“Kashima Yu and Matthew followed Da Vinci’s fingers, and they saw a lot of shadows. They counted for a long time but couldn’t count the number of those shadows. After all, they could barely see the shadows through the sandstorm. Not bad…but the only thing that is certain is that the number of those shadows definitely exceeds twenty!”
“”What are those things? “Maxiu instinctively thought that those were monsters, but she didn’t know exactly what monsters they were… If possible, she hoped that these were weak monsters, so that they could force their way in. ”
“But Da Vinci’s words made her think in vain, “Those are all sphinxes!” With our current combat power, if we continue to move forward, there is no doubt that it is tantamount to suicide! “”
“Isn’t the Sphinx a monster in Egyptian mythology? Why is it in Jerusalem! Although it’s not too far from Egypt, there are too many of them!”
Kashima Yu’s face is like a bitter melon, with a large number of powerful monsters on one side, and a body that is almost unable to hold on… To be honest, she doubts whether she will be “a brave man who has not saved half of the world, but the middle way collapses” !
“That temple…doesn’t it look a bit like a pyramid?” Sakura Chiyo asked curiously, although she was covered by the sandstorm after only seeing it…but she did see something similar to a pyramid.
“In that case, is it the Pharaoh who is staying in that temple?” Nozaki Umetaro guessed, “It’s no wonder there are so many Sphinxes.”
“Just as the three of them were about to retreat, suddenly there were extremely fast figures attacking them in front of them.”
“Wow, what a speed! exclaimed Da Vinci.”
“Mashu hurriedly stood in front of Kashima Yu, “Senior, be careful! “”
“Those figures quickly stayed in front of them. The leader was wearing a skull mask, and the rest were wearing hoods. Almost everyone could not see their faces clearly.”
“But when he saw the skull mask, Kashima Yu exclaimed, “Isn’t this Hassan? “”
“At the original singularity, she also experienced the battle with Hassan…Although Hassan that time seems to be different from this time.”
“Hearing this, Hassan seemed a little annoyed, “Don’t call me by my name, you idiot! Really, the queen was kidnapped…but you will stop me in this kind of place! However, if it’s just mere human beings, we won’t lose! “”
“After that, Hassan rushed towards Mash and Kashima Yu with a dagger in his hand, and Mash quickly blocked them with a shield.”
“However, although Hassan’s big words were released, the reality is that he slapped her hard in the face!”
“Facing Mash, who can even deal with top monsters like the Sphinx, Hassan quickly retreated steadily, and even the skull mask on his face was knocked off!”
“”Even my mask… What a powerful strength, isn’t it an ordinary human? Hassan distanced himself and looked at Matthew warily.”
“Mash didn’t take advantage of the victory to chase after him, but just looked at Hassan like this.”
“Hassan’s men suddenly said, “I’m very sorry, Lord Baimao… These people are not ordinary humans. Judging from the patterns on their armor, they probably came from the holy capital… Besides, the queen was also deceived by that juggler, that……””
“Baimao took a look at his subordinates. Although no one was injured or injured… But it is obvious that the queen they have painstakingly kidnapped has been snatched away!”
“Da Vinci put the snatched queen on the ground aside, and said with a smile on his face, “I’m not a juggler, but a genius! Still an impeccable genius! “”
“”Who are you guys? Is it the men of Osmandis? Or the men of the Lion King? ! ” Baimao asked angrily.”
“” Kashima Yu, Matthew and Da Vinci. ” Kashima Yu said with a smile, “Then who are you, this beautiful lady?” “”
“”beauty? Baimao Hassan was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that his mask had been shattered.It fell off, and immediately blushed and put on another mask, “I… I am Hassan the Hundred Faces! I am the leader of the West, one of the old men in the mountains!” ”
“No, you guys are fighting! And didn’t Kashima just say beautiful young lady? Why do you look like you’re about to be captured!” Masayuki Hori looked like an old man on the subway looking at his phone.
He felt that in Kashimayou’s adventure, Kashimayou’s charm was more exaggerated than usual… Is this the power of the crown beauty?
“Hassan Baimao was talking, when her subordinates suddenly shouted in panic, “Master Baimao, the Sphinx is catching up!” There are also many creatures in white cloth, who don’t know what they are. “”
“”That’s Mejed! Keep your eyes off it, you will be cursed! Damn, not only was the kidnapped queen taken away, but even the food was lost. Isn’t this mission a complete failure? “Hundred-faced Hassan said angrily.”
“”However, I can’t control that much anymore, quickly, everyone retreats! “”
“Hassan Baimao led his men and quickly disappeared into the dust. Only words passed through the dust and reached everyone’s ears.”
“”The girl with the shield, the woman with the scepter, and the guy who looks like a doe, remember it for me, I will never forget this hatred! “”
“”Doe? Is that me? “Kashima Yu scratched her cheek, being called a prince all day long, she almost forgot that she was a woman… But, how is she like a doe?”
Chapter 558: Queen Nitocris
“”I ran away completely… I can still have such a fast speed in the desert. Could it be something like the protection from the wind? “Maxiu said in amazement, “In short, I can’t catch up at all… It’s a pity that it took so long for someone who can talk to appear. “”
“”Can you really talk? “Kashima Yu tilted his head, expressing doubts.”
“Since just now, those people have been talking to themselves and identifying them as subordinates of Osmandis or the Lion King, and they don’t seem to be able to communicate at all.”
“”This…” Matthew was stunned for a moment, and said helplessly, “That’s true, they don’t seem to want to listen to us…Is it because for them, this place is full of enemies? “”
“Okay, okay, even if they run away, isn’t there still a ‘Her Majesty the Queen’ who can communicate here? “Da Vinci smiled and untied the rope and the white cloth that blocked her mouth for the queen on the ground.”
“But after untying it, the queen had no intention of opening her eyes at all, Da Vinci tilted her head, “Have you been dizzy? This is not easy. “”
“Da Vinci said so, and lightly poked the ear on the queen’s head with the scepter in his hand.”
“The sleeping appearance of the unknown queen is very cute, especially the shaking of the ears on her head, it will cause a hundred times critical blow to some people with strange XP systems!”
“Such interesting ears made Da Vinci more playful, and he kept poking those ears with a scepter, “Oh, these ears really look interesting. “”
“”Well… no, Pharaoh, if you continue to touch my hair like this…” The queen lying on the ground seemed to feel that a certain pharaoh was touching her ears. Although she hadn’t woken up yet, her eyes were slightly bent. Get up, like you’re laughing.”
“”It may look like an ear, but it’s actually a magic catalyst that symbolizes Horus…it’s definitely not caused by my sleeping appearance…””
“As she spoke, she opened her eyes with a smile on her face, but what appeared in front of her was not the pharaoh, but three rather “suspicious” people.”
“”…” The queen blinked her eyes in silence, then bounced off the ground like a spring, “Wow! “”
“Ah, I’m awake. “Kashima Yu said in surprise, as long as someone can communicate with them, they can get the basic information of this era and know where the changes of this era are.”
“But the queen looked at the three of them in silence, her chaotic thinking gradually became clearer, and she also understood that it wasn’t that lord who poked her hair just now, but these three suspicious guys in front of her!”
“Hey, I obviously didn’t touch her ear! Why did you count me in.” Kashima Yu said angrily, “I should have touched her ear if I knew it earlier, those ears look so interesting!”
“Yeah, those ears are so cute no matter how you look at them!” Sakura Chiyo nodded in agreement, she also wanted such ears.
“Seeing that the atmosphere is getting more and more silent, Da Vinci muttered softly, “It seems that this is a bit of a mess. “”
“Matthew nodded in agreement, “Yeah, the whole person froze… She didn’t think we were the criminals who kidnapped her, did she? “”
“”Damn disrespectful bastards, who are you! Knowing that I am Pharaoh Nitocris, how dare you do such a barbaric act to me! “Nitocris finally broke the atmosphere of silence and roared angrily.”
“Nitocris! Da Vinci’s eyes widened, and he came to Kashima Yu in surprise, and whispered, “Master, she is the magic queen of ancient Egypt!” EMMMM… Although judging from the situation when she fell asleep before, her majesty was burnt out, but she does indeed have a mysterious and powerful heroic spirit from two thousand years ago! “”
“Looking at the three of them muttering all the time, Nitocris is like most people who have made a fool of themselves. She instinctively thinks that as long as someone whispers secretly, it is discussing how she made a fool of herself. !”
“Excessively ashamed, she immediately roared, “You are still whispering secretly, are you guys laughing at me?”Are you laughing at me? ! Not only did he drug me to stun me and take me out of the temple, but he even made me a laughing stock. Such atrocities must not be lightly forgiven! “”
“”Mirror of the underworld, appear, and return the shame that these people have brought to me a thousandfold! “”
“Following Nitocris’ soft shout, her body slowly floated into the air, and a huge mirror full of evil aura appeared from behind her.”
“And what shocked everyone even more was that ghosts floating all over the sky and earth floated out of this mirror, as if they wanted to cover the whole world!”
“”Master, she has entered a battle state! Matthew hurriedly raised her shield to take precautions, “It seems that she misunderstood us as the prisoner who took her away!” Although I want to explain to her…but judging by her current appearance, she probably won’t listen to our explanation. “”
“”Oops~ failure, failure, it seems that she shouldn’t have been poking her with the scepter just now. “Although Da Vinci was still talking lightly, his expression became serious, “In short, we can only fight first!” Let’s go, Matthew, Kashima! “”
“”Yes! Matthew nodded heavily, and then began to use shields to provide defense for the two of them. Although the number of enemies in front of them made one’s scalp numb just by looking at them, she had already experienced many battles, and she would not be so easy. Show your flaws!”
“I saw her keep waving the shield in her hand. She obviously didn’t move in a wide range, but she easily blocked all the attacking ghosts.”
“Da Vinci on the other side, under the protection of Mash, attacked those ghosts unscrupulously. The huge iron wrist worn on his left hand sometimes spewed out flames and sometimes spewed out ice.”
“The ghosts who were tortured by the double heaven of ice and fire, who were dying to die, howled and disappeared into the air.”
“But these disappearing ghosts are nothing more than a drop in the bucket compared to the overwhelming ghosts!”
“At least as far as the feeling of Kashima Tour is concerned, the ghosts in this world have hardly decreased! If the pharaoh named Nitocris doesn’t stop fighting, this kind of battle may last for several days! Until Matthew and Da Vinci can’t hold it any longer!”
“Kashimayou looked at Mash with some concern. Mash is not in good health. I’m afraid she won’t be able to last long under such a high-intensity battle… Moreover, she remembered what Dr. Roman said, the more you fight, the more you fight. , the cells in Matthew’s body will deteriorate faster!”
“But to Kashima Yu’s surprise, within ten minutes, the number of ghosts in the sky began to decrease significantly.”
Chapter 559 Humph! Disrespecting the Pharaoh
“”Well! Nitocris slowly fell to the ground, and even the mirror of the underworld was turned off, her face was a little ugly, “What kind of medicine did you guys give me… it actually made me lose half of my life. The strength cannot be exerted. “”
“”However… Even if I didn’t exert all my strength, I have to say that I was able to survive the attack of the mirror of the underworld for such a long time. I have to say that it is indeed a remarkable bravery! You are undoubtedly excellent fighters. Although I am not reconciled, I can only admit it. “”
“Lu Daoyou’s face brightened, “So, is His Majesty the Pharaoh finally willing to listen to our explanation? “”
“”Don’t get too complacent! Nitocris stared at her beautiful eyes, and said majesticly, “The trial has just begun, even for warriors, only strong enough bravery can make up for the crime you committed against me by being rude!” In other words, you still need to show stronger strength! “”
“”The divine beast entrusted to me by Pharaoh will test you until your hands and feet are torn apart! “Nitocris roared and smashed her wand to the ground, and the sphinxes not far away rushed to this side.”
“Lu Daoyou’s face turned bitter, “This person obviously looks so noble, but in fact he is too unreasonable! “”
“”Humph! If you don’t respect Pharaoh, there is no need to reason! Nitocris snorted coldly, “What’s more, I said that as long as you show your bravery, you can get my forgiveness, right?” I consider myself a paragon of empathy! “”
“First I had a big fight with the Sphinx, and then I drove ten miles in a row, and then I had a fight with Hassan and the ghost. To be honest, Mash is very tired now. A group of sphinxes fighting, the result may not be so wonderful…”
“So, Matthew quickly said, “Please listen to our explanation, Queen Nitocris, we really just rescued you who were kidnapped by the assassins. “”
“”Do you think I will believe this kind of statement without the slightest evidence? Nitocris’ eyes were full of disbelief, “If you all made up such lies to avoid the battle with the Sphinx, my evaluation of you will be lowered!” “”
“While roaring, she also thought in her heart that even though I was such a threat, she still chose to respond passively instead of attacking me to control me… At least when I was forced to turn off the mirror of the underworld just now, they had this Opportunity! Could it be that they really saved me?”
“Such a thought only swirled in her mind, and she immediately threw it out, because she saw the armor on Matthew’s body!”
“”You are wearing the armor of the Holy Capital! In this case, do you still want to deceive me? ! Come on, Sphinx, and execute the Sun King’s punishment on these people! “”
“”Roar! “The sphinxes who came not far away roared.”
“”Sphinx… If you want to fight this kind of beast in such a tired situation…” Matthew gritted her teeth, her physical exhaustion had already made her a little shaky.”
“”Do not! Please don’t be discouraged, no matter what kind of beast it is, it cannot destroy your shield! Besides,You are undoubtedly right and you will win this battle of misunderstanding! “”
“The sudden sound is like a clear spring in the desert, and it makes everyone’s hearts surge with new power!”
“Kashima and the others followed their gazes, and saw a gentle-looking man with long white hair and silver-white armor approaching them.”
“Wow, she looks like a very gentle big sister!” Kota Tsuchiya’s eyes were filled with red hearts. This kind of gentle, petite and cute face looks like a gentle big sister!
And the gentle big sister is just in his strike zone!
…Of course, as a real LSP, he doesn’t just like gentle big sisters.
“But having said that, this gentle big sister, the only voice…how does it sound like a man.”
“Nitocris frowned slightly, “Who are you? “”
“The newly appeared man dressed as a knight looked at Kashima Yu and said, “You are Kashima Yu, right? I’m Lucius, a servant without a master. I took the liberty to intervene because I couldn’t stand it anymore. Maybe this is a bit nosy, please forgive me… If you don’t mind, please use my sword to your heart’s content! “”
“What a polite servant… Kashima Yu sighed from the bottom of his heart, and then said happily, “Why would I mind? It’s better to say that I have your help, which is really a great help! “”
“”Lucius, I will win for you! Lucius saluted solemnly, and then looked at Nitocris, “As you can see, I am standing on Kashima Yu’s side now, so you can regard me as an enemy!” “”
“”What a raving guy! Nitocris raised her eyebrows and said angrily, “He is so thin, how dare he say he won for them?” Alright, then let you feel the power of the Sphinx! “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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