in front of the skull of the monster they were avoiding.”
“”This, is it the legendary Sphinx? Matthew said in surprise.”
“The Sphinx didn’t care about Matthew’s surprise, it just roared, and its huge forelimbs swung down.”
“Accompanied by the whistling sound of piercing the air, the monster’s skull that provided them with shelter was instantly shattered, while the speed of the forelegs continued to attack them without slowing down!”
“If you think about it with your toes, if you are hit by this blow, you will probably turn into a ball of meat paste!”
“Senior, be careful! Matthew took the shield and pushed it into the sky.”
“The forelegs of the Sphinx landed on Namashu’s shield, making a deafening sound! Kashima seemed to be able to see a huge sound wave spreading from that shield!”
“Under this incomparably powerful attack, Mash’s knees couldn’t help but bend.”
“Wait a minute, Mash! A monster of this level doesn’t need to use all its strength! After Da Vinci finished speaking, he put away his wand and began to read the real name of the treasure, “The three magi of the East, the great Norse gods, the fruit of wisdom.” My wisdom, my omnipotence is above all wisdom—the omnipotent man! “”
“After the real name was recited, an energy bomb exuding a terrifying aura appeared in Da Vinci’s hand, and it floated towards the Sphinx lightly.”
“Mash seems to have sensed the terrifying power contained in that energy bomb. With all his strength, he overturned the Sphinx’s forelimbs, and then quickly rolled over.”
“The energy bomb hit the Sphinx’s body, and a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky. The shock wave of the explosion directly blew the three of them away.”
“Really rubbing nukes with your hands!”
“Is this the omnipotent genius? You’ve learned a lot.” Imamura Kohei looked at Da Vinci in the video with admiration. Although he was a paranoid man who turned himself into a woman, he really had no ability to say so.
“Speaking of which, I don’t know what my treasure that turned into a heroic spirit is? Could it be a hand-wrought cassette?”
“When the shock wave gradually subsided, the three of them climbed up from the sand in disgrace, and the Sphinx was no longer in front of them.”
“”Is the Sphinx broken? Matthew said with some uncertainty, although she didn’t see the Sphinx, she still felt a little danger!”
“”No, it’s just that we broke it on the surface. That guy is a top-level monster that surpasses Eudemons, and sometimes even surpasses dragons! This level of attack is at most causing it to enter a sleep-like state, and it won’t be long before it ‘wakes up’. “”
“Da Vinci shook his head and said solemnly, “So before it’wakes up’, we have to leave quickly. “”
“”However, I haven’t contacted Chaldea yet…” Mash said.
“Without the guidance of Chaldea, it would be difficult for them to find their target, and they would easily get lost in this desert! And getting lost in the desert… that can almost be equated with “death”!”
“”Don’t worry, if you just search in a small area, it’s an easy thing for a genius like me. Da Vinci said confidently, then pointed in one direction, “It’s over there!” Not only water, but also towns! Kashima and Mash also want to drink water, right? “”
“”Is there any water? That would be great! Let’s go there quickly! “Kashima Yu felt the hot wind blowing on his body, and said decisively.”
“If they stay in this scorching environment for too long, their physical strength will be exhausted very quickly! It will be difficult to deal with any enemies.”
“But what Kashima Yu didn’t expect was that they had already moved ten kilometers towards the target, but they were still in the desert… so that as an ordinary human, she quickly used Da Vinci’s special one for A mask that conceals magic power.”
Chapter 557 Why do you look like you are about to be captured?
“Phew, it’s much better this way. “”
“After wearing the mask, Kashima Yu felt that the whole person was several times more relaxed.”
“”The bigThe concentration of magic power in the air is still too high, it is indeed a little uncomfortable for ordinary humans. “Da Vinci said with a smile, that expression seemed to say, look, it really is useful for me to come here.”
“Thanks to Da Vinci, if it weren’t for Da Vinci, I’m afraid I couldn’t hold it anymore. “Kashima Yu praised very sincerely.”
“”Although I am used to hearing praise as a genius, I have to say that being praised is a pleasant thing in itself. The smile on Da Vinci’s face became even brighter, “Okay, Kashima, let’s persevere a little longer.” Look, you can see that large building through the sandstorm now, right? “”
“But as he spoke, Da Vinci’s smile froze, “Oh…sorry, although we’re almost there, but this road doesn’t seem to work, let’s find another shelter. “”
“Why, it’s almost here! Matthew asked in surprise, and at the same time glanced worriedly at Kashima Yu.”
“Among the three people at the scene, only Kashima Yu, who is an ordinary human, has the worst physical fitness, and Kashima Yu has already walked ten kilometers in this extreme environment… To be honest, no matter when Kashima Yu falls, Ma Xiu will not find it strange!”
“Da Vinci pointed to the building in front of him, and said solemnly, “Look carefully, can you see countless shadows from the sandstorm? “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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