“Then his eyes sharpened suddenly, as if he was asking everyone——have you seen it?”
“Kashima Yu, Mash and Da Vinci didn’t know how to answer, so they pretended not to see it and looked away.”
“…” After a moment of silence, Osmandis suddenly roared, “Nitocris! “”
“”exist! What orders, Pharaoh! ” Nitocris said respectfully.”
“” I can’t lift my spirits! Call out all the fire elves who can dispel sleepiness! Osmandis sneered and looked at Kashima Yu, “The so-called master of Chaldea, the silence just now really won my heart!” Therefore, these fire elves are my rewards for you, you are welcome! “”
“Although it is a reward, Kashima Yu can feel that the killing intent contained in that sentence is genuine!”
“”Master, Pharaoh Osmandis, has entered a battle state due to inexplicable reasons! “Maxiu raised the shield and started to be vigilant. At the same time, she seemed very wronged. The scene just now was not what they wanted to see!”
“Very good, just as I imagined! Da Vinci said with a smile, “This king is a troublesome person who completely lives by his own rules!” “”
“However, she smiled and became vigilant in secret. After all, even if she behaves like she is capable, the Pharaoh’s Fire Spirit shouldn’t be such an easy opponent!”
“Soon, four or five fire elves with flames all over their bodies appeared in front of the three of them. They seemed to have received the order and waved their hands without the slightest hesitation. A large number of flames bloomed like petals, but among the petals But it contains endless murderous intentions!”
“Senior, please hide behind me! “Maxiu warned, and her petite body waved a huge shield, sometimes blocking those flames, and sometimes knocking the fire spirit away!”
“”Are you using flame attacks entirely? As far as the flame is concerned, it is barely within my target range, right? LUCKY~” Da Vinci sighed, and the huge iron gauntlet worn on his right hand released a lot of icy breath.”
“Under the influence of these freezing breaths, the flames released by the fire spirits were extinguished one after another, and even the flames on their bodies began to crumble!”
“Under such circumstances, these fire elves called out by Osmandis to refresh themselves not only did not play a role in refreshing others, but instead entered a state of being unable to lift their spirits.”
“Hey~” Osmandis raised his eyebrows with great interest, “I was only planning to have fun, but I became interested unconsciously. Thanks to this, the condition of Yu’s head has also recovered. “”
“It seems that they heard some order, and the fire elves retreated to the side.”
“”Pharaoh, what’s the matter…” Nitocris wanted to ask Osmandis about the head, but suddenly asked, “No! Do you intend to punish these people? “”
“Of course, the purpose of this group of people is the Holy Grail, andThe Holy Grail is now the rest! That being the case, sooner or later both of us will meet each other in battle! “Osmandis said as a matter of course.”
“”What a gaffe! I actually brought the enemy before the Pharaoh’s court…” Nitocris said in panic.”
“Yes, you brought them. “Osmandis nodded and said, “However, Yu does not intend to punish you, because Yu did not inform you of the knowledge of the Holy Grail and the singularity in advance, this is Yu’s negligence!” “”
“” But the reason why Yu is so negligent, the reason… Huh! It’s really too late! There must be a limit at night! It is precisely because you came so late that Yu thought that you had already been wiped out at the singularity ahead! ” Osmandis said with a sneer.”
“”Well, late means…” Kashima Yu asked without knowing why…but even though she didn’t know why, a very bad guess appeared in her heart!”
“”Humph! Osmandis said coldly, “The human reason of this era has collapsed!” That’s right, just before you visited here, it completely collapsed! “”
“Collapsed?” Conan was dumbfounded. Humanity collapsed, which means that this singularity cannot be repaired? Humanity is doomed? It shouldn’t be, aren’t they living well?
So, how on earth did they fix this singularity?
Conan scratched his head, with a painful expression on his face, “There are not enough clues, so I can’t reason it out at all!”
Chapter 563: Yu Hui will leave you a position as a concubine
“”collapse? Matthew’s eyes widened, and he said in disbelief, “King Osmandis, what exactly does this mean?” “”
“” Literally! This era should have been a battle for the Holy Land, one side defending and the other attacking, it was an incompatible fight between two nations! In the end, the Holy Grail will be handed over to one of the two camps, and the Holy Land will become the hotbed of the Demon God Pillar. “”
“Osmandis snorted coldly and continued, “Of course, the premise is…you can come earlier! “”
“”So that’s how it is…” Da Vinci said thoughtfully, “King Osmandis, I am afraid that you were summoned by someone from the side of the Crusaders, but you turned against them and took both the Holy Land and the Holy Grail.” Take it for yourself… Therefore, the war for the Holy Land did not break out! “”
“”So, this Egyptian territory didn’t come with you when you were summoned, but you summoned it, right? Is this why the human principles of this era have collapsed? “”
“Although it is a question sentence, Da Vinci’s words are full of confidence. Obviously, she doesn’t think there is a problem with her guess.”
“”Who are you? Apparently it’s for a great wise man. “Osmandis raised his eyebrows. Although he didn’t give a positive answer, it was almost the same as a positive answer.”
“”Thank you for your compliment, just call me Da Vinci dear. “Da Vinci said with a smile all over his face and bowed slightly.”
“”Da Vinci dear? A name I’ve never heard of. “Osmandis tilted his head and thought carefully, “I have heard Leonardo Da Vinci’s words in the Hall of Valor, but he is a brilliant talent in human history. However, a beauty with such wisdom is really rare in the world, and I will leave you a concubine position. “”
“”Ah, this…” Kashima Yu and Matthew were both dumbfounded. They both knew that Da Vinci was a man! Although Da Vinci is now a woman in body and mind, she used to be a woman. It is indeed a man!”
“Pfft! It turned out that something like that happened back then.” Saber held the drumstick and smiled strangely, “I don’t know what expression the Sun King would have when he knew that Da Vinci was a man?”
“At that time? Could it be that SABER also participated in the sixth special…” Yukinoshita Yukino looked at her in surprise, then nodded knowingly, “That’s right, after all, the knights of the round table have appeared, and they all mentioned the king… …The Lion King is you, right?”
“EMMMMM…Although it’s me, it’s not me. Strictly speaking, the body is mine, but the soul is another.” When Saber said this, his expression was very complicated, especially after looking at his chest , the expression became more complicated.
“Thank you for your great love~” Da Vinci narrowed his eyes, but his smile was a bit weird. “Then, is my guess correct? Can I think that the singularity of this era is you? “”
“”Huh…huh ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha! Osmandis laughed wildly, “Unfortunately, you guessed wrong, a talented person from a foreign land.” Yu, as the Sun King, Yu is omnipotent! How could it be possible to use something like the Holy Grail! “”
“So, listen up! The people who turned this era into a special case in the singularity, who destroyed human nature to the point of utter indignity, are in the wreckage of Jerusalem you want to go to! At this moment, she must be sitting in that desperate holy capital! Its name is – The Lion King! “”
“After revealing the shocking facts, Osmandis, who was still hostile just now, suddenly invited the three of them to a luxurious meal, which made the three of them look confused.”
“What else do you say?” The people of the desert will not ignore the guests who come from afar, because we know the pain of long-distance travel, but don’t expect Yu to reach a settlement with you so easily! Go and experience the reality and cruelty of this world. After that, Yu will give you another chance to meet Yu. At that time, Yu will not treat you as guests, but as stupid beasts who resist Yu! “”
“Finally, after the three of them finished eating, Osmandis spit out directly, “You can go away!” “”
“After preparing food and water for the three of them, thenThrow them out. Such an inexplicable development made the three of them bewildered. At first, they thought it would be a direct fight, and then they were no match for Osmandis, and finally chose a strategic retreat. ”
“Dear Da Vinci, what are you doing? It was a bit noisy from the beginning. “”
“After Nitocris, who saw them off, returned to the Great Temple on the Sphinx, Kashima Yu turned to look at Da Vinci and asked.”
“”Good question! “Da Vinci stood up, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and walked away proudly.”
“Behind her is a car! It’s a simple four-wheeled cart with a pair of wooden wings on both sides. It’s still normal after all… The strange thing is that there is a pharaoh’s head on the front of the cart , and a pair of sphinx claws…”
“”The car? ! “Lu Daoyou’s eyes widened, and he asked in disbelief, “Is it possible that it was made just now?” “”
“”That’s right! Da Vinci put his hands on his hips and said complacently, “Because I think that going to the holy capital will take a long time, so I asked King Osmandis for wood!” And so built a desert mobile vehicle, which I named the Universal Vehicle Flapping Sphinx! “”
“”oh oh! Kashima Yu applauded in admiration, “Although the pair of sphinx claws in front of the car make me not flattered, it is undoubtedly a superb car!” “”
“”That’s art! “Da Vinci said with some dissatisfaction, what’s wrong with her carefully carved claws?”
“Dear Da Vinci, do you need a driver’s license to drive this? Matthew asked solemnly, it can be seen that she is very serious.”
“No, no, this one doesn’t have an engine either. Da Vinci smiled and shook his head, “It’s almost like a bicycle… But because it uses magic power as fuel, the maximum speed can reach 60 kilometers, which is barely a little bit faster than a bicycle.” “”
“”This is not a bicycle at all! Matthew couldn’t help complaining.”
“”In short, everyone get in the car first and move towards the goal! According to my detection, there is a full 100 kilometers away! “Da Vinci got into the car first.”
“”amazing! “Kashima Yu cheered and got on the flapping sphinx, a universal vehicle. It’s really great not to have to walk in the desert!”
Chapter 564 Humans Like Beasts
“Originally, Kashima Yu was driving the car, but seeing Matthew’s slightly envious eyes, Kashima Yu reluctantly handed over control of the car to Matthew.”
“For Matthew, who has never had a childhood, this is barely a childhood experience—driving a bumper car!”
“Although Da Vinci will be upset if you call this flapping sphinx, a universal vehicle, a bumper car…”
“Under Matthew’s more and more proficient control, the universal vehicle flapping Sphinx finally crossed the desert.”
“And what appeared in their eyes was not a place with beautiful mountains and rivers, but a place where the land was dry and cracked, the trees were dead, and there was no sign of life!”
“”This is Jerusalem in the thirteenth century? Matthew looked at this place in disbelief. Although she knew the fact that Jerusalem had been destroyed from Nitocris, she had no idea that she would be destroyed on this ground at all!”
“She thought it was only to the extent that the city was destroyed…”
“The temperature is 48 degrees, the relative humidity is 0%, and the magic power density in the atmosphere is 0.3 mg…” Da Vinci read the detected data, his face became more and more solemn, “What a tragic scene, this is not something humans can survive Environment! “”
“”In this era…what happened? Matthew gritted his silver teeth lightly, with resentment written all over his face, all these disasters, if anything, can be attributed to the Magic King!”
“Just as the three of them were communicating, dozens of haggard, ghost-like people quietly surrounded them, each of them staring at Kashima Yu and the others with radiant eyes, tears streaming down from the corners of their mouths. .”
“”Food…is food…and water, and women who look delicious…hehehe, hehehe! Thank goodness… thank you for living for us till now! “”
“Listening to those chilling words, Matthew held the shield tightly, with both shock and pity in his eyes, “Senior, we are surrounded! They all look like ordinary people who have no food and are always hungry! “”
“Kashima Yu also clenched her fists tightly. It is often said that when humans do not have enough food, they will become crazier than beasts… Now, she has finally seen such a scene! But if she can, she I would rather never see you in my life!”
“Mash, Kashima… Although you can be merciful, it must be within the scope of the situation! Da Vinci warned solemnly, “They have almost turned into ghouls, and they are no longer human beings after they have become like this…Forcing humans into beasts, this era has become like this, and we are exactly In order to reject such an era! “”
“”So, Master, order… Now is the time to let go of the naivete in your heart! “”
“Looking at Da Vinci’s solemn expression, Kashima Yu slowly raised his hand, “Mash, fight with all your strength! To save this era, to save all mankind… we have no time to waste on them! “”
“”Yes! “Maxiu took a deep breath, discarded the distracting thoughts in his heart, roared and smashed the shield into the face of an enemy who was rushing towards them!”
“The enemy had an excited face before, but in a blink of an eye, his cheek was deformed and he flew out.”
“It hurts, it hurts!”The man wailed, turned around and ran away quickly, he didn’t want to be beaten to death here instead of failing to get the food!”
“He wasn’t the only one who was beaten to the point of pain. After all, they were all ordinary people, and they still didn’t have enough to eat. Ordinary people who were starving to the point of being skinny and boneless, couldn’t possibly be the opponent of the sub-servant Mash!”
“However, in less than a minute, most people ran away because of the pain, and only a small number of people wanted to continue to attack Matthew, but were knocked unconscious by Matthew.”
“The battle is over. Da Vinci, who had never done anything, looked at this scene with a complicated expression, “The hunger has reached the extreme, and the heart that yearns to survive has turned them into such beasts… Facing such opponents, we can only become Be ruthless. “”
“”However, I have really convinced you, Mash, there are not even one dead or injured… Although everyone who did not escape was knocked out. ’ said Da Vinci with a teasing laugh.”
“”I’m sorry…I just think it’s not their fault that they turned out like this. After all, they are nothing more than victims. Matthew pursed her lips and said in distress.”
“”There’s no need to say sorry. Kashima Yu patted Matthew on the head, “You are right, they are just victims… and what we have to do is to make this era no longer have such victims!” “”
“Afterwards, Kashima turned to look at Da Vinci, “Speaking of which, do we have extra food and water? I’d like to stay here for a while, okay? “”
“What do you think, Matthew? I’m against it, even if we leave a little food and water behind, it won’t save them at all… At most, it will delay their death by half a day or so. “Da Vinci raised his eyebrows, and threw the question to Matthew.”
“I voted yes! Matthew said immediately, “In this way, it’s two to one!” Senior, let’s leave some food and water behind. “”
“”Um. “Kashima Yu nodded heavily, then took out a little extra food and water, and put them on the ground.”
“Perhaps they were attracted by the smell of food. The people who had just fainted immediately came to their senses, and then crazily snatched food and water. The scene was really no different from a beast…”
“…” Da Vinci took a complicated look at these people, and then said, “In short, let’s get in the car first, we must hurry to the holy capital. “”
“”and many more! “Just as Kashimayou and others got into the car, one of them stopped them, “Are you going to the holy capital?” For the sake of giving us food and water, I advise you not to go near there! It is now the territory of the Lion King who killed all the crusaders! If you don’t want to die, stay away from there! “”
“”Oh, to have received such advice, is this a good reward for a good man? “Da Vinci said with a smile, “However, we have a reason to go there, thank you for your advice, little brother. “”
“Oh, it really is good to do good deeds.” Kashima Yu said with a strong smile. To be honest, she has been living in a peaceful age, has she ever seen such a cruel scene?
No matter what you say about the previous singularities, they are not so terrifying, and the people can basically live on… But this singularity really made her heart tremble. There is no food, no water, no animals and plants, There seems to be no other way for human beings to stay in it than to wait for death!
Chapter 565 The Lion King? The Lionheart King?
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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