“However, is this really a guardian? Matthew suddenly thought of the red-haired knight from before, with his cruel methods of fighting against the enemy, and his ruthless style. No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t seem like he would protect the people so gently. type……”
“Although Mash also knows that a group’s behavior should not be judged by one person’s behavior, since that red-haired knight dared to do that kind of thing, he represented BIAO. In this group, such things are allowed. of!”
“Just after Matthew spoke, the sky that had just entered the night suddenly became clear as if the time of night had been deleted, and the gentle sunlight shone on Matthew and the others, making them feel like they were dreaming Same!”
“Kashima Yu blinked, as if he couldn’t believe what happened just now, “Sorry, Matthew, did I just fall asleep? It has been seven or eight hours since we arrived in the holy capital, not just a minute or two? “”
“Senior, that’s not the case! The sun suddenly rose! Matthew said in the same astonishment.”
“Even they are so surprised, let alone those refugees, the originally peaceful refugee camp suddenly became extremely noisy.”
“Please be quiet! “”
“Suddenly, a tall figure slowly walked out of the holy capital. The knight was wearing silver-white armor, with golden hair like the sun, and a face that made people feel aristocratic at first glance. … so that as soon as he appeared on the stage, everyone’s eyes were focused on him, and the originally noisy scene fell silent in an instant.”
“He looked at everyone at the scene with satisfaction, and then said in a deep voice, “This is the miracle brought by the Lion King, and it is also the blessing that my king bestowed on me—blessed by the sun forever! “”
Chapter 568 Is this you?
“”A knight came out of the door…I always feel so familiar. Matthew said, frowning.”
“After the refugees were quiet for a while, they all cheered, “It’s Gao Wenqing! It’s Gao Wenqing from the Knights of the Round Table! Shengba is about to start, and we will be able to enter the holy capital soon! “”
“” Gawain? Did I hear the words Gawain and Knights of the Round Table just now? Could it be that I misheard? Roman exclaimed, “Why are the Knights of the Round Table in a place like the Middle East!” Could it be someone pretending to be it? “”
“Gao Wen on the other side also started to speak at the same time, “Everyone, I sincerely thank you for coming to this holy capital… The age of mankind has been destroyed, and this tiny world is about to perish. The Lord has sent down judgment, and any land on the ground is no longer allowed for human habitation. “”
“”That’s right, there is no place to live except this holy capital, Camelot, and our saints are complete, perfect pure white kingdoms. Go through this main gate, and the ideal world is waiting for you inside. “”
“Hearing Gao Wen’s words, the refugees cheered again, “It’s true…the rumors are all true! Knights of the Round Table, how sacred… Even if they are knights from a foreign land, their brilliance is genuine! “”
“There is no doubt that after just a few words from Gao Wen, the emotions of the refugees have been mobilized to the maximum. They seem to have begun to think about how beautiful the world inside the door is.”
“Gao Wen looked around, and then continued, “You must have gone through a long and difficult journey to get here. Don’t worry, my king will accept all people, no matter if they are of different races or heretics. No exception… Of course, the premise is that you must get the permission of my king! “”
“”permit? “The refugees looked at each other in blank dismay, and they were a little uncertain. The so-called permission, what does it mean?”
“Suddenly, the refugees felt a pure white light shining on their bodies. They immediately looked up and saw a pure white figure standing awe-inspiringly above the main entrance.”
“It’s a woman wearing a mask, with no visible features, but it makes people instinctively think that she is an extremely noble woman.”
“SABER, is this you?” Yukinoshita Yukino said in disbelief, although she knew from Gao Wen’s words that this is their king, theoretically, this should be King Arthur!
But… Yukinoshita Yukino looked at the huge evil on the chest of the woman in the video, and couldn’t help but fell into deep thought, what if she agreed to be flat for a lifetime? Unexpectedly, you secretly ate papaya and drank milk?
Saber said with a complicated expression, “That’s right, it’s me.”
“It’s really you?” Yukinoshita Yukino’s expression became even more uncomfortable. What is it that works so well? Also, the effect was so good, why did it change back now?
“It’s me.” Saber nodded heavily, “I was still in good shape at that time.”
Yukinoshita Yukino looked at the huge evil in the video, then at SSBER’s tablet and the chicken leg in her hand, are you hungry and skinny now?
“After a moment of silence, the woman standing above the main entrance said, “The people who can be led to the end are very limited, and the essence of human beings is corrupt and ugly. Therefore, I will conduct a selection, and select those souls who will never be defiled and will never be shaken by evil! “”
“As soon as the voice fell, a dazzling radiance erupted from that woman, covering the entire camp in front of Camelot’s gate. When the huge radiance dissipated,, the bodies of three of the refugees gradually lit up with brilliance. ”
“Oh, what is this light? It’s so strong but it doesn’t hurt the eyes. “The refugees looked curiously at the brilliance shining on the three refugees in the crowd.”
“” Shengba has been completed, welcome these three people into the city, and go to complete this task, Gao Wenqing. “The pure white female knight——The Lion King disappeared above the main gate after giving the order.”
“”Impossible… how could such a thing happen! Da Vinci looked at this scene in shock, “Kashima, Matthew, let’s get out of here quickly!” “”
“”Eh? Da Vinci, what’s the matter, this is not your style, what happened? “Roman asked in surprise.”
“Da Vinci didn’t answer, but still said very nervously, “It should be too late to leave now… What kind of Holy Baba, it’s just a typo! “”
“… Follow orders! “Gao Wen on the other side nodded and accepted the task after a moment of silence.”
“Then, he turned his gaze to the refugees present, “Everyone, I am very sorry, but this is also to maintain future generations. The king expects you to be punished, so… the holy punishment will be carried out now! “”
“Hearing Gawain’s words, the solemn knights raised their weapons one after another, and the atmosphere of sternness spread throughout the audience in an instant.”
“The refugees looked at the scene in front of them in shock.”
“”This is… eh… a lie, right? One of the refugees said tremblingly, “Wait a minute, why did you raise your sword?” Stop…stop, don’t, don’t kill…””
“Before she finished her words, one of the solemn knights raised the sword in his hand and took her life!”
“Kashimayou and the others looked at all this in shock, Matthew grabbed the shield tightly, “These knights are killing ordinary civilians! ? “”
“”But these civilians can’t escape! After all, those knights surrounded them early in the morning, and those knights knew from the beginning that there would be this result! Da Vinci said solemnly, “But now we are not surrounded, and we haven’t even been discovered by the knights, which means we can still escape!” Kashima, you should understand, right? “”
“”Um! Kashimayou nodded without hesitation, “Open a breakthrough for those civilians!” “”
“”! Da Vinci’s eyes widened, and then he smiled wryly, “I should have known earlier, then, Matthew, let’s act!” “”
“”Yes! It doesn’t matter where, but first break through the encirclement of the knights! “Maxiu held the shield and rushed directly towards the solemn knights.”
“”Really, in this way, the next development is doomed. Da Vinci had a smile on his face, “But if you think about it carefully, there shouldn’t be any problem…Because, I am so omnipotent, there shouldn’t be anything I can’t do!” Even if you can’t help a thousand people, you have to help a hundred people! Master, I’m going too, you just hide here and take charge of supporting us! “”
“”That can’t be done! “Kashima Yu directly denied Da Vinci’s proposal, and then ran behind Da Vinci.”
“If you don’t get closer, there is no way to provide real-time support!”
Chapter 569 A pure soul does not allow freedom as a human being
“These solemn knights are so focused on performing the solemnity that they didn’t even notice Matthew and Da Vinci behind them.”
“Mashu jumped into the air with the shield in hand, and knocked the majestic knight to the ground with one blow. At the same time, a large number of magic bullets released by Da Vinci followed.”
“Uh… raid! There are enemies! “The solemn knights who were attacked all exclaimed, and they immediately abandoned the refugees waiting for the solemnity, but turned to fight against Matthew and Da Vinci.”
“Seeing the solemn knights rushing towards him, Matthew not only didn’t worry, but smiled happily, “Great! In this way, there will be a gap in the encirclement! “”
“Indeed, when these solemn knights left their original positions, the encirclement was naturally destroyed!”
“”What’s the matter, is there an internal strife? “The refugees looked at this scene in amazement. In their eyes, Mash, who was wearing similar armor, should also be a member of the solemn knight!”
“Don’t worry about that, run away now! “A refugee was the first to react, quickly grabbed the hands of his family members, and ran out from the gap in the encirclement.”
“Maxiu was trying her best to deal with the upright knight, while she glanced at the fleeing refugees out of the corner of her eye, and then smiled happily. Even if she could only save one or two people, it was enough to make her feel happy from the bottom of her heart Not to mention that dozens of people have escaped now.”
“After fighting continuously for a long time, Matthew and Da Vinci finally joined forces to defeat four or five upright knights, although compared to the total number of upright knights present, four or five can only be regarded as an insignificant number …But this can be regarded as a small step towards victory!”
“Okay, let’s keep working hard and try to save more people! “Kashima Yu cheered happily while releasing a small magic support through the magic dress on his body.”
“Wait, those downed knights are disappearing? “Roman found a strange sight, “Aren’t these knights human? Judging from the reaction, it should be a human being…but in fact, it is close to a heroic spirit. It seems that it is a weapon modified by using powerful magic power! “”
“”This kind of thing is not something humans can do! The Lion King is indeed a Heroic Spirit, right? “Roman scratched his head in pain. The servants he met so far are all extremely powerful, but these little soldiers are also so strong! After allWhat can I do to fix this singularity! ”
“”A follower appeared to interfere with the holy punishment ceremony! Quickly, go and inform Lord Aggavin! “After a knight roared, he led more solemn knights towards Kashima Yu and the others.”
“” It’s reinforcements! A large number of knights are approaching you! “Roman exclaimed, and then quickly roared, “Quickly retreat!” Kashima, Matthew, Da Vinci, if this continues, they will be completely surrounded by these knights! “”
“”But…” Mash blocked the attack of several knights again, and kicked back, kicking a solemn knight unconscious, “If we retreat, the remaining refugees will never be able to escape again! “”
“”Now is not the time to talk about such things…” Roman wanted to persuade him, but a deafening voice suddenly sounded from the other side.”
“”what happened? “Kashima Yu asked in surprise, could it be the Lion King’s special weapon or something?”
“”Let me see. “Roman quickly scanned the current situation, and then exclaimed, “Is there anyone else who has also acted?” It was a very powerful magical reaction. When you broke through the eastern encirclement, he also penetrated the western encirclement! “”
“”Great, this way, the pressure will not be so great. “Kashimayou said happily, “Maxiu, can you still persist? “”
“”certainly! Matthew nodded without hesitation.”
“It’s really re-acquainted with Kashima.” Hori Masahyuki said with a sigh, in his usual impression, Kashima Yu is a prostitute all day long, who often provokes girls to come to the club to compete for power, making dramas impossible shoot down.
Even when Kashima Yu seriously dressed up like a girl, even men would come to fight and be jealous…
But this time the video allowed him to see a completely different Kashima… Although he was still flirting with girls when it was time to flirt, it was indeed really reliable!
Putting yourself in danger in order to save innocent passers-by is undoubtedly a heroic act!
“I don’t know how many people are fascinated by Kashima’s charm… Will the club not be trampled down in class tomorrow?”
“While Mash and the others were fighting the solemn knights, several more solemn knights came in front of the selected three.”
“Three of the solemn knights came in front of a mother and son. The mother was chosen, but the child was not… This is undoubtedly a tragedy, but it is not enough to change the expressions of the solemn knights.”
“A solemn knight said to the mother solemnly, “You have been chosen, please enter the holy capital!” “”
“While he was speaking, two other solemn knights stepped forward, one of them grabbed the mother’s arm, and the other tried to pull the child away.”
“But how can a child who is still young be willing to leave his mother’s side?”
“Feeling the child’s struggle, the annoyed solemn knight directly punched the child on the top of the head.”
“” Lu Shide! Seeing this, the mother exclaimed in surprise, bursting out in an instant with strength far surpassing that of a solemn knight, broke free from the restraints, hugged her child in her arms and shouted anxiously, “Lu Shide, hurry up!” Wake up! How can you beat children, how can you be so cruel! “”
“Ah… ah…” Amidst the mother’s cry, Lu Shide slowly opened his eyes, but there was no expression in his eyes, and he could only wail softly.”
“The solemn knight didn’t want to waste time, and continued to urge, “Follow us into the holy capital!” Pure you, you can no longer stay with these filthy things! “”
“”Do not! If you want to go in, take my children with you! I can’t leave this kid alone! “The mother resolutely said that the holy capital she had hoped for… is nothing compared to her children!”
“But the solemn knight said, “This child was not selected, forget about him, your body does not belong to you anymore! No exceptions allowed, no family affection allowed! A flawless soul is not allowed to have the freedom of being a human being! “”
“As the solemn knight spoke, he raised his sword and slowly approached that mother…his sword will take the life of that child!”
Chapter five hundred and seventieth hen iron chicken da
“The mother who noticed this yelled anxiously, “No, don’t kill him! Please! I will obey Lord Lion King, I am willing to do anything! I will let the child be obedient, and I will let him pray for Lord Lion King devoutly from now on! So, please, let him come with me…””
“Faced with such a humble request, the solemn knight replied, “No, neither you nor your children need to abandon the god you believe in! Pious belief is worthy of respect, so it is worth sacrificing your life… Your child has been chosen by your gods! “”
“The moment she heard this, the mother’s eyes widened suddenly. She seemed to understand what was going to happen next!”
“The long sword pierced the air and went straight to the child’s neck.”
“In the blink of an eye, the mother didn’t have time to flash any thoughts, her body instinctively pushed the child away, and took the initiative to meet the long sword!”
“Blood gushes out like a fountain, and the light is fading in the eyes of that mother.”
“This is the Holy Punishment…” Yukinoshita Yukino, who had been staring blankly before, finally recovered from the desperate atmosphere. She asked Saber, “Saber, what’s going on?”
She didn’t believe that SABER would do such a thing! She who has been with Saber for a long time is the clearest, but…
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
no money to talkIn love, I can only go to kill demons

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