“Just as Kashimayou and the others headed all the way to the holy capital, a curtain of light suddenly unfolded in front of them, and what appeared in front of them was Roman’s anxious figure, “Great, I finally got in touch with you! all right? Didn’t get hurt by any accident? “”
“”It’s okay, it’s a bit of an accident, but it’s completely fine. “Kashima Yu said with a smile, “It’s really reassuring to hear the doctor’s voice~””
“”Although it makes me happy that you praised me, we don’t have time for such a leisurely chat right now… I can’t support you for the past two days. I’m sorry, what’s the situation in your place now? asked Roman.”
“Then Kashima Yu told Roman in detail about the past two days and the details they learned.”
“”It turns out that in the Middle East in the thirteenth century, the territory of Egypt before BC actually appeared. No wonder the communication can’t be connected. From now on, Egypt will be a headache. “Roman covered his head with a big expression on his face, “Besides, King Osmandis… According to my experience, this kind of role is absolutely extremely difficult!” “”
“After a headache, Roman laughed again, “But, we should also have trustworthy companions this time!” The Lion King? No matter how you think about it, it should be the Lionheart King, yes, it must be Richard I! As long as there is the Lionheart King, there will always be a way to deal with the Sun King! “”
“”Kashima, Matthew, Da Vinci, you go to make peace with the Crusaders, and find a way to unite with Richard I…””
“Roman was talking, but found that the three of them were looking at him with a strange expression, and he couldn’t help scratching his head in confusion, “What kind of expression do you guys have? Why does it feel like you are holding back a laugh? Did I say something weird? “”
“”Hahaha. Da Vinci smiled and said, “It is true that he said something strange, and it was a very strange thing, because…the Crusaders have already retreated!” “”
“”…” Roman is like a wooden man, stayed where he was, and then shouted, “What did you say?! But, with the Lionheart King still alive, how could the Crusaders retreat? That’s the Lionheart King, the Lionheart King! “”
“Richard I was known as the Lionheart King because of his bravery and skill in battle. He served as a general in the Third Crusade and defeated Saladin three times with weak troops! Don’t think that Saladin is a bum , as the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty in Egypt, he is also known as one of the most outstanding military strategists in the medieval Muslim world!”
“The Lionheart King who created such a record is naturally recognized as one of the most outstanding military commanders in medieval Europe! How could the crusaders led by such a character lose so quickly?”
“No matter how I think about it, Roman feels that this is a plot that only appears in Long Aotian novels. The Lionheart King is the villain, and the opponent is Long Aotian…”
“The unbelievable Roman quickly scanned the situation of this singularity, but the scanned situation made him even more confused.”
“Ah, what the hell is going on here! “Roman grabbed his hair irritably, and sent the scanned situation to Kashimayou and others, “Have you seen it?” There is a huge city in this singularity, which is the direction you are going to-the holy capital! Since this city exists, it means that the holy capital has been captured by the knights! “”
“”Although this is a singularity, it is not the same as the correct history…But in fact, the holy capital has been captured! But you say the crusaders have been defeated? So which side is in that city…””
“Roman’s voice gradually stopped, and he suddenly realized that he had made a common sense mistake. When the current time and place were the Third Crusade, he just heard the word “Lion King” Presumptuously thinking that this is Richard I the Lionheart.”
“And think that since Richard I is sitting in the Holy City, it should be the Crusaders who occupied the Holy City… But in fact, what if the Lion King is not Richard I, but someone else?”
“It seems that you also understand the problem. Da Vinci nodded with a smile and said, “The Lion King is definitely not the Lionheart King!” Only this, I can be sure of! But who is he? The answer may not be understood until we arrive at the holy capital. “”
“”Is this the singularity of the EX level? It’s really troublesome everywhere! “Roman sighed helplessly.”
“Suddenly, Roman’s face changed, “Everyone, be careful! There was a strong reaction from followers 500 meters away! “”
“After hearing the words, Matthew immediately stepped on the brakes, “Got it! What should I do, Master? “”
“Kashima Yu only thought for a moment and immediately made up his mind, “Matthew, dear Da Vinci, let’s hide first! “”
“So, Matthew immediately drove the car behind a small hill, and then the three of them got out of the car carefully, with only half of their heads exposed, observing the situation outside.”
“But after a while, there was a man wearing a skull mask who looked like Hassan leading a group of civilians fleeing with fear. And behind them was a red-haired knight holding a longbow… …That’s right, there’s only one chasing soldier!”
“”Ha…ha…” Those civilians didn’t know how long they had been running, and they were all so exhausted that they couldn’t stop panting heavily.”
“One of them actually stopped in his tracks and said to Hassan, the leader, “You are a smoker, right? I can’t run anymore, and they should be the same… If you continue to bring us together, even you will be implicated, please leave us and run away from here! “”
“Hearing what this person said, the rest of the civilians also stopped in their tracks. Obviously, they knew that they couldn’t run away.”
“”Is this the end? “Hassan, who was drunk, did not run away alone, but stood in front of these civilians and said angrily, “Mistake…to be chased to a dead end, what a mistake!” “”
“”……sad. The red-haired knight, although his eyes were closed, seemed to be able to see the surrounding environment, and went straight to the drunken Hassan, “I feel very sad. Old man in the mountain… If you were alone, it would be easy to escape this predicament, but you accepted this fate. “”
“”In order to protect these refugees, you voluntarily stayed here. Losing a valuable existence in order to protect worthless things… This really makes me sad…” The red-haired knight’s tone was filled with indescribable sadness.”
“He’s clearly an enemy, but he seems to be lamenting over Hassan’s drunkenness.”
Chapter 566 The round table is full of talents
“Tristan Qing still looks like this.” Saber shook her head helplessly, “No wonder others call him Cui Sadness.”
“Cui Sadness?” Hikigu Hachiman’s mouth twitched, this nickname is really appropriate, after all, this person looks really sad! I don’t know why he is sad!
“But he should be pretty good.” Saber tilted his head and thought for a while and said, “Others include British famous chef Gawain, married wife Sloat, etc…”
Hearing this, Yukinoshita Yukino laughed dryly, “The Knights of the Round Table under Saber are really full of talents.”
Although that famous chef sounds exaggerated, Yukinoshita Yukino clearly heard a resentment from it!
And what the hell is that wife, Sloat! Is it Lancelot? Just because he robbed Saber’s wife, is he going to be crowned with such a title?
Wait, Saber’s wife? Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly discovered a blind spot, SABER is a girl! Girls actually have wives? Moreover, it is said that ArthurWang also has an unfilial son…
Thinking of this, her eyes gradually became strange, can Lily really give birth?
“”That’s the Servant ASSASSIN and the Servant ARCHER, right? Matthew explained to Kashima Yu while looking at the situation at the scene, “The relationship between the two parties should be hostile. There are about 40 ordinary people behind ASSASSIN, but there is only one ARCHER. “”
“As he spoke, Mash pursed his lips, “Master, I don’t know why, when I saw that ARCHER, I couldn’t stop trembling… my chest hurts very much. “”
“”pain? Kashima Yu glanced at Matthew in surprise, then thought for a moment, and said resolutely, “Okay, go help ASSASSIN!” “”
“But before she could move, she was held down by Da Vinci. At this time, Da Vinci no longer had the usual smile, but said very solemnly, “No! Stay here and don’t move, you will be found! Once found out…we’re all going to die! That follower is absolutely no small thing, what he has…is a ‘blessing’! “”
“Just when Da Vinci was admonishing the deer tour, Hassan, who was drunk on the other side, said slowly after being silent, “Valuable… You just said, presumably they, I are more valuable, right? “”
“”Yes, even if it is my bow, it will take a lot of work to hit you. “The red-haired knight Tristan said calmly with his eyes still closed.”
“Then there was another silence, and the smoked Hassan finally said after thinking for a long time, “Make a deal, if you still have the sincerity called chivalry… I will let you kill here, so that For the price, I hope you can let these people go! “”
“”You just thought for such a long time just to let them recover their strength? What a noble person! It’s really sad. After Tristan sighed, he directly refused, “However, I am very sorry, I am not allowed to retreat!” I can’t get out of here until I catch you! I’m so sorry, it’s… so sad. “”
“Then the right arm and foot!” Hassan the smoked drunk said hastily, “I will accept your right arm and both feet at the price of my head!” All day from now, you won’t be able to take a step or move your right arm! I will be close to your body and let your left arm take off my head. How about this deal? “”
“”This…how is this…” Tristan was shocked by such words, and was speechless for a long time.”
“Then I’ll take it as if you’ve made the promise! In that case… sorry! “Smoke-drunk Hassan seemed to be finalizing the deal, rushing to Tristan’s side with his swift speed, his neck quickly slashing off Tristan’s bowstring.”
“With the sound of the neck being cut open, a large amount of blood gushed out, completely staining Tristan’s clean and tidy body.”
“”Quick, run away… My fellow citizens, the cursed arm of the East will definitely take you in…” Hassan the smoked drunk fell to the ground and shouted with the last of his strength.”
“Those people who were shocked by Hassan’s behavior shed tears one after another, then turned around and ran towards the east… Only Hassan, who was drunk with his life, won’t allow them to defile it!”
“Standing where he was without the slightest dodge, allowing Hassan, who was drunk, to commit suicide, and allowing his blood to stain himself, Tristan is like an evil spirit from hell at this moment!”
“Although Tristan’s expression was sad, his tone was extremely cold, “How noble, how sad… In this way, I have to abide by the contract!” but……””
“He didn’t move his legs and right arm at all, but slowly put his left arm on the long bow like a harp.”
“Fingers trembled slightly, the bowstring was plucked, and transparent and sharp blades slashed across the bodies of those forty people… In an instant, forty heads shot up into the sky, and blood sprayed out like a fountain!”
“”Ah, I feel very sad…” Tristan’s expression didn’t change even though he said sadness, “How careless it is to let my left arm move! My demon string, Fernot, doesn’t need an arrow, he only needs to flick it lightly, and he can release the blade of sound that cuts through the enemy… You gave me a chance to pluck the bowstring! “”
“Old man in the mountains, you should say this—please don’t even move a finger! “Tristan said such a voice without changing his face, and then stood there like this, no longer moving.”
“There is no doubt that he intends to fulfill his promise to the drunken Hassan… even if that promise was imposed on him by the other party.”
“”You actually gave ordinary people who have no resistance to…” Kashima Yu gritted his teeth tightly, and clenched his fists tightly.”
“Hold it! If we rush out now, even we will be killed! Da Vinci pressed Kashima Yu tightly, “It is no exaggeration to say that that ARCHER is stronger than any servant we have encountered so far!” Until he leaves, we can only hide here! “”
“Kashima Yu and Mash closed their eyes sadly when they heard the words, and they stopped looking at the miserable scene.”
“It wasn’t until this time the next day that Tristan finally took his steps and left here.”
“At this time, Kashima You not only did not sleep, nor did he eat or drink water, he was already very hungry and exhausted, but she still said immediately, “Maxiu, let’s go see if there are any survivors. By! “”
“”Yes! After Matthew nodded, he quickly grabbed Lu Daoyou’s hand and ran to that area… But obviously, there were no survivors here, except Hassan, who was drunk.Anyone with a head still on the neck! ”
“That ARCHER, there should be a limit to being ruthless! Roman’s figure suddenly appeared in front of them, “Although the two of them should be members of hostile forces, but such unilateral killing of ordinary people…is there any reason?” Or is it simply a murderer? ! “”
Chapter 567: Blessed by the Sun Forever
“Is Tristan this kind of persona?” Baiyin Yuxing looked confused, it seemed different from the Tristan he knew!
“If I remember correctly, Tristan is also known as a sentimental knight, not such a cold and heartless person.” Bai Yingui also felt strange.
Could it be that those legends are all false? The two siblings couldn’t help but fell into deep thought.
“After burying the dead people, Kashima Yu and his party headed towards the holy capital again.”
“On the way, they rescued nearly 50 refugees. One of the female refugees said gratefully, “Thank you so much, I just thought that all of us would be eaten by monsters.” “”
“”No thanks. Matthew said with a smile, “You are all people who live in this land, right?” Where are so many people going together? “”
“Of course it is the holy capital, only there is safe now! “The female refugee said as a matter of course, “The invaders came, the earth burned, the holy land was taken away, everything is like a nightmare!” Fortunately, there is The Lion King! “”
“”The Lion King drove away those ruthless crusaders, and opened the gates of the Holy Land to us! “There is still a sense of gratitude in the female refugee’s tone, “Although some people are complaining, saying that they are shamelessly building new cities on the holy land… But I think that no matter what the city becomes, God’s teachings are not good. will change. “”
“Then are you all refugees heading to the Holy Capital? “Lu Daoyou looked at this huge team, “Does the holy city allow foreigners to enter? “”
“”Well, Lord Lion King will not refuse anyone to enter the holy capital! The female refugee nodded and said, “One day every month in the Holy City, a ceremony known as Shengba is held. Anyone who passes the ceremony can enter the Holy City.” “”
“Is that so, the whole village is here? asked Da Vinci.”
“”Do not. The female refugee shook her head, “Probably only half of it?” There are people who hate the Knights of the Holy Capital… Those people have all gone to the mountain area, where there are mountain people’s villages. However, the mountainous area is very desolate and cannot support too many people at all. If you want to survive, you still have to go to the holy capital. “”
“After some exchanges, the refugees bid farewell to Kashima Yu and the others, and continued on their way to the holy capital.”
“”I learned a lot of information, Shengba, what kind of ceremony is that…” Kashima Yu thought for a while, then shook his head and said, “Although I want to escort them all the way to the holy capital, but if we go together, It’s a bit too conspicuous for us. After all, I haven’t fully understood the situation yet, so it would be better to act quietly. “”
“”Well, that’s right. Thinking of this, the Master has also grown a lot… After all, the clothes on us are not suitable for refugees. “Da Vinci praised, “In short, let’s wait for the refugees to go far away, and then follow up quietly… It’s impossible not to figure out who the knight who defeated the Crusaders is! “”
“”King Osmandis said that the holy capital is the reason for the formation of the singularity, let’s go there to confirm the authenticity of this sentence! Matthew nodded.”
“After a long journey, the three of them finally arrived in front of the holy capital at nightfall.”
“The holy capital… that is a very spectacular fortress. Considering this era alone, it can definitely be called a world-class metropolis! The whole city is painted white, occasionally mixed with a little blue color, which looks incomparable. Holy.”
“In front of the main gate of the holy capital, a large number of refugees gathered. These refugees pitched dilapidated tents one after another. Everyone looked so haggard, but there was a light of hope in their eyes…Obviously, they They are all waiting for the ceremony called Sanba, waiting to complete the ceremony, enter this great city, and live a happy and beautiful life.”
“”There are quite a lot of people, let’s find an enemy to hide. “Da Vinci put away the flapping sphinx, then took Matthew and Kashima Yu to find a rock and hid behind it.”
“”Is it really okay for us to hide like this? Matthew said, “I thought I was going to blend in with the crowd, complete the ceremony of Shengba, and then follow into the holy capital.” “”
“No, there’s no need to sneak into the crowd so early. “Da Vinci shook his head and said, “If there is any problem with the Holy Baptist Ceremony, we who got into the crowd will be discovered instantly if there is any change! So it’s better to hide here first to see what the Holy Baptist Ceremony is. “”
“”Well, it is indeed better like this. If there is no problem with the Holy Baptism Ceremony, then it will be fine to get in…Anyway, the crowd is so huge, it’s possible to get in anyway. ” Kashima Yu said in agreement.”
“That…” Roman’s image suddenly appeared in front of them, “I suddenly detected a large number of high-concentration magic reactions, which seemed to surround the refugees. Mash, Kashima, can you see clearly there? “”
“It was too dark to see clearly. “Kashima shook his head.”
“”I can see clearly. “Maxiu frowned and said, “It’s a knight who came out of the holy capital, wearing silver-white armor, holding swords, shields, spears, longbows and other weapons… Although there are many people, there is no noise. Silently guarding the refugees……””
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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