“The Sphinx heard the order and rushed forward, roaring.”
“Mash hurriedly set up the shield, “I’ll cover you! “”
“No, this beautiful young lady, you are tired enough, please rest well! “Lucius said without any fear, without changing his face.”
“Afterwards, his silver right arm burst into golden light. Even if the sharp light is far away, it will still make people feel frightened!”
“”Drink! “Lucius yelled, and his vigorous figure leaped into the air, like an elf, nimbly circling among the sphinxes. Every time the golden light falls, there will be a sphinx Si fell to the ground!”
“But in just over a minute, Lucius fell to the ground again, and all the sphinxes fell to the ground, slowly turning into light spots and dissipating.”
“”Amazing…the Sphinx was completely wiped out! Matthew said in amazement, “And there is no recovery of spirits!” “”
“This means that these sphinxes are absolutely dead! It won’t be like the one they defeated before, and they will be resurrected soon.”
“And Da Vinci looked at Lucius’ right arm in surprise, “The knight’s right hand… can’t be wrong, it is the brilliance of the silver arm! “”
“”That is the divine arm of Nuada, the god of war in Celtic mythology! Did that servant actually use the god-level mystery as a weapon? “”
“Not long after entering the sixth singularity, I met a top-level beast, the ancient magic queen, the arm of the god of war… Is this the singularity of the EX level? I love it!”
Chapter 560: As expected of Nitocris…
“”Wow! Pharaoh’s beast! Nitocris shouted in panic, “The precious beasts entrusted to me by Lord Osmandis have all been wiped out. How could this be?” ! “”
“”terribly sorry. Lucius’ face showed a little apology, “But I don’t think we can clean up the situation if we don’t do this.” Please also listen to me, the pharaoh who just woke up, the incarnation of God Horus, Your Excellency Nitocris…they really saved you, after all, this is what I saw with my own eyes, there is absolutely no false fact! “”
“”If you still can’t believe it…” Lucius’ right hand burst into golden light again, “then I have no choice but to wave this silver arm again! “”
“Hearing Lucius’ half-sincere, half-threatening words, Nitocris fell silent. To be honest, she still doesn’t quite believe that these three people saved her, after all…”
“”People who are not the people of Egypt, what reason do you have to help me…””
“When Lucius heard this, he felt that Nitocris was actually a little shaken, and quickly asked, “You saw their costumes earlier and thought they were Knights of the Holy Capital, right? So, what is the reason for the Knights of the Holy Capital to kidnap you? “”
“”This…it is true…” Nitocris blinked, and suddenly realized, “So, the only ones who have the ability to sneak into the temple are the people of the mountain. “”
“Miss Nitocris suddenly became depressed. Matthew said in surprise, “Is it because you realized that you wronged us, so you regretted it?” “”
“”Hehehe. ” Kashima Yu said with a hearty smile, “Your Majesty, it seems that you finally believe us.” “”
“”Well… this… If you calm down and think about it, you should have saved me. Thank you so much, travelers… HugsI’m sorry, because I’m short-tempered…” Nitocris said with a blushing face, stammering, looking very embarrassed.”
“”Hehehe~” Kashima Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly pulled his clothes exaggeratedly, “Ah… Speaking of which, the weather is so hot, if water suddenly appeared in front of me, it must be a gift from heaven Bar? Of course, if there are fruits, then I will be more grateful to God. “”
“Kashima guy, his performance is too exaggerated…” Hori Masahyuki twitched the corners of his mouth, probably because he had gone through too many adventures and had completely forgotten how to act.
“”…” The corners of Nitocris’ eyes twitched a few times, she couldn’t even understand this exaggerated performance.”
“Ahem, okay, I see. Nitocris covered her mouth and coughed a few times, and said solemnly, “Then as a special case, I will specially treat you as my guests.” This is the honor of Pharaoh’s charter, you should thank me well! “”
“Nitocris puffed out her chest proudly, with an expression of coming to praise me, seeing such an expression, of course Kashima Yu and the others… praised her enough.”
“Having been praised once and thanked again, Nitocris, who was in a very happy mood, tapped the ground lightly with her wand, “O wind, temporarily relinquish your responsibilities, and in the name of Nitocris, I am here again. Clear skies now! “”
“As the words fell, the manic storm stopped almost instantly, and the yellow sand all over the sky fell to the ground one after another.”
“Matthew said happily, “Senior, the storm has stopped! The whole sky is clear blue! “”
“As expected of Her Royal Highness Queen Nitocris, she easily accomplished what we couldn’t! “Kashima Yu hurriedly clapped his hands and praised without hesitation.”
“Hearing the praise, Nitocris’s chest straightened up, obviously she was in a very good mood.”
“But Da Vinci looked at the huge light band in the sky and thought, “Even this era has that thing. “”
“Well, what an unpleasant thing! Nitocris also knew what Da Vinci was talking about, and her mood, which was not bad just now, suddenly became depressed, “The sun is enough to shine in the sky!” “”
“Forget it, never mind that. Nitocris shook her head and pointed to the west with her finger, “Go there, and you will reach the Great Temple in about two hours.” “”
“”That’s great. “Lucius was sincerely happy for Kashimayou and the others, “Since the matter is over, I will take my leave and wish you all a smooth journey. “”
“Lucius, aren’t you with us? ” Kashima Yu asked in surprise.”
“Lucius shook his head, “I have no reason to go to the Great Temple… I am a wanderer, and I am not qualified to communicate with others. “”
“After that, he turned around and left. The silver-white figure was walking in the yellow sand, looking so lonely.”
“…” Da Vinci looked at Lucius’ back and said suddenly, “Matthew, do you feel any difference from that follower named Lucius? For example, I feel nostalgic, and so on. “”
“Matthew thought about it carefully, then shook his head, “I don’t feel anything special… But, it seems that he is not a normal follower. “”
“”That’s it. Da Vinci nodded thoughtfully, “Maybe the name of Lucius is real… But what about it actually… I don’t think the ancient Roman emperors would use the name of the god of war in Celtic mythology. god arm. “”
“If you want to talk about why, Rome and the Celts are feuds! When Rome was weak, the Celts looted the whole of Rome and blocked the Romans on the Capitol Hill, but they were not able to escape. Roman citizens They were wantonly killed, raped, and trafficked by the Celts…”
“But when Rome gradually became stronger, it was the end of the Celtics! First, Julius Caesar defeated the Celtics in Gaul and completely occupied Gaul, the cultural center of the Celtics. For my own sake, during this period, it is recorded that a full one million Celts were killed and one million Celts were enslaved!”
“Later, the Roman Emperor Claudius conquered the central and south-central part of the British Isle and took control of the whole of England. The Celtics, who once occupied most of Europe, have come to an end since then!”
“And the name Lucius… If you want to say that the person with this name is famous, then only the Roman Emperor Lucius! And as the emperor of Rome, no matter whether he stands on a position that was massacred by the Celts, Or the position of conquering the Celts, I’m afraid I won’t use the arm of the god of war in Celtic mythology!”
“Speaking of which, his temperament doesn’t look like an emperor either. ” Kashima Yu touched his chin and said.”
Chapter 561 Ottoman Dios
“After some discussion, the three of them couldn’t come to a conclusion on whether that “Lucius” was his real name. After all, there were too few clues.”
“In desperation, they temporarily gave up the idea of ​​finding out Lucius’ true identity, and followed Nitocris to the great temple where the lord is.”
“On the way, they learned that Nitocris was a pharaoh summoned by the sun king Osmandis, and was ordered to guard the desert.”
“And when the Sun King Osmandis himself appeared, even the subjects and the land were summoned together! Because for that lord, he is the country itself, and his appearance means the recovery of the country!”
“Such an unreasonable call made Kashima Yu and the others full of curiosity about the famous pharaoh—— Ramses II and Sun King Osmandis.”
“And the news that surprised them even more was that the holy land of Jerusalem had been completely destroyed! ”
“There was a famous saying in their time that the West cannot live without Jerusalem, just like the 3D area cannot live without… Ahem, in short, the West cannot live without Jerusalem! But now, there is not even ashes left of Jerusalem.”
“Understanding this, they probably also understand where the changes of this era are. After all, even Jerusalem is gone, so the development of later generations may collapse to the point that even the mother of history will not be able to recognize it!”
“But who destroyed Jerusalem? This question requires them to continue to seek the answer. Is it the Sun King Osmandis? Or… the Lion King that Nitocris said?”
“With all kinds of doubts in their hearts, they finally crossed the desert and arrived at the Great Temple.”
“What a magnificent building! “Kashimayou looks at everything around, his eyes are shining, this is simply a sea city floating on the sea of ​​sand!”
“”This is the residence of Osmandis, the Sun King—the legendary complex temple of brilliance! Matthew said with great admiration.”
“”Anyway, let’s go see the Sun King first. Kashima You said impatiently, “Queen Nitocris has already entered it one step ahead of us.” “”
“”Well, you really have to go in…but before that…” Da Vinci turned to look at Matthew, “Matthew, have you received any contact from Roman? “”
“No, communication with the doctor has not yet been restored. Matthew shook his head with an ugly expression.”
“”Well… Sure enough, in this way, my hypothesis can be proved. Da Vinci nodded solemnly and said, “Kashima, Matthew, there is something I need to tell you!” “”
“”We came to the Middle East in the thirteenth century through spiritual transfer, but this is not the earth in the thirteenth century! My wand also has the function of measuring magic power. When I came to this singularity, I already noticed that the quality of magic power is different. The magic power in this desert is an even older existence! “”
“”Although I don’t understand the reason… But this desert is the desert of BC! The entire world dominated by Osmandis has been transferred here! This should be the reason why we were unable to get in touch with Chaldea. “”
“Matthew’s eyes widened, “Could it be that the sixth singularity does not refer to the destruction of the holy land of Jerusalem, but to this desert? “”
“Well, I don’t know about that. Da Vinci shook his head, “But this Egyptian territory is indeed a foreign object to this world!” Moreover, according to the measurement of magic power, somewhere inside Egypt, there is a place with disordered time and space! It’s just a hunch, but I think this location will be the key to this exploration. “”
“”That is to say, no matter what, we have to enter the Great Temple, right? Kashima Yu said with a smile, “In this case, let’s go quickly!” “”
“The three of them quickly entered the Great Temple without encountering any obstacles along the way. Obviously, the Sun King has allowed them to enter.”
“When they entered the Great Temple, they saw a brown-skinned male lazily sitting on the throne, rubbing his eyes with his hands, and yawning, “I’m so sleepy… Yu is very sleepy now. “”
“Could this be Osmandis?” Baiyin Yuxing frowned and looked at the man on the throne, and then looked at his father in surprise.
Why do you always feel that Osmandis and his father look alike?
If his father can use the name DIO, then Osmandis can use the name Osmandis!
“It’s finally here, travelers, although you don’t know what you’re doing waiting outside the door for so long, but I don’t care! Nitocris tapped the ground with her scepter, and said majesticly, “Quickly kneel down and bow, what you are facing right now is the majesty of Pharaoh!” As long as you are respectful enough, the king will get up from the fatigue and give you a few golden words! “”
“”You are the Sun King Osmandis? Really? “Kashima Yu looked at the man on the throne curiously, and always felt that such a man was different from the majestic king she imagined.”
“It’s better to say that the kings she’s met so far, whether it’s King Arthur, the Rose Emperor, or the King of Conquerors, the Roman gods…all are different from what she imagined.”
“How rude! Nitocris was stunned by Kashima Yu’s boldness, her eyes stared like copper bells, “Facing Pharaoh, the god of the earth, how dare you speak so rudely!” Listen carefully, this is the greatest pharaoh, the bravest and most prestigious god-Pharaoh Osmandis! “”
“”It’s really strange, Nitocris, you can talk so much in one breath, it seems that you like these people quite a lot, right? Osmandis raised his eyebrows, and then laughed loudly, “Hahaha, it’s really pleasing, it’s really pleasing!” “”
“Then he turned to look at Kashima Yu and the others, “Are you travelers from a foreign land? Yu is Osmandis, who is both the god and the sun, and at the same time the pharaoh who dominates the earth. Whether in the past or the present, this will not change! in addition……””
“Osmandis grinned at the corner of his mouth, showing a hearty smile, “In short, Yu is very sleepy now, so I will make a long story short, you must listen carefully to Yu Zhiyu’s voice!” You are envoys from Chaldea, and you have already repaired five singularities… I know all about these things! “”
“”Because of the Holy Grail you are looking for…” Osmandis turned his right hand, and a golden cup emerged in his hand, “asAs you can see, it is already in Yu’s hands! “”
Chapter 562: King’s U-turn
“Ah… the Holy Grail! “Kashima Yu’s eyes widened, and she suddenly thought of a possibility, “Could it be the Demon God Pillar…””
“She hasn’t finished her words, but the meaning is very clear. She suspects that Osmandis has colluded with the Demon God Pillar, so she got the Holy Grail!”
“”Who would collude with that guy, the Magic King! “Osmandis could see what Kashima Yu was thinking at a glance, and said with a cold snort, “This is when Yu came here, from the hands of the crusaders…””
“While talking, Osmandis’ head suddenly slipped from his neck and fell to the ground, bouncing a few times like a basketball!”
“Kashima Tour: !!!∑(Дノ)ノ”
“Mash: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ”
“Da Vinci: Σ(°△°|||)”
“I was a guest in an emperor’s palace, and the emperor’s head suddenly fell off. What should I do to avoid being treated as an assassin? Wait online, it’s urgent!”
“But then, they saw Osmandis pick up the head on the ground with both hands, patted the dust and put it back very skillfully.”
“As if nothing happened, Osmandis continued with a blank expression, “It was confiscated from the crusaders’ families… After all, this is something worthy of Yu, the real king. ! “”
“That, that…King Osmandis, although it is surprising, but…” Kashima Yu carefully looked at Osmandis’s neck, trying to find the crack, “Your head just fell to the ground, right? “”
“…” Osmandis was silent, but the silence was only about a second, he snorted coldly, “How is that possible! Is it because you are tired from the journey that you misunderstood it? Although this is an illusion caused by overwork, it is undoubtedly disrespectful! But it doesn’t matter, Yu is a benevolent king, let me forgive you this time! “”
“”In short, there is nothing wrong with Yu’s head! “Osmandis said without doubt. After seeing the eyes of the three people wondering if he had an illusion, he nodded in satisfaction and continued, “And then, because I got the Holy Grail, I… “”
“Before he finished speaking, Osmandis’ head fell to the ground again, but he picked it up and put it back on his neck at the speed of light.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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